There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 193: Go straight down


Morgan was driving a "traffic commander" series of mechas. The outer shell of the mecha was the unique blue and white of the spaceport. The mecha held a signal stick and wore a cold light deterrent on his waist.

Among the top ten mechas of the year, the "Traffic Commander" series of mechas is the only non-military model. Its force is not high, and it cannot satisfy the hobby of "killing the world" for mecha enthusiasts. However, The "Traffic Commander" series is really a gentleman. The whole mecha is slender, tall and elegant. This mecha is extremely popular with cubs, females, and middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, it is the king of high attack performance mechas. In the dominating rankings, the "Traffic Commander" series has firmly established itself as the top three.

Near the spaceport between planets, people can often see the figure of this beautiful blue and white mecha.

"Hello, please show your spaceship price qualification certificate and your pass." As usual, Mugan used a signal light to alert a spaceship approaching ahead, then flew to the vicinity of the other side, and stopped at the other side's 1000 meters or so. Outside the route, Muggan connected to the communication station of the other captain.

The other party agreed to Mugan's call request, and the bust of the young man with short black hair immediately appeared on the communication platform in front of the captain.

"Oh! It's Mugan! How did you come here? Ah... I know, you must have been promoted!" The gray-haired old captain obviously knew Mugen, and he chatted with Mugen very well. Heaven came, but he did not forget to show his ID.

Mugan just smiled, and then carefully checked the other party's various documents. The admission letter also contained the information of all passengers on the spacecraft. Mugan entered all the information into his receiver, and then raised his head: "Johnson Captain, please use a saliva detector." In order to ensure safe driving, various checks on the driver have never been interrupted.

"Okay, okay!" Captain Johnson quickly picked up a stick-shaped equipment and licked it. The data on his body was immediately transmitted to Muggan through the collector in the stick.

"Very well, the last time you drank was the day before yesterday. Mr. Johnson, your heart has improved recently. You can drink properly in your daily life, but you must drink in moderation." Muggan had a conversation with this man on the first day as a traffic commander. The old captain got to know each other, but the other party was drunk driving at that time and was locked up by Mugan. The old and strong Mr. Johnson is said to be a pirate from Liang, and his temper is very hot. He immediately fought with Mugan, and then...

Was beaten down by Mugan.


In the end, he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital by Mugan as quickly as possible. The doctor later told the old Johnson that if Mugan had not used the correct first aid method on him, he would have been reincarnated. After that, Old Johnson obediently paid the fine, but his wife sent Mugan a pennant and a tearful thank you letter. After that, he would check on Old Johnson almost once a week. Over time, the two of them Became good friends.

Mugan took him to see Mrs. Bayati once, and learned a lot of common sense about heart disease from Mrs. Bayati. Over time, Mugan could still see the old Johnson's condition from the report of the saliva test stick. Body index, remind him from time to time.

"There are quite a lot of passengers this time, please be sure to pay attention to driving safety!" This time, the old Johnson's boat was rarely full of passengers.

"That's needless to say!" Old Johnson grinned, then waved at him: "I can make more money this time, and I'll treat you to dinner when I come back!"

"That won't do."

"What's wrong, we are good friends!"

Mugan smiled and shook his head, then gave him a salute.

The communicator hung up, and the figures of both sides disappeared in front of the other.

For Mugan, this was just a very ordinary inspection, and he flew to the next inspection target—

However, while this inspection was in progress, he suddenly noticed that colorful signal lights flashed ahead to represent warnings, and countless "traffic commander" series mechas flew in one direction from all directions, and there were several others. The Taiwan police spaceship whizzed past Mugen!

Mugen glanced at his communication channel, but didn't see any news, but he instinctively sensed something was wrong. With his instinctive reaction, he ordered the spacecraft under inspection to stay in place. After another five minutes, two The police spaceships flew from the front, but this time they flew towards Mugan.

One of the spaceships immediately sent a communication request to Mugan, and the moment the communication was connected, Mugan heard a cold voice: "Traffic Commander No. 024 pilot Mugan, please cut off the contact with the mecha immediately, you are being arrested."


"... A few days ago, a major traffic accident occurred on the route of the Hydrangea Galaxy Space Port. A civilian spacecraft collided with the transport ship ahead, and the transport ship exploded on a small scale. The cockpit of the civilian spacecraft was destroyed in the explosion, and the driver died on the spot. Fortunately, the spacecraft None of the passengers on board were injured and the police now suspect that the cause of the accident was the driver's drunk driving. According to the police, the pilot of the civilian spacecraft at the time was Johnson Simpler, age... "

Muggan is now sitting in a pure white room with a TV, a light, three police officers and an entry clerk, but no one else.

"It's not drunk driving. I did Mr. Johnson's saliva test. The results above show that the last time he drank was the day before yesterday. The residual alcohol will not have any effect on driving." After reading the report carefully, Morgan only said In a word.

"Is that so?" The policeman sitting across from him raised an eyebrow on one side, and then played an audio on his portable brain: "Oh! It's Mugan! How did you come here? Ah... me I know, you must have been promoted!"

It's old Johnson's voice! Morgan immediately turned his eyes to the player.

"Captain Johnson, please use the saliva detector." The next voice was Mugan's own, a familiar conversation... Mugan immediately realized that this was the previous call record between the two.

"It's okay to drink properly in daily life, but you have to drink in moderation." It was still Mugan's voice.

"What's wrong, we are good friends!" Old Johnson's voice.

"There are really many passengers this time." It was Mugan's voice.

"I can make more money this time, and I will invite you to dinner when I come back!"

The audio ends with this quote from old Johnson, and that's it.

The dialogue is very simple, and it is true that the voices of both parties are correct, but there are some words missing, and there are some subtle changes in the order, but these changes are enough to make everyone who hears this audio misunderstood: "We extracted Your conversation with Johnson Simpler also found Johnson Simpler's saliva analysis in your management records, which shows that he cited alcohol while driving, there is good evidence that you have a relationship with Johnson Simpler is a friend, and you are suspected of accepting bribes from Johnson Simpler."

"Now, do you have anything to say?" The policeman turned off the audio and calmly looked up at the black-haired youth opposite.

"I ask the police to completely block the mech I'm driving, block all my personal belongings in the spaceport, and immediately notify a robot named Alpha of my trial that I'm on trial, and at the same time protect my family from the news of my arrest, Finally, I ask the police to have a doctor available when the Johnson family is notified."

"Oh?" The policeman raised his eyebrows.

"Johnson's wife also has a heart attack. I'm worried that she will be too sad to hear the news of old Johnson's death." Mugan said, his dark eyes fixed on the policeman opposite.

For a moment, the policeman suddenly felt that "the other party is not a criminal suspect at all". Not knowing what happened, he agreed to Mugan's request.


The news that Muggan, due to lax regulations, indirectly caused a terrible accident, still leaked out.

Although only one person died in this accident, the transport ship that collided with him was transporting a terrible gas. Due to the gas leakage caused by the accident, the entire Hydrangea Spaceport was blocked, and it was relatively close to the accident point. Residents have so far been thrown in queues to go to the hospital for treatment.

The two names mentioned in the report: Johnson Simpler and Mugan became popular searches for a while, while Mugan, who lived on White Dew, was more easily searched by the public. When he was at home, the door of Mugan's house was already full of garbage. Throwing all kinds of filthy objects on people he hated has been a means of venting for human beings since ancient times.

When the police arrived, the matter of throwing garbage had come to an end. The owners of Aidori Commercial Street and the righteous people who threw the garbage had a fierce dispute over the garbage disposal. The original verbal dispute quickly turned into a physical attack. Aidori's senior team won the final victory with absolute strength, uh... Both sides were arrested by the police.

Now the entire Aidori commercial street has been under martial law by the police, with only a few robots smashing and sweeping the garbage. Maybe someone had thrown trash at them before, and the robots looked dirty.

"Is there a robot named Alpha in Mugan's house?" The police led by him asked a random robot.

"Hello sir, yes." A robot with a banana peel hanging on its chest replied politely. The police noticed that under the cover of the banana peel, there seemed to be an iron plate and a yellow stone.

The robot named Alpha quickly rushed over from the next street with a broom. It looked like an ordinary babysitter robot when it was cleaning. Who would have thought that it would look like this when it stood up. If it wasn't for the wrong position, the policeman Almost exclaimed: what a handsome military robot!

Nowadays, many military enthusiasts like to replace the nanny robot with a shell that resembles a military robot. The police have seen many, and he himself has one, but none of them look more real than this one!

Although this robot is holding a broom in its left hand and a garbage bag in its right, with a piece of dried egg liquid on its body and even half an egg shell hanging on it, he looks extremely majestic!

He was shocked by the robot named Alpha, but the policeman did not forget the purpose of coming. He told him the news of Mugan's trial, and then asked if there were any relatives or elders in the Mugan family.

Alpha eventually provided Olivia's name and number.

"Excuse me, can we visit Mugan?" Alpha asked.

"Human relatives can, but robots can't." However, this request was justly rejected.

"... How many people are there in Mugan's place? Will it be cold? Can you guarantee three meals a day? How long will it be?" Alpha then asked another question.

The policeman in front of him was bewildered by these questions.

It sounds normal, but it's so normal that it doesn't look like a robot would ask.

This robot is very nice! It is said that the robot that convinces the prisoners will be deprived, and then maybe they can participate in the bidding to buy it back~

After thinking about it in my heart, I said a few words to the Alpha robot, and the police hurriedly took the person away.

Leaving Alpha standing in place with a broom and garbage in one hand.

Standing quietly for a while watching the direction the police car left, he cleaned the ground again.