There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 179: Closing ceremony


The staple food for breakfast is walnut cake. Fresh walnuts are tender and delicious. Olivia and Mugan like to eat them. Five walnut trees are planted in the enlarged backyard, and they are growing well thanks to the careful care of Little A's dad and the unicorns. Before the walnuts were ripe, Uncle Alpha would summon several robots to knock down all the walnuts, and distribute some to each of the neighbors, the professor of Mugan College to send some, and the rest to Olivia. Raw material for walnut oil.

Prepare the batter, sprinkle fresh walnuts in it, spread a layer of oil on the pancake pan, and pour a spoonful of the batter on it... After a while, the fragrant walnut cake is ready. Olivia chose the flour produced in Bailuxing, mixed with a little flour milled from the roots of Mugengrass. When you take a bite, the taste is crisp and not dry at all. With a lot of affordable walnuts, the taste Couldn't be better!

Early in the morning, Olivia spent her busy time climbing the tree to pick fresh walnuts and peeling them into cakes.

While he was making breakfast, Mugen was not idle. Together with Sigma, they rubbed the body of Robot A to a glossy finish, and a bow tie was tied around his neck, and several big heads did not fall off, and Mengmeng was even more The most important thing, these days, at Alpha's suggestion, Mugan and Sigma even made a body for Mengmeng with the only material they had left that had not been worn out during the stargate process.

Today is Olivia's graduation day.

The graduation ceremony that should have been held half a year ago has been postponed for more than half a year! This is the wish of all graduates, who hope that the graduation ceremony can be held after the return of the chief. The Academy accepted their collective request, but also set a time limit, and Olivia returned safely before that deadline.

"Little Ollie, I've ironed your dress for you!" There was a knock on the door, and before Sigmar jumped down to open the door, Miss Maria's voice came from outside.

Although Miss Maria looks ladylike and speaks and behaves like a lady, her voice is really loud enough!

She is also very strong, and she didn't ask anyone for help. She came here with a smile and carrying several large boxes. It was difficult for her to wear an elegant long dress and a pair of stiletto high heels. She was able to carry such a So many things go so smoothly!

It was not uncommon to see this, Mugen hurried over to take the box in her hand, Olivia also came to help, seeing Miss Maria shyly looking at the walnut cake on the table, Olivia Ya hurriedly invited Miss Maria to try her own special walnut cake.

"Oops! They're losing weight... And I've already had breakfast today..." Miss Maria hesitated, but in the end she didn't resist the scent of the walnut pie. Sitting swayingly at the dining table of Mugan's house, she said that if she wanted to taste a little, it was enough.

Then one taste, and she tasted that both Mugan and Olivia were full, and she continued.

As a lady, or a young and beautiful lady of courtship age, Miss Maria achieved the task of "winding up" at the dining table with grace (← Winding up, specifically wrapping up the leftovers and eating them all up Anti-waste, a dinner table, is often performed by males on this honorable mission).

Satisfied after eating the last piece of walnut cake, Miss Maria hurried over to help the two young people try on the dresses.

Mugan's dress is just an ordinary dress, and today's protagonist is Olivia.

As early as the end of the internship, the Imperial Military Academy had customized a formal gown for each trainee to wear at the graduation ceremony. Olivia also had a set, which was made according to the size of their last medical report before the internship. Yes, but after the disappearance incident, Olivia, who returned home, grew by 5 centimeters in height, and her hands and feet became longer. The original dress naturally no longer fit. Miss Maria, who opened her own clothing store, took the initiative to accept it. After the task of helping him re-manufacture the dress within three days.

Dressing of the dress is very particular, especially the military dress: the wearing position of the medal is very particular, and there is a special manual to explain these! Every detail was meticulous, and it was the first time Olivia wore such a complicated dress. Even though Mugan had been helping out, half an hour later, Olivia’s dress still looked wrong.

"I'll do it." After washing her hands, Miss Maria took over the work from Mugan with a smile. As she explained, she put the epaulette back on for Olivia, straightened the sash, and then put the medal's The position was also adjusted... Ten minutes later, Olivia looked completely different!

With her hands on both sides of her body, Miss Maria proudly looked at her "work", it was so perfect!

If Olivia before was still a child who just grew up in her eyes, then Olivia is now an aggressive "adult male".

The black dress is completely tailored, which perfectly outlines the broad shoulders of the youth, the thin waist, and the slender and tight calves wrapped in black military boots, which is perfect!

This is the back view.

And when he turned around, anyone would fall into those golden eyes in an instant. Eyes of strange color were embedded in that handsome face, adding a layer of majesty to the young man. There was only a short layer of blond hair on the top of his head, and this simple hairstyle made him look more like a soldier—

"Oh my God! Little Ollie, you look great!" With her hands together, Miss Maria exclaimed, handing the black military cap to Mugan, she motioned Mugan to put the hat on Olivia on the head.

"A formal dress needs someone else to wear it. Little Ollie will inevitably participate in such occasions in the future. Little Mugan, you have to learn how to help him." Miss Maria said, while guiding the placement of the brim, and How to wear the hat so that it doesn't affect the hairstyle after the hat is removed.

Mugen listened carefully, and was stunned when Miss Maria's explanation was over and she wanted to operate: Uh... Ollie... Ollie is so much taller than him now that he can't reach his head.

Raising his head, Mugen slammed into those golden eyes with a single glance, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and Ollie was looking at himself with a smile.

Mugan tugged at his sleeve, and then Olivia bent down obediently. Mugan put the hat on his head very neatly, and after looking at it carefully for a while, he motioned Miss Maria to check. .

"Very good." Giving a thumbs up to Morgan, Miss Maria ran to the robots in a hurry.

After the family was all packed, the neighbors drove them to the port and watched the Muggans board the military spacecraft to the stars.

At 13:00 on February 1, 394 of the Starlight Calendar, the hottest time of the Sunshine Star, people can smell the elegant fragrance of Biyuki flowers blowing in the wind. It is more than half a year away from the last seventh graders of the Imperial Military Academy. Graduation ceremony in one hour.

As the only day in seven years that parents can enter their children's campus to visit, today the Imperial Military Academy is very crowded with cars and cars.

Since the parents of most of the trainees are current senior military officials, the graduation ceremony looked like another military meeting.

In previous years, the annual graduation ceremony was held in the first student auditorium of the Imperial Military Academy. However, this time the graduation ceremony was different. The addresses notified on the invitations issued by the academy were all the Imperial Military Academy. Louis I Royal Auditorium. In the whole empire, almost no one does not know the origin of this auditorium!

This is the auditorium supervised by His Majesty Louis I when he founded the school! Specially built for the school's founding ceremony, the first ten graduation stores of the Imperial Military Academy were held here! All the honors obtained by the Imperial Military Academy are displayed here, in addition to the portraits of the past presidents. Due to the too many precious items, the college had to build another auditorium, and the Royal Auditorium of Louis I became a museum of honor. Standing quietly in the northeast corner of the Imperial Military Academy, a heavily guarded place where students are not easily allowed to approach.

Many parents were shocked to learn that this year's graduation ceremony will be held in this auditorium!

You must know that most of the parents of these students are graduates of the Imperial Military Academy, and even their parents! However, no one's graduation ceremony has ever been held in the Royal Auditorium of Louis I!

Due to the change in the venue where the ceremony was held, this graduation ceremony has gained extra weight in the hearts of everyone before it was held!

The parents of the students have come, and those who cannot come have to ask for leave. The immediate family members who are qualified to participate in the graduation ceremony can come as many as they can. The Imperial Military Academy is almost overcrowded.

Fortunately, the changed auditorium for this graduation ceremony is big enough! Fortunately, 50% of the people who came are soldiers, so everyone has enough control to keep the scene in order!

The students had already entered the venue one step earlier, and the parents had lined up in a long queue outside. It was only fifteen minutes before 14:00 when the college finally began to arrange for them to enter the venue.

Mugan is one of those people.

However, although he was wearing a high-end dress that was not much different from other people's, he seemed to be out of tune with the surrounding environment. There was no other reason: the big head of the machine he was holding in his hand!

After going through the adventure of stargate crossing, the only people in the family who can stand now are Mugan, Robot A, Sigma (with spare thighs that he is more satisfied with), and Mengmeng (temporarily assembled body).

The other five robots with only their heads left are now held in front of them, following the crowd, waiting to enter.

People around them looked at them strangely: there was only one serious human being, and he was still so young, and the rest were robots, and so on! Are robots also eligible for admission? Could it be a bodyguard robot? But these robots are broken, old and old, no matter how you look at them, they are not high-end goods... How did these people get in

Not caring about the eyes of others, Muggan just looked ahead firmly, but in the end, Sigma felt that something was wrong.

The dim light screen turned around, he didn't understand why the people around him were staring at his family with such strange eyes.

He tried to say hello to the people around him, but got no response.

Mugan patted his head reassuringly.

At this moment, a greeting suddenly came from behind Mugen:

"Good day, are you the family of Augustus classmate?"

Mugan turned his head in response, and saw that the person greeting himself and Sigma was an old man who looked stern. He was also wearing a formal military uniform. Mugan reflexively looked at each other's epaulettes: um... It's a lieutenant general. .

"I'm Paul's grandfather, I don't know if Augustus mentioned that kid at home..."

Complete, complete, not, mentioned, passed, what - Mugan quickly flipped through his memory.

What he can do, the robot can do more easily, and before Morgan can react, Sigma's dim light screen, which has just been trying to say hello to the person but has been unsuccessful, flashes.

Not good - it would be bad if Sigma told each other that Ollie didn't mention that classmate at all!

Just when Mugan tried to stop Sigma, Sigma had already taken over.

"Good day, Olivia often mentions classmate Paul at home! Classmate Paul's mecha grades are very good, and he will definitely become an excellent fighter in the Empire's first mecha battalion in the future..."

Mugan:  ̄▽ ̄

It was only then that Mugen remembered that because he was concerned about Olivia's learning environment, he had carefully reviewed Olivia's surrounding environment and memorized the name and general situation of Olivia's current class of students. As a good brother who is inseparable from Mugan at all times, Sigma naturally also assisted.

I always felt that Sigma's behavioral pattern of seeing people and saying good things looked a little familiar - as soon as this thought passed in my mind, Mugan then smiled and watched Sigma and the old gentleman talk.

The old gentleman is probably a person who knows a lot of people. When he was talking to the Mugan family, many people came to greet him one after another. As more and more people came, he looked at Mugan with different eyes. There are fewer and fewer people in the family.

Soon it was time for the Mugan family to enter the auditorium. After saying goodbye to the gentleman, Mugan and his party stepped into the legendary auditorium!

"(*@ο@*) Wow..." ← After entering the auditorium, the expression in Mugan's heart has always been like this!

However, in order not to embarrass Olivia, he reluctantly suppressed his excitement and walked to the seats under the guidance of the hospital staff, while observing the venue without a trace.

Mugan has never seen such a beautiful place!

The roof of the entire auditorium is a huge arch, and every step on it is embedded with countless square portraits. These are the portraits of celebrities from the Imperial Military Academy. Below the portraits, the person's name, honor and simplicity are recorded in small print. 's resume.

The background color of the auditorium is white, and the borders of the portraits are full of golden reliefs. With scarlet curtains and seats, the auditorium is decorated with three simple colors!

This is a rare royal architectural style in recent years. This kind of gold, this kind of red... are all colors that are only allowed to be used by the imperial family!

As Morgan watched, he recalled what he had learned in the art appreciation class.

In the end, their group was introduced to the front row, which is the best position in the parent area.

After moving one by one, signaling Dad and Mengmeng to take their seats quickly, Mugen and Sigma also sat on the scarlet seats.

After they were seated, the parents who entered at the back came one after another, and sat in the seat behind the Mugan family. Without looking back, he knew that countless people were staring at him. Mugen put his hands on his knees crampedly, and for a while he was completely stunned. I dare not look back.

The occasion was too formal, and everyone was dressed too formally, and the surrounding situation made Mugan nervous.

It was at this time that the host announced the official start of the ceremony. When the national anthem sounded, the scarlet curtain in front of the main stage fell instantly, revealing a portrait of a figure behind as the main background: the protagonist of the portrait is a man in a black uniform. A man with long blond hair and blond eyes, he is—

Louis I!

At the moment when the portrait was revealed, without any instructions from the host, everyone stood up silently, took off their hats and paid tribute for a minute before they all sat down.

Not knowing what was going on at all, Mugen, who could only follow what he did, felt his heart beating faster and faster.

Fortunately, the next ceremony was similar to what he had experienced. After the lengthy and colorful rhetoric, the host invited the dean of the college and the representative of the professor to give speeches.

Mr. Argos looked quite serious when he was at the academy—Muggan was still thinking about it when the dean delivered his speech. These were regular speakers, and the atmosphere was very calm.

The atmosphere reached a small climax when the host invited guests to give speeches:

This time, the Imperial Military Academy actually invited Marshal Rothsay as a guest! ! !

This is too grand!

The atmosphere at the scene became more serious. The applause after Marshal Rothsay's speech was so loud that Mugan almost felt that his ears were going deaf.

According to the usual practice, the speeches of the graduate representatives came after the speeches of the guests. Muggan couldn't help raising his spirits and was ready to applaud Olivia at all times. However, after the speech of Marshal Rothsay, the second The person who came up was not Olivia, but another person Mugen also knew!

"Mr. Cisse?" Mugan was stunned.

When Cissell Roy Nashkiel stood in front of the portrait of Louis I and started to speak, the atmosphere in the venue was so warm that it was about to explode—

As the boss of the opponents of all the military personnel present, Sissyri Luo Nashkiel has not set foot on any land that belongs to the military sphere of influence for 150 years, and the Imperial Military Academy is naturally within this scope.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he waited for the atmosphere in the venue to return to the range of the sound shell that could speak, and Cissesiri began to speak. He first praised the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was held at the moment, and then recalled the glory of the era of Louis I. With rich rhetoric and slow speech, the speech of this gentleman was very suitable for his force field and his public presence. Given the impression, people in the audience didn't know why he appeared in this place at this time, just when people thought he would not praise the Imperial Military Academy at home. Nashkiel earnestly praised the Imperial Military Academy.

“…It’s a great academy where young people can gain strength and a brave heart.”

"I will consider having my children study here in the future."

Everyone knows that this adult is a Kantas. As the number one fanatical supporter of reviving the prosperity of the Kantas race, all his "children" are Kantas.

As an academy founded by Emperor Louis I of Cantas, the Imperial Military Academy is deeply marked with the mark of Cantas, and even the school emblem of the Imperial Military Academy is a black Cantas. However, in recent decades, this school The academy has never welcomed a Kantas student again.

It's not that there is no Kantas, but that lord has brought all the new Kantas into his sphere of influence.

But now he actually-

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Cissesiri Luo Nashkiel ended his speech, and then, just as he was about to leave the stage, he suddenly stretched out his right hand in one direction.

It's an inviting gesture, totally equal, and gracious.

"Come up, my boy," Cissell Roe Nashkiel was heard saying.

When the tall young man stood on the podium, people recognized his identity as a student of the Imperial Military Academy from the dress he wore. When he came to the stage at this time, his identity should be the best student this year and the representative of the graduates. .


What is the relationship between the graduate representative of the Imperial Military Academy and the lord in the Government Council

All doubts stopped at the moment when the young man raised his head and took off his military cap.

Standing in front of the portrait of the imperial emperor with blond hair and golden eyes, the young graduate representative showed his golden eyes.


The young man, who was very consistent with the appearance of the emperor, started his speech gently, without any manuscript, he always faced the crowd.

He talks a lot.

He talked about the excellent instructors of the academy, the dean of Argos who brought him into the school, and the restaurants with their own characteristics at the Imperial Military Academy...

Then he solemnly recommended the dishes in restaurant 3 that taste like fish without fish (everyone laughs).

Just like an excellent junior, from his speech, people can hear his memories of the Imperial Military Academy, his impressions of the faculty and staff of the academy, and his feelings with his classmates.

There is no doubt that he has a deep affection for the academy.

Then the topic changed, and from the meal in Canteen No. 3, he mentioned part of his disappearance experience.

Hunger, and how to use Canteen 3's treasured recipes to get through that disaster with colleagues.

He didn't mention much about that mission. At this moment, all the parts that can be said are the parts that can be told. There is no one present who does not know about his experience. Instead of keeping it secret, it is better for everyone to know. It is the person who is speaking now.

The military department is very complicated, and the Government Council seems to want to get involved in this matter. In order to obtain the highest interests, Olivia used this occasion to push herself in front of everyone.

What is a more solemn occasion than the presence of the leaders of the military and the government at the same time

Olivia was smiling the whole time.

Like Miss Maria said, he looks great!

From the moment Olivia took the stage, Mengmeng became very focused.

He stared hard at Olivia on the stage with the dim screen, and Mugan guessed that he was probably recording the whole thing.

Just when Mugen retracted his gaze on Mengmeng, Olivia saw that Mengmeng suddenly turned her head.

"Muggan, Olivia looks so unfamiliar."


"He looks so advanced now." Mengmeng chose an adjective more in line with robot habits.

"I'm so tattered now, do you think Olivia will not want me?" Colorful Mengmeng said cautiously.

Mengmeng tilted her head, looking a little pitiful.

Gently touched Mengmeng's body, and then Mugen smiled.

"No, you are Mengmeng."

"For Ollie, you are unique and cute!"

Mugen smiled, and his smile was faithfully recorded in the video record of the day by Mengmeng, who was still in camera mode, and was finally noticed by Olivia.

Of course, this is a later thing.

And not long after Mugen comforted Mengmeng, Olivia on stage finally turned the topic to her family.

"...I am a soldier. From the moment I entered this academy, I knew where my future destiny belonged."

"Unlike Lieutenant General Burfat Rhein, who hopes to finally star in the sky, I hope to die in my own home, surrounded by my family, and leave with everyone watching."

"At that moment, I just wanted to bring everyone back."

"I don't want to die in a strange star field. Even if I die, I will die in my own country."

"I love my country."

"Thanks to my family again for coming to my side when I was desperate. Although they were not senior officers or even from the military, they did their best to come to my side when I was most desperate. "

"I love you."

Olivia's speech ended with a thank you and a deep bow.

Pretty words anyone can say, and Olivia is especially good at it.

This speech, which made him feel like a duck to water at the same time in the military and the government, has been repeatedly studied by later generations.

Olivia was considered to be a qualified politician from this time on.

In a speech, he not only introduced his relationship with the military, but also acquiesced to his identity as Kantas, and this identity attracted the support of the Council of State for him. He also introduced his credits, stated his patriotism, and finally used the introduction to his family to show that his family was very ordinary and did not belong to any force.

This is a very beautiful closing speech, it marks the end of Olivia's school days; and-

It is also a very, very beautiful opening remarks. After this graduation ceremony, this big man who finally left his name in the history of the empire officially entered the stage that belongs only to him!

Perhaps only Olivia back then knew how much of this speech was true and how much was false.

As for Olivia back then, she was staring deeply at the front row of people sitting on the patriarch's seat, and then she smiled brightly at them.