There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 197: log


Sissyri and the Mugan family had a very cordial conversation. The conversation was very pleasant, and when he finally left, he really got a gift bag of life fruit tea from Mugan, while Plunkuli got a bucket full of walnut oil and a big bag of Mugan's special thumb biscuits— Although it's a bit slower, Pullencourt has also started to lose hair recently, and his teeth are a little itchy, but they are worms.

"It would be great if Pullencourt could turn into a human form earlier. He said he wanted to come to Dizong to go to school." Watching the car carrying Mr. Cisse and Pullencouli leave, Mugan sighed.

On the other side, Pullencourt also tweeted.

Mr. Cisse has never revealed the age of Pullencourt, so no one knows that the gray chirping is actually the same age as Olivia. He is the best of the group of Cantasli ancestry nurtured by Cissesli himself. Proncouli's paternal gene comes from a duke, the duke is the blood brother of His Majesty Louis I, although the blood is still a little bit. It is far away, but it is the most precious bloodline that can be found in Sissyri.

The level of development of Pullencourt is not bad among the cubs raised by Cissusli, but it is a little dull compared with the wild cub of Olivia.

While the other Mao Chiu was changing teeth, that little Chiu started courting—thinking of this, Cissusili suddenly wanted to laugh.

But still very sincere.

Tough, confident, ambitious, knows what he wants from the beginning... At his age, no one can do better than Olivia, and every time he sees him, "Fate" will appear in Cissesli's heart "this phrase.

"Pulmguli, you like Olivia and Mugan, right?" With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he gently touched Gray Maojiu's head.

"啾~"~(≧▽≦)/~ Pullen Guli chirped happily.

"Olivia is not suitable for you, but Mugan is fine. I will allow you to visit Mugan once a month in the future."

"Tweet? Tweet!!!" Really? Then I'll bring Mugan's leaf tea to Mr. Cisse! Pullencourt noticed very carefully that Cissesley liked Mugan's fruit tea very much.

"Okay, then you have to bring your good things over there too." The corners of his mouth were even more curved, and Cissusli rubbed Plunkuli's big head vigorously.


People seem to remember the ugly more deeply than the good things.

Anything that is defined as an event ends up in people's minds is often the bad side of the event. Those shady and unpleasant things often spread wantonly through various channels. On the contrary, many beautiful things But often it takes people as the driving force to make progress.

But the hydrangea incident has become an exception.

Although the beginning of this incident was very disgraceful, after the four videos were played, all the people involved in the incident, except for the honorably dead old Johnson, were picked up by the people who showed their abilities. A lot of dishonorable things have been revealed to the world, however, there is an exception—

That exception is Mugan Youth.

Graduated from the Empire's top-notch family - Imperial College!

When I was in school, my grades were all excellent (the cooking grades were not very good, the people reflexively thought it was an elective course -_-|||), and she was still a class cadre!

In the first grade, he won the military medal!

After graduating, he joined the army, and he even had the rank of second lieutenant!

Later, people took the civil service exam, and they passed all the civil service exams with full marks without giving gifts. This... IQ is great!

Young, young, there, for, ah!

What's more, this young and promising young man looks very good~ There have been too many videos of the hydrangea incident, and Mugen's image is also among them. In the video, Mugen has black hair and black eyes, a kind smile, a nice voice, and broad shoulders. Narrow hips and long legs, just a little short, but this is so petite and cute (~(≧▽≦)/~)

Although keen to dig out the darkness, human instinct will still advocate the light.

The impact of the hydrangea incident is really bad. From the perspective of the State Council, even if it is the hydrangea spaceport of the people involved, they urgently need a positive thing to dilute the bad impact of the incident. Mugan's various pursuits were acquiesced.

The Hydrangea Spaceport was completely notorious during the incident, with countless people throwing rotten eggs (virtual da) on its official website every day, until someone found a section on the official website called "Traffic Commander's Log" plate.

This section has been written by Mugan since it started three years ago.

Writing an official journal is a thankless job. Usually no one reads it, not the people, nor the leaders. Most of the traffic commanders have been assigned, and most of them dealt with it until they arrived at Muggan.

He is actually writing this diary.

What happened every day, what interesting things happened between colleagues, and what was the situation of the space route in the next few days... He would even recommend some Bailuxing's special snacks in the log, accompanied by photos.

Every day's log is full of sincerity.

It's not difficult to do such a small thing once, or two or three times. What's difficult is that Mugan has done it for three years. Since he was assigned this errand three years ago, he has persevered. Besides, he also wrote very interesting ( Mugan Youth's composition score is also A+!)

Words are the best means of communication between people. A person's character and three views will be revealed from ordinary writing. Many people just read Mugen's diary with the intention of digging inside. They became fascinated by it, and they became more and more aware of the work of the Hydrangea Spaceport and the work of ordinary traffic commanders.

Due to the existence of Mugen, the Hydrangea Spaceport, which was destined to be notorious, unexpectedly kept its last reputation, and it was unprecedented to be able to overwhelm the negative impact of the entire unit with the positive image power of one person.

As a result, it was originally supported by Lord Nashkir, and later received the acquiescence of Lord Nashkir's opponents. It was at this time that Mugan was pushed onto the stage as a positive idol of the Council of State.