There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 176: Diplomacy has no limits


On the night that Olivia was admitted to the First Military Hospital of the Empire, a white spaceship from the imperial capital Ifadia quietly landed in a private port on this planet. Under the strict escort, the people on board also Stationed in the Imperial First Military Hospital.

They were specialists from the Imperial Royal Hospital Kantasco, and were ordered by Lord Nashkiel to come here to treat the young Kantas.

"The bone density is much higher than the average level of Kantas of the same age! The ratio of head to body even completely conforms to the golden ratio in historical data!" On the same day, I got all the medical reports of Olivia, and the white-haired old expert was surprised by the beard They all tilted up: "Look at this little wing, the wings are almost as strong as an adult Kantas, and the length is just right! Look at that butt, how round and full the little butt is! His thighs will definitely be in the future. Very solid!"

In order to treat the wound, Olivia used a chemical agent during the medical treatment, and became a prototype under the action of the agent. The bald Cantas cub surprised the experts and they also proposed to the above. Apply, watch the scene where Olivia transforms into a fight with the monsters in the universe, and notice the performance of the chick in the vacuum environment, everyone is simply shocked!

"It is said that Kantas is the ultimate strength of the biological body. This has been the case since ancient times. An adult Kantas can even survive in a vacuum for half an hour. Forgive me for not living in that era. I always thought it was a myth, but look at it. When it comes to this video, I think I'm wrong..." Looking at the big white tweet on the screen, Dr. Gerry exclaimed in admiration.

Olivia fought against the monsters for a total of 18 minutes and 02 seconds in a prototype state.

Judging from the combat effectiveness of the two sides alone, the worm's combat effectiveness is actually not very high, but the key difficulty lies in the environment in which the two sides are fighting.

That's the space environment.

The worm is obviously an unknown creature that has evolved the ability to survive in space, and Olivia is in a desperate duel with her opponent in space without any protection.

Cardiopulmonary function, blood vessel elasticity, skin and circulatory system... This environment is the highest test for the body.

At a time when space travel has become commonplace, there are still many people who are unable to carry out such interesting behaviors due to physical problems, and the space fighters in the military are already the most adapted to the space environment among human bodies, but they are still unable to lose their protection. prolonged exposure to space rays.

Even, due to the advancement of human technology and relying too much on the power of equipment, the strength of the human body has actually been decreasing year by year.

It's a genetic regression.

This is especially true for Kantas. After the explosion, the birth rate suddenly dropped to the bottom, making the birth of the little ones even more difficult. Lord Nashkiel, who is more concerned about the growth of Kantas' next generation than anyone, has come up with the idea of using artificial intelligence. The method of intervention artificially adjusted Kantas' genome, however, things did not develop as he imagined.

Olivia's unusualness gave the Kantas genetic experts a big surprise at this time: just a wild chirp, he was abandoned in an orphanage, stumbled and grew up in hunger, and then entered the rebellion early Qi ran away by himself, but fortunately, he was very smart and lucky, and was adopted by the Mugan family who went to Bailuxing to go to school. However, the family that adopted him was just an ordinary family selling steamed buns, and the guardian was a robot nanny. Although robots are very good to human owners, they simply cannot afford high-priced nutritional products based on their economic situation, and even this is the love of special dishes. buy home.

The Kantas cubs didn't have any of the nutrients they needed to grow. Olivia was raised as an ordinary cub. Yes, he also went to the Imperial Military Academy on the gang of soldiers. The nutritious meals there are nutritionally sufficient for other dragon cubs, but for Kantas cubs, it is only a drop in the bucket!

Olivia didn't even get any love from adult Kantas growing up!

However, it was such a cub that he grew up.

Not only has he grown up, he is also very healthy and very strong! He is in very good shape, better than any Kantas who has been raised with great care!

Such a strong cub must be cured!

With this idea in mind, the experts worked together, brainstormed and came up with several sets of treatment plans, and praised the treatment of Olivia.

In their opinion, no matter how strong this cub is, it cannot resist the damage of long-term exposure to space, not to mention that he spent so long starving in outer space before, and later passed through the stargate in a scarred condition. !

Experts have come up with a lot of possible consequences, and in their experience, no one can get away with this situation, basically leaving one or two lifelong sequelae, the cub is still developing , maybe it will affect his growth.

Actually it is.

When Olivia was brought over, his blood was blurred. First, all the hair fell out, then the skin... Cosmic rays strongly interfered with his cells, and even the experts used the strongest repairing liquid to stop his skin. fester.

Four days after Olivia was in the hospital, he still looked like a bloody mass of rotten flesh.

Experts are sighing that the cub may not be cured.

At this time, the cub's fiancée (← introduced by the reporter) came.

The crying young man with a red nose looked very pitiful. I heard that the cub's fiancee specially joined the army in order to save him, and went through the star gate with him... It's a pity to come back after such an effort.

She cried silently outside the glass door for a while, then her fiancee left, and then returned that night.

Holding a glass of water in his hand, he asked the expert in charge of Olivia to ask Olivia to drink it.

The expert asked him what kind of medicine it was, and the answer was "Fu Shui".

Fushui: Draw a talisman or burn a talisman in the water, it is said that drinking it can cure diseases.


The cup of talisman water was finally poured into the wounded number's stomach by the experts.

Then, Olivia's bleeding state came to an abrupt end.

After soaking in the repair lotion again for a night, Olivia's skin was as good as ever, no! It cannot be said that it is intact, his skin has become clearer, fairer, and more flexible than the original skin.

When the wounded's cell activity was tested again, the experts were shocked: Olivia's cell activity not only recovered, but also higher than before! A large number of old cells are metabolized, and the new cells generated are abnormally healthy!

The experts hurriedly asked the fiancee what kind of talisman was burning in the talisman water. Everyone was dumbfounded by this advice: the talisman was just an ordinary talisman praying for health, but the water in the talisman water was soaked in the leaves of life. The talisman paper is a paper made from the leaves of life.

Expert team: -_-|||

Only then did they realize that this young man seemed to have received an acceptance letter from Professor Mulansha, the cultivator of the Tree of Life.

The tree of life has a unique curative effect on cosmic ray damage - this has been carefully recorded, and since then, Professor Mulanza's tree of life has become more sought after.

Olivia, who had recovered from the trauma, did not wake up immediately, but experts believe he was just stuck in a self-healing phase, and after telling Mugan there was no need to worry, he let him take care of him every day.

Marshal Rothsay and Lord Nashkiel also came to visit at this time.

There were too many people visiting the patient. In the end, with a stroke of his pen, the hospital strictly limited the number of visiting patients. In this way, the only person who visits the doctor every day is Lord Nashkiel (←The model of public use and private use-_-|||).

It is said that Mr. Cisser is a big man in the Council of State, but... He seems to be very busy ← Peeling a fruit, Muggan handed the fruit to Mr. Cisser next to him.

Recently, Mr. Cisse would come and sit for a while every afternoon, ranging from two to three hours, and sometimes chat with him. The topic has nothing to do with the task, but all kinds of trivial matters from Ollie's childhood.

There were a lot of people visiting the doctor a while ago. Mugan received a lot of fruits and flowers. He sent some flowers and fruits to the offices of various doctors, but there were still a lot of others, so every time Mr. Cisse came over When the time came, Muggan invited him to eat fruit.

Well, Mr. Cisse likes to eat gaga fruit the most ← Mugan got it soon.

"Oli also likes to eat quack fruit the most." Seeing Mr. Cisse taking the fruit, Mugan said with a smile.

"Oh? Is that so?" Although Mr. Cisse didn't say anything, he looked very happy.

"However, quacks are very expensive, and our family rarely buys them. When Ollie wakes up and sees so many quacks, he must be very happy." Mugan was also very happy.

Gaga fruit... Now most of the kantas cubs think it tastes bad and can't compare to other more expensive fruits, and this cub can't afford to eat it...

Looking at the young man who seemed to be asleep on the bed, Mr. Cisse felt a little complicated.

After getting to know this child, even though I knew he was Kantas, I still did nothing for him. This is someone else's cub, wild, or in the military's territory.

For Olivia, Cissell Roe Nashkiel is reserved and fond of.

Unlike the cub who was taken care of by himself, this is a smart and ambitious cub. At a young age, he made a development plan for the next few decades.

The relationship between the two is also a teacher and a friend, and they keep their little secrets while communicating.

"Ha! Oli is actually a bit like Mr. Cisse in many places, not just in taste." Mugan tilted his head, as if recalling: "The taste is similar, probably because of the same clan, but probably you and He is the closest elder Kantas, and thinking about it now, Ollie misses you a lot!"

"For example, it's very hairy." As if he didn't see the corner of Mr. Cisse's mouth that was instantly stiff, Mugan stretched out a finger, and he began to count carefully: "The hair is always neatly combed, and the shirt is also Always button on top, use shoe cleaner faster than anyone else, and use perfume…”

"I didn't notice it before. Recently, Mr. Cisse often comes here. Only then did I realize that many of Ollie's habits are exactly the same as Mr. Cisse!"

"Oli might have secretly imitated Mr. Cisse!" Mugan said with a smile.

Really - a super-standard horse and fart ← the prime minister who silently acts as a wallflower guards his heart.

Sure enough, Mr. Cisse smiled reservedly. He didn't even care about what Mugan said before. He tidied up his cuffs and said, "I think even males should pay great attention to appearance. This is basic etiquette..."

Who would imitate a disliked object? Olivia must be admiring herself for imitating herself!

Unconsciously, Mr. Cisse became closer to Olivia in his heart.

Although the age is different, the experience is different, and the living environment is different, Muggan is indeed a very good person to talk to. He is simple, smart and interesting, and his body is also very good. He was also partially irradiated by cosmic rays. He was only in Just stay in the hospital for a day. At first, Cisse did not approve of Olivia being so close to a weak ape-man, and even chose him as a fiancée candidate, but during this period of close contact, Cisse was Gradually identify with Mugan.

"Mr. Cisse, this is Ollie's favorite thumb cookie, please try it." Every time Mr. Cisse came over, he would bring some gifts. He didn't want to be rude to the other party, and Mugan would also prepare some gifts in return. The other party's gifts are very expensive, and Mugen's preparation is no more expensive than the other party's, so he simply prepared some hand-made food.

His Excellency the Prime Minister is actually not in the habit of eating unfamiliar food, but after so many days of contact, he did not refuse this time. He reached out and picked up a small biscuit, which he gently put into his mouth.

"... Well, very strong." Mr. Cisse said his evaluation pertinently.

The taste is actually good, mainly because of the taste when chewing: the gums seem to be massaged, crispy, numb, a little painful and a little itchy, really sour, refreshing, nothing, compared!

Would love cookies like this, shouldn't that cub be—

"Is Olivia going to change her teeth?" Mr. Cisse suddenly asked.

"Well, I checked, it should be. Before this mission, he ate two packs of thumb biscuits every week."

wait, tooth replacement... hair removal...

long sleep...

Are these symptoms of an impending sub-adult state? !

Mr. Cisse's eyes couldn't help but widen, this cub... Shouldn't he enter the sub-adult state in advance at such a young age

Only the strongest, well-stocked cubs are likely to sub-adult early in their twenties!

Mr. Cisse's eyes then turned to the face of the young man sleeping peacefully on the bed.

There, Mugan was quietly applying an oil said to be called walnut oil on his head, which is said to promote hair growth. Considering the same bald eyelashes and eyebrows, Mugan took care of his eyes.

Only taking care of Ollie's face, Mugen was embarrassed to get started with other parts, so he decided to wait for Ollie to wake up and do it himself.

In the quiet afternoon, the bright black-haired young man took care of another young man who was sleeping like an angel on the bed.

Then, the young man who had been asleep suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were like solidified gold, and the afternoon sunlight seemed to be sucked into his eyes instantly, and he was thrilling—