There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 181: Returned robot


The city of machinery-Pandera, where the most advanced technology in the entire universe gathers.

Ninety percent of all the mechanical technology products that people use today come from here. Almost all the best mechanical craftsmen, the richest consortium in the mechanical field, and the most cutting-edge mechanical researchers are there.

It is said that Pendra was originally just a small town named Pendra, and all the mechanic craftsmen lived in that small town. Later, this small town became more and more famous, so that later generations mentioned that the planet where it is located is all named "Pandera". Pull" instead. At the same time, more and more people went to the small town of Pendera to learn the craftsmanship skills. The original small town continued to expand. Later, the name of the entire planet simply became Pendela.

Pandra's spaceship is obviously much more advanced than the spaceship that Morgan has been on, and it is highly automated. I don't know if it is to highlight the characteristics of the city of machines, and there is no human being configured in Pandra's spaceship line.

This is the case from the ticket gate. Although other routes also use robots, most of them only use robots for mechanical labor. Pandra is different. From the ticket gate, it is machine check, and then the baggage check and security check... After boarding the spaceship, the staff on the spaceship are all robots, and it is said that even the pilots of the spaceship are robots.

This kind of directional route often has a tradition of "locals first" in terms of staffing, that is, the local staff will be given priority on the spacecraft, especially on a planet with an extremely high entry barrier like Pandera.

Muggan once read a news that a group of star thieves tried to hijack the spaceship going to Pendra in an attempt to kidnap the residents of Pendra and then extort money from Pendra, only to find out that the service personnel above were all armed after entering the spaceship. Robots, those star thieves were finally captured.

The spacecraft was unusually quiet, and no one spoke.

Of course no one was talking - the passengers on the ship were all robots!

Because the seats were farther back, Muggan could see the identities of the other passengers in front of him early in the morning when he entered the spaceship.

"Is the salary here high?" The dim light screen was shining brightly, and Sigmar had already discovered that all of Pandra's employees were robots. Probably because Mugan and Olivia had to go to work one after another, Sigma counted his progress: it's time for him to go to work too!

Following Muggan's resume, he also wrote a resume, but he didn't think about where to submit it for the time being.

"There is no salary here." Muggan naturally did not know the salary level here, and he was answered by Alpha.

"The labor cost of Pandra is very high. Since the residents are all excellent craftsmen, their time is very precious. In the same time, the labor value created as a craftsman is more than 100 times the value created as a seafarer, and their hourly wages It is also more than 100 times that of the same industry, so all the Pandra routes use robots." Alpha rigidly stated the facts he knew.

Mugan then remembered: Uncle and the others were born in Pendra.

Alpha didn't say much about their origins. Many times Mugan almost forgot that the uncle and the others lived in other places before living with him.

"The robot on the spaceship is a robot that goes to Pendra for repair. Pendra imposes strict restrictions on human entry, but there are no mechanical products produced locally. Any robot in Pendra, where it is produced, will fail within five years. These robots should go to Pandera for repair and replacement by themselves." Alpha obviously knows Pendera very well.

Hearing what the uncle said, when Mugen looked at the robots around him, he found that: Sure enough, these robots have all kinds of damages. In addition, they all have cards on their bodies, which are from the manufacturer. The after-sales service card, which states the failure performance of the robot, as well as the buyer's wishes.

The robot sitting behind Muggan had no reason for the failure written on the card, only the words "return" on it.

Mugan was silent.

At the beginning of the encounter, the appearance features of Alpha and other alphabet robots were not common among robots. As the latest generation of robots, they were at least twenty years more advanced than the robots of the same period. However, twenty years later, Alpha and their appearance have become With the mainstream template of robots, this robot looks similar to Alpha and the others. They are both humanoid and slender. They are especially similar to Beta. When he was sitting there, Muggan seemed to see Uncle Beta before the wear and tear. .

However, at this time, the robot, which is very similar to Uncle Beta, had a card attached to its chest, and the word "return" was written on the card.

Robots can read.

The words on the card looked completely printed, and this card may have been written and pasted by him.

"Hello." Probably because Mugen watched for too long, the robot also said a word to Mugen.

"Hello!" Startled, Mugen responded with a reflexive hello.

When greeting people, it is best to have a smile on your face, so that you can express your kindness through both sound and vision - I have carefully studied the earth textbooks, this is how my uncle educated Mugan, and Mugan has done the same for a long time. Yes, but...

This time, Mugan really couldn't smile.

Does this robot know it's been abandoned

Robots are smart, smarter than humans, he, he must know.

The interest in going to the new planet was swept away, and Mugan slumped his shoulders.