There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 192: A day at Robot Stone


Five years later

Starlight Calendar July 4, 399, sunny

At 8 in the morning, the robot stone woke up.

Uh... Actually, it's turned on. Not under the bed, not in the storage cabinet, he woke up on a chair, the one he used to turn off. Each of the robots in the family has their own positions that they like to turn off. Sigma likes his brother's bed, Uncle Alpha likes it next to the refrigerator, and Robot Stone chose a colorful chair.

He bought it with three months' pocket money.

Everyone in the family has pocket money, which is distributed uniformly by the parent Alpha. Although the amount is lower than the average salary of Bailuxing, you can buy anything you want as long as you save for a few months. The first month's pocket money of the robot stone was handed over to Mugan. Of course, Mugan quickly returned it to him. Then, under the leadership of Sigma, the two robots went to a well-known robot supply store in Bailuxing to buy one. A box of apple-flavored energy boosters.

Although the apple-flavored energy agent tasted very special, when he received pocket money the next month, the robot stone didn't dare to waste it like this. He secretly went to the iron shop to make a small piece of iron, and commissioned a blacksmith to write on it. A line of words: "My name is Robot Stone, if you find me, please hand me over to my master Mugan, address: Bailuxing..."

This text is all the wishes of the robot stone.

He once found this kind of iron plate on the neck of a pet called a dog on the side of the road. At first he thought it was a kind of return card, but once saw a lost puppy on the iron plate with his own eyes The information was returned to the owner under the guidance of the information, and he understood the difference between the two: one represents abandonment, and the other represents recall.

Iron is the cheapest metal, and even if the stone is cherished, the piece of iron still rusts every few months. Later, Muggan gave him an identical breastplate, but not made of iron, but made of iron. Metals that are more resistant to corrosion.

Stone cherishes the present life.

Along the way, he greeted politely and politely every human being he met, and the robot stone took a public hover car as usual to go to the other hemisphere of the distant White Dew Star to buy things explained by the robot little a. Since he takes the same bus at the same time almost every day, the driver of the hover car knows him.

"Hello, Mr. Yani."

"Hello, Stone."

Basically, all the people who got on the public suspension car with Shito were nanny robots who went out shopping. No way, nanny robots are not allowed to drive any means of transportation without leaving the owner. If they want to go far, they can only take Public transportation, uh... Of course, there are exceptions, such as the robot Beta, he never takes any transportation when he travels, he runs entirely, which is really economical.

Because he got on the bus early, Robot Stone was able to sit by the window. He likes this position because he can enjoy the scenery along the way. Although he has watched the same scenery for almost five years, Robot Stone still enjoys watching it every day. One store, one less store, which store has a new sign... He knows all about it. Under Sigma's demonstration, he also became interested in taking pictures, although his dim screen does not have the function of taking pictures (most nanny robots do not have the function of taking pictures, because the host family generally does not want privacy to be leaked), but Bought a very nice used camera with pocket money.

At the instigation of Sigma, Stone also participated in the White Dew Star photo contest in the names of Mugan and Olivia, respectively, and then Mugan won (Stone), while Olivia (Sigma) was eliminated. .

Sigma became more and more courageous, and then took the stone to participate in many competitions one after another. Mugan (Stone)'s results were getting better and better, and he even won an imperial photography competition, while Olivia ranked One of Sigma's best results was just the Excellence Award.

So, without my knowledge, the fact that Mr. Olivia, a popular figure in the rising military department of the empire, loves photography but lacks talent, has been secretly spread in a small circle. In fact, he is interested in poetry creation. , but it was rejected every time orz; and Mugan was labeled as versatile under the same circumstances. ← God knows, this child has no artistic talent at all -_-||| On the stone by the window, his metal case was baked warm, and the clouds drifted across the sky, leaving a faint shadow on him.

The years are quiet.

At this moment, the car suddenly came to a sudden stop!

This is a floating bus that travels around the planet! The average speed exceeds 600 kilometers per hour! The consequences of sudden braking at this speed can be imagined. Fortunately, all the passengers on this suspension car are robots. Fortunately, the robots have a good habit of wearing seat belts. In an instant, the airbags on the suspension car were all inflated, and all the people in the seats were wrapped by the airbags, avoiding all possible injuries very safely.

"There is a traffic accident ahead. Passengers, please don't panic. Injured passengers, please call police officers loudly. Passengers with minor circumstances should check themselves first, and then wait for the police to rescue them."

With the sound of the siren, the police took their place immediately, and not long after the police arrived, the ambulance also arrived. The position of the robot stone is easier to observe. He saw that the stretcher carried away one human being after another. The impact of the traffic accident ahead seemed to be a little serious.

However, Bai Luxing's police were very efficient. They quickly landed on the hover car that Shitou was riding, and found that almost all of the cars were robots. The police were obviously relieved. They first got the human driver out and confirmed him It was only after a bag on his head that he explained what had happened to him.

The two private suspension vehicles ran into the public suspension vehicle channel. A public suspension vehicle in front of the suspension vehicle the robots were riding in just collided with the two private suspension vehicles from two directions. The passengers, all human, suffered heavy casualties.

Since the hover vehicle where the stone was located did not receive any damage, they were quickly released, and the police dispatched another hover vehicle to take them to their original destination.

At the same time, in the universe 20,000 kilometers away from Bailu Xing, Mugan was working.

Continuing to serve in the army for a period of time, Mugan used his training to prepare for the civil service exam seriously, and a year later became a member of the imperial civil servant army.

Mugan is now an honorable grassroots air traffic commander!

The so-called air traffic commander, as the name suggests, is a person who directs traffic in the air, but the "air" here does not refer to the sky, but "space".

The traffic commander on Bailuxing belongs to local civil servants and is under the jurisdiction of the Bailuxing Local Armed Security and Public Safety Management Department, while the air traffic commander needs to go to space to drive the spacecraft to command traffic, and the commanded object covers all nearby planets, so it belongs to Imperial national civil servant, subordinate to the Hydrangea Galaxy Spaceport.

Uh, it doesn't sound like a big problem, but it's actually a bit subtle: the Bailuxing local armed security and public safety management department where the Daliang armed police is stationed is subordinate to the military department; , paying taxes... So it has always been the territory of the Government Council.

In a nutshell, the young Mugan suddenly changed from being a member of Marshal Rothsay to being a member of Mr. Cisse.

There is a qualitative difference in the direction of promotion in an instant!

The promotion process of the former is probably the road from "catching thieves, posting fines, and helping grandma drive a hover car over the air line" to "killing decisive military generals"; while the latter is from "catching thieves". , sticking a ticket, helping the grandmother to open a small traffic policeman to cross the air line" has evolved into the road of "the minister who holds the financial power of one party"~

Maybe become a diplomat too!

Scholars of later generations have studied Mugan's promotion path. Scholars generally believe that the three biggest turning points in his life were once when he resolutely joined the army in 393 of the Xingguang calendar, and the second time was this time: in 395 years of the Xingguang calendar, he passed the civil service examination, Mugan achieved a perfect change of identity and officially jumped from the military to the stage of the government.

There are many speculations about his mental journey, but for Muggan, this is just a small mistake caused by his wrong registration (← He was looking at the recruitment list of the neighbor on the next street, and this year's recruitment position name slightly happened change); and for robot Alpha, the biggest mistake he made in this mistake was: he got the wrong person to pay the bribe.


The buns that should have been handed over to the person in charge of the Hydrangea Galaxy Space Port were sent by him to the head of the local armed security and public safety management department in Bailuxing!

Getting the wrong object or something, wasting food or something... an unforgivable mistake—

Due to the wrong registration, Muggan's military membership bonus points are completely useless. Fortunately, his spaceship is well driven, his foreign language is quack, and his traffic law is especially perfect. Therefore, this position for which thousands of troops have applied for the test is just like this. Passed with full marks.

Xueba or something, it saves money!

There are a total of three new traffic commanders recruited in the same period. They joined the job on the same day and started training on the same day. However, so far only Muggan can take up this job completely independently, while the other two newcomers still need other seniors to continue to lead as deputy. a period of time.