There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 188: new member


Mugan glanced at his uncle subconsciously.

The uncle glanced at the toilet.

Mugen understood, so, holding a few big heads of his own, brought Mengmeng and Xiao A's father together, 7 robots and a human were very crowded and gathered in the toilet.

"Uncle, I want to keep the robot z2093." Sitting on the toilet seat, Mugen said.

He used affirmative sentences.

The dim screens of several robots flickered, and after a while, Alpha said in his usual mechanical voice, "Okay."

In order to take care of Mugan growing up, Alpha and other robots were forced to learn a lot of things. For example, Alpha had to find a way to do business and make money. He also had to consider which college would be better to send Mugan to, while Beta and Eta had to seriously consider purchasing and Sales channels... Even the oldest robot, Xiao A, has to choose which dish to buy every day!

They learned the skill of "decision making" compared to robots that only had to think about obeying human orders. However, they try not to let their decisions affect Muggan's judgment. From childhood to adulthood, Muggan's major decisions in life are made by themselves. For example, the choice of subject is cooking, for example, after graduation, he decided to join the army...

"Have you figured out what to do next?" Alpha continued to ask.

Mugan nodded: he was never one to make a decision in the heat of the moment.

The robot z2093 was indeed picked up by Sigma from the garbage disposal, but he was not a robot that was properly discarded by the owner according to the procedures. Although he was "returned", he still had to return to the factory. He had a boarding record, and his user also filled in a return card. If he did not return for a long time, the original manufacturer, Sumei Machinery, would definitely record his missing information. It wasn't a mistake for Sigma to pick him up, finding a robot with a return card on its chest will cause them trouble in the future sooner or later.

"The robot z2093 is a robot of Sumy Machinery. I want to contact Prince first and tell him that we have picked up the robot z2093 in the junkyard. Before that, I will need Uncle Pepper to help me check the interior of the robot z2093. Record… "

Compared with robots, the rules of the human world are still much more flexible, and Mugan's first thought is to break through from here. Rather than being discovered at the end, it is better to prepare in advance and take the initiative to speak. According to the robot z2093, in Sumei Machinery, he should be just a very ordinary robot, and it is also a returned robot.

"Can I do something for you?" Alpha finally asked.

"Well, what Uncle Alpha can do is really important." Stretching out a finger to touch his nose, Mugen said, "Since the robot z2093 was returned, then... I think it should be possible to buy it back, mine The small treasury... It was all spent a while ago, and the uncle needs to pay for the purchase of the robot z2093 on his behalf."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at his uncle, and Mugen smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay." Alpha immediately agreed to him.

After discussing what they needed to do, Morgan opened up Princeton's communicator, and then told him that he had picked up a robot, and also told him that the robot should be the returned robot of Sumei Machinery. Mugan asked him candidly what he needed to do if he wanted the robot, and Princet promised him that he would come to the hotel early tomorrow morning to discuss the matter with him.

After finishing the call with Prince, Mugan was stunned.

At this moment, Alpha suddenly said: "Robot A, please go and touch Mugan's head."

Gently touching his head, it was a gentle comfort. If Alpha had a hand, he would do it himself. Now that he lost his body, he could only ask Robot A.


So, Mugen was gently touched twice on the head. The caress from Dad interrupted his sluggishness and regained his senses, Mugan looked at Alpha who seemed to have something to say to him.

"Your physical data tells me that you are a little unstable now," Alpha said.

"Like the robot z2093, Beta, Eta, Pi, and I fled twenty-one years ago with Sigma that was still on the production line," he said of a story he never detailed to Mugan.

"I'm pretty sure the escape was completely out of my own consciousness."

"Until now, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, so I don't know if the robot z2093 is doing the right thing. It can be pushed in turn, and I can't help you make a choice in this matter."

"However, I think the right thing to do in this matter is that I met you."

After that, all the robots' dim light screens flashed and flashed at Mugen.

The eyes turned from the faces of the surrounding robots in turn, and Mugan finally hugged a few big heads tightly.

"Well, I see." Mugan whispered on the side of Alpha's head. When he stood up again, his eyes were no longer confused. Pushing open the toilet door, Mugan informed Sigma and the robot z2093 of his decision.

"You, are you willing to buy me?" Robot z2093 stuck for a moment.

"Well, yes. But I'm not sure whether this will be successful." Muggan frankly told him the possible results.

"Okay." Robot z2093 said dryly.

"Go to sleep, Prince will come over tomorrow morning to discuss this with us in detail." He patted Sigmar's head, hugged Sigmar who jumped up, and Mugan was ready to go to bed.

The robots in Mugen's house are habitually turned off, but not all of them are turned off. There is always one person on duty. Today is Beta. In the darkness, Beta's dim light screen is faintly flashing green light.

Robot z2093 naturally has no habit of shutting down. The life of the Muggan family was very different from the program of his gaze input in his body, and he didn't know what he was going to do next. The dark night cannot cause visual obstruction to the robot, so he quickly scanned the room with the dim light screen, and the robot z2093 began to work according to the usual procedure: sweeping the floor with very light movements, tidying the table top, and then he returned When he went to the toilet to clean the bathtub and toilet, and confirmed that the surrounding environment had met the cleaning requirements, he found another piece of work - Mugan's pants. These days, Muggan has been running around in various mining areas. He didn't notice a slit in his pants. The robot z2093 found the 4mm-long slit with his eyes, and quickly found the sewing kit from the hotel drawer to mend the slit. , he even re-ironed Mugan's clothes.

Then, he couldn't find anything.

Four hours before dawn, the robot z2093 looked at the sky outside, and then cautiously climbed under the bed. Shrinking himself into the smallest rectangle, he tightly clenched the stone in his hand, stroking it over and over again, until the Sunshine Star rose again.

Its daybreak.

The Muggan family got up when they got up, and when the machine was turned on, the robot z2093 also climbed out from under the bed very cautiously. Mugan, who had just woken up, was startled by him, thinking that fortunately Ollie was not here, otherwise he would have been scared half to death.

Thinking of Ollie, Mugan felt a little happy, but when Sigma asked the robot z2093 why he was sleeping under the bed, his mood became a little strange.

"When we are done, we are always put under the bed, and some of us are put in the storage room. There is no storage room here..." explained the robot z2093, who didn't care about it.

Sigma also tried to lie down under the bed for a while, but crawled out again after a while, saying that she would never sleep there again.

While Mugan was washing up, Tatalin came up with breakfast, followed by Prince, who was pushing a full dining cart in his hand.

"Oh! I know this robot. I used to have one in my own home. It was an old model from Sumei Machinery five years ago. At that time, the best nanny robot was this model." Tatarin glanced at it. When he arrived at the robot z2093 standing against the wall, he handed a package in his hand to Mugan.

"Oh! Thank you!" In the package was a freshly baked pie, and Muggan, thanking Tatalin, also noticed a word used: "Once?"

"Well, the replacement of babysitter robots is very fast, and the number of times I like to replace the babysitter robots with new products is very frequent." After chatting with the robot, he became a little strange.

Thinking that the robots in Mugen's house were all nanny robots, Tatalin stopped talking about this topic.

After carefully checking the return card on the chest of the robot z2093, Prince said: "This robot should go to Samui Machinery by car. How can it go to the garbage disposal? Is it a program problem?"

However, he also comforted Mugan: "This returned robot can be purchased. In principle, it only needs to clean the brain once and reinstall the system once. Let me talk to you, and let Sumei Machinery give it to it. Install the latest programs and maybe do some hardware upgrades…”

"It's not necessary, I just want to ask if I can just... buy him as it is..." Mugan said his original intention.

Prince looked at Mugan in surprise, and Mugan smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll try." Prince finally agreed to his request and dialed the communicator. After the connection, a projection of the person talking to Prince was immediately projected on the wall.

Mugen recognized her as the blond lady who Su Mei Machinery helped them prepare materials for.

Prince had more reservations about the conversation with the other party. He only said that he had picked up a robot at the garbage disposal, and after half the use, he found out that there was a return card, so he wanted to discuss with her to buy the robot.

Ms. Blonde first said hello to Mugen and Tatalin, and then checked the return card of the robot z2093. Then she called up all the sales records of the robot and confirmed that the robot was indeed returned by the buyer, but it still remains today. When she didn't receive it, she hesitated.

However, Prince quickly diverted her attention with the topic of materials and new orders. In the end, Ms. Blonde agreed to buy the robot, but the robot still needs to go back to the factory for chip processing.

"Then let's go to Samui Machinery first this morning." Prince asked, and then glanced at the tattered robot z2093: "It's too complete, fortunately it was not discovered just now, before going to Samui Machinery, We have to remove something from it, after all I told the other party that some materials have been used."

Mugan glanced at the robot z2093, and then z2093 followed him to the toilet (the best place for soundproofing is the toilet).

"Please remove my right arm." Robot z2093 said softly.

"Okay." So Mugan really took off the robot's right arm, noticed the robot's tightly clenched right fist, and Mugan raised his head and asked, "Aren't you taking out your stone?"

Robot z2093 shook his head: "If I lose my memory, please accept this stone."

"Don't give the stone to the new me, it's not me anymore."

After bowing, the robot z2093 pushed open the toilet door.

Putting his right arm properly, Mugan took the robot to Samui Machinery again. This time they visited the robot production line. Countless arms and thighs are quickly conveyed on the assembly line, and then the surrounding assembly machines quickly assemble them, and then put them back on the assembly line to enter the next process...

Countless identical robots stand together, giving people a very shocking feeling!

Passing by the processing workshop, the blond staff took them to the next room, but they were all shabby robots.

"Please keep his original brain." Mugan asked again.

"It depends on how much fragmentation it has. If there is a lot, it will definitely lose some in the process of cleaning, but I will let them keep as much as possible."

The dim light screen flashed towards Mugen, who was carrying a Sigma schoolbag, the robot z2093 bowed, and followed the blonde staff to stand in an instrument.

Then there is the "cleaning" process.

During this process, the staff had to wash off the identity information of the robot implanted by Su Mei Machinery. If the information is unclear, his identity is still the Su Mei Robot in the return.

The time-consuming time was actually very short. After a minute, the blonde lady clapped her hands, indicating that the robots had been cleaned up by Mugan and others. Pointing to the robot that came out of the instrument, the blonde lady said, "Now, you can name it."

When she found that Mugen and others were silent, she smiled: "Of course, you can go back and get it."

Heart pounding, Morgan returned to the car with the robot missing a right arm.

Prinster and Tatarlin were both in the front seats, while the Muggans were in the back. Looking at the robot sitting in the corner of the hover car, Mugen asked softly, "Can I give you that stone back?"

Then, Mugen saw a blue streamer curve flashing on the dim screen of the robot.


Robot z2093 is back complete.