There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 194: Hydrangea event


Starlight Calendar 399 Years

This year is destined to be an uneasy year.

According to the operation procedure, when the police notified Muggan's family, they also notified Johnson Simpler's wife, Mrs. Mary, of the incident. After hearing the news of her husband's death, Mrs. Mary, who had a bad heart, suddenly fell ill. Fortunately, before arriving, the police followed Mugan's advice and brought a doctor, otherwise Mrs. Mary would have died on the spot.

Johnson Simpler's home is located on a sparsely populated satellite planet of White Dew Star. It is an ordinary family of three. Now that the old Johnson is dead and his wife Mary is seriously ill in a coma, the police have to inform the old Johnson's son Sandras, who is an intern in the army. Unlike his enthusiastic father, Sandras is an unusually reticent young man with blond hair. Blue-eyed and thin, he looked more like his sickly mother than his father. Old Johnson used his salary for driving the space hover vehicle to support the young man to go to the military academy, but the young man's studies were not outstanding, and he was not close to anyone, including his family. He likes to tinker with weird things more than his major, and everyone who knows him thinks it's a weirdo.

However, it was such a young man who violently attacked the police on the spot after the police informed him of his father's death and his mother's serious illness. Just settled down.

"Don't worry, young man, I'm Bayati who saw your father, and I'll take care of your mother during this time." He met Mrs. Bayati in the ward.

Mrs. Mary is not a prisoner, so the police have no way to restrict her personal freedom. Mrs. Bayati is naturally not as hot-tempered as other neighbors. Therefore, except for the minors such as Xiao Tao, she is the only one on the Aidori Commercial Street. adults not in custody.

Mrs. Bayatti had an innate air of reassurance.

She was never in a hurry. The Muggan family had an accident, and the neighbors of Aidori Commercial Street entered the bureau together. She first released the neighbors on bail, gave them a pair of antihypertensive drugs, and then found Mrs. Mary on her own. The hospital where she lived showed Mrs. Mary's case and medical records to the hospital, but she didn't know what else she did. In short, by the time Sandras arrived, she was already sitting peacefully at the head of Mrs. Mary's bed.

"I know that your father's illness is thanks to you." After hearing Mrs. Bayati reveal her identity, the young man who had been silent for a long time finally said the first sentence.

Then he was caught without his hands and followed the police back for trial.

After answering some questions about his father, he didn't say a word for the next time. If there was no other way, the police could only temporarily detain him for a few days on the charge of violent assaulting a police officer.

The two young men involved in the case, Muggan and Sandras, were held in two different holding rooms, but they chose to remain silent.

Olivia's support appeared at this time.

Developing a new star field is the fastest way to accumulate military merit today. This young man who has won all the favor of Marshal Rothsay has been promoted at an unimaginable speed in just five years. After the completion of the latest task, his shoulder finally appeared. A faint star appeared - he was already a brigadier general.

In the imperial bureaucracy, becoming a brigadier general means that the person has officially entered the system of high-ranking imperial officials, and they and their families will enjoy a series of privileges.

Since the task has not yet been completed, Olivia can't leave yet, but he has sent his subordinate Vogel, who is best at dealing with such things, to come instead of him.

The robot Alpha just gave Olivia's name and contact information, not even a surname, and the contact information is only the communication code used by the family. The police who received this note just made a random call and sent Having said this, he was completely unaware of who he was talking to. So much so that when Warger, who was wearing the uniform of the lieutenant colonel, appeared at his door with a smile, the little policeman with a low position was frightened to death.

Remember Olivia's former contender Vogue? The one who feeds the big horn every day and eventually becomes the president of the Olivia fan club? Now he is a lieutenant colonel, specializing in the image building and publicity work of the army, and is currently Olivia's effective subordinate.

After the incident, it was a very strange thing that Mugan was taken into custody at such a rapid rate. It must be involved in some people taking advantage of certain privileges; Vogue also used the same method, and Mugan was arrested on the same day. Vogel was released from custody in the name of "the high-ranking official's fiancee has certain criminal immunity" and returned home temporarily, and Sandras in the next cell was also released on bail by him.

Aidori Commercial Street was also surrounded by the personal escort he dispatched Olivia, and the grocery shopping tasks of Robot A and Stone were claimed by them with a smile.

"It's not Old Johnson's fault, and he didn't neglect his duty." Mugan always thought so, but when others forced the charges on himself and Old Johnson, he had the ability to resist. nothing.

One night in the fourth year of entering the society, the young Mugen was silent for a night.

A matter that had already been finalized has undergone a qualitative change after Olivia intervened!

On the night Mugan went home, a video appeared on the Internet, which was the video that Mugan tested the old Johnson. The person who uploaded the video also made a detailed comparison between the video and the audio of the police taking Muggan as criminal evidence. It is obvious which piece of evidence is more reliable!

Next, the details of the bribes accepted by the person in charge of the Hydrangea Galaxy Space Port in a certain year were leaked on the Internet. The names of the two newcomers who were admitted to the civil service in the same class as Mugen were listed! Bribery events, locations, items... all clear!

Things are completely out of the control of Hydrangea Spaceport.

The third video was released on the third day, at the same time as the previous two videos. It has to be said that this method of regularly and fixed-point release of proof videos quickly mobilized the enthusiasm of the people for chasing dramas. For a time, the video with the highest on-demand rate in the empire was the video of the Hydrangea incident.

The third video is another law enforcement video, the same young traffic commander as Mugan, but the law enforcement method is completely different from Mugan. Facing the familiar transport cabin driver, he just did the roughest inspection, and then Just let the other party go.

It was because of this negligence that the surface of the cabin of this transport compartment fell off.

The fourth video was finally released.

It didn't wait until the fourth day to broadcast at the same time, and the last video was released that night.

It was a video from the perspective of the old Johnson's cockpit. This is a first-hand video without any editing. It can be seen from the video that the old Johnson was driving in full accordance with the rules. After the conversation with Mugan, he started whistling. It was an old song and he played it so well! If he was a few decades younger, he could almost participate in the rookie selection contest held by the TV station! Aside from humming, the only thing that wasn't related to driving was one thing.

There is a photo frame next to the driver's seat, which is a family photo. During the drive, Old Johnson picked up the photo frame and looked at it once, and then put it down.

The accident happened at this time.

The glass in the cockpit suddenly shattered, and the sound was very low, but it was still recorded by good camera equipment. It was the transport cabin in front. Without strict inspection, a part of the transport cabin fell off and smashed through Old Johnson's cockpit glass, which happened to hit Old Johnson's chest!

Even more frightening is that this is space, and the cockpit quickly becomes a vacuum!

People couldn't see Old Johnson's expression, only his back. He didn't do anything to his wounds, and he still insisted on driving—

Only then did people think that old Johnson was a pilot, and there were 103 passengers on the spaceship behind him!

Between the injured himself and all the passengers, the old Johnson chose the latter.

He was driving meticulously according to the family rules, but the transport cabin in front suddenly stopped, and the spaceship was about to collide with the transport cabin. He threw the boat out of the way!

In this way, the passengers are safe, and his own cockpit inevitably collides with the rear of the transport cabin—

As soon as this video came out, all the people watching the video were silent first, and then Xingwang exploded!

Old Johnson, who they think is the culprit, is not a criminal at all but a hero!

Sacrificing himself to save the other 103 passengers, and still sticking to his professional duty until the last moment of his life, he is a real hero!

Who is the real culprit? A negligent traffic commander? Is it the hydrangea spaceport administrator who accepted the bribe? Yes…

This thing ended up being quite a riot!

Several high-ranking officials of the spaceport were fired for investigation, the traffic commander who really neglected his duties was punished criminally, the old Johnson was awarded a hero, and Mrs. Mary received free government treatment. The people who went to Aidori Commercial Street to throw rubbish were also ashamed. These days, there are always people picking up rubbish secretly near the commercial street.

Old Johnson's funeral was very grand. Many people spontaneously came to this remote planet from their respective planets to present a bouquet of flowers for Old Johnson.

Old Johnson's graveyard became a sea of flowers.

However, when people are gone, they are gone. No matter how grand the funeral is, it cannot replace the lost relatives.

After the media and worshippers left, only Sandras and Mugan were left in this flowery cemetery.

"Sonny (Sandras' nickname, old Johnson called his son)..." Not knowing what to say, Mugan finally called Sandras by his nickname.

Sandras then took a box out of nowhere and handed it to Morgan.

"Look." He shoved the thing to Mugan.

Mugan's eyes widened suddenly after recognizing what the thing was—

This thing is a bomb!

"It's not an ordinary bomb. A box of this size can blow up the entire Hydrangea Spaceport." Sandras said lightly, as if it was just a trivial matter.

"Could it be that you want to..." Mugan had a guess in his heart.

Sandras nodded.

"Although that old man can drink, he started to reduce his drinking after his mother got sick, and even abstained from drinking one day before departure. What he promised, he will definitely do. Those people wronged him, if in the end There's really no way, I'll blow this place up."

"what about now?"

"This is useless now, here it is for you." Sandras said indifferently.

"Um..." Nodding, just when Mugen wanted to accept this dangerous gift, the box in his hand was suddenly taken away by a big hand.

"This thing, let me keep it." Familiar voice, familiar breath, Mugen raised his head, and then fell into Olivia's golden eyes.

With golden eyes and golden earrings complementing each other, Mugen became a little dull for a while.

"Muggan, happy birthday." Olivia smiled, and then twittered lightly on his cheek.

Olivia's lips were cold, but Mugan's cheeks became hot after falling.

Sandras squatted on the ground and stared blankly at the two outstanding youths staring at each other. He looked at Mugan, and finally his eyes stopped on Olivia.

This year, Sandras officially joined Olivia's battle fleet after his internship and became an ordinary soldier.

In the same year of another history, Sandras, whose father was wronged, bombed the Hydrangea Spaceport after the death of his mother, and his whereabouts are unknown since then, and he eventually became a famous anti-human terrorist in history.

The author has something to say: In fact, this case is very simple

Sumeg is not so bold

nothing to do with him

In fact, the person who really wants to write about this incident may be Sandras, with a kind of historical inevitability. In the previous history, this humble boy eventually became a terrorist and here, he became a soldier in the Empire, although his father Died, but the mother is still alive and Mugan will change after this event.

Ollie has grown up, has ambitions and a clear plan since he was a child, and he is now walking very smoothly on his plan.

Mugan, on the other hand, is actually a little self-willed because of his family's favor. Although he is a good boy, Alpha and Ollie are both responsible for this.

And after this incident, Mugan will start to grow up.

Of course, this incident stopped not only Sandras, but also the robots.

History has tried countless times to make things the same as before, but there is always a hand that pulls it back.

After history has been straight for a while, it has turned again.

ps This incident is actually an example.

My uncle passed away a few years ago. He was involved in a series of car accidents. In fact, he was just helping a friend. He shouldn't have gone to that place, but his friend asked him to go with him. Fog, car accidents often happen, my uncle called him at the time to ask him not to go, or to take a detour, but he went anyway, and then he encountered a series of car accidents. My uncle happened to be driving at the time. The moment a private car hit the butt of a truck in front of me, my uncle turned the steering wheel and hit it himself, but everyone else survived because of their location.

Maybe the people in the car with him have forgotten about this

But our family will always remember.

ps of ps Qiushui Yirenjun and cicijun can get your cucumber and meat muffins from Zhezhe and Horseshoe Shuangai Lemon.