There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 18: Countdown


"… 3… 2… 1! Control released."

Mugen heard Uncle Ipsey Long count down for three seconds, and with the word "Release", he felt his body suddenly sink. The meteorites that were quietly floating around him seemed to have suddenly woken up from their slumber, and they moved!

The spaceship rammed into the direction of a huge meteorite in front of it!

Oops! These meteorites are actually moving at high speed! The reason why there was the illusion that they were stationary just now was because the speed of the spacecraft was basically the same as that of them! Now that he has left the operation of his uncles, the result of Mugan's failure to keep up with the speed of the meteorite in time is that the spaceship he is driving has become a lamb that strayed into the wolf pack!

From a distance, it seems that Morgan's spaceship is the only stationary existence in the meteorite group.

The originally stationary meteorites began to move at a speed that made Mugan terrified, and several of them even hit him! Muggan, who could perceive the entire spaceship, felt that the tail part was hit by two meteorites one after another. Fortunately, the two meteorites were not enough to cause damage to the spaceship made of Uncle Ipsey Lombard's body. But even so, he was startled.

"Warning! Warning! Please increase the flight speed to 17 immediately." Ipsilon reminded him in time. According to Uncle's prompt, Morgan immediately pressed the speed-up button. When the speed represented on the display reached 17, The spaceship finally stopped, and just when he thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, the spaceship suddenly tilted, and then flew uncontrollably to the right.

"There is a large obstacle on the right side, please follow the prompts on the screen to select the correct speed." This time, Ipsilon no longer gave specific prompts. Instead, the position on the console where the numbers kept flashing was suddenly highlighted in red. Now, on the black-based screen, the red numbers stood out from the all-cyan data, and Muggan noticed them right away.

The gravitational constant of the asteroid... The distance from the checkpoint to the center of mass of the celestial body... The radius of the planet's reference sphere...

Others would probably be confused, but Muggan, who grew up in a strict exam-oriented education, immediately understood the meaning of the numbers next to these symbols.

Most of the people who came out of the question sea tactics were very numb when they took the test, and those who were well trained could even calm down the moment they saw the paper.

Let me make two sets of papers to calm down ← This is actually the kind of person I am talking about.

There is no doubt that Mugan is one of those.

The moment he saw these familiar symbols, Mugan immediately calmed down. The spaceship with its own large computing system naturally does not need his calculations at hand, these numbers are automatically brought into the function model, and then one number after another is obtained. These numbers are actually the right half of the gravitational potential energy velocity correspondence table popularized by Morgan before.

All Morgan needs to do is to find the speed and direction just enough to get rid of the planet's gravitational potential energy.

Just like driving an antique car with a manual transmission, you need to select different gears according to the speed, but the spaceship that Morgan drives today for long-distance voyages has more complicated road conditions than the antique cars recorded in the history books. , he is now sailing on his own judgment!

In the current era of the popularization of large brains and robots, there are few people who can fly large flying facilities entirely by themselves. Today's flight facilities are all equipped with super-intelligent brains, which can judge the flight situation and automatically plan routes by themselves, so humans basically rely on their brains to navigate today.

They rely so much on artificial intelligence to perform complex calculations and judgments on their behalf. If you let today's human beings drive a manual transmission antique car, maybe most people can't drive it. They have lost a gift of judgment that they once had. , which is the most precious thing in human beings.

A very terrifying black hole collapse happened a hundred years ago. At that time, all the 328 spaceships in the vicinity disappeared. They were involved in a terrifying black hole and disappeared into a corner of the universe. A year later, Just when the relevant departments had determined that they were all dead and were preparing to issue an obituary, one of the spacecraft flew back.

The damage to the spacecraft is very serious, and the brain has reached 80% damage. The pilot of this spacecraft actually flew back by himself!

According to the survivor later, the brain on his ship was damaged at the beginning, so he could not keep up with the large group, and when the others were moving according to the plan of the brain, he had to sail the ship by himself. . He avoided all the disasters along the way by his own judgment. Since there was no sign of human survival along the way, he could only save energy as much as possible, and flew back tremblingly. When he came back, there was still 2% of the energy storage left in the energy cabin of the spacecraft!

For a time, the voices of getting rid of the intellectual brain and developing the potential of human beings have been louder and louder. Although there is no teaching reform in this area in ordinary people's schools, all military schools have quietly added this training to the curriculum.

There is no doubt that Mugan started this training unconsciously!

The only thing the brain provides to him is the gravitational potential energy and the distribution of obstacles. His job is to choose the direction and speed - this job seems simple, but due to the extremely complex driving environment at this time, this job becomes extremely difficult.

Muggan just started doing the work of the corresponding selection mechanically. The spacecraft flew fast and slow under his operation, clumsily and comically flying among the meteorites. This is a posture that has never been seen in the flight records of Epsilon.

However, one of the poses is still very good for dodging. Maybe this pose can be programmed into the program in the future ← Ipsilon is still seriously considering this issue.

 ̄▽ ̄

However, although the flying is ugly, Mugan's hit rate is very low. As a novice who is actually driving for the first time, his performance is already very good.

Alpha silently gave Mugan a thirty.

Note: Alpha's scoring criteria are derived from active-duty professional drivers who have driven super robots.

No way, I haven't been in contact with a few humans, so Alpha can only look for a reference object from the database orz "There's still one second, the next force field is coming, Ipsilon, please be ready to take over." And Ipsy Dragon's judgment was similar, and Alpha's judgment on the length of Mugan's maiden voyage was also ten minutes.

In his opinion, Mugen is already very good to be able to navigate in the current small force field environment. In the upcoming force field environment, Alpha does not think Mugan can make accurate judgments in time.

In the next force field, due to the action of potential energy, the speed of meteorite movement in this force field is twenty times faster than today!