There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 200: Consolation from a robot parent


The people of Bailuxing waited anxiously, but after waiting for a month and still could not see any rescue from the outside world, they... the eggs are settled ⊙﹏⊙. If it is normal, the system used at birth is broken, the resulting accident is tragic, there is no rescue, the lack of food... In this catastrophic situation, the people will probably riot. Especially now is the era of the big universe, and the diversity of human races has added a bit of unpredictability to this riot. However, on Bailuxing, there is someone to rescue him when he loses contact with the system. This person is none other than Bailuxing's star character Mugen. As we all know, he is the secretary of Bailuxing's chief executive... and the supervisor of the traffic command department. , is still a second lieutenant; immediately someone arranged work for the people who are at a loss, and everyone has a common goal before they have time to think about it, eh, this person who works for everyone is still a good young man from Bailu Xing; food and clothing There is a job, and then there is an antique communication method such as the telephone. People's news is not blocked... At the same time, he has the dual identities of the military department and the government affairs office. Because of the Hydrangea Spaceport incident, almost everyone knows the image of the civil servant who is dutifully performing his duties. , In addition, he is also an outstanding graduate of the Imperial Comprehensive College, which is the number one and most famous of Bai Luxing. Not only is he deeply loved by professors, he is also an idol-level senior in the hearts of students. All parties on the board are strung together.

(Parent representative, Uncle Alpha’s dim light screen flashed: This is why I choose to let my children go to school and work nearby.

Crowd: clap clap clap! )

In order to let him remember his ancestors, Alpha and other robots paid special attention to his historical education, especially the robot faction as Mugan's historical instructor. He even invaded the Imperial History Museum, but according to his analysis, the most complicated It is actually the Earth whose civilization level has not been high. The small planet has divided thousands of regimes, and has experienced various unimaginable disasters. These are all lessons for Mugen to deal with the Bailuxing problem. As the last person who has the blood of this planet, he may be evaluated as later generations: politics is Mugan's racial instinct; in addition, he was born in the premier comprehensive college of the empire, as an elective in the history of the comprehensive college of the empire The student with the most subjects and the highest elective grades, Muggan is proficient in various combat machinery. With his excellent mecha talent, he once won the rank of captain in the army. As a career choice after leaving the army, his mecha talent helped him become an excellent traffic commander, and he learned how to deal with large-scale traffic accidents. This helped Mugan stabilize the situation immediately where the disaster occurred. Those who direct the process therefore trust him more, because of the good impression created by the government's propaganda, the trust created by witnessing it with one's own eyes, and the dependence created by personal experience... Mugen’s next proposals can go on smoothly; also, in order to make up for the shortcomings of the cooking department, Mugen was forced to take a large number of irrelevant courses. Except for this major, almost all courses are the best. Every professor in the comprehensive college has a very good impression of him, and the only cooking department with poor grades, Muggan has been a student leader for seven years. He works hard, unites his classmates, and respects his teachers. This is a matter of talent, and everyone sees his efforts in the eyes. The strong favorability within the academy allowed his campus plan to be implemented extremely efficiently, with almost no obstacles, and even professors took the initiative to ask if they could help, which is unimaginable under normal circumstances. In other planets, as the top colleges with detached status, their deans and their professors are not good for the government affairs department or the military department, and the degree of cooperation is not high. This is the restraint of scholars. Preference is given to top students, scholars love to learn masters; finally, as a member of Aidori Commercial Street, with the help of many neighbors, especially with the help of Boss Tony (Boss Tony is the president of the Bailuxing Commercial Street Association) , Mugan's price balance plan, and the subsequent promotion plan of the college's grain production have all been implemented accurately. Mugan installed a telephone in each commercial street, and people who come to buy food and daily necessities every day. You can learn all kinds of news on Bailuxing for the first time.

"Mr. Mugan, the telephone line in the Huaye District is also open. They said that the Linling District next door has been in chaos, and it is said that there has been a robot riot." This kind of thing happened not long after taking office. Since Mugan helped him stabilize the situation, he has completely followed Mugan. "The chief of police in that area wants to talk to you."

"Uh... don't use honorific titles." Mugen waved his hand and said, "I will contact him later, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, thanks to you for managing this area so well, you don't know, our area is enviable!"

After bowing, the blond policeman left happily.

Seeing his back disappear behind the curtain, Mugan stopped his work. He looked behind him, where Alpha was working. Noticing Mugan's gaze, he raised his head.

"You're wondering." Alpha's gloom screen flickered with friendly blue waves.

Mugen lowered his head, and when he raised his head again after a while, his black eyes were hesitant.

"Uncle, am I being willful?"

"In the few days in the interrogation room, I kept thinking about this question. I was obviously not good at cooking, but I chose it. I finally graduated and got the opportunity, but I joined the army, and then took the civil servant exam, and so on. Am I..." Mugan looked a little confused.

"That shows that Muggan is smart," Pie interjected.

"However, there is a saying on Earth that smartness is mistaken by smarts." Muggan gave an example, "If I wanted to be a traffic commander, would it be better for me to go to the mecha department?"

"No, your mecha drives better than mecha students." Uncle Beta's voice was as cold as ever.

"Am I... learning too complicated? It's still a waste of time..." Mugan finally said the question that he had been worrying about. Over the years at Imperial College, professors from other colleges tried countless times to persuade him to pursue a major that was more suitable for him. Mugan refused every time, but these persuasion had a shadow in his heart, first shallow, then deeper and deeper, and finally when he was wronged and imprisoned, after the death of old Johnson, he was wronged. Inability to help eventually turned into a wound. On the other hand, Olly, who is in stark contrast to him, has a clear goal from beginning to end, and moves steadily step by step. Olly is one year younger than him, but can he help him with his own strength.

"Also, Oli has published a collection of poems, and he has realized his dream in disguise." Mugan added that he knew that Oli had been secretly submitting articles to literary magazines.

"However, you are now in a very suitable position for yourself." Alpha said: "He said you did a good job."

Alfa cites the blond police officer's compliment to Mugan.


"Really." Alpha nodded, and then pointed the dim light screen at Muggan seriously: "I think there is no wasted time, and no wasted talent. Just like our robots, human beings were born long before the machine was turned on. Put all kinds of programs into our chips, and a lot of the time, those programs seem useless."

"For example, I was completely unable to understand, as a military weapon robot, why there is a fairy tale reading system in my chip, this is an illogical waste."

"Until I met you."

"The other day, you told me that you wanted to hear me explain a fairy tale for you."

Then, Alpha's stumbling human cub rearing road began, and the garbage in his body happened to be what the young Mugan needed most.

"I think if there is no time wasted by you in the eyes of other humans, there is no you now." Alpha expressed his opinion.

Having seen more and more human beings, he is very happy to find that the human beings he has raised are really excellent, far smarter than other human beings, just like the more excellent robot installers, the more he thinks Mugan's hardware is enough Support him to accept more skills and knowledge than other humans.

If you don't go to the Imperial Cuisine Department, you won't need to take other subjects to earn credits. If you don't take other subjects to earn credits, you won't find yourself talented in other subjects. If you don't have talent in other subjects, you won't know so many professors. If you don't join the army, you won't be able to save Ollie, and you won't be able to take the civil service exam in the traffic department.

Muggan quickly pushed it in his mind, and then found out: what the uncle said makes sense.

"Uncle, you are right!" Mugen was happy.

Alpha nodded and accepted Mugan's praise very reservedly.

"Not to mention, in the same time and the same tuition fee, you have studied five times as many courses as normal students. This alone is very economical." Dad Xiao A's intelligence is not high, but it is too easy to see La!

"Sigma still went to the class, and even got three thighs for free in the experimental class." Ipsilon also gave an example.

"Half the price of the ferry ticket if you have a military ID." Eta continued.

The robots lined up to give evidence, and finally came to the conclusion that "more than nothing wasted, they made a lot of money".

After being with robots for a long time, Mugen's logic is actually very robotic. He reasoned according to the robot's thinking mode, so Mugen regained his strength. At the age of 31, he finally found what he was suitable for. Mugen's youth is full of energy. Especially Pi also reminded him: "Just like Olivia, when you become a senior official of the Human Government Council in the future, when you open a restaurant, no matter how bad the food is, people will come."

Mugan thought about the scene of Mr. Cisse opening a steamed bun shop, and then he laughed, "My real ideal is to give my father and uncle an energy agent that makes human cooking taste good!"

Imagining Mugan's cooking-level energy agent, the robots fell silent.

After a while, Alpha broke the silence: "If this is the ideal, why do you want to apply for the Department of Cooking? Isn't the Department of Mechanical Energy Research a more accurate choice?"

Mugan: 囧!

The robots instantly understood: So, sure enough, like the civil service exam, is this an error

Touching Mugan's head, Alpha said, "Stop kneading the steamed buns, use your strengths, and call the police chief of Linling District."

After that, the robots continued to work.

Well, when the conversation happened, this family kept kneading steamed buns. Now that food is not easy to obtain, the steamed buns of the Mugen family are not sold for the time being, and they are selling steamed buns instead →_→←_←.

Clap the flour on his hands, Mugen ran out briskly, the stone is most likely in Lin Ming!

Seeing that Muggan's psychological quality has returned to good, the robots will be relieved to do things.

This is the family time of the Mugans.
