There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 210: Mr. Seather's choice


A total of 1, 2, 3... 128 hairy chirps descended from a huge spaceship.

The little hairy chirps surrounded Morgan in a fluffy way. They looked at Mugan seriously. At first they just looked at him from a distance. Then they probably felt that Mugan was not a threat, so they got closer, and they got closer and closer tentatively, and they sniffed at Mugan.

With a sniff, the Cantas cub at the front almost squatted backwards!

Across the fluffy little faces, Mugen seemed to understand the terrified expressions they could not avoid. Turning his head, Mugen carefully raised his arm and sniffed, and then smiled awkwardly: "That... My family ate stinky tofu at noon today. Although it stinks, it's actually delicious."

Muggan crouched down, trying to keep his line of sight level with the smallest cub. This is a good action to reduce the sense of threat. Probably this action played a role. Next, the cubs who had retreated to the back came back hesitantly. Then, they carefully sniffed Mugen again.

In fact, Mugen got it wrong. The reason why these cubs retreated before was not because of the smell of stinky tofu, but because of the strong smell of another cantas on Mugen!

It was an extremely powerful and robust Kantas, and the smell on this person indicated that this person belonged to him, and the cubs were too frightened by this warning smell to take a step forward.

But it is precisely because of this smell that they feel that they are finally safe.

This is the home of a mighty Kantas, and they are in the right place.

Once it was confirmed that Mugan was "one of our own", the cubs began to tug at the corners of Mugan's clothes with their mouths and ran off to the spaceship with him. In the cockpit, Muggan was surprised to find Pullencourt, who was dying on the ground. The fluff on his body was bald, revealing bloody flesh. Under his body, there were two torn robots. . In the driver's seat not far away, a tall man in a driver's uniform was sitting, but he had been dead for a long time.

The cubs at the head immediately explained for Mugen, but unfortunately their chirps were very different from Ollie's accent. Mugen was confused, but it didn't affect him knowing what he should do now. What, looking at the figure of Pullencourt on the ground, he immediately went out and called Sigma.

Unexpectedly, when Sigmar came over, these cubs showed an alert look at the same time, and some of the cubs even rushed over and pecked at them.

"?" Quickly grasped the two small paws of the cub who rushed over, and held him head down in his palm. A question mark appeared on Sigma's dim screen.

Mugan then pointed to Pullencourt on the ground and... the broken robot.

He didn't understand what the little guys said just now, but judging from their alertness to Sigma, they were 80% attacked by robots on the road. The cubs clearly brought their hatred of the terrestrial robots to Sigmar, who is also a robot.

"Introduction, he is Sigma, my brother." Grabbing a little Mao who wanted to jump up, Mugen said, "He came to help me take Plungu Li down."

At any rate, the cubs finally stopped attacking Sigmar, but they kept their eyes on him all the way, which made Sigmar obviously a little overwhelmed.

At a critical time, I have to rely on my uncle to go out.

Discovering that Mugen and Sigma have been out for a long time and haven't come back, Alpha came to look for them, and saw these hostile little hairs at a glance, Alpha immediately sent Ipsilon to take Sigma's place, he himself squatted down, and then …

"This is the stinky tofu that just came out of the oven." Alpha made a steaming plate of stinky tofu in his hands.

"A traditional delicacy originating from the ancient earth, the fermented product of soy products, was once presented to the royal family as a tribute in a certain dynasty, and was deeply loved and praised by the royal family." Holding the plate, Alpha used a steady mechanical sound to exude a strange sound to the plate. Taste of food notes.

"The food itself is delicious enough, and the sweet and salty sauces specially made by Robot Stone are even more unique." Then, Alpha took out two small plates, with black and white sauces in them, respectively. Taking out a small fork, Alpha forked a piece of stinky tofu, dipped it in a little black sauce, and then stretched out: "Excuse me, who wants to taste the taste of stinky tofu, the food of the earth?"

The little chirps were obviously shocked by the aura of the robot Alpha!

They were stunned for a while, and before they could get up, they were dizzy by the smell of stinky tofu, and then they heard Alpha's statement, when they heard that this stinky food was actually a royal delicacy, the little ones The curiosity of the chirps was lifted to the highest point.

After a neat swallowing sound, a little fat chirp finally jumped up tremblingly. He bit the stinky tofu on the fork handed over by the robot Alpha, he chewed it, and then swallowed it bravely.

"Is there an indescribable feeling?" Before he could speak, Uncle Alpha spoke again.

"..." He tilted his head and thought for a while, and Little Fat nodded his head.

"Do you want to eat another piece to experience it further?" Alpha continued.

Chirp... Little Fat Chiu nodded again.

"Please come into the house with me to taste." Handing the plate and saucer in his hand to Sigma, the robot Alpha straightened his back and turned back. The furry behind him hesitated and turned to look at Mugan.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of Pullunguly." Mugan waved to them with a smile.

So the little hairy chirps ran away after Alpha and Sigma with confidence. From a distance, the robots looked like a string of hairballs behind them, and they looked very happy.

"You ate salty sauce just now. I suggest you try the sweet sauce next time." From a distance, Mugan heard Alpha's voice, and he seemed to be introducing his own food to these Cantas cubs. Then the cubs chirped, and then the distance between the robot and the cubs was obviously getting closer.

"The uncle is still very good. He really has a set of cubs." Holding Pullen Guli's claws, Mugen sighed to Uncle Ipsey Long.

"Hehe..." Then the robot Ipsilon let out a series of laughter with a mechanical sound.

The Kantas cubs were all handed over to Uncle Alpha and the others to take care of them, and the spacecraft was accepted by the current staff of the White Dew Star Transportation Administration. After the long-dead pilot Ben was properly settled, the wreckage of those robots was also sent to the Imperial College by Mugan. examinations, while he himself took an entire afternoon to tend to Pullencourt.

Mrs. Bayati came to see the doctor in person. According to her statement, the injury of Plunguli was just a skin injury. The real trouble was that he had a genetic disease.

"Many races that pursue the so-called pure blood will have a bit of this problem. They won't die, but their genes are degraded." After drinking a sip of tea, Mrs. Bayati glanced at Plunkuli's stomach: "Other than that. Plus, he's overweight."

"Let him drink medicine during this time. In addition, you can cook more food for him."

Mugan nodded gratefully.

So, when Pullencourt woke up, he was greeted with a bowl of bitter medicinal soup, plus a bowl of dishes that smelled even more horrible than medicinal soup.

"Eat the vegetables first and then take the medicine." Mugen helped him straighten up with a smile, and put a pillow behind him.

"啾..." Pullen Guli said hello to Mugan weakly, and then ate Mugan's dishes.


He vomited.

Then, when he took the medicine again, Pullencourt felt that the medicine soup was delicious for the first time~

After drinking the medicine, Pullencourt handed a paper letter to Mugan, and when he opened it, he found that it was Mr. Cisse's handwritten letter. For the first time, Mugan saw Mr. Cisse's handwriting, which was a swash script that no one used for a long time. It was very elegant. Mr. Cisse was very polite and asked Mugan to take care of Mr. Cisse during this time. The Kantas cubs inside.

The letterhead was very brief, and it ended with only a few lines, but Mugen felt that there were still a few sheets of paper behind him, and turned over the letter. The second sheet was a sheet of paper with an electronic passbook embedded in it. The amount in the card was indicated on the card. The amount of money made Mugen stunned for a while. He immediately opened the third piece of paper, but the content of this piece of paper shocked him even more than the second piece of paper before: this is A letter of appointment signed by Mr. Sisser, officially appointing Mugen as the highest consul of Bailuxing and responsible for all government affairs on Bailuxing. There are three official seals on it, one of which is even from the military. With this official seal and appointment According to the content of the letter, Mugan can even dispatch future military forces on White Dew Star!

This is really amazing!

As soon as this letter of appointment came out, Mugen's position on Bailu Xing was completely secured! If Olivia was here, he could probably explain Mugan a little more clearly. There are three official seals on this letter of appointment, which means that the letter of appointment has passed the clear path. If the system can be used now, Mugen is definitely the youngest planet's highest consul in the empire!

Along with the appointment letter, there is also a seal, which is only the official seal of the highest consul of each planet. Since then, every document and official letter signed and issued by Mugen will be stamped with this official seal. The legitimacy of official documents will be thoroughly recognized.

Not being carried away by this sudden appointment letter, Mugen then looked at the fourth piece of paper, and the content of this paper really shocked Mugen.

He also finally understood why he got this appointment letter.

The former supreme consul of Bailuxing was discovered in Ifadia. At the time of the accident, the consul's spacecraft happened to be in space and abandoned his jurisdiction and the people in his jurisdiction. He chose to go to Ifadia with others to take refuge.

After finding him asking about the situation, Mr. Cisse ordered him to be executed immediately.

"I have prepared five letters for the same trusteeship. If God is destined to find you in the end, and if fate chooses you, then please take care of them and the land under your feet on my behalf, and, other peoples of the land.

—Cissesri Lo Nashkill”

The author has something to say: Mrs. Bayati examines Plunkuli.

She first touched the hair on Plunkuli's butt, and then picked out a large piece of metal inside the hair.

Then he touched Plunkuli's face again and told others that Plunkouli had a fever.

Next, she touched Plunkuli's belly.


Touch again.

Looking at Mrs. Bayati with a serious face, Mugan was suddenly very nervous.

Mugan: Mrs. Bayati, what's wrong with the chubby belly? Are there dark wounds in there

Mrs. Bayatti (with a serious face) was silent. "No, just because it feels good."

In fact, Mrs. Bayati is a plush control, she loves the fat belly of the cub~

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