There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 185: destiny


After introducing the following to each other, Tatalin and Prince withdrew from the room, leaving the space to the master of the matter to communicate on their own.

Master Kenda is an old man who doesn't talk much. He didn't talk too much. He went straight to Mugen for a list of materials, and then asked for an exploded diagram of the parts design.

"Nonsense! Is this a camshaft? Is this a rocker arm? This is... Which designer did this? It's just a nonsense—" Master Kenda frowned when he took the design drawing, and said patiently. Turning the design drawing page by page, his brows became tighter the more he turned it, and finally he couldn't hold back and cursed.

I have been dealing with design drawings every day in my life. I have seen countless drawings, but this design drawing I see now is really unprofessional in the eyes of Master Kenda!

The drawing provided by Mugen is firstly inconsistent with the mainstream in terms of expression. In order to facilitate the handover of work between designers and craftsmen, the order in which the design drawings are placed is very particular, what to draw on the first page and what to draw on the second page. … all have a fixed order, and the order of this design is completely disrupted (← is like a paper, the first page is the conclusion, and the last page is the opening sauce)!

Secondly, there are too many "innovative designs" in the drawings!

Of course, it is not to refute innovative design. New ideas are very encouraged in Pendra, but it is wrong to change the structure that has been proved to be perfect!

Judging the value of these materials at a glance, Master Kenda could not bear to waste these precious materials so much.

Master Kenda is a very rule-abiding craftsman. He was already dissatisfied when the original order in the plan was strongly inserted by this order. Now that the owner of this order is still trying to use such precious materials to make certain products. He couldn't bear the parts that would fail!

"The camshaft will be made like this. The previous camshaft will not close properly after more than 20,000 uses, and gas will enter from the outside..." Seeing the other party slap the table heavily, Sigma also rushed over and used a larger Power patted the table: "Also, the curved camshaft is more beautiful!"

He said righteously.

"How can a curved camshaft be more useful than a straight camshaft?" He didn't notice who was clapping the table with him, and Master Kenda's attention was still on this terrible drawing: "And a robot What do you want to be so good-looking? Easy to use is the ultimate goal of making robots!"

"According to the 385th theorem of Duolai, the closed smooth circle is a 35-degree reincarnation angle which is the tightest angle!" Sigma continued, and at the end did not forget to add: "Robots also need to be beautiful!"

"There are only 353 theorems invented by Ms. Romrabisso. Where did these three hundred and eighty-five theorems come from? I have never heard of it—" Desire Ms. Romrabisso as a god , Master Kenda had never heard of this statement, and he was furious!

"Write it on the fourth line of page 375 of "The Primary Production Method of Intelligent Robots"!" Sigma remembered clearly.

"Nonsense! Ms. Romrabeso's book is out of print! If you have a book, show it to me!" Master Kenda's beard blew up.

"..." Sigma got stuck: uh... that book was swapped out yesterday.

So, he could only recite the content of that page by dictation. The robot's handwriting was as neat as it was printed. Except for the formulas and text explanations, Sigma even copied the pictures intact, even the punctuation. They are all exactly the same as the original, and at the end Sigma also wrote the number 375 in the lower right as a page number mark.

Master Kenda didn't believe it at first, but when the content of this page suddenly appeared under his eyes, his eyes were straight, and he threw himself on this page. He began to study it carefully, and from time to time, he discussed with Sigma Question, finally...

"Okay, you're right, just make a curve." The master compromised.

Sigma has a scissor hand.

"After talking for a long time, I'm dying of thirst, so come and drink... Huh?" Taking the tea cup from the assistant robot next to him, Master Kenda subconsciously handed the other cup to the opposite side, but only at this moment did he realize that he had discussed it with himself. Half a day is not a human at all, but a robot.

Still a half-hearted robot.

"Thank you." Although he didn't drink water, Sigma still took the teacup and put the whole cup of tea into his stomach.

Tea from Kenda to Sigma - When the teacup enters Sigma's small warehouse, Sigma automatically sorts a label for it.

 ̄▽ ̄

"This... This..." Master Kenda stayed for a long time, and finally took a big sip of tea and swallowed it in small sips, which completely suppressed the surprise in his heart.

Could this drawing be made by a robot? Could it be that all the innovations and modifications are made by it? Master Kenda was full of doubts, but he couldn't help but affirm these problems. After all, it was this robot who had been arguing with him just now. All the problems he raised were solved by this robot. Not only that, the robot was just right And asked myself a lot of questions...

Is this still a robot

Master Kenda subconsciously glanced at the assistant robot behind him, and then glanced at Sigma on the opposite side.

"Next, it's the rocker..." Before he could think deeply, Sigma immediately put the next question in front of him, and the two "people" immediately entered the second round of quarrel.

From beginning to end, Mugen looked at them with a smile.

The person who has the deepest research on robots in the family is actually Sigma. After all, the whole family of robots is complete. He is the only one who has no butt and thighs. He is concerned about how to get more beautiful ass and thighs every day. Ms. Duolai gave them a lot of books about machine manufacturing, and Sigmar had "read" all the books about robot research in it. Besides, Sigmar was also keen to go to the robot manufacturing department of Emperor Zong to listen. Of course, because it was not a For students of this major, he cannot ask questions. Once he has a question, he can only study it himself and himself. If he really cannot get an answer from his own knowledge, Sigma will ask questions on the Internet and ask the neighbors. Gen went out to find Di Zong's professor; in addition, he couldn't take the exam, so Mugen didn't know what level he had learned.

It was not until this time that the robots in the house were worn out and needed to be replaced. Sigma volunteered to draw the drawings, and Mugan felt that he had done a good job. Seeing him discussing with Master Kenda, Mugan was suddenly very grateful to Ken. Master Da.

Muggan may not realize what this means at all: a robot, in addition to the knowledge instilled in him by humans, he has begun to actively learn other knowledge, and the contents of his hard drive are actively growing...

Maybe he realized it, but Mugan didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The dispute between Sigmar and Master Kenda ended up being one and a half: part of the changes Sigmar persuaded Master Kenda, while some of the changes were rejected by Master Kenda. There are many differences between the actual operation and the theory, and Master Kenda used many examples to persuade Sigmar.

Both parties are satisfied, and the next step is the specific distribution.

Sigma's blueprints may have to be rearranged as the two most precious metals are worse off. However, in order to save time, Master Kenda said that he can make other parts that do not need these two metals first.

It was late, and Master Kenda left them for dinner.

For this, Mugan felt nothing, until after they came out, Tatarin exhaled a big breath, exaggerated: "The last person who was kept by Master Kenda was Lord Nashkiel! I You actually got an invitation to dinner from Master Kenda, Mugen, you are amazing!" Tatarin was very happy and said that he must show off in his circle of friends today.

"Haha." Mugan could only laugh, and then gently touched Sigma's head: "It's all thanks to Sigma."

Until the dinner table, the master was still discussing the revision of the design with Sigmar. Fortunately, Sigmar did not have to eat, but the master himself was definitely not full.

After sending the two back to the hotel again, Tatalin and Prince left contentedly.

Without enough Fabia and Mika, Mengmeng said that she could do it cheaper.

Robot Xiao A also said that he can't use special tall materials, ordinary metal is very good~

Just as the family bowed to each other, Sigma suddenly took out a square piece of metal from her stomach and placed it on the bed.

At first sight of this piece of metal, Mugan was taken aback: Fabia

At the second glance at the piece of metal, Muggan's eyelids jumped: wait - why does the shape of this piece of metal look more and more like... a book

Mugan hurriedly turned on the TV: "… the statue of Ms. Romrabisso is partially missing, and the missing part is the wordless book in the statue's hand... "

With pictures and texts, the high-resolution photo of the lost Fabia book was playing on the news at this time.

Quickly comparing the lost objects in the photo with the metal blocks lying on his bed, Mugen was dumbfounded: they are exactly the same!

"We are short of Fabia, Ms. Dolai has a lot of Fabia, and I went to replace it last night." Sigma briefly explained.

Since he was only half-length, Sigma was looking up to speak to Mugan, the dim screen flickered regularly, and he looked like a child waiting to be praised.

"A total of 22 KG, Mengmeng's butt and little A's father's chest can use enough Fabia." Sigma was very happy, he turned his head, indicating that Mugen can touch his head and praise him. .

However, what Sigmar finally waited for was Alpha's relentless mechanical sound.

"Sigma, put on your ass; little a, spank his ass thirty times when he's ready."

Sigma was stunned—

"Why? Why beat Sigma?" he tried to resist.

"Excuse me, in the newspaper, in the news, what is the definition of human beings for this matter?" Alpha's voice was as cold as ever.

"It's theft."

"But I traded my book for it."

"Has the owner of the statue agreed? A unilateral exchange without the owner's permission is still stealing."

"Sigma, just don't want to use Fabia in Capa's body..."

"However, what you did is no different from a human who unilaterally dismantled his body without Kapa's consent."

"It's a crime."

The cold mechanical voice spoke word by word.

Sigma was stunned.

He put on his butt without saying a word, and then climbed onto the thigh of the robot Xiao A. Under the eyes of the family, Sigma was severely spanked thirty times on the butt.

After all this was over, Sigma ran to the toilet.

Since there is only one human, there is only one big bed room for them, and Sigma, who has nowhere to hide, can only hide in the toilet.

Mugan catches up to him and squeezes into the toilet with him before Sigmar locks the door.

The brothers sat on the toilet lid for a long time, and Sigma didn't speak, and Mugan didn't say anything to comfort him, until Sigma gently grabbed the corner of his brother's shirt with a mechanical hand: Mugan gently put his shoulders, Then Sigma rolled his whole body over.

If Sigmar was human, Mugan thought his arms would be wet right now.

Wet, tears belonging to Sigmar.

However Sigma is a robot and he doesn't cry.

Like dad spanks him and he doesn't hurt either.

No pain, but the desire to cry;

No tears, but so sad.

Mugan clung to Sigma's arm.

"Have you exchanged Ms. Duolai's "Basic Production Method of Intelligent Robots"?" Sigma will not take other people's things casually, he will buy things, and if he has no money, he will exchange, and I heard what Sigma just mentioned "" "Exchange", and Mugan knew immediately that Sigma must have traded his own collection for the Fabia.

"Hmm." Sigmar said.

"Isn't that one of your favorite collectibles? It's the first time you've received a gift from outside your family with your name on it," Mugan asked him.

When she parted with Ms. Duolai, she gave them a lot of books, and basically every book was signed. She even told them that if they had no money, they would exchange the signed book for them, even if they were paid for helping Baiyun Duoduo, However, Sigma cherishes these books very much, especially the book "The Primary Production Method of Intelligent Robots". At Sigma's request, Ms. Dorai also wrote the words for Sigma on it.

Sigma has always treasured this book very much.

To be precise, he cherishes any collectibles in his stomach, just as he cherishes the tomatoes and rotten eggs that humans smashed at him on the way to escape.

In the eyes of human beings, things of different value, in the eyes of Sigmar, are all from the friendliness of human beings.

"Well, Sigma likes it." Sigma nodded.

"Then why do you want to change it out?"

"Because Sigma was self-willed yesterday, Sigma didn't want to use Kappa's body, and because everyone lost their own body because Sigma didn't want to use Kappa's body, so they have to change." After Sigma finished speaking, he stopped talking and arrived When he usually shuts down, he habitually shuts down and goes to sleep.

Mugen sat dazedly on the toilet seat for a while, then took him out for a while.

Robot A helped him lift the covers, and Mugen gently shoved Sigma inside.

Sigma wouldn't lie. Since he said that he used the exchange, he must have left the corresponding exchange in the same place. However, this book was not mentioned in the news from beginning to end. Mugan felt a little strange.

After thinking for a while, Mugan dialed Mr. Seather's communicator.

The next day, things took a new turn.

"… There has been a new development in the case of the statue of Ms. Romrabeso. It is not the theft that everyone guessed before. This is a great anonymous gift!"

"No name, no profit, this mysterious man, Mr./Ms., returned the book "The Primary Production Method of Intelligent Robots" that Pandra had searched for centuries! All the works of the mechanic master have finally been collected, and the Pendra government will immediately prepare for the engraving of this book, and it is expected that in four months, you can see the final book on the statue of Ms. Romrabeso!"

What followed was overwhelming coverage.

Since the value of this book is so high, no one believes that the ultimate purpose of the book holder's exchange is actually for a little Fabia.

Journalists described the incident as a "selfless donation".

As the only book with the autograph of Ms. Romlabiso, the title page of the newly made statue book was clearly engraved with Ms. Romrabiso's signature, and the name of the book giver was also preserved. .

"To the lovely Sigma, may the God of Wisdom bless you forever - Dole Z Romrabeso"

The mysterious name Sigmar has also been handed down forever as part of the statue.

Since then, when people worshiped Ms. Romlabiso and benefited from her wisdom, they also thanked this mysterious person named Sigma countless times.

Since it was not known who the returner of the last book was, the recipient "Sigma" on the title page was generally grateful as the donor, except for one person.

When she saw the name Sigma, Sumeger's face instantly paled.

Forced to leave the Imperial Military Academy, he embarked on a completely different path from his dream, and Olivia also seemed to deviate from the trajectory of his previous life...

Whenever he thought the fate of the world had changed, God always let him find something predetermined.

A certain thing happens at a certain time, people call it "destiny".

The author has something to say: Mugan and Sigma are brothers.

Ms. Duolai, who can treat Baiyun Duoduo as a child, naturally treats Sigma equally.

So when it comes to giving books, Mugan uses the description method of "giving them". "They" in Mugan's mind naturally includes robots.

Of course, Sigma does make mistakes, he keeps trying, he makes mistakes, and yet the people around him fix him with their worldview.

Since he is surrounded by Mugan and Alpha and others, what he currently receives is a very "positive" worldview, and he is groping for his own path.

Numbness, ignorance, to the point of confusion.