There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 209: Three flowers bloom


The odds of life are so wonderful.

Argos once thought that when he grew up, he would definitely enter the Council of State, but unexpectedly he entered the military department, and even became the subordinate of Rothsay, who had always been at odds with Mr. Sisser.

He didn't like to study at all, but he became the dean of the Empire's top military academy.

He likes white, but wears a black uniform all his life.

Argos discovers that the true love of fate is against him.

Just after he was about to order the mass destruction of various military and domestic robots, he was rescued by a robot.

As a very traditional Kantas, Argos has never had any experience with robots. However, when he was seriously injured and unable to move, he got along with several robots every day, uh... or nanny robots.

They can cook, find food for themselves, sew up his wounds by sewing sheets, and hide and turn off the machine when they are not working at night.

They even talk, worried that the owner has bought a new robot to take his place...

Argos never thought that the most homely experience in his life was actually felt by several nanny robots.

Probably this will be his most embarrassing experience.

Pursuing the enemy all the way, Argos came to Pendra.

Before the opponent transformed into a more terrifying mechanical form, Argos was the first to become a prototype. The huge Kantas, with a body length of 15 meters, grabbed the hostile mecha firmly, no longer relying on any modern technological weapons, he used his most primitive weapons - sharp teeth and giant claws, torn apart fiercely. enemy.

When he woke up again, Argos felt severe pain that he had not felt for many years. His always strong body was extremely weak, and the slightest movement was a severe pain that seemed to be torn apart.

There are multiple severe fractures in the whole body, and there are a lot of wounds torn. Under normal circumstances, the wounds of this level would have to be sent to a specialized hospital to be repaired with the most advanced repairing liquid for at least a week. In this situation , he can only rely on a few robots.

The situation along the way was more complicated than people imagined. There were star thieves and complicated road conditions along the way. Without the star map provided by the system, the Pandra people on the ship were dumbfounded: and left Pandra long ago. Different from Master Kenda and others, the last group of people who stayed in Pendra were ordinary people. Although they also enjoyed the pride brought by the name of Pendra, their abilities were relatively ordinary, although they were more ordinary than those on other planets. The average person is much better, but it is not enough for them to be proficient in the operation of various mechanical products.

Not long after leaving Pendra, the Pendra people who were in charge of driving were sweating.

As a factory technician involved in the production of this spacecraft, he is very familiar with this spacecraft and can indeed drive it, but now the road conditions outside are far beyond his control. When he realized that he could no longer undertake the work, he called for help in time.

However, what makes everyone even more dumbfounded is that at present, the most proficient pilot on the spacecraft is only this technician!

Argos was helped out by the stone under this circumstance. He did not explain his identity, but only said that he knew how to pilot the spaceship. However, since he was seriously injured, he could only provide technical guidance and could not operate it by himself. .

The Pandra people are naturally overjoyed! They immediately sent a few people into the cockpit with Argos to learn how to drive, but things didn't go well at all. The people who are sent to learn to drive are just ordinary skilled workers. They may know how to make the parts of the spaceship, but they really don’t have the talent to drive complex machinery, not to mention that they are purely manual operation without the assistance of the brain. !

Under such circumstances, Argos suddenly had a very bold idea.

"Stone, you used to sit in the driver's seat." Turning his head slightly, Argos said to the robot, who had been listening intently to his explanation.

"However, I'm a nanny robot, and I don't have a driving program in my body." He tilted his head, and Shitou reminded very cautiously.

"It's alright, you sit over there." Argos said, the Pendras who were sitting in the driver's seat hurriedly moved away from the driver's seat. Under everyone's eyes, Stone released the machine that was holding Argos. Arm, sit on the driver's seat.


A miracle happened.

Argos explained several times before that the action combination that could not be successfully mastered was successfully performed. Then, following Argos's narration, the robot on the driver's seat strictly implemented his narration, and the spacecraft finally restarted. Stability restored!

The Pandra people were relieved, and after watching for a while, they left the cockpit, and the driving work was left to the robot in the room.

After all, Argos was still not in good health. After explaining the driving points, his spirit could no longer hold. He accidentally fell asleep. When he woke up again, the first thing he saw was the robot stone. Concentrating on driving the back of the spaceship.

The moment he woke up, the robot happened to drive the spacecraft to do a difficult maneuver, successfully avoiding an orbital meteorite impact.

Argos did not speak, staring at the back of the robot stone, his eyes became deeper and deeper: why didn't you notice it just now

This robot is not driving according to the instructions of humans, quickly grasping the key points of actions, and even performing different combinations of actions according to different situations. Its behavior is already "learning" and "using".

With a robot with incomparable learning ability, can it still be just a machine


This group of lucky Pendra people took the military spaceship driven by the robot stone, and headed towards the White Dew Star without any risk.

At the same time, on Pendra Star, the nanny robot 85231 watched the disappearing shadow of the spaceship and was silent for a moment.

There were a total of four robots that came from Bailuxing with him. Now, those four robots are all on that spaceship, and he is the only one left in Pendra.

Robot 85231 knew that the four robots had been wanting to go back, wanted to go back to the so-called "home", and did not comment on their thoughts, but Robot 85231 did not join them either.


When the four companions left, he did not stop him.

By the way, starting today, those four robots are no longer his companions. Starting today, his companions are no longer those nanny robots, but the military robots here.

However, the biggest reason for not stopping the spaceship was not because the four robots he knew were on the spaceship, nor because he had any compassion for the humans on the spaceship, but because the cost of the pursuit was too high.

One last glance at the direction the spaceship left, robot 85231 returned to life.

After the recovery, he went to rest alone, and now he no longer needs to put himself in the storage compartment under the floor, but can occupy a large house by himself. But it's probably a habit, and he still goes to the smallest room in the house every day.

Robot 85231, as always, carefully cleans the shell for itself, unlike the owner of the stone who will clean it for him personally, nor like the owner of Yuanyuan who will send him to the store to clean, the robot 85231 has always been self-sufficient.

Just as he was scrubbing the metal casing of his calf, Robot 85231 suddenly got stuck—

His gloom screen instantly turned dark, all movements stopped, and the whole robot looked like it was broken. Then after a full minute, the dim light screen of the robot 85231 lights up again. However, unlike the previous blue light, the dim light screen of the robot 85231 now flashes a very complex color...

"Teach you how to make paroni-style food? What the hell is this?" Muttered, Robot 85231 stood up and threw away the cleaning rag in its hand.

After grabbing the enemy's fuselage and falling, the enemy's mecha was indeed torn apart, but the opponent did not "die".

These invaders from higher civilizations are conscious bodies out of physical form, they can appear in virtual form in any electronic stream, on TV, on the Internet... They are omnipresent and can exist in any mechanical form.

They are "undead".

It is possible to hack into the "brain" of any mechanical product, read their data and replace it, this is the secret of their immortality.

"It's actually a babysitter robot, this time is really bad luck..." Muttered, "Robot 85231" walked out of the narrow room.


A few days later, a huge tattered battleship stopped in the mid-air of Bailuxing.

Bai Luxing's traffic observers connected the short-wave connection signal with the other party as soon as they found the other party.

The location of Bailuxing is too remote. No one has come since the last Pandra Refugees. After their arrival, everyone on Bailuxing knew that something had happened outside. There were star thieves and refugees everywhere. Under such circumstances, the sudden appearance of such a large warship is really something very noteworthy.

"Hello, this is Bai Luxing, is there anything I can help you with?" the young observer asked cautiously.

Then he heard an answer from the other end of the signal:

"Tweet! Tweet Tweet! Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet!!!"

Instead of human voices, a strange chirping sound came from the other end of the signal.