There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 177: royal family


"His body, darker than the night;

His eyes are as splendid as gold;

Black wings penetrate into the black night;

The king of the night opened the eyes of the sun. "

The moment Olivia opened her eyes, Mugan heard Mr. Cisse whispering a few words beside him.

Morgan:  ̄▽ ̄

Uh... Mr. Cisse, are you reciting poetry

It seems that they have found something in common between Ollie and Mr. Cisse. They both like to recite bizarre poems.

Glancing silently at Mr. Cisse, who seemed to be frozen and suddenly motionless, Mugen finally cared more about Olly, who had just woken up, and quickly ran to Olly's bed. He suddenly felt that something was wrong!

"My God! Ollie, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Ollie's eyes were originally brown, although they occasionally changed to amber → dark brown → light brown with the change of mood, but they have never changed to this color!

Yellow, with barely visible pupils, Ollie wouldn't be...

Heart tensed, Mugen hurriedly tapped the bell for help, and at the same time, his other hand carefully waved in front of Olivia.

"Oli, what time is it? Can you see?"

The bright yellow eyes seemed to have no focus. Olivia looked at it for a long time, and finally shook her head: "Look... no... clear..."

Mugan felt a pain in his heart, and Mr. Cisse next to him couldn't help but stand up, but at this moment, Olivia continued: "... My eyes seem to be covered with oil, and I can't see anything clearly. ... Morgan, am I blind?"

Lifting her head, Olivia looked at Muggan eagerly.

Mugan:  ̄▽ ̄Oil, pour too much...

Not long after pressing the bell for help, a team of specialist medical staff rushed into Olivia's room. The specialists acted separately and surrounded Olivia. Mugan had to stand in the corner with Mr. Cisse. .

After the doctor cleaned Olivia's eyes with a special potion, Olivia could see clearly and accurately found where Mugen was standing. Olivia smiled at Mugen.

Olivia thought it was a very handsome smile. Whenever he smiled like this in the academy, there was always a group of people who were idiots at the scene, but he had never smiled like this at home. However, this time, After waking up, he suddenly wanted to smile at Mugen like this, and then see how Mugen would react.

Appearing calm but uneasy, Olivia saw Mugan smiled encouragingly at herself.


Olivia was pushed out for inspection under the encouragement of Mugan.

Then, Olivia saw her current shape on the mirrored instrument in the examination room.

"Ah!!! Where's my hair!!!!"

Olivia broke down!

No wonder Mugen laughed so reluctantly just now, no matter how charming and arrogant the smile was made by a bald head, it couldn't be charming!

Olivia was hit hard.

When he was asked to change back to his original form to continue the inspection, the blow was even more severe.

Because the original state is so imposing, Olivia has never been transformed outside of home!

Although he is not easily transformed outside due to his dignity, Olivia is very satisfied with his abundant fur in private. Due to the painful experience of alopecia areata in his childhood, he is particularly concerned about how much hair he has. He whispered that in the imperial military In the academy's own dormitory, he would deliberately check the number of hairs cleaned by the robot every day, and he would be extremely nervous every time a hair was lost!

And now, he's bald!


In the mirror, the big dick, who was bare and had no hair, was lost and let the expert care team do various examinations on him, immersed in his own sadness, he did not notice that the experts around him were stunned!

It's actually a golden pupil! Could it be that this little guy is the legendary golden bloodline

As early as when Olivia woke up and opened a pair of golden eyes, the team of experts headed by Whitebeard fell into a stage of madness. No one knows better than them the meaning of golden eyes to a Kantas!

King Louis I, who led Cantas to unify the entire universe, is the Cantas of this bloodline!

This is the royal bloodline!

Dinosaurs intelligent species believe that the strong is king, and males will choose the pinnacle of Dinosaur intelligent species—Kantas, especially.

Even though the race is the same Kantas, the physical strength and ability level are completely different from the moment of birth.

This is determined by the "blood".

It is said that the ancestors of Cantas lived in extremely cold environments, and there were female Cantas at that time. They mate, give birth, and nurture their offspring in brutal lands.

It is said that at that time all Kantas had golden eyes, the strongest body, the hardest black armor, and the wisdom far beyond other creatures.

Over time, the kantas have evolved humanoid form, the environment of the planet has changed, many places have become less cold, and the part of kantas that still lives in the polar regions has also left the cold birthplace and went to the climate More comfortable, more plentiful places to live.

In the breeding season, some of them still go to the cold homeland to find female kantas to give birth to offspring.

Time passed a little bit, and gradually, the female kantas disappeared—one way of saying that the female kantas perished, another saying that the female kantas sank into the sea and turned into another kind of creature completely, in short , the male Kantas began to find a wife.

Fortunately, at this time, they have evolved human form. Using human form, they can mate with any intelligent creature and have their own offspring. That is to say, from this time on, Kantas began to appear various lineages: habitual and tyrannosaur species Although their descendants are still Cantas, they have shorter wings and more developed leg muscles; the descendants of Cantas who are accustomed to combining with Brontosaurus have neck lengths that exceed the average level of their ancestors. Vegetarian food absorbs better…

Although the descendants of Cantas are still Cantas, they have inevitably been branded with their mother's family for a long time. Appearing in green and blue, at the same time, these cantas are not as big as their ancestors, and their physical strength is not as strong as their ancestors.

There is only one cantas that still sticks to the extreme cold. Even if they leave their hometown, they still go to their hometown to give birth to the next generation on time during the breeding season. Archaeologists have not yet studied what happened to them at that time. In short, this one can be Tath has maintained the glory of their bloodline, their eyes are always clear like gold, and their size and posture are also as powerful as their ancestors!

The Kantas under this lineage finally stood at the pinnacle of the Kantas race and became the most powerful Kantas, and the emperor with the golden eye, Louis I, became the strongest Kantas in the royal family. Powerful spokesperson.

However, the descendants of the golden bloodline were originally rare, and they also had a fierce infighting. After the infighting ended, His Majesty Louis, who was the only one left, actually encountered an explosion...

The blood of the king was cut off.

One golden eye and one quicksilver eye, Cissesiri Luo Nashkiel's face was sinking like water, his lips were clenched tightly, his hands clenched into fists and trembled slightly beside him.

It is actually the bloodline of the king!

This little chirp, who usually grows up outside as a weed, is actually the bloodline of the royal line that he has been looking for for years to restore!

"Black wings penetrate into the black night...

… the king of the night opened the eyes of the sun. "

These two poems describe the most famous owner of golden eyes in history, His Majesty Louis I. Cissesley only saw that great majesty when he was very young. For that emperor, his memory is dusk. A gorgeous but cold palace, overwhelming coercion, and a pair of unimaginable golden eyes.

Time has passed too long, and the memory of that time has faded, until he witnessed the scene of Olivia opening his eyes just now.

Although Cissell Ro Nashkiel himself had a golden eye, when the other party opened his eyes, he found that he still wanted to be wrong: the color of those eyes was like burning gold, liquid. , as if flowing; and like the sun star seen at close range in the universe, it is hot, as if fire will spew out of it in the next moment.

When those eyes opened, everything around them seemed to fall into darkness.

A very strange, very incredible feeling.

At that moment, Cissesiri Luo Nashkiel suddenly had a hint of fear for the other party.

As the chief executive of the Government Council who has been in power for many years, Cissell Luo Nashkiel would not be afraid of anyone in principle in this world, however, the moment he opened his eyes, he really shrank.

This is the best proof of the golden bloodline.

Standing quietly outside the glass window of the examination room, he wanted to laugh at first, then covered his eyes with his hands after a while.

When he removed his palm, Sissyri's eyes fell on the young Mugan who was standing beside him and looked nervously into the examination room.

This is a smart and cunning young man.

Yes, "smart and cunning", this is the evaluation of this young man by the Prime Minister who has read countless people.

At his age, he is a rare understanding person: he always knows what the chips are in his hand, and he can always guess what the other person wants most.

It's like developing Stargate.

With clues, he guessed his approximate status in the Ministry of Government Affairs, and then dialed his communicator.

"You have hatched so many Cantas cubs. I want to ask you, what are Cantas' eggs like? Look at the egg in the photo, is it Cantas's egg?"

Sissyri still remembered what the young man said to himself on the communicator at that time, and he even remembered the other party's tone clearly.

First, he reminded himself that Olivia was a Kantas, and this Kantas was missing now, and only by opening the star gate could he be saved; second, he reminded himself that there might be Kantas on board, and the sea Lieutenant General Lorenza is a Kantas.

He was carefully reminding himself that he went to the doctor in a hurry, and only based on his family background and identity, this was the only place he could do something about.

Then, he won the bet.

However, it was not the above two reasons that finally prompted Cissell to fully support the Stargate development plan, but the third, and now few people know the ultimate reason: the mission that Trotland Haida performed when she disappeared was related to the royal family! They are escorting an egg of a royal family member to the designated location!

For Sissyri, who wants to restore Kantas' victory period, this is the temptation he can't resist!

But in the end he didn't find what he wanted on the base. There was only one egg on board, and that egg was a dead egg.

This was what he thought before Olivia opened her eyes.

The moment Olivia opened his eyes, he was extremely fortunate that he agreed to the Stargate development plan! The bloodline of the Kantas royal family that he had been looking for turned out to be within his reach!

"Thank you." Sincerely, Mr. Cisse thanked Mugen softly.