There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 198: Olivia's love letter


400 years of the astral calendar

After five years of life as a low-level civil servant, Muggan was finally promoted: he became a member of the daily work supervision team of the traffic commander, and a member of the Secretariat of the Supreme Chief Executive of the Hydrangea Spaceport, responsible for traffic management to business organization, Data analysis and related document writing.

This is also the advice Mr. Cisse gave him. At his age, becoming the secretary of a big man is the best way to understand the daily operations of relevant institutions. At the same time, this position can also contact many relevant people who are impossible to contact at this level in advance. , so that he can organize his future network of relationships.

It is worth mentioning that this post was originally full, but after the Hydrangea Incident, three senior secretaries dismounted, and the vacancy was vacated. Two of these three positions are appointed by senior managers dispatched by the Imperial Spaceport Administration, while the other is selected from among the on-the-job young employees of the Hydrangea Spaceport. Since the selection method is an exam, Muggan has no big surprises with all full marks. passed the selection.

As the youngest of the five secretaries, Mugan's job is the least important and the most trivial, but as Mr. Cisse said - "there is no unimportant job", Mugan's boring information In the process of sorting, I learned about the various information of the spaceport with the fastest speed.

The influence of the Hydrangea incident has passed, and now there are two hottest news: one is related to Ollie, the new star field where Mugen experienced the development process a few years ago - the "worm" in the Haida star field has been cleaned up After all, this kind of creature that can live in the cosmic environment has evolved more and more powerfully during the cleaning process. The research institute has upgraded its weapons five times before it is enough to deal with this terrible space creature, but strange creatures and star fields are dangerous. , however, brought new vitality to the long-quiet empire. The soldiers who participated in the development of Nova Field have accumulated a lot of military exploits during this period, and the most prominent of them is a young officer named Olivia Augustus. His promotion speed is too fast! At a time when most of his peers were still struggling to climb the captaincy stage, in just six years, his rank was promoted from major to brigadier general! In addition, he also owns three planets named by him in the new star field!

According to the provisions of the general rules for the development of the new star field, in the early stage of the development of the new star field, the average person cannot own the planet he discovered, but can only have one ten thousandth of the production income of the planet in the future, and this is Olivia O. Gusdu's young brigadier general was rewarded with three planets and three ore stars under this circumstance, which means that he must have made a contribution that matched the reward! This kind of credit cannot be reflected in the rank, but can only be done through material rewards.

Young, handsome, rich, and powerful, the race is still pure-blooded Kantas! For a time, the young officer became the darling of the empire.

On the way to work, Mugan can often see Olivia's life-size poster!

When he first saw it, Mugan was shocked. He thought that Ollie's lyrics were successfully submitted, and he changed his career as an artist~

It was only later that I learned that those were pirated copies. The Imperial Military Department seriously investigated the illegal traders who violated the portrait rights of the Imperial soldiers. Finally, the Military Department uniformly photographed and printed Olivia’s posters and other promotional materials. Olivia also took the opportunity to realize it. Fulfilling his dream, he published the rejected poems he accumulated over the years. This collection of poems titled "Olivia's Love Poems" eventually sold well, but Mugan and Sigma agreed that the reason for the big sale was the collection of poems. The photo of Olivia’s life on the inner page (囧), in short, Olivia finally sent a box of sample books back triumphantly (← he also signed orz for each book seriously), and finally, these signed books were Uncle Alpha was sold as a gift for buying buns (囧rz).

There was also a small episode during the period: before the book was published, Olivia once sent the manuscript of the poetry collection to Mugan, shyly expressing that she hoped that Mugen would "take a look", and Mugen really read it three times seriously, In the end, he circled a few typos and punctuation that he thought were wrong and sent the manuscript back to Olivia.

During this time, Mugan wrote and revised various documents every day, and was quite sensitive to the accuracy of the text.


Then there is no then orz.

Another popular search information is related to Pendra, the city of machinery.

After the hydrangea incident, the public's awareness of traffic safety suddenly increased. A media conducted a detailed investigation and analysis of various traffic accidents in recent years. It was found that a considerable number of accidents were caused by human drivers relying too much on intelligence. Without the assistance of the brain, quite a few human drivers are simply unable to perform the driving task!

Since then, there has been a big debate on the Star Network about whether to open up the driving rights of robots and increase the requirements of the driver's license test. As more and more people participate in the discussion, more and more traffic accidents are displayed on the public platform. Some people come up with examples to prove that they have been exposed to terrible traffic accidents caused by mental failure before, and then the direction of the discussion is It suddenly becomes which model is safer. As the largest exporter of mechanical products, Pandra has inevitably been mentioned many times. Later, someone suddenly found that the models with accidents seemed to be really concentrated, and then launched After a round of investigation, the search hotspot suddenly became Pandra!

This report eventually led to Pandra's mass recall of the products in question, and numerous mechanical products were destroyed in this recall.

Then, an event that shocked the empire happened: during a centralized destruction process, a robot suddenly attacked the staff member who was carrying out the destruction work, and the staff member died on the spot! Without waiting for the relevant departments to react, Pandra's military and government systems were completely controlled.

The humans stationed in Pendra began to flee one after another, but they soon found desperately that the brain system of the spaceship they used to escape was also under control!

In just one day, Pendra completely lost contact with the Empire.

On this day, the starry sky outside the atmosphere of Ifadia, the imperial capital, was suddenly torn apart, and hundreds of battleships like death gods came out from there, quickly surrounding Ifadia.

This was the first encounter between the people of the empire and the "alien intelligent creatures" after Louis I unified the empire, and the scene was quite unfriendly.

It was also on this day that the Star Domain Network that the Empire had built up over thousands of years was shut down, and the empire's galaxies and galaxies, and between stars and stars, completely lost contact.

Bai Luxing's network was probably the first to crash. Mugen was entertaining Professor Mulansha at home when he suddenly received a communication request from Olivia. Mugen was a little surprised, because Olivier is usually at this time. Ya won't contact the family, he picked up the phone, and then heard Olivia say in an unprecedented anxious tone: "Quickly let the robot at home cut off the Internet connection—"

He heard only one sentence, and then the communication was cut off.

Without any hesitation, Mugan quickly notified the robot at home to do as Olivia said, and then ran to the street to notify the surrounding neighbors. Only the robot stone just went out to buy vegetables at this time, and Mugan could not do it anyway. Contact him.

Forcefully suppressing his unease, Mugan ran to the street outside and began to notify the neighbors in Aidori Commercial Street one by one.

Mugan had no idea why Ollie asked him to do this, but he faithfully carried out everything he asked himself to do.

After notifying the last neighbor on the Aidori Commercial Street, Morgan remembered to take a look at the communicator he had just used to talk to Ollie, and was surprised to find that the full signal on the communicator had disappeared without a trace. .

Then, he heard a loud crash—

Running out quickly following the sound, Mugen saw a terrifying sight: the signal light failed, and three high-speed suspension cars collided! After a few cars, there are still vehicles coming towards the accident vehicle...

Gritting his teeth, Morgan ran home, driving the "traffic commander" who was staying in the backyard, and using the signal stick in his hand, instead of the signal lights, began to guide the surrounding vehicles to stop driving. The supporting police vehicles arrived in the evening, and by the time they arrived, Muggan had been in command for nine hours.

According to statistics, a total of 241 car accidents occurred on Bailu Star on this day, and 21 major accidents occurred in the extra-star Hydrangea Spaceport. Nineteen people were rescued from the car accident on the planet, and No one survived the accident at the spaceport.

Since Bailuxing was an academy star, a considerable number of the dead were students, and one of the wrecked spaceships was even full of students from the Imperial Comprehensive College going out for internships!

The cause of the accident was the sudden shutdown of the galaxy management system controlled by the intellectual brain.

This is a terrible catastrophe, and this catastrophe is only the beginning—

After the signal failure of the communication equipment, the people on Bailu Xing who were waiting for rescue in panic suddenly found that the electricity was gone, the city traffic was completely paralyzed, and all signal transmission methods were ineffective.

Bailuxing, who thought it was very small before, suddenly became huge, and lost contact and transportation methods. Humans found it difficult to get home.

In the corner at the other end of Bailuxing, the robot stone crawled out of the ruins with a vegetable basket. Like the humans who left home before the accident, he was isolated on the far side of the planet.

Unlike humans, however, all the robots were pulled centrally to another place.

In the face of the police walking around him, he handed out the small metal plaque on his chest countless times, but he was always ignored.