There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 199: Mugan Youth in action


On the first day of the accident, the streets were full of suspended vehicles. The accident mainly occurred at the moment when the system was disconnected. After that, no one dared to drive. The deceased was sent to rest in peace, and the injured were sent to the hospital. There are still many accident wrecks on the road to be dealt with. The little policeman in charge of this area is obviously inexperienced. Seeing Mugan is like seeing a life-saving straw. Although Mugan said several times that he has no experience in dealing with ground traffic problems, he was eventually arrested. They stayed on to direct the aftermath of the accident.

No way, Mugan youth is now a celebrity of Bailuxing! The kind that people can recognize when they go out to buy a dish. Especially now that the government affairs of the Hydrangea Spaceport are quite transparent, everyone knows that Morgan became the Secretary of the Chief Executive of the Spaceport. In the hearts of ordinary people, this position is quite powerful.

Although Mugan feels that he is still very "basic", everyone who has seen him doesn't think so. They will think that Bai Luxing has not been abandoned and that life is still very hopeful, so in Mugan I don't understand the reason at all. In this case, the people nearby took a reassurance.

I have to say that during this period of time, the Government Council's plan to cultivate Mugan as a new generation of Government Council idols has actually been quite successful. At least everyone who sees Mugan can immediately think of the Government Council.

Morgan:  ̄▽ ̄

God knows, Muggan was just on vacation, so he couldn't go to work at the spaceport 5 light-years away from White Dew Star. The military department is stationed on the satellite planet of Bailuxing, while the office system of the Government Council is selected in the Hydrangea Spaceport. Now the system is a section, people on Bailuxing can't get out, and people outside don't know that they can't get by. Today's Bailu The stars are really a bunch of old and weak.

The location of Bai Luxing is very remote, just like the ancient earth university towns are generally thrown into the backcountry, the location of Bailuxing is actually the backcountry of the empire, but since the empire listed it as the site of five large-scale top colleges, Bailuxing only has a special place in the empire.

It is precisely because of Bai Luxing's remoteness that young people are generally reluctant to come and work, so 80% of the population living in Bai Luxing are students, and the rest are either scholars or shopkeepers with their own craftsmanship. , and the other is the public officials who are assigned here (they are all low-level grassroots personnel, and those with slightly higher positions must go to the affiliated planet to work). The average age of Bailuxing’s population is quite young.

However, aside from the title of academy star, Bailuxing itself is actually a very barren planet. There are no rich minerals, no fertile land, and the location is remote. If you think about it carefully, it is really difficult for Bailuxing to support herself except for the work assigned by the government.

I briefly introduced the poor background of Ah Bai (← Bai Luxing), everyone can imagine how pitiful Bai Luxing on the edge of the empire is after losing the system.

"However, it's much better than our life when we were in Desolate Star." Mugen was not discouraged, and touched Sigma next to him: "Stone will be fine, he doesn't like Lianxingwang the least."

For the stone that did not go home, Mugan could only comfort himself like this now.

Now that the system is disconnected, the flight routes are disordered, and the spaceships and battleships outside are too busy to take care of themselves. rescue, this is always a worry.

Fortunately, Aidori Commercial Street had just purchased the goods once before, and their food reserves were sufficient. Mugan met with his neighbors and decided to maintain the original price, but stipulated the share and frequency of each purchase. In any case, it is necessary to stabilize first. Once prices are in chaos, people's hearts will easily become confused, and it will be difficult to control what unexpected things will happen in this situation.

Mugen then went to Imperial College, uh... with his own steamed buns and pastries from Boss Tony's house, he first visited Mr. Dean, and then took the Dean and brought the Dean's special cookies They went to visit Professor Mulansha. In the end, Professor Mulansha's life fruit tea was added to their afternoon tea list. Mugen followed behind a group of professors and knocked on Dean Aude's door.

They enjoyed an afternoon tea happily.

Mugan also explained his purpose: he hoped that during this time, Dean Ord could let the students add a practical course.

"We currently lack energy, food, and means of communication... But I think the most learned people in the entire empire are in our academy. These problems can be solved. Even if they can't be solved completely due to resources, they can at least alleviate the possibility of future occurrences. Therefore, I need your help from Dean Aude." As Mugen said, he found that the teacup in front of Dean Aude was empty, and he immediately brewed another pot of tea.

"Well, I think this is feasible. The Department of Life Breeding involves the breeding of many species, not only endangered species, but also food. I can arrange for students to conduct practical classes in advance." Dean Aude did not speak. Professor Mulansha took the initiative to show her strength. Now she is not only the head of the Department of Life Breeding, but also one of the vice presidents of the Imperial College.

"Although there are not many students in our cuisine department, we can also go to the cafeteria to help with cooking. In the future, the students will work hard, so we need to make them eat better~" The smiling head of the department only had a stronger sense of presence when he spoke.

Mugen looked at Dean Aude with bright eyes, Dean Aude tilted his head and took another sip of tea.

"no problem."

"That's great! Thank you so much!" Mugen smiled, and then he ate all the food together with several teachers. Mugen then left the Imperial College, and from time to time there were schoolmates who recognized him on the way. , Mugan greeted everyone with a smile. While saying hello, he also revealed some of Bai Luxing's current situation to them, and then welcomed them to do their best when allowed.

It is said that in the afternoon, some student leaders took the lead in calling on all students to contribute to Bai Luxing's future.

The students are happy, and the arrangement of the hospital seems to be going with the flow. Next, with the Imperial College as the center, the food problem in the area radiated by it has been solved. It is said that the School of Mechanical Engineering is now studying ancient telephone equipment. Line erection problem, if the materials are sufficient, they will be able to popularize telephony soon.

There is enough food, and several families can share a phone. Each family has a phone number from Mugan's house. If there is any news or arrangement on Mugan's side, he will notify everyone in time. Before you know it, Bai Luxing is the most important one. The business district has stabilized.

It has to be said that robots have played a great role in the communication environment.

Uncle Alpha to be exact.

Mugan always knew that the uncle had special sales skills, but he really never thought that the uncle would have such a high "prestige" among robots. Much of the news on Muggan’s side is that Alpha notifies nearby robots, and then the robot notifies its owner.

After the construction of the telephone equipment was completed, it was impossible for Morgan to stay beside the phone every day, and this task was taken over by Alpha. Under the demonstration effect of the Muggan family, many people also sent their own robots to be responsible for communication. To be honest, after leaving the system, many people fell into hesitation because they didn’t understand the situation. Finally, they learned about Bai Luxing’s current situation under the notification of the robot at home. They knew what to buy and where to buy it. Who, who to call... In this way, the robot has one more function in the life of Bailu Xingren.

During this period of time, Mugen also tried every means to ask Dean Aude to take him to visit the Imperial Conservatory of Music, which is closest to the Emperor Zong. Uh... Although all the artists in this academy, but... Mugen decided to visit.

Professor Mulansha gave him special support for this, and she sent a small group of students from this major to go with Mugan.

Boss Tony once again supported 20 small cakes, and the head of the department was also obliged to support 40 small cakes. The School of Mechanical Engineering also gave Mugan two telephones and corresponding telephone lines, as well as a skilled installer (← The chairperson of the Department of Mechanical Engineering  ̄▽ ̄)

Twenty small cakes and forty biscuits were eaten by the dean of the Imperial Conservatory of Music, and more than half of them were devoured.

When the Imperial Conservatory of Music was thriving in retro construction, the Imperial Conservatory of Music had a hard time, but it is said that a number of good works were actually produced during this period.

It's just that everyone can't eat anything good.

After eating the cakes and cookies, the dean of the Imperial Conservatory of Music did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed to Mugan's proposal, so in the following days, these future great artists also began to farm, it is true farming, complex machinery They don't understand the theory at all. The chairman of the Imperial Machinery Department had to do the construction alone during this time, but he didn't seem to be doing white work. During this time, there was an extra platoon of suitors behind him!

In this way, Mugan has planned to promote the phone by the college as a unit. There are many people who lost contact with their families in this accident. Every time a phone is promoted, Mugan will let people push the list of all the lost people. Again, the name of the stone is in it. Many families were reunited because of this, and Mugan's name became more and more famous.

"Mugam is a very smart man. What he does is not complicated at all, but he used the right method from the beginning." Afterwards, many people knew about Muggan's political achievements in Bai Luxing, and this is what he said: "Bai Luxing The population structure is very simple. Students are the largest group of people. If there is chaos, this group of people is also the most prone to riots. In the early days, they still absolutely obey the leadership of one person, that is the dean of each college. Controlling the student population through the deans of the major colleges, radiating the main working population of the entire Bailuxing from the Aidori Commercial Street, and finally using the telephone, the only means of communication at that time, to master all the public offices of the planet at that time. Democracy's means finally come to fruition."

However, it is undeniable that even though this method seems very simple later, there was only one person who could do it at that time, or who was willing to do it, and that was Mugan.

Times made him.