There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 175: Mugan's sorrow


"Today marks the retirement of Lieutenant General Burfat Rhein and the end of his long life journey.

He devoted 80 percent of his life to the Empire, and the results of his research continue to serve humanity in our lives in the days to come.

On the last day as an imperial soldier, he still faithfully fulfilled his duty as a soldier, bringing lost travelers back to his country. As a senior, he protected his junior with his life.

Not dying of disease, not dying of old age, Lieutenant General Burfat Rhein was sacrificed to the great mission of the Army.

His life began in the starry sky and ended in the starry sky, and his life was very complete. "

Today is the memorial service of Boss Boone. The speaker of the memorial service is General Condon. After him, the dean of the institute and other researchers who have more contact with Boss Boone successively came to the stage to tell the two or three of their contacts with Boss Boone. thing.

Morgan came to the stage as a neighbor of Booney's boss.

"Boss Boone taught me how to drive a hover and he taught me how to fix a hover, he's the best mechanic we have out there. Besides that, he bakes delicious honey cakes, which he only bakes Honey cake, because mother-in-law Maria likes honey cake, he wants to exchange honey cake with mother-in-law Maria for ice cream that is forbidden by the doctor; Boss Bouni has also repaired the faults of robots on the street for free for a long time, but the robots who are willing to come and repair them Not much, and in the end it forced everyone who repaired cars in his shop to have to bring a robot over to fix it once before he could get a business; he can't swim, he can't play ball... Basically no entertainment, but for the sake of Dada You can play with him when you come to play with him. He has been studying very hard.

However, I still can't play Dada.


Muggan chose to recall the boss Boonie on White Dew.

Boss Boonie, who didn't know the genius driver and the genius researcher, was impressed by the old man who watched him grow up.

"Boss Booney donates half of his regular monthly income to the Veterans Charity Foundation and he...he's a great guy."

"We miss him a lot."

Mugan ended his speech with this sentence.

Compared to others' eulogy, Mugan's eulogy is very simple, yet it shows a Buffalt Rhine in ordinary life that no one else knows.

At work, Burfat Rhine is a very powerful person. His extraordinary genius makes him unable to understand the bluntness of mortals. He prefers to study alone rather than collectively. He is a legend, but he is not close to the people at all. Although he is a researcher, However, it was a half-way renunciation. Although it was a half-way renunciation, it was better than a researcher with a formal academic background. In the original combat unit, due to his rapid promotion, he did not stay in each place for a long time, and he did not seem to have formed a deep friendship with his colleagues at that time. All in all, Burfat Rhine's popularity is not it is good.

He's good, mean, and aloof. He looks more like a machine than a human. This is probably the common problem of many geniuses. However, between Mugan's words, people see the clumsy side of genius in private: like an ordinary neighbor The old man, he will teach the children of the neighbors to drive, and he will want to steal the snacks that the doctor forbids. The business is not good, so he can only sell it by force. He also has grandchildren and wants to play with them. However, in his life First, he was obsessed with driving, and then he devoted himself to the field of research. He never enjoyed other people's entertainment time, so he could only clumsily and re-study...

The cold, aloof Burfat Rhine suddenly became alive and flesh and blood.

People are looking for bits and pieces of interacting with this Excellency in their own memories. After pondering over the ordinary fragments, they have become profound and humane.

The mourning atmosphere at the memorial service spread all at once.

After the speech, Mugen sat back in his original seat, and Dada sat beside him. The two of them plus Dada's parents were the representatives of the relatives and friends of the deceased who participated in the memorial service this time, and all other participants They are all from the military and the government.

"Grandpa Zeng... is he really that powerful?" After Mugen sat down, Dada suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Well, very powerful." Mugen affirmed. After a long while, he suddenly whispered: "Dada, I'm sorry."

If it wasn't for Ollie's disappearance, if it wasn't for joining the army, if not...

Maybe Boss Booney won't die.

Maybe Boss Boney can still sit in the shop with a smile and fix others' cars.

"No, don't say sorry." Dada waved his hand hastily: "I think Grandpa Zeng is very happy."

Staring at the white flowers in his hands, Dada suddenly said:

"Actually, when I was a child, when my father was a child, I heard that when my grandfather was a child... Grandpa Zeng wanted us to learn to drive."

Dada told Mugan about his childhood.

"However, Grandpa was naturally car-sick, air-sick, sea-sick... He ended up being a librarian."

Mugan: …

"Then, when it was my father's time, my father would not suffer from motion sickness or anything, but Grandpa Zeng's illness was inherited from him, and he later opened a car repair shop by himself."

"Finally it came to me."

Turning his head to the side, Dada showed a slightly embarrassed smile: "Actually, I am not interested in maintenance or driving at all, just to comfort Grandpa Zeng to apply for this major."

"After I knew about Totlan Haida, I thought, maybe my name came from this base? Grandpa Zeng must have been thinking about this base and his comrades in arms. He always wanted to get them back. Come."

"After meeting you and brother Ollie, Grandpa Zeng has always been very happy. He said that he has never seen someone as gifted in driving as you."

"He often talks to us about you in the newsletter! Dad's pressure is much less. Grandpa Zeng has always asked him to give me a younger brother who can drive a spaceship."

"His health is not good. Grandpa Zeng told us a long time ago that after retirement, his days will be short, so I tried my best to be admitted to the Imperial Military Academy to make him happy.

I think he must be very happy that you were the ones who led him to Tratland Haida in the end. "

"Thank you for making him so happy in the end..."

Dada said, a red-haired head lowered, the big boy burst into tears.

The posthumous photo chosen by the military for Boss Bouni was taken when he was young, a young high-ranking official with red hair and gray eyes, looking cold and serious. And at the memorial service on White Dew Star, hosted by Edori's neighbors, Boss Booney's last photo is a happy old man in a floral shirt.

A group of old men and ladies held the photo of the old man in the flower shirt and watched a live concert of his dead band, ate barbecue meat and sang songs, and held a lively farewell ceremony for Boss Boney.

Using only the tomb of the coat to hang a name on the planet of the cemetery of the imperial officers, the ashes of Boss Boonie were finally scattered among the stars. According to his wishes, he will live in the starry sky of the empire forever.

At the same time, his name became the name of the newest stargate discovered in the Empire.

This is also the will of the first discoverer, Muggan.

The personnel who returned successfully this time have all been awarded certain military merits by the military, but except for the deceased Boss Bouni, the final rewards of others have not yet been issued, but because the individual damage caused by crossing the stargate is very large, everyone received Holidays of unequal time.

Mugan is no exception.

However, he didn't have time to relax because of the vacation. He has been very busy recently: dealing with boss Bouni's funeral, writing reports to be submitted to both the military and the government, and taking care of his family's sick patients.

Uncle Alpha, they and Olivia were all hospitalized.

Due to the use of his own body as a filling material when passing through the stargate, the bodies of Alpha and other robots were severely damaged and could no longer be spelled back. Only Sigma was slightly better.

Alphabet robots are simply too complex, and materials are an issue—the metal materials that make up their bodies are largely unavailable on the market.

In addition, it is the identity of the letter robot.

Uneasy in his heart, Mugan was finally informed that the Empire would bear the full cost of repairing his and Boone's boss robots, as a thank you for their contributions to the Empire.

Mugan will even be allowed to enter the city of machinery Pendra for 20 days to deal with the repair of robots.

After discussing with the big-headed uncle and the others, they finally accepted the arrangement, but the formalities are still in the processing stage, and it will take some time to set off.

Besides, they can't leave now: Olivia is still hospitalized at the First Military Hospital of the Empire!

"Thank you, I'll tell Ollie that you brought him such beautiful flowers when he wakes up." After accompanying the two visitors to the door and expressing his sincere thanks to each other, Mugan smiled slightly at each other Bow down.

Now he is no longer as confused as he used to be, and there are a steady stream of officials visiting Olivia these days, and there are at least three stars on his shoulders (←major general)!

At any rate, the military department can be seen from the epaulettes, and the remaining visitors from the Government Council, Morgan, can't tell from the other party's clothes.

Ever since Marshal Rothsay and Mr. Cisse came to visit Orly with flowers one after another, the following visitors have come one after another!

It was only this time that Muggan learned that the head of his own department was the companion of His Excellency the Marshal, and—

Mr. Cisse is also the Chief Minister of the Government Council with a status comparable to that of His Excellency the Marshal.

Referred to as the Prime Minister.

囧囧 You God thanked the two great people, and Muggan did not forget to ask for a signature from Mr. Cisse, whose full name is Cissell Ro Nashkiel ← Miss Maria was obsessed with this.

When visiting the doctor, Marshal Rothsay brought his wife, and Mr. Cisse had no partner, so he brought Pullencourt, whom both Muggan and Ollie knew, probably because these two set a precedent for bringing family members to visit a doctor, so As long as the officials who visited the hospital next were not bachelors, they basically brought their partners with them.

Although Muggan knew nothing about politics and military affairs, he was best at taking notes, and he was especially good at dealing with older ladies and wives.

Like, a hundred ways to bake cookies, you know? I know oh!

For example, are you interested in how to use aromatherapy to soothe officers who train hard every day? I am also very interested and have a lot of experience!

For example, the most suitable planet for family travel, this one I can show you photos!

As a result, these various groups of people who came with the idea of winning or spying on information clearly did not get any news or promises here in Mu Xiaogen, but the guests and hosts were happy, and everyone was very happy!

It is said that many officials who have visited have privately sighed:

Olivia this lad is going to be amazing!

The chief graduate of the Imperial Military Academy! Race Cantas! The practice room has made a huge contribution! Not to mention the double love of the military and the government, he also knows to book a good wife in advance! ! !

What, isn't the young man in the ward greeted with a smiling face and watertight, his fiancee

While taking care of her comatose fiance, she did not hold back her fiance at all, and even penetrated deeply into the corps of senior officials' wives.

Really terrifying!

Of course Mugen did not know these private sighs.

Apart from the bodies of his uncles, the thing he was most worried about now was Olivia, who was in a coma.

He was not worried that Olivia would not wake up. The doctor at the hospital said: Olivia's body is very strong, and her self-healing function is very strong. With the nursing care for the past few days, he will not have any sequelae after waking up. Have.


Olivia's hair is bald.

Ai-beautiful Ollie is bald, and the sadness in Mugen's heart: When he wakes up, how can I tell him this...