There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 203: arrival


It's getting worse.

The vegetables and vegetables obtained from the Wolf Warriors became the last food supply for the Pandra fugitives. In the days after that, they could only live frugally and count on the nutrients they brought out when they set off. Although it is common for everyone to be busy and forget to eat and sleep every day with nutritional supplements, it is unprecedented to take nutritional supplements for nearly a month like this. Besides, now their nutritional supplements are not enough.

The destination White Dew Star provided by Tatalin is located in the Hydrangea Galaxy, and there is no way to set the destination here. Rather than venturing out into other, more famous places, it's more realistic to know the exact coordinates and passing planets of White Dew.

The universe is now full of star thieves and fleeing ordinary people. The place where they are located is too remote, and the army of the empire has not yet arrived. This is still a good guess, because the current country that is afraid of foreign enemy invasion can't take care of ordinary people like them at all.

In fact, Tatalin felt that the latter situation was likely to be closer to reality.

Originally, there were more than 400 exile spaceships in other places that followed them all the way, but 300 were scared away due to the robbery, and then they followed them one after another. In the end, the average number was probably less than a thousand.

These spaceships just followed the Pandora Fugitive Army at a distance. They probably thought that these awesome looking spaceships must go to a good place. However, as time went on, they found that the team was getting more and more deviated. .

Finally, someone couldn't bear it any longer. When they connected to the Pandra fleet through short-wave telegrams between the spaceships, when they found out that Tatarlin and their target was actually Bailuxing, that person's bowels were blue!

"The Hydrangea Galaxy (the galaxy where Bailuxing is located) is a country! There are fewer planets there than other planets, and one is more barren than the other. As for Bailuxing, it is simply an academy star, and there is nothing but the school! Even the garrison is minimal! You can't go there at all!"

The other party persuaded hard, hoping that Tatalin and the others could turn back and go to a more "promising" place with them.

The person also listed several planets that could be used as destinations: Ifadia, the imperial capital, where the headquarters of the Council is located, and the safest place in the whole empire with the palace of Louis I; Cromo, a land rich in agriculture The planet is vast and sparsely populated. Although it is very remote, there is a lot of food. Obviously, this one is also suffering from hunger.

Due to the interruption of the system, the news of the invasion of advanced civilization has not spread, and people do not know that Ifadia is no longer safe, but even if they know, there should still be many people who want to take refuge there.

Since this person dared to contact Pendela, he naturally had something to rely on. He provided two roadmaps, exactly what he said about Ifadia and Cromo.

Tatalin hesitated.

To be honest, he still prefers to go to Bailuxing in his heart. After all, the roadmap in his hand was obtained from the residents of Bailuxing, and he had never been in a relationship with the person just now, and he lacked trust in each other.

However, they are very tired now, and many people are injured, and the food is not enough. In this case, they are not willing to ask everyone to follow them to the distant Bailuxing.

Tatalin finally told everyone the current situation clearly, and sure enough, after he said the two routes, the channel immediately became noisy.

A small group of people wanted to go to Ifadia, while another group was more interested in Cromo. Neither group could convince the other, so they had to continue as planned, just when everyone was in a dilemma. , they passed a planet.

Unlike the chaotic planets before, this one looks very disciplined and very safe.

The most important point: the Archons of this planet allow aliens to come and take refuge.

Compared with the distant White Dew Star, Ifadia and Cromo, Farol (the name of the planet) in front of you is obviously more at your fingertips.

The man who was going to Ifadia or Cromo immediately decided to take refuge in Farol, and most of them made the same decision as him, and the Pendras were no exception until they heard the admission condition.

"What? You have to hand in all the mechanical products to enter? The spacecraft is also within the scope of mechanical products?"

As far as this one is concerned, however, none of the Pendras would accept it: for the craftsmen of Pendra, the spaceship they chose when they escaped was not only their proud work, but also their workshop. It’s okay to pay tribute, it is absolutely impossible for them to take the initiative to give the spacecraft to others for an admission qualification.

Farol is very stingy. After knowing that they had no intention of entering, they did not exchange any food for them. They also restricted them from staying in the star field near Farol for more than a day. That afternoon, the fleet of the Pandra people was huge. Soup's left.

This time, there was no longer a "tail" behind them, and most of them chose to give up the spacecraft and stay in Farol.

But after this incident, the Pendra people who originally wanted to go to other planets did not say anything.

In the chaotic universe, Farol is like a magnet, attracting refugees from thousands of light-years away to come here. One thousand six hundred spaceships sailed against the current and plunged into the depths of the nebula.

Everyone who has seen this fleet also remembered the name "White Dew Star".

The Pandra people passed through two more galaxies, and when they reached the second galaxy, they encountered a wave of refugees who fled from the vicinity of Ifadia, and only then did they know that the imperial capital of Ifadia had been occupied by a higher civilization. news. While stunned, everyone couldn't help but rejoice: fortunately, they didn't go to Ifadia at that time.

"Cromo is also a mess. Although there are few people there, there are many robots. Now it has been occupied by agricultural robots."

When they heard the second news, they were even more fortunate.

But they didn't wait for them to be lucky for too long, the house leak happened to rain overnight, and Master Kenda became seriously ill.

The discoverer was his robot assistant, John ← Tatalin, that he knew that he had brought his own robot with him.

The old man has had a cold for several days, but he insisted not to tell anyone. Tatalin guessed that he was afraid that people would find the robot, so he insisted not to say anything. In the end, Master Kenda couldn't hold back and fainted, and John the Robot immediately sent a message for help.

"Leave John to them, the master must go to the hospital." Facing Tatalin and Prince, John made his request.

"Nonsense! I don't want to go to other planets, I'm going to Bailu Xing, and you go too!" Even though he was very weak, Master Kenda still stopped his robot.

Look at Master Kenda, and look at John, and Tatarlin feels a big head: there's something they probably don't know yet.

Once the most privileged resident pass in the entire empire was the pass of the Pendra people, who could go anywhere they wanted without going through any visa formalities.

But that was the past.

After a period of chaos, more and more planets have returned to stability. This kind of planet accepts refugees, but the requirements for the recipient are very high. Nowadays, the details of the receiving standards of each planet may be different, but one of them is exactly the same. Surprised to notice that there is even one more asylum qualification on each planet: refusing to accept Pendras.

The news of the Pandra robot riot has finally spread.

It's one thing to go or not to go, it's another matter to let you go!

For this standard, the Pandra people are angry and funny, but in the end, they are a little panicked: they want to go to Bailuxing now, but what is Bailuxing's situation now? Will the Pendras be denied entry as well? Or do they require them to hand in all the mechanics to get in

However, they have no way out now.

After 60 days of escaping, the Pandra spaceship team finally entered the Hydrangea Galaxy. Their entry point was very good, and after entering, they just stayed in the star field near Bailu Star.

"Hello, we are refugees from Pendra. We have a total of 1,611 ships and 2,003 personnel. I am Tatarlin, a senior researcher in the Mechanical Division of the Imperial Academy, and I am applying for admission to Bailu. emergency evacuation."

Without concealing his identity, Tatalin sent a shortwave message.

He hesitated, then sent another message, this time simpler.

"ps I'm a friend of Mugan, a resident of White Dew Star." Tatalin also attached a photo of the two of them.

There is no other meaning. After Tatalin sent the message, he felt that his move was a bit funny: how could the other party know who Mugen was? Not a big man—

Just as he was anxiously waiting, the reply from Bai Luxing also came:

"Guests from Pandra, good afternoon. Welcome to Bailuxing, and please follow the instructions to land from port 3 in sequence."

Without any difficulty or any questioning of their identities, they were admitted!

The Pandra people were stunned for a while, and then there were loud cheers on the public platform.

After the necessary inspections were completed, someone immediately came to place the refugees. Master Kenda, who had a high fever, was immediately sent to the hospital. After being asked whether they wanted to eat or take a shower, the others went to their respective destinations in batches.

After taking the nutritional supplements for more than 60 days (even the nutritional supplements were gone later), Tatalin chose the option of eating without hesitation.

In fact, he didn't have any hope for the meal at all. The food provided by various planets for the refugees was very simple, but he was too hungry. At this time, even if the other party took out the nutritional supplements, he could eat them with relish.

In this context, when the staff brought the lunch box to him, Tatalin was stunned: it was not a nutritional supplement, but the food provided here was actually cooked!

The lunch box includes a meat dish, two vegetarian dishes, a fruit, and even a small jar of yogurt!

Tatalin forked a piece of meat and ate it in his mouth, almost crying!

Fresh, freshly slaughtered meat!

Here, it's right - at this moment, not only Tatarin, but almost all Pandra people think so.