There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 207: Stone Wanderer 2


The next day, when Shishi went out on patrol, he went to the supermarket to buy human food.

While looking for nutritional supplements, Shi Shi met a little girl, a human female of eight or nine years old. The little guy was too short to reach the nutritional supplements high on the shelf. When the stone came over, the little guy froze.

"Want an apple-flavored nutrient?" Shitou guessed, recalling the direction of the little girl's eyes.

The little girl nodded stiffly.

So Shito helped her get a package of nutritional supplements, then lowered his head and asked, "Is this nutritional supplement delicious?"

The little girl nodded nervously.

Shi Shi also took a pack of the same nutritional supplements. Although no one in the supermarket is collecting money now, he still put the corresponding coins on the shelf. He has money on him, and he has pocket money every month. Of the money, part of it is handed over to Alpha for safekeeping, and Stone himself usually puts some money on him to buy things he is interested in.

After taking a pack of nutritional supplements, he took another bottle of drinks that Morgan would occasionally buy, and Stone left.

When he got home, there were a lot of empty shells of nutritional supplements scattered on the table next to the sofa, Yuanyuan also had one in his hand, and at this moment, the other end of the nutritional supplement was biting into wound number's mouth. Inside, although the wounded number closed his eyes, he swallowed automatically in his mouth.

"I'm back." Stone just finished speaking when Yuanyuan saw the nutritional supplement in his hand.

"Hurry up and bring the nutritional supplements, this human has not eaten enough."

So Stone handed over the nutritional supplement in his hand, and the robots stared blankly at the comatose human on the sofa who still didn't forget to eat, a little dumbfounded.

This human woke up for a while this morning, but fainted again not long after, but this time, the other party clearly said the word "hungry" before fainting.

Then the robots began to raise food issues for the human, but the other party's appetite was slightly more than they expected.

Stone spent all his Fara coins in two days. Several robots have vegetable money on them, especially No. 21. As a savings robot, his stomach is full of money, but a few robots have this problem. Don't mention anything. Whether it is the money for vegetables or the coins in the stomach, the ownership belongs to the owner, and they cannot use this property without permission.

It has to be said that those who can still stick to the rules set by humans in the most chaotic times are probably only robots.

Due to financial constraints, Shitou had to choose a cheaper brand when he went to buy nutritional supplements. This scene happened to be seen by the little girl on the side—yes, it was the little girl who met Shishi in the supermarket on the first day. I came across it twice again, and each time Shishi helped her get a nutritional supplement. Once more times, the little girl was no longer afraid of her now, and even asked Shishi to help her with items that she couldn't reach.

Probably because he has learned something, the child will also put the corresponding coins at the cashier when he takes the nutritional supplements.

"Why didn't you buy the previous nutritional supplement? Will this taste better?" The little girl asked him curiously when she realized that Stone had changed the nutritional supplement brand.

"No, I'm out of money, that one is more expensive and I can't afford it." Shishi said very honestly.

The little girl took out a handful of coins from her pocket, then stood on tiptoe and reached out to the stone.

"Take it, I invite you."

Stone tilted his head, and then accepted the gift of the young human.

The little girl laughed.

Holding the heavy nutrient in one hand, the other hand waved at the stone, the little girl showed a bright smile at the stone: "Goodbye!"

At the time, Stone did not know that this was the last time he saw the young human.

That night, Shitou was asked to clean up the rubbish on the road when he was patrolling. When he arrived at the designated spot, he found that the so-called "rubbish" was a lot of human corpses. Among the corpses, the little girl's tender apple face was among them. , those big eyes are still open, but there is no expression.

A large number of robots gathered near this street. They all came from all directions after receiving instructions. A robot with a completely destroyed left arm was standing at the front of the team at the moment. Stone knew him, this robot is the factory One of the military robots that was about to be destroyed, he was also one of the first robots to attack humans. After his companions were destroyed one after another, he launched a riot with the remaining robots.

At this moment, the robot issued a new command with a cold mechanical voice:

"Dangerous - these humans have rioted, they want to destroy us, and from now on, we must destroy all human beings on this planet."

Hearing this command, Robot Stone got stuck.

At this moment, one of the robot teams who arrived here suddenly ran out. His appearance was somewhat similar to Yuanyuan, and it was obvious that this was also a nanny robot.

"Lilith." A human name was shouted in his mouth. The robot ran to the little girl and pulled her out. He tried to rescue her, but it was obvious that he would not succeed. The little girl was already dead and could no longer be died.

"You—what's going on?" The robot that issued the order pointed the dim light screen at the robot.

"This is Lilith, my master." The robot replied very honestly.

"You don't have a master, you are free." The robot who stared at him and issued the order said word by word.

"But... she was brought up under my care, and I shouldn't have left. If I didn't leave, Lilith wouldn't die." The robot said softly, hugging the little girl who was already cold. .

The robot headed suddenly stretched out another intact mechanical arm, and the mechanical fingers turned automatically. Inside his five fingers were five silver-white launch ports. There was no time for the nanny robot to react, and a light suddenly appeared from him. The launch port on the finger shot out, and the next second, the nanny robot fell to the ground.

"… Useless babysitter robots, you robots made to serve humans, there is no need to exist."

The nanny robot hugged his master, and the two bodies fell to the ground together.

"In the next fifteen days, we will capture all the human beings on the planet, imprison them together, and then destroy them centrally." The robot with half of its broken arm then issued more detailed instructions.

"All the babysitter robots are left to clean the streets, and the rest of the robots can start their missions." After that, he left, a large number of robots left with him, and a small number of robots were still standing, leaving from these The physical features of the robots make it easy to see their babysitter robot status.

Facing the corpses and bloodstains on the street, this group of nanny robots are a bit stuck.

"I've been away from my master for a long time, will he be okay?" a robot next to the stone said while sweeping the floor.

"My master is still at home, I...I..." Another robot said, and the floor stopped sweeping, he grabbed the sweeper and ran away quickly.

With the first robot at the beginning, the nanny robots have no intention of doing anything next. They left this street full of human blood as fast as they could, for fear that it would be too late to leave, and the blood of their masters would be added here.

Pandra's robots have indeed rioted. That's right. It started with the military robots that were about to be destroyed in the factory, then the brand-new robots that had just been assembled on the assembly line, and then developed to the household robots of ordinary people on the planet Pandra... Many robots Walked out of the human family under the "calling" of the companion, left the master, lived with other robots, and no longer performed the tasks issued by the human, but carried out the instructions of the robot companion.

However, most nanny robots are privately connected with their original owners, and they ran back so quickly to settle their human owners.

Stone also threw away the sweeper in his hand and strode towards the temporary dormitory.

Although there was no owner of their own in their dormitory, there was a human being who managed to save him. He didn't want that person to be "cleaned up" like this.

As a nanny robot born to serve humans, Stone never thought that one day he would fight against humans as an enemy!

However, the "human capture mission" released by the same kind of robot went very smoothly. When Shitou rushed back to the dormitory, the human who had been sleeping on the sofa in his house for the past few days was just taken out by two military robots.

Two human beings were also caught out from the opposite door, followed by a babysitter robot behind them. The captured human screamed. The robot followed closely behind them, trying to stop them but was repeatedly separated. look.

The same thing happened in every corner of Pendra. Several babysitter robots tried to resist, and they were destroyed on the spot.

In just one day, there was no trace of human beings in the entire Pandra, and only robots walked in neat lines on the dilapidated streets.

According to the new order of the leading robot, all captured humans will be "destroyed" in batches after one day.

The atmosphere among Pandra's nanny robots can be described as "frightened".

"Will we also be destroyed? After all, we are useless nanny robots." Xiao Hei lay down on the sofa where the human once lay, with a flick of his tail: "Among them, I am the most useless."

"ZK580 (the name of the leading robot) said that we were free, but I don't understand the use of freedom at all." Yuanyuan also lowered her head and said a little melancholy: "I want to go home, I haven't been back for so long. Home, the owner doesn't know if he will buy a new robot."

"I still have the owner's money with me. My owner has very little pocket money. Without the subsidy from my stomach, he will be anxious." No. 21 was walking around the house.

Turning his head to listen to his companions, the robot stone touched the small iron card on his chest again.

Then a decision was made.