There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 190: Happy and new


When Muggan came back in the heavy rain, there was a row of large and small stones at the door.

Sigma's number of collectibles is significantly better than the robot z2093.

"...this stone was picked up on a planet called Baronus, and this one was in the sea..." Every stone in Sigmar has a story.

Compared to the nanny robot that spends most of its time around the owner's house, Sigma is a very knowledgeable robot!

"I found this stone on my way to buy vegetables. It was beside a flower bed, and there were purple windflowers planted in the flower bed. There was only this stone on the whole street." Robot z2093 immediately adjusted the environmental record of the stone it picked up. Out.

These stones are just one of thousands of ordinary stones, but they have become special treasures because of the cherishing of these two robots.

After putting the umbrella in the dryer to dry, Mugen changed his shoes and walked in. He said hello to Master Kenda who had just come out of the room. He sat next to the two robots. The dim light screen + line of sight all focused on him.

As of this afternoon, Master Kenda has completed all the parts without adding Fabia and Mika. Mugan's legal residence in Pandra has been less than seven days. In these seven days, Master Kenda needs to complete the core parts. Fabrication, chip transfer, assembly and final debugging.

If Muggan still doesn't bring back Fabia and Mika today, the core part of the robot will use a backup plan.

Bringing the bag from the back to the front, Mugan took out the metal ball inside, then raised his head and said to Master Kenda: "I only got this Fabia, Mika..."

Looking apologetically at the robot at home, Mugan shook his head.

"This piece of Fabia is enough." After padding the weight of the metal ball, Master Kenda immediately estimated its weight.

As a top craftsman who deals with various metal materials every day, in order to perfectly realize Sigma's design, Master Kenda also used his own channels to collect Fabia and Mika in private, but found nothing. In this case, Mugan After actually taking out Fabia, which was just enough weight, Master Kenda vaguely noticed something, but he didn't make a sound.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have Mika. I have a red mother stone here. I have collected the materials for the bottom of the press box for decades. This time, I will use it all for you." : "Don't worry, I can give Sigma the most beautiful thighs and ass without Mika and Fabia."

Sigma raised his head and glanced at Master Kenda, the dim light screen flickered, and he seriously refused: "Isn't the red mother stone Master Kenda's favorite stone?"

After speaking, he also explained to Mugan: "Master Kenda also likes to collect stones. There are many, many stones in his room."

"Not as pretty as Sigma's stone though."

Master Kenda was stunned for a while, and then the always serious old man laughed out loud: "You robot - although those stones of mine are not good-looking, they are all rare metals, and they are shorter than your stones... yo!"

Master Kenda originally wanted to say, "It's worth more than your stone," but he stopped and didn't say it.

"Your robot is very interesting." He sat next to Mugen and said suddenly.

Mugan tilted his head: "Actually, all robots are very interesting."

He pointed to Master Kenda's robot standing on the wall: "Your robot likes the red polka dot pattern!"

Red polka dots appear almost everywhere in Master Kenda's house. At first, Mugan thought it was Master Kenda's hobby, but later he found out that it was the hobby of Master Kenda's assistant robot.

"Huh?" Master Kenda was stunned.

Reaching his hand into the backpack again, Mugan took out two stones from it, the blue one was placed in Sigma's collection, and the golden one was placed in the robot z2093.

"I didn't find Mika, but I bought these two stones at the last market today as gifts for you. Don't you like small stones?"

Sigma immediately picked up the blue stone that Mogan had given him. After watching it from various angles for a long time under the light, Sigma's dim screen flashed a blue wavy line representing happiness: "It's very beautiful."

Robots are so easy to satisfy.

"This stone is also very... special." Robot z2093 hesitated, and picked up the stone in front of him.

"It's the Trenmeisu diamond? This thing is rare!" Master Kenda, who was drinking tea, raised his eyebrows.

Although he knew that this thing was invaluable, he was not interested in stones that could not be used in mechanical manufacturing: "The news said that today a gambling stone market sold two stones."

"Well, the big one is this one. This afternoon I went to the market with my classmates to open it." Morgan told the truth.

"... luck is really good." The teacup paused in the air, and Master Kenda said with a sense.

Mugen just shook his head: "If you are really lucky, you should find Mika."

Although this stone is rare and precious, it is not what his family needs. After walking through so many markets and still getting nothing, Mugen faintly knew that this year's Mika stock should have been exhausted, and he should not find Mika.

Without Mika, they could only use other methods to make Sigma and the others happy. Fortunately, Sigma liked the stone he gave him.

Looking intently at Sigma, who was looking at the stone, Mugan finally showed his first smile since entering the door.

He heard Sigma make a request to droid z2093: "Can I see your stone? In exchange, I'll allow you to see mine too."

"Okay." Robot z2093 agreed.

Then, the two robots carefully exchanged the stones they got.

After taking a closer look at the golden yellow diamond, Sigma returned it to the robot z2093, "It's beautiful, but I still like blue stones."

Then, he happily put away his collection.

The robot z2093 is still a bit stuck.

He learned from Sigma that he wanted to put the stones away, but he didn't have Sigma's folding storage space, there was only one place on the chain, and there was no place to hang new stones when the original stone was hung, so he could only put it as before. The stone was held tightly in his hand.

"Give me your stone and chain, and I'll set it up for you to make sure it won't hurt the stone." In the end, Master Kenda hilariously extended a helping hand.

Robot z2093 glanced at Mugan reflexively, and saw him nodding to himself, so he handed the thing to Master Kenda, and then—

"..." Master Kenda's smile suddenly settled on his face, he looked carefully at the stone of robot z2093, licked it again, and then Master Kenda, whose face changed greatly, took two stones and ran back to him. The studio, before Mugan and the others could react, he quickly ran out again.

"God! This stone is actually a piece of Mika!" Master Kenda said loudly, holding the stone in his hand!

"It's very dense! This rock decomposes enough Mika to make the cores of all robots! Oh my God! We've got what we're looking for..."

Master Kenda is very excited! However, Mugan interrupted his excitement with just one sentence—

"However, this is the stone of the robot z2093."

Mugan said only one sentence.

Master Kenda is rarely a little confused. Even if he admits that robots such as Sigma are interesting, and even if he knows that his assistant robot has his own aesthetics, he still thinks that robots are subordinates of humans. Like the chain of the robot z2093, Master Kenda can understand Mugan's idea of decorating his robot, but he doesn't think that the chain and the things on the chain belong to the robot itself.

He hadn't seen the robot z2093 just picked up by Sigma from the garbage disposal, and he hadn't heard the reason why the robot z2093 walked off the suspension car by itself.

However, Mugan could never forget the moment when the smelly robot z2093 stretched out its robotic arm towards him, revealing a stone.

"For this stone," he said.

In the silence of the Mugan family and the puzzlement of Master Kenda, the robot z2093 came over.

He took the stone from Master Kenda's hand and took a careful look. He held the stone in his palm and walked straight to Mugan.

Sitting across from Mugan, robot z2093 opened his tightly clenched fingers at him, revealing the colorful stone.

A familiar scene, but the conversation has changed.

"Here." Robot z2093 stretched out his palm towards Mugan.

"You...not because of this rock..." Mugan's mouth opened.

Robot z2093 nodded, then extended his hand towards Muggan again.

"I'm happy to use it for you."

"Happy" is a word the robot z2093 has just learned from Sigma.

"It's nice" not to be disassembled and resold;

"It's nice" to have a new owner;

"I'm glad" to get a stone from a new owner;


Even if he gave away the only stone he had, he was "very happy".

Mugen did not answer, and the robot z2093 remained in a stalemate in the posture of handing the stone.

"Thank you." Mugan finally failed to refuse such a gift.

Then the stone was put into a special solution by Kenda on the same day. The original colorful stone turned into a very crystal clear green after being soaked in the solution. Then Master Kenda put it into the furnace and six hours later , they got a very perfect green stone, this stone is actually bigger than the original volume, and softer, the softness is not like a stone at all.

The robot z2093 has been watching the changes of the stone. Watching it gradually reveal such a beautiful appearance in Master Kenda's hands, his gloom screen also became flickering.

"It really is the most beautiful." Turning his head sideways, the robot z2093 said to Sigma.

"Hmm." Sigma agreed with him.

When Master Kenda made the "heart" of the robot, Mugen and Sigma assembled the bodies of the robots together. The two sides were almost finished at the same time. The "heart" made of Fabia and Mika was very beautiful, with countless fine gold The thread is wrapped in a green "core", so small and delicate that it looks almost a work of art!

"Your hearts are so beautiful." Robot z2093 said.

Pretty was a word he had just learned.

"Your heart is also very beautiful." Master Kenda just heard this sentence, and he said, he pointed to the leftmost heart on the box where the heart was placed: "Fabia and Mika have spare parts. Yes, I made one for you too, and I'll replace it for you when the time comes."

The dim light screen flickered, and the robot z2093 stared at the heart carefully, motionless.

One day before leaving Pendra, Master Kenda and Mugan turned off all the energy of the robots. Their chips will leave their original carriers and be transferred to Master Kenda's newly created "cores", and until everything is tuned and they wake up again, the droids will look as if they're dead.

Mugan suddenly panicked.

He suddenly remembered the days on the deserted star a long, long time ago, the days when Alpha and other robots had not found him, his father left, and his stomach was very hungry.

He is the only one left in the world, and he can only talk to himself every day.

In a corner where Master Kenda didn't pay attention, Mugen secretly wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Then, he suddenly heard a "ding--" sound prompted by the computer. Mugen wiped his eyes and raised his head, only to see Alpha, who was lying on the table, sit up first.

The dim light screen flickered with a pattern that had never been seen before, and Alpha's head immediately turned to Mugen's direction.

"I remember a lot of things," he said.

"Muggan, you scored 99 on your second math test, and I can't remember it before." Like humans, the chips of robots will wear out, and the worn areas will cause their memory loss. Just when the contents of the hard drive were transferred , all the information has been copied to the new carrier, and the forgotten memories can be read out clearly. Alpha was talking about what happened during Mugan's second math test, probably because his body was damaged when he left Desolate Star, and Alpha couldn't remember the results of that test. I can't remember how I felt at the time.

Although it is a small matter, Alpha really cares.

So the tears that Muggan had just wiped could no longer be held back, and like a child, he used to hug Alpha tightly.

One by one, the robots sat up, and Mugan hugged them one by one.

Then, Mengmeng was the last to wake up—

"Mengmeng remembered, Olivia urinated on the bed once when she was eight." Mengmeng next to her also sat up with her small wings.

Mugan: 囧!

"Mengmeng still remembers that before Oli was born, Mengmeng talked to Mugen, and Olivia was named after Mugen."

Mugan: 囧! ! !

"The password for the next happy ball is 400056999888! Tweet!" Mengmeng continued.

So Mugan was completely worried: this is not a memory refill, but a memory disorder at all, right

Picking up Mengmeng's little wing and hugging it, Mugen hurriedly took it to Master Kenda for overhaul.