There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 206: Stone Wanderers 1


This man was very miserable, his limbs were twisted and broken, and he had several holes in his body.

He bleeds a lot, and if it doesn't stop bleeding, he will die.

Although he looked like he was dead, the moment the stone touched him, he knew that the person was still alive, but only one breath was left.

While standing still, Shi Shi suddenly felt that his mechanical fingers were caught. Looking down, the person who grabbed him was the human male below who looked like he was dead.

At the moment when the palm was held, Shi Shi felt that the other party handed something over, and took out the palm to see: it was a blood-stained iron plate.

It is engraved with the person's name, blood type, and job title.

This is the identity information card that every Imperial soldier has in his neck, and there is a chip inside that can read more. Stone doesn't know this, but he is still stuck for the man's action.

He remembered himself who had handed out iron cards to humans countless times.

Then he picked up the man and carried it away on his shoulders. After trotting a few steps, the stone returned to its original position. The surrounding robots turned a blind eye to the stone's actions. They continued to move forward silently, and then began to divide one after another in the residential house in front. The robots left and went to their current "residence" ".

Stone also returned to his current residence with the humans he picked up.

Habitually knocked on the door, but no one responded, and the stone finally entered according to the password.

Inside is an ordinary house, clean and tidy, but it seems to be a little too clean.

"I'm back." Saying this sentence is also a matter of habit, but immediately after Stone said this sentence, several robots appeared one after another from all corners of the room.

One, two, three... There are three robots in total.

"You brought back a human." One of the chubby robots said.

"This human is injured." This time it was a robot with a square body.

"Meow~ he's dying!" Now it's actually a cat! However, despite the furry appearance, it is not difficult to see the black metal structure under the bald fur on his shoulders if you look closely. This is a mechanical cat.

"Yes, he's dying, so I brought him back." Stone gently put the human on the only sofa in the house, and then went to the medical kit. The other three robots were not idle. They immediately divided their work without communication. The chubby robot was responsible for cutting human clothes, the square robot was responsible for cleaning wounds, and the cat-shaped robot...

Well, he really couldn't help anything, so he just squatted beside the man's head and didn't move.

In addition to the cat-shaped robot, the other three robots are obviously used to doing this kind of thing. They quickly worked together to deal with the human wound, but his wound was large and obviously needed to be glued, but there can be a The medical kit is already very difficult, and adhesives are not something that ordinary people can get. Seeing the blood oozing from the bandage just tied, Stone took out a few pieces of sewing clothes from the sewing bag. Needle.

"Yuanyuan, aren't you very good at sewing? Sew the wound for him." Shitou handed the sewing needle to the chubby robot.

"Uh—" The chubby robot got stuck: "I do have a lot of sewing procedures in my body, but those procedures are all about how to sew clothes, not a medical robot's wound suturing procedure."

"But if this human's wound is not sutured, he will die." Stone "looked" at Yuanyuan.

Yuanyuan got stuck, and finally took the sewing needle handed over by Shishi. He used the highest magnification magnifying glass very carefully, and the most brilliant invisible stitch, trying to treat the human on the sofa as a broken hole. Clothes, carefully sewn up.

After he closed the needle, the cube robot immediately wrapped the man's wound together with the stone, and this time it really stopped bleeding.

They used the temperature tester in the medicine box to test the body temperature of the human being. After finding that the other party had a fever, they immediately treated him with the injection in the medicine box. For the nanny robot, taking care of humans is the same as doing housework. The necessary procedures in the body, they do it with ease.

Yes, the four robots present are all the nanny robots that people call them.

Shitou, as everyone knows, is the nanny robot in Mugan's house, responsible for cleaning the home environment and purchasing vegetables; Yuanyuan, the chubby robot who just sutured wounds for human males, is the robot in the laundry next door to Mugan, except for the sewing work. , he is responsible for all the housework at home, including daily purchases; on the 21st, the square robot is also the nanny robot in the next block. He is a savings robot. The first robot that many children received was this one. A kind of robot, children can put their pocket money into their pockets, and cultivate the concept of financial management from an early age. No. 21 is such a robot, but his owner has never taken out the money, and has upgraded the program for him. In addition to the piggy bank function, he can now also work as a general babysitter robot; Xiao Hei, a cat-shaped robot, It is a companion robot made for humans who are allergic to some animal fur. Although it is also classified as a nanny robot, there is really very little that a robot of this type can do, and he is also responsible for taking it every day. Just newspapers.

In Sigma's words, Yuanyuan, No. 21 and Xiaohei are Shito's good friends. They take the same public hover car at the same time every morning to go to the other side of the planet to buy food/get newspapers.

Then they were unfortunately trapped on the other side of Bailu Xing together.

There were too many accidents that day. Before the human affairs were dealt with, all the robots were locked together and left to be solved. Stone's small iron plate was locked up before it could be used. Fortunately, the stone was in the The detained robot found a few good friends of its own.

Then, the development of the matter was completely out of the logical scope of the stone: that night, there was a terrible explosion outside the place where they were being held! Then the humans panicked and fled. In the panic, Shitou and other robots boarded a spaceship to escape with other humans, and then when he realized that something was wrong, Shitou found that he was already in the universe.

Bai Luxing became a little white dot, getting farther and farther away from him! ! !

Because they have been detained in the cargo warehouse, the robots such as Stone have no idea what happened outside. After thirty days passed and another robot ran out of energy, Stone tentatively climbed out of the cargo warehouse to ask for help from humans, but was surprised to find that There is not a single human outside!

The robots all climbed out. They had no driving program and could not drive according to the "rules". Just when they were about to crash with the spacecraft, they were rescued by a robot on another spacecraft.

The robot that rescued them was Pendra's robot.

Stone and his good friend were so confused by the robot that rescued them and brought them to Pendra.


All the humans who could escape have escaped. Pandra is now the world of robots, and only a small number of humans remain, but these humans have been strictly controlled by the robots on the planet.

More and more robots were brought here, and robots such as Stone were asked to "work" the day after their arrival. However, the work here is completely different from their previous work on White Dew Star. The robots here actually ask them to use weapons! ! !

The babysitter robots are stuck, as is the robot in charge of them.

The robot in charge of them is a military model. In the eyes of this robot, using weapons is a super simple thing. He has never seen such a stupid robot!

Yuanyuan - I only have sewing needles and a vegetable basket in my hands, but I don't have a single useful program in my head!

No. 21 - Fortunately, it is too old and the material is too poor. He did pick up the gun, but he only fired one shot, and half of his arm was broken due to the strong recoil...

And then there's Xiao Hei... this guy... doesn't even have a hand...


Only Shitou succeeded in the interview, he was given a new program in his head, and a set of weapons was issued. Shitou was finally selected as the robot of the patrol group. The salary of this job was relatively high, and he was barely able to supply his own energy agent while passing by. Take care of Yuanyuan them.

"This is today's energy agent." After dealing with the human injury, Stone took out four nutritional supplements. This is his one-day salary: enough energy agent to maintain a robot in full operation, but his salary should be Feeding four robots, so they had to "starve" together.

Yuanyuan and No. 21 also took out their salaries. Each of them was only paid an energy potion. As for Xiao Hei, he didn't get a job at all, and could only accept the assistance of robots such as Stone.

"Thank you." After biting into a nutritional supplement, Xiao Hei's dim light screen flickered as his eyes.

"You're welcome." Stone also took a nutritional supplement.

"Today, I saw 85231 at work. He seems to have got a very good job." When replenishing energy, the 21st suddenly said.

"Well, I only knew that he was very good at making cakes before, but I didn't expect that he would also use weapons." Stone also inserted an energy agent for himself.

85231 is another good friend of several robots. They buy vegetables together every morning. When the disaster broke out, they dispersed. When they learned about the other party again, they found that the other party was already a high-ranking official in the robot.

Several robots think this is a good thing.

After the charging was completed, several robots went to their accustomed positions to rest.

Yuanyuan and No. 21 skillfully hid in the storage cabinet, Xiaohei ran under the sofa, and Shishi sat on the chair by the dining table.

The cold moonlight poured in through the window and also sprinkled on him.

Before entering the standby state, Shitou carefully thought about the appearance of "home" in his mind, and touched the iron card on his chest. The light spot on the dim screen finally shrank to a quiet straight line.

At the same time, the seriously injured number on the sofa also opened his eyes in the darkness.