There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 183: forget me not


Fortunately, Mugen didn't care about money, so he was only surprised for a while, and he quickly packed up his mood. During this time, their car drove out for a long distance, and they didn't meet any needs along the way. The scenic spots and historical sites explained by Tatalin are only the long walls behind the layers of green trees.

It should be a factory. All the land within the fence belongs to the property of the factory. After estimating the area of the factory in his heart, Mugen clicked his tongue.

Sure enough, after driving the hover car for another hour, Morgan finally saw a heavily guarded gate ahead. The gate looked unusually wide as a whole, allowing a standard-sized military warship to pass through at the same time. When it comes to a concise mark with black characters and a red background, no exaggerated or abstract deformed characters are used, and the word "Sumei Machinery" is written in standard printing on it.

"This is the largest machining factory in Pandra, and Sumei Machinery is one of the thousands of companies in the hands of the chaebol Sumaker." Prince said in a light tone: "It is also an arsenal designated by the military, the ones you need. You can buy all the metal here.”

Mugen nodded, and thanked the other party gratefully.

However, at this time, his father, Xiao A, who had been sitting beside him, suddenly poked him, and turned his head according to his intention. Mugen's eyes just fell on the dim screen of Uncle Alpha, who was in Xiao A's father's arms... Unlike the colorful light spots that represented various emotions in the past, a line of words was written on the dim screen at this time: "We will not get off the car, take a to go, Mengmeng can go, but only with the head, Sigma will deform to go."

Mugen was stunned for a while, then nodded for a while.

Although he was not happy, Sigma was still afraid of power and became his brother's personal schoolbag and hung behind Mugen, while Mengmeng took off his head very readily: he still likes to watch the fun! This is the place where advanced robots are produced. He, this country bumpkin robot, has long wanted to come and see it!

The car stopped at the gate, and the guard robot who guarded the door carefully checked the documents of all the people in the car, and scanned the military-brand hover car inside and out. It took 15 minutes before they were allowed to pass. .

"That's what the robot is good at. It will always do its duty." For this kind of complicated inspection, Prince did not have any impatience.

He was obviously very familiar with the terrain here. Facing the endless variety of factories, he took Muggan and others directly into a path on the right.

The communicator was dialed on Princeton Road, so when they reached the bottom of the three-story building, there was already a blond lady waiting there, wearing the Institute's unique white uniform, which also wore Wearing an ID card, it seems to be the staff here.


"Hello, I'm Luo from Su Mei Machinery, please come with me." She only briefly introduced her name, and she took them away without even asking about the identities of Tatalin and Mugen.

This lady must have often received military guests—Muggan thought.

"I've already received a purchase list from Lieutenant Prince, and we have most of the metals on the list in our warehouse, except for Famia and Mika." Taking them into a very large white room, Ms. Luo pressed a button, and a white seat that matched the number of people present rose on the ground, even the seat of the robot little a.

"You need a total of 121 KG Famiya. The quantity that our warehouse can provide is only 100 kilograms. I am sorry for the remaining quantity. We do not have enough stock. In addition, we do not have Mika at the moment. A military order has just been delivered, and Lieutenant Prince Prince knows that, that order has exhausted our Mika stock."

Ms. Luo said very professionally. After a while, she hesitated for a while and said:

"I heard that this batch of metal is used to make robots. In that case, why not buy a brand new robot? Our factory also produces the most advanced military robots. The amount of your purchase list can buy ten current top military robots. already."

This is a very solid suggestion, which is beyond the scope of Ms. Luo's work. After all, she is only a staff member of a military factory, and all she can see is a purchase list. She doesn't know what this list does, but it is a Professionalism made her guess that these metals should be the raw materials for making military robots.

Ms. Luo didn't know, but Prince knew. He didn't understand the relationship between Mugan and Alpha and other robots. He was just a mobile check sent by the military to be solely responsible for procurement and payment. In his opinion, Ms. Luo's suggestion It was actually fine, so he glanced at Mugan.

Mugan shook his head without hesitation, and after refusing, he smiled in order to show friendliness.

Mugen was simply unwilling, but he didn't know that this smile looked a little unfathomable in the eyes of other humans.

Feeling nervous, Ms. Luo secretly alerted: Yes, people only buy materials instead of finished products. The reason must be that they don't want to reveal the internal design of the robot.

She quickly dispatched someone to gather the required materials on the list, and Ms. Luo immediately changed the subject: "I suddenly remembered that there may be another place where Fabia and Mika may be located."

With an idea, Ms. Luo turned on her portable brain, and after entering a line of instructions on it, a smile suddenly appeared on her serious face: "It's also a coincidence, it actually exists, just arrived today."

Standing up, under Ms. Luo's signal, Mugan and his party followed her around the building, and they finally followed Ms. Luo to another white room.

There are many "parts" placed in this room, or a mechanical arm, or a mechanical thigh... This is a robotic organ warehouse.

"They moved quickly and have already delivered it." Satisfied with the efficiency of her subordinates, Ms. Luo took Morgan and others to the display stand in the middle, pointing to the things on the display stand and saying, "I almost Forget: there is no inventory, but the robot has it, the robot's head and breastplate use a lot of Fabia, and after re-refining, you can get five kilograms of Fabia."

"That's great!" One step closer to getting the number of Fabias needed on the list, Ms. Luo smiled happily.

However, Mugan was stunned—

On this display stand is... the black robot who once had a relationship with him in the port.

However, unlike back then, this robot only had its chest and head left, and the dim light screen on the head was still broken, but not only the left arm, but also the right arm disappeared, and the lower body was also removed.

Like an object, his wreck lay alone on the display stand.

The difference from before is that his gloom screen was pitch black, and there were no longer any flickering points of light, which were still there when Muggan saw him before.

he died.

When I saw him in the morning, although he was damaged, he was still "alive", but why did he "die" after such a short time? Just because there is a metal like Fabia on his list, there is not enough stock in the warehouse, but does he happen to have it

Can it be used without repairing it

Trying to suppress the trembling in his voice, Mugen asked his doubts.

Ms. Luo shook her head: "You may not know that this robot is a military model. It costs a lot to manufacture and maintenance costs. This is the 28th time it has been repaired. Its model It's outdated, and the repair cost has exceeded the original manufacturing price, we won't be servicing the buyer again, this time it was sent back for scrap."

"Robots can't be scrapped casually. You see, there is a waste robot recycling and disposal point in the municipal waste treatment center, which is specially responsible for the unified recycling of scrapped robots. This is especially true for this military model, which generally needs to be returned to the original factory for scrap..."

It turned out that he came back alone, his left arm was gone, and the dim light screen was broken. Is it to send himself back to scrap it

Because it is scrapped, so there is no seat, can only lie in the luggage compartment with the goods and come back

Mugan suddenly felt very sad.

He gently clenched the shoulder strap of the schoolbag, then clenched Mengmeng in his arms, and finally glanced at the robot little a behind him.

"Can this robot be repaired? I mean, put it back together..." Mugan asked awkwardly.

"Isn't it necessary? This robot has been scrapped, its body has been decomposed, and its intellectual brain has been deleted." Ms. Luo was puzzled.

Mugan could only be silent in the end.

Rejecting Ms. Luo's service for refining Fabia, Mugen put away the wreckage of the black robot, picked up other materials that the other party had prepared for a long time, and left Sumei Machinery.

Before leaving, Ms. Luo said that she would remember to help him pay attention to the arrival news of Fabia and Mika. Once the new products were put into the warehouse, she would immediately notify Lieutenant Prince Prince.

Mugan thanked her.

Mugan's mood was very low, but he is now an adult, so he did not show this sadness along the way. They went to another restaurant for dinner at the invitation of Tatalin. Mugan once again told the two of them. After expressing gratitude and making an appointment to meet tomorrow afternoon, Mugan was sent to the hotel where he stayed.

Throwing himself into the arms of Xiao A's father like a child, Mugen's grief broke out in an all-round way, and Sigma immediately changed from a mechanical schoolbag back to its original appearance, sticking between Mugen and Xiao A like a plaster, he wanted to Bring yourself in too.

While the three hugged each other and comforted each other, the five big heads were studying the wreckage of the robot placed on the hotel bed.

"This robot is Kappa." After a while, Beta came to a conclusion: "The Kappa produced after Sigma is produced."

"When we left, Kappa was only half made." Eta immediately turned to Kappa's photo on the hard drive, and he even had Kappa's body structure map!

"Well, although the other metals have changed, the metal on the chest has not changed." This was the heavy mechanical sound of Epsilon.

"Of course it won't change. The most precious material on his body is the metal plate made of Famiya on the front and back of the chest." Eta interjected.

However, even the most precious things have now become materials that are sold. Just like they were back then.

If they hadn't escaped from there back then, this is probably what awaited them, right

The body is disassembled, the useless discarded, the useful used in other machines.

The five big heads were silent.

In the silence, Sigma's voice sounded in the room:

"Sigma is not working, Sigma is staying home."

The little robot's fighting spirit that had been aroused by his brothers' work all of a sudden died down, and Sigmar's wish became squatting at home again.

"It's good at home too." Robot Xiao A's manipulator touched Sigma's head, and then Mugan's, not too gently.

This behavior represents "gentle comfort," from the textbooks of human beings.

It was a very cold and stiff touch, but both Sigma and Morgan felt comforted at the same time.

Putting the remains of Kappa in his stomach, Sigmar begs his brother not to dissolve Kappa and re-refine it. Mugan naturally agreed to his request, and then he was a little worried: "But this way, Fabia is really not enough. I don't know how long uncle and the others will continue to do this..."

Mugen decided to seek help from Doug, a classmate from the Dizong era. He is a local. Although he graduated and went to another galaxy for an internship, he heard that Mugen would go to Pandra and immediately said that he would take a leave of absence and come back. They made an appointment to meet tomorrow morning.

After confirming the time with Doug again, Mugan went to sleep. Although he was in a very low mood, he slept very deeply and did not wake up all night because he had no rest on the spacecraft before.

And Sigma got up secretly when he was asleep.

Using the scanning device to confirm the depth of his brother's sleep, Sigma sneaked out of the hotel door.