There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 187: White robot


It rained heavily.

The rain curtain became a piece of gray, blocking the sight of human beings.

Sigma, who was holding an umbrella, and the fully-drenched robot's dim light screen faced the dim light screen. Just when Sigma thought that the robot was "dead", the robot suddenly said hello.


"...Hello." Sigma carefully observed the robot in front of him: it was a robot with a white background. Because he was in the garbage heap, his body could hardly see its original color, so he placed himself under the garbage. Next to a few trash cans, in order to save space, he wrapped his hands around his knees and shrunk into a cuboid as small as possible.

I don't know how long he stayed in the heavy rain, but there were already rust marks on the shell of this robot, and some metal was moldy.

Sigmar recognized him, the robot in the back seat of their family on the ship, with a return card on his chest.

When the two robots looked at each other, a van approached in the distance. The car stopped lawfully in front of the garbage disposal, and two robots with the words "sanitation" printed on their bodies got out of the car.

Turning a blind eye to Sigma and other two robots, they began to sort out the garbage on the ground according to a certain pattern. As the garbage gradually decreased, one of the robots finally sorted out at Sigma's feet.

The dim light screen glanced at the two robots, and it said, "Please note that this is the place where residents' domestic waste is placed, and the metal waste is removed to the metal waste place 300 meters away."

It's treating Sigma and the White Robots as trash thrown by mistake.

"..." Without saying a word, Sigma quickly installed two legs, then shoved the umbrella in his hand into the hands of the white robot, and then suddenly lifted the other party up.

Tack tick tick, he held the white robot and ran away quickly.

Faced with this sudden move, the white robot was simply unable to resist: he was running out of energy.

He could only hold the umbrella in his hand, and then put the umbrella on Sigmar's head as much as possible. The umbrella was very large. Even if it was mainly placed on Sigmar's head, he didn't need to continue to get wet.

He figured that Sigma was putting him in the right waste disposal center.

While hiding here these days, he's been thrown over four times, and each time he's slipped back on his own.


It's just procrastination.

He obviously got into the car that was going back to the factory, but he stayed on it for a while, and then got off by himself.

He knew what to do when he went back and waited for him. Or change a body, or change a brain, or change nothing at all, and dismantle the whole set.

Either way, he didn't want to be like that.

Then he got out of the car.

As a city of machines, Pandra can see traces of robots everywhere. These robots have their own masters, work, where they go and where they return. Robots without these can only be found in one place, and that is the junkyard.

So he hid himself in the rubbish heap.

In fact, this does not make much sense. When his energy is exhausted and he cannot move, he will naturally be sorted into the metal waste processing center, where the sorting robot will definitely be able to pick him out and send him back to the place where he should go.

Aside from being more physically depleted, his end wasn't any different.

However, he did so anyway.

The dark screen of the white robot is getting dimmer and dim, and before it automatically shuts down, the world finally reflected in his dark screen is not an overwhelming downpour, but an umbrella with a cute pattern.

The umbrella was huge and covered him warmly.

Before the automatic shutdown, one of his hands tightly fixed the umbrella in his hand, while the other hand clenched tightly into a fist.


He thought this was his end, who knew—

2 hours later, he was artificially turned on again.

"Sigma, please explain what's going on." He heard a very stern voice. The owner of the voice was supposed to be a robot.

"Sigmar brought him back, no damage to public property, no damage to cultural relics, no disrespect to the great man..." He heard the voice of the robot defending himself.

"You... Are you sure you picked it up? Did you pick it up at Sumei Machinery?" He heard a human voice again, and he had an impression of that voice, because that person was the first human who responded to his greeting.

"Sigmar picked him up from the household garbage disposal 300 meters away from Master Kenda's door!" Sigmar vowed.

"But..." Looking at the return card on the chest of the white robot, Mugen also clearly recognized the identity of the robot. The card had the words Sumei Machinery on it. After living in Pendra during this period of time, he It is natural to know that these robots will go to the original factory by themselves to wait for processing.

"Robots are not household garbage, and they are placed in the wrong place." Beta said coldly.

Morgan: ... Huh? Second uncle, you shouldn't be concerned about this... Alas!

Just as the family was having a great time discussing the robot that Sigma picked up, the white robot had re-corrected the time and sat up.

"Hello." He greeted everyone.

"Please don't blame the robot Sigma, I went to the garbage disposal voluntarily." He first defended Sigma.

"Huh?" Mugen was stunned.

"Mechanical products should not be put in the household waste disposal." Beta is holding on to this orz "Yes, I know this, but if it is put in the right place, I will be sent back to the original factory very quickly. Lose."

The sound of this robot is slightly different from that of other robots such as Alpha, with less metallic texture and more gentle. His narration is slow, as if he doesn't mind that he is the garbage that everyone says needs to be put out correctly.

The robots were silent, and finally Mugan spoke first: "Hello, I'm Mugan, these robots next to me are my family, from here, Uncle Ipsey, Uncle Beta, Eta. Uncle, Uncle Pei, Dad, cute Mengmeng... Finally, standing in front of you are Sigma and Alpha, Alpha is the head of our family, and Sigma is my younger brother."

Mugan politely introduced his robot to him.

The dirty white robot froze.

"Excuse me, are you also a robot?" He asked cautiously, his scanning device told him that the person in front of him was undoubtedly a human, but at this time he doubted whether his scanning device had fallen behind.

Mugen froze for a moment, then smiled heartily: "No, I'm human. What's your name?"

The white robot stuck again, and then he introduced his name very cautiously: "My name is z29234556643... You can simply call me robot z2093."

This is his serial number. There are many robots from the same batch, and his serial number is quite long. Since the owner purchased many robots from his batch at the same time, he did not name him.

"Hello, robot z2093." Mugen smiled and extended his hand to him.

Robot z2093 hurriedly stretched out his mechanical hand, noticing that his hand was dirty, he hesitated for a moment, but was quickly clenched by the other party and shook it.

"Can you ask more details? That day, I saw you get in the car... " After a moment of hesitation, Mugan still expressed his doubts.

"Yes, 3 minutes and 50 seconds after getting on the bus, I got off again." Robot z2093 confessed.

"Why..." Why? Mugan wanted to ask at first, but he quickly understood why.

The robot z2093 stretched out the other manipulator hand that had been clenched tightly before, and then opened it to reveal a colorful stone inside.

"For this," he said slowly.

"This stone, I think it is very special. If I go back to Sumei Machinery, when humans deal with my body, they will definitely throw it away, even if humans will not deal with me, after I refill the system, I will won't remember it."

Throughout, the robot's tone was flat.

After listening to him, Mugan was silent.

"What's so special about this stone?" Sigma took the initiative to chat with the robot z2093. He is also a stone collector!

"This stone has a total of thirteen colors, and there are thirteen prototype potholes on it, which are very regularly distributed." Robot z2093 replied earnestly.

"However, it doesn't look pretty at all. I have a beautiful blue stone." Sigma couldn't help showing off his collection.

"It's very special, but I think this stone is even more special. I picked it up on my way to buy food five years ago, and it has been by my side for five years." Robot z2093 gently held the stone in the palm of his hand.

As of now, Muggan has been very clear what the "special" in this robot's mouth means.

Unlike Sigma, this robot doesn't understand beauty or ugliness, nor does it understand the mood of liking, and whenever he encounters a problem that his logic can't handle, he will summarize it as "special".

"I think this stone is special" = "I think this stone is beautiful"

"I think this stone is more special" = "I like this stone better"

In fact, it was just a stone picked up by the roadside, but this robot liked it very much, and kept it carefully for five years. Now it is facing the danger of being returned and destroyed, but he is not worried about himself, and he is not worried about himself anymore. It is also impossible to own this particular stone, or even to forget it.

Looking at the two robots who were still discussing the stone, Mugen didn't know what to say, so he could only remain silent.