There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 189: golden eye


The round stone returned to the hands of the robot z2093. As a robot without any property, he could only hold the stone in his hand every day as before. After discovering this, Muggan bought him the most common jewelry in the surrounding jewelry shop. Using the adsorption method, the stone is fixed on the chain without destroying the stone. From then on, the robot z2093 can hang the stone wherever it goes.

Wipe off all the mildew and rust on the metal casing, the robot z2093 looks exactly the same as the nanny robot that appeared in the same batch, but because of the metal chain around the neck, he looks different again.

It stands to reason that the robot that changes its owner needs to change its name, but since the robot z2093 has no name at all, Morgan asked him to think of a name. This question stumped the almighty real nanny robot. He originally planned to call the robot z2093, but Sigma denied the name and borrowed a book from Mugan. (There is a small area in Sigma's baby stomach that is dedicated to keeping important items for Mugen. After Alpha and the others groped for their bodies, he once said that he would help Alpha and other robots to keep them, but he was rejected  ̄▽ ̄), the two robots every day As soon as he got back to the hotel, he began to focus on the study of names, but after a week of tinkering, Muggan didn't hear a good name for the two of them. Before the new name was given, people still called him the robot z2093.

Robot z2093 is a bit tricky: he's used to doing things at the behest of humans, but it's hard for him to get "commands" in his new owner's house.

On the first day in his new family, Muggan went out early in the morning, and the person he went out with today was Doug. Both Tatalin and Prince knew that Mugan had a classmate from Pendra, and the classmate also ran back to his hometown for Mugan. After all the behaviors of all kinds of metal black markets in Pandra, it is impossible for them to take Mugan to such a place because they are public officials.

Doug knows a lot about the black market, even more than Tatalin and the others. Prince once inadvertently mentioned that Mugan, an old classmate, should have a lot of knowledge when he was chatting with Mugan: line by line As a rule, many doors are only in the hands of a small number of people, and some are even older than the establishment of the empire. According to the speed of going to one or two markets in a morning, Prince was looking for it as early as four days ago. Mugan had already walked all the markets he knew under the leadership of his "old classmates", but in fact, Mugan would go to the market with his classmates every day for the past four days. A place that only certain people know about.

Prince thought that Muggan had been looking for materials, but he did not know that Muggan only followed Doug to find materials for half of the time, and for the other half, he was trying to find a way to melt the Fabia book that Sigma had obtained before.

Mr. Cisse told him that the matter had been settled and that he could use this Fabia, but in view of the vigorous spread of the matter before, Cisse suggested that he had better melt the book into an ordinary metal ball and take it out.

This matter must not be asked by Tatalin and the others, nor by Master Kenda. Mugan thought that the only person who could help him was Doug. He asked Doug to help him find a furnace with a melting temperature that matches the melting temperature of Fabia. Fang, no one can be around.

At that time, Mugan had already explained to Doug how the Fabia came from. Who knew that Ge didn't ask at all, but really took him to such a workshop the next morning.

But Doug also did not introduce the workshop to Mugan.

Immediately, Doug walked out of the room with the furnace, locked the door, and left the private space to Mugan.

After three consecutive days of high temperature dissolution, the book-shaped Fabia finally turned into a liquid in the furnace, and the liquid was poured out carefully. The moment it came into contact with the air, all the Fabia melts quickly gathered into a natural spherical shape.

The furnace of the workshop that Doug introduced was particularly good, and there was basically no loss during the dissolution process, and the Fabia that Muggan got was basically 22 KG.

Putting this Fabia in the bag, Mugan went out and nodded to Doug who was in a daze outside, and then Doug sealed the entire workshop again.

"I'm going back tomorrow." Doug said suddenly while sitting on the public suspension car with Mugen.


"I only have a few days off, and I have to go back to work tomorrow." Doug repeated it again, thinking that Mugan didn't hear it clearly.

"By the way, it is indeed tomorrow." Doug told Mugan how many days he had on vacation as soon as he came back. Mugan just didn't expect time to pass so quickly.

"Thank you, Doug." Looking sideways at the young man with glasses, Mugan thanked him very sincerely.

"I haven't found all the materials for you yet." Doug pushed his glasses: "We will be going to the last market in a while, which is similar to the gambling stone market you mentioned."

There are several types of black markets in Pandra. One is the stone gambling market, which can only be done by chance; the other is the exchange market, where only metals can be exchanged for metals, and the other is the buying and selling market.

Muggan has been through all the markets in Pandra in the past few days. He doesn't believe in luck, so he has never participated in the stone betting. Doug only asked the situation of Fabia and Mika with the search for the local snake, but it is a pity that Fabia Both Ya and Mika are very rare metals, and the development rights are basically in the hands of the military. The Fabia and Mika produced by a small number of private mines are basically snapped up as soon as they come out.

As before, Doug took Mugan to a small stall with familiarity. The stall owner was a very old Trista old man, dressed in ordinary national clothes, and the goods on the stall were also Very ordinary, but Doug will bring him here, showing that this unremarkable old man is a local snake in this market.

"It's already the second half of the year. Mika's mine is in the second month of the year. At this time, very few fish slip through the net, and there are none here." This is very confidential information, after all, the old man himself There are several stones on the booth of the company with the words "Excavated in Mika Mine".

The last hope was dashed.

"If it really doesn't work, just change the material," Doug said.

"..." Mugan sighed.

For so many years, even though the design concept is moving forward, the uncle and the others have fallen behind in many materials. The top robots in the past are now inferior to ordinary robots. The uncle and the others have actually wanted a new body for a long time, but they need to go to school and join the army. Qian, Uncle and their new bodies have been delayed. This time, it was a blessing in disguise that they could finally replace their bodies. Sigma immediately drew a design drawing. The blueprint that Master Kenda finally saw was actually the result of a long-term secret discussion among the robots. Especially the heart that uses the Mika material. Uncle Alpha has been wanting this high-grade material for a long time. Uncle Alpha hides a poster torn from a magazine in the drawer of Uncle Alpha, and that page is a piece of Mika ore.

Mugan was eager to grant their wishes.

"That's the only way." Other positions are easy to say, but the heart part cannot be disassembled repeatedly. Once assembled this time, the uncle and the others will have to wait for the next material change before replacing the heart of the Mika material.

But Mugan is not someone who will let his low mood affect others after all. He quickly packed up his mood and walked around the booth with great interest.

Although he went to many gambling stone markets, he never bought anything!

"The odds of being able to bet are less than 0.01%." Doug warned him aside.

"But these stones are very beautiful~" Mugen squatted beside one of the stalls. There was no one else in this stall except the stall owner. The reason was very simple. The stones here were very few and very small.

Because of the stones brought by the robot z2093, Sigma has been discussing the topic of stone collection with him these days. Mugen, who has not played with stones for several years, couldn't help but be moved.

"These stones are nothing at first sight." Doug also squatted down, his voice was so loud that the stall owner on the opposite side became anxious when he heard it.

"Don't look small, the stones I have here are from the Mika Mine! Maybe there is Mika in there~ I heard that golden eyes were dug out in that mine, maybe there are some kind of stones in these stones. !"

"Golden Eye" is the popular name for the Trummy soo, and it is also the most expensive gem in the empire. The tas stone, the top of the scepter of Louis I is a 20-carat Trenmeisu diamond, but after so many years, the golden-eyed cantas have almost disappeared, and people have forgotten about the cantas. Instead, more and more people called it Golden Eye.

"Why don't you cut such a precious stone yourself." Doug said coldly, and Mugen hurriedly withdrew him.

"I just look familiar. This stone is a bit similar to the stone my brother likes. That stone is very similar to the one in the hands of my new robot. Didn't they play with stones a while ago? I just wanted to buy a few. It's nice to play with them."

Mugen whispered a few words, seeing the unhappy look on the stall owner's face, after asking the price and finding that it was not expensive, he simply bought the two broken stones that he just saw.

Since you buy a stone, you have to cut it. This is an unwritten rule in the market. If you can't cut it, forget it. Once you cut something good, it will become the sign of this market!

Behind the long line, Mugan was holding the small handful of stones in his hands. The stall owner obviously didn't like the stones he bought, and he didn't follow him at all.

Soon it was Mugen's turn to dissolve the stone. When he stretched out his hand to reveal the two small stones, there was a lot of laughter around.

However, Morgan still paid the lithotripsy fee according to the number of stones. After telling the lithotriptor not to destroy the stones themselves, he stood by and watched with great interest how people tossed these stones.

The first stone was a blue stone for Sigma. In order to keep the stone itself as much as possible according to the customer's request, the calcite just rubbed the outer skin of the stone lightly. After confirming that it was an ordinary stone, the calcite handed the stone to him. Mugen, Mugen carefully put it in Fabia's sphere's backpack; the second stone is a little smaller. Due to the race, the calcite man's fingers are very thick, and he can hardly hold this small stone. , Angrily, he rubbed the stone hard twice with the tool, and was about to hand the stone to Mugen, when suddenly, the stone-resolving man's eyes widened. The half-handed stone was placed on the table again, and the lithotripter changed a piece of paper to continue grinding. When the stone was exposed again, he jumped up and shouted: "Oh my God! This is a golden eye!! !!!”

All the people who were still laughing at Mugen just now ran back. The junior calcite platform was instantly crowded, and the calcite department immediately sent the top calcite master. The staff carefully separated the beautiful yellow diamond from the ugly rough ore.

"The purity is very high! A total of two golden eyes have been decomposed, one large and one small, congratulations!" You are lucky enough to be able to handle this top-notch diamond in your life. Reluctantly, he rubbed the surface of the diamond with his finger, and the senior calcite will The two diamonds were carefully handed to Mugan.

"Ah... Thank you." Taking a closer look at the two stones that seemed to exude the temperature of the sun, Muggan also put them into the backpack behind him, and put them together with the blue stone given to Sigmar.

After talking about Doug, Mugan wanted to come, but at this time he couldn't help it. The small stall where Mugan bought broken stones was quickly surrounded, but the stall owner did not sell them. Many people wanted to visit the stone. , and those who want to buy diamonds from Muggan...

In the end, the head of the market sent someone to escort Mugan and Doug out.

When Mugan returned to Master Kenda's home, the news of a "golden eye" in a certain market in Pandra was already broadcast in the news!

Tuantuan sat in front of the TV, and several robots once again watched the values of human beings.

Stones are so valuable! Sigma then pulled the robot z2093 and carefully clicked on his stone collection again.