There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 202: John


There are more than 1,600 Pendra spaceships that escaped with Tatalin. Although most of them are home spaceships, the performance of almost every one is comparable to that of high-end military models.

The vast majority of ships appear for the first time in the starry sky outside the Pendra home system, and these ships are built with the preferences of the Pendras fully installed: using the best materials, eclectic, and making their own as much as possible. 's spaceship looks more awesome than others'.

Ahem—that's a bit of a techie's modesty.

However, it can be seen by the Pandra people who have a high vision and lead the trend of machinery, and drive its spaceship to escape. Complimentary work) what can it be like? It can be imagined from their encounters on the road: the road was only one-fifth of the form, and they encountered twenty-three robberies.


All use top-level materials, even if others don't know the goods or those materials, but the shape of these spaceships looks so arrogant and cool!

Now the entire empire system has been broken, and many planets are rioting. In this situation, many refugees have emerged. Many people fled with all their property, and some people are empty-handed. As time goes by, people's lives are becoming more and more difficult. Many people took the risk and embarked on the road of robbers.

This is an amateur, leaving the constraints of the system, many senior wanted criminals who have been hiding for many years have also emerged one after another. The appearance of these guys has made the already unsafe starry sky even more smoky, and some people even acted in place of the spaceport. The right to buy tolls comes.

At the beginning, the Pandra fleeing army encountered amateur robbers. Their spaceships were of good quality, and each of them was equipped with weapons in violation of regulations. They were successively attached to the back of the Pandra fleet. The Pandra people didn't pay much attention to it: it's not easy for everyone, just follow if you can keep up!

But on the last time, their luck ran out, and on the twenty-third time, they encountered professional robbers.

Pandra's original fleet of more than 1,600 ships, plus the more than 400 miscellaneous refugee fleets that followed them one after another, now this team has more than 2,110 ships. Della has driven back so many robbers, and now the robbers who dare to attack this huge and sharp fleet are obviously not ordinary robbers.

On the thirty-sixth day on the escape road, the fugitive King of Pendra encountered the Wolf Chapter.

Gao Fushuai meets a native turtle, and the native turtle wins!

The opponent is worthy of being a professional. Under the circumstance that the performance and quantity of the spaceship are obviously inferior to that of Pendra, the Wolf Warriors defeated Pendra's technical house to the fullest, but the opponent did not kill them all, and only asked Pendra Ra offers them fifty spaceships, and then lets them go.

For the Pandra people who are ready to be captured by all the crew, this result is really overjoyed! What's more, the spaceship that the Wolf Warriors finally picked was the ugliest and cheapest fifty ships, which is... really blind!

"This... the robbers outside are still very qualified!" Tatalin felt very novel after living in Pandra for a long time.

Prince curled his lips. He wanted to say that the other party wanted a ship, not a human, because he didn't want to keep so many mouths for nothing; the ship the other party chose was simple in appearance, because it was so inconspicuous that it was not easy to be targeted; as for the choice of the wild wolf In Tatalin's eyes, the spaceships of the "cheapest"... At this point, Prince also immediately understood the other party's real selection criteria: the cheapest ones happen to be the easiest to operate, and the Pendera's machinery is high-end, but high-end. At the same time, it means complexity. Instead of choosing the top, but unusable spaceship, it is better to settle for the next best thing, which is suitable for you.

There are sensible people in the wolf clan.

The things that were robbed were all things that could be lost. This has already made the Pendra people very fortunate. Then they had a new surprise: the Wolf Warriors gave them an extra spaceship, spaceship or something, Pan Dela people naturally dislike it, but there is a cabin full of green vegetables in the spaceship, which is an unexpected surprise! God knows most of them have been without food for at least fifty days!

So, although they were robbed, both parties were very happy, which is really rare.

The Pandra people who accidentally got vegetable supplies on the way continued to advance to Bailuxing. On the way, they encountered several frightening scenes: they passed through a space full of metal fragments, and there were many wrecks belonging to robots. . Only then did they know that the empire was invaded by a higher civilization at this time, and the imperial capital Ifadia had completely fallen! It is said that the invaders of the advanced civilization exist in a mental state. They can exist through various mechanical carriers, and they can also invade the highest-end intellectual brains of the empire. Under the panic, many planets launched anti-mechanical movements. The mechanical products on which life depends were centralized and destroyed in batches.

"I designed this assistant robot..." Master Kenda murmured.

"John..." He thought of his assistant robot again.

The batch of destroyed assistant robots in front of him is the sixth generation of his continuously improved products after John's batch of robots.

John was left behind when he was led away from the studio by his disciples. After the robot killings, the good companions of the Pendra people - robots are no longer safe and harmless. All the brain systems on the spacecraft were dismantled, and all those who left did not bring robots with them. They not only escaped from those rioting robots, but also escaped from their own robots; Proud of the convenience of mechanized life, now the more panic.

"John... Should be all right?" Master Kenda frowned worriedly.

When he left, he left behind the best robot energy agent, and most of the collection was not taken away.

Although the disciples didn't say it clearly, they still couldn't understand it in words.

In fact, Kanda himself felt incredible.

John has followed him for so many years, but he has never used a particularly good energy agent. People are used to what level of treatment is used for what level of machinery.

However, after meeting the young man named Mugan a few years ago, his stereotypes trembled.

The young man had the most advanced Alphabet military robot ever—he recognized it by looking at the drawings, but avoided the question without saying a word.

In addition to the most advanced military robots, the young man also has the oldest model of engineering robots. In addition, even if he rebuilt his body with new materials, he still recognized the man named "Mengmeng"

The robot is an old model hatching robot.

Level, function, cost... Robots from 100,000 miles away are treated exactly the same here in Mugan.

It was also from him that Kenda first discovered that robots also have preferences.

It’s okay to leave the energy potion, and the real reason for leaving behind most of his life’s collection is even he himself thinks it’s inconceivable:

If he disappeared with the collection, John would really be the only one left out.

That scene was so pathetic.


Hehe - to abandon is to abandon, and no amount of things left can change this fact.

Master Kenda lowered his head and saw the red polka-dot socks on his feet, and he thought of the robot John thrown in the studio again.

As he got old, he began to be sentimental, and because of the thousands of robots he had torn down, he had never been seen to be sentimental.

The accident happened at this time. Just when Master Kenda fell into memory, the spaceship suddenly shook violently, and then the whole turned over!

It's fine in normal times, but at this time, Master Kenda didn't wear a protective belt!

He fell fiercely from the air, collided several times in the air, and then fell heavily on the ceiling of the spaceship.

However, Master Kenda’s personal spaceship has an automatic calibration function. After a while, the spaceship returned to normal, and Master Kenda suffered another crime. When he landed on the spaceship floor again, the old man was dying. .

"Cough—" A mouth, two old teeth were spit out by him along with a mouthful of blood.

"John—" he called out instinctively, but immediately realized that John was no longer there.

It was so painful!

Half-dazed, Master Kenda felt as if he had hallucinated, and he felt that he saw John again!

With a red polka-dot little burden on his back, John appeared in front of him timidly!

"Am I... dreaming?" Unbelievable in his heart, Master Kenda said, "John, hurry up, help me up, it hurts to death."

Then, John really helped him up.

He gently lifted him up and put him in the passenger seat. John then took out a blue polka-dot handkerchief and carefully wiped his mouth, then took out a bottle of medicine and stuffed him with one. .

I chewed with my mouth with two missing teeth: Oh, it's that smell, the heart health medicine I often take! This medicine is usually kept with John, but this time, Master Kenda forgot to bring it, and the disciples don't know his habit. His heart has been aching in the past few days.

After carefully serving the master, John went to drive the spaceship, and he kept a close eye on Master Kenda's physical indicators while driving.

"John, is that you? Are you here?" It was an affirmative sentence. Master Kenda was extremely sure that the robot in front of him was real. The pain of the body is real, and the heart that is no longer in pain is also real.

Then, Master Kenda actually saw the word "flustered" in the robot who had been unhurried.

"I... I... I'm sorry, Master, you forgot to bring your heart medicine." Robot John said with a straight face, raising the vial in his hand.

Then, as if this alone was not convincing enough, John began to take things from the storage space again: "Master, you forgot to bring your precious collectibles, this is cobalt blue ore, this is... "

Then, he opened the red polka-dot furoshiki that was tied tightly around his neck, revealing several long strips of ore, "John doesn't have enough space, and the rest are here."

"..." It's not that I forgot to bring you, but I forgot to bring medicine and collectibles

Master Kenda quietly looked at the serious robot in front of him. For some reason, he felt that John was nervous.

"Where are you hiding?" he said calmly.

"...John is hiding in the toolbar under the floor." With nowhere to run, John confessed.

Master Kenda knew it was there, it was a very small storage compartment. For the past few days, has John just been curled up, hiding there humbly

He should have known that he had been abandoned, but even so, he still followed, not daring to appear openly, he put himself and the tools together.

Master Kenda's eyes were a little wet.

He closed his eyes as he watched the restless robot awaiting execution.

"Drive the spaceship well, I'm going to sleep for a while." At this moment, he didn't want to think about the robot hurting people, and he didn't want to think about the robot's inability to drive the spaceship. He just wanted to have a rare good night's sleep in the company of John .