There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 214: That person can still be rescued


The huge chandelier ten meters high in the center of the roof fell heavily from the sky, and the place where it was about to fall was exactly where the huge black Kantas was crawling!

At this moment, someone suddenly kicked the falling chandelier in another direction, and along with the sound of crystals shattering, there was a loud shout in the huge palace—

"Fatty Hua Mao! Haven't you recognized the reality yet? Your emperor is long gone! The cubs you cultivated are all flowers in the greenhouse, and they can't become the next emperor at all. If you die, let alone become an emperor. , they may not even be able to do it when they grow up!"

With such a familiar voice, the black behemoth opened its eyes weakly again: "Roar..."

In the case of the prototype, he could only let out a vague roar, and if anyone could understand the language of Kantas at this time, he would recognize it as a name: Rothsay.

The person who came was Rothsay, and now the imperial people habitually add the suffix "Your Excellency Marshal" to this name, just as people habitually add the word "Sir" to the name of Sissyri.

"Roar..." The giant beast that Cissyri turned into roared weakly.

"Ask me why I'm here? You say why I'm here?" Quickly jumping to Sissyri's side, Rothsay had already waved away several portraits that had fallen from the ceiling - the roof of this palace was densely inlaid with various Jewelry and famous paintings, each of which is of great value: "Ifadia is about to be destroyed, our soldiers are naturally obliged to escort all the people of the empire to evacuate safely, although you are not a lovable fellow since you were a child, but after all, you are also part of the empire. A member of…”

While speaking, Rothsay tried to move Cissusli, despite his sarcastic words, but his movements were very fast.

He couldn't move at all after a move, and Rothsay could see what the situation was in Sissyri now: a thin cylinder with metallic luster was faintly exposed on his back, and the metal rod actually penetrated through it. Pinned him to the floor with his body!

With his hands frozen in mid-air, fine beads of sweat appeared on Rothsay's forehead.

Things are worse than expected—

It's true that he is Kantas, but Cissyri is also Kantas, and he is not much lighter than him. Now that he is nailed to the ground again, if he takes out this metal rod, the consequences...

He was already shouting bad in his heart, but the tone in his mouth was still relaxed: "Fatty Hua Mao, after all these years, you are still so fat..."

"Fatty Man" was the nickname of Cissy Li when he was a child. At that time, he had a messy hair and was very fat.

Probably only the cubs who grew up with him know this nickname.

"Roar..." With a roar like a gossamer, Sissyri's vision was a little blurry. He flapped his wings with the last strength, trying to drive Rothsay away from him.

Go, get out of here, get out of here before it's completely destroyed.

"Roar… "

Thank you for being by my side at the last moment so that I don't die alone.

Thank you…

In the end, only you can find me.

Sissyri's eyes could no longer see clearly, perhaps because he had lost too much blood, his vitality had gradually been drawn out of his body.

He remembered a long, long time ago.

When he was a cub, at that time, he was not popular.

The cubs are also colored, and the fat man with mixed hair is often excluded. Therefore, rather than with his companions, Sissyri prefers to wander around the labyrinth of Holbisburg alone.

There are many rooms here, and each room is beautiful, with beautiful gems, and beautiful paintings.

Sissyri is a quiet cub.

Every time he enters an unfamiliar room, he will curiously observe everything in the room, guess the history behind each thing, and stroke the beautiful patterns on it with his small paws... It's all a happy game that he likes to play with each other. .

Until he accidentally broke into this room, this room with the golden throne.

That chair is so pretty!

This is the first thought of the fat boy.

Then, he saw the owner of the seat.

Powerful, cruel, and beautiful, that person has since become Cissell's vision.

The tenderness of being touched will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

Then... the secret way to enter the room is discovered by another cub. It seems that he is particularly difficult to get along with, every time Cissesli finds a secret base, Rothsay can always chase after him and find this place as well.

Now Rothsay is indeed the only one who has found him, however, the master of the throne is gone...

Sissyri's eyes became more and more dull.

"Hey! Don't close your eyes!"

Rothsay was not swayed by him a few times. In order to make it easier to focus, he even turned into a prototype. An equally huge adult Kantas instantly appeared beside the original Kantas, and he kept using his mouth. And the claws on the wings tried to move Cissesiri, but the rescue effort didn't make any progress except that Cissesiri looked a little more painful.

Just when the huge beast was at a loss, the entire ceiling fell—

The blue eyes stared at the ceiling that fell from the sky, and the pattern of the ceiling in Rothsay's eyes became bigger and bigger. He was ready to use his body to cover Sissyri. Unexpectedly, his posture was already set, but there was no severe pain from being hit by a heavy object for a long time. He raised his head in surprise, and he was surprised to find that he was smashing. The falling ceiling is gone! Instead, the sky was filled with foggy clouds, and after a while, there was a sudden rush of ash, and the black scales of the two beasts on the ground instantly turned white!

It's a photon cannon! Someone used a photon cannon!

The power of the photon cannon not only smashed the falling ceiling into dust! Turns all objects within range into dust! The palace that was still crumbling was destroyed in an instant!

Both Kantas raised their heads at the same time and looked at the young man who did bad things, especially Sissyri, who obviously had no strength. The moment he found out that the precious Holbisburg was destroyed, he held his eyelids back like a flash of light. .


He saw the blond youth holding a huge cannon barrel on the throne.

At this moment, the young man was using his boots to step directly on the golden throne with a ton of Trenmeisu diamonds with great disrespect.

Blonde and golden eyes, powerful, cruel and beautiful, in a trance, Cisse felt as if she saw the emperor who once sat here again.

In front of the emperor, there were all kinds of high-ranking adults on their knees.

At that time, he could only hide in the corner secretly, hoping that he would be able to kneel under that His Majesty's throne when he grew up.

It suddenly occurred to him that his attitude now... is very close to the ideal of his childhood.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Marshal, I violated your order to evacuate immediately, but this was in accordance with the instructions of Lieutenant General Argos. While taking over the army under his command, as usual, his tasks were also assigned by me. took over."

There was still white light in the barrel, which had just been used. The blond young man easily threw the barrel behind his back, held it up, and jumped off the throne lightly, quickly running to the two Kantars. Pushing the end that Marshal Rothsay turned into, he quickly took out another handle from the tool bag behind him. The moment he activated the handle, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared on the handle. Next, the young man He neatly used this photon knife to cut off a whole piece of floor below Sissyri's belly.

"Roar~~~~~~" Marshal Rothsay roared in surprise from the side.

"When are you still worried about the floor? No matter how valuable the floor is, it's not worth Mr. Cisse's life, okay?" After understanding what he meant, the young man immediately shouted at him in a louder voice.

After judging the length of the metal rod, he used the photon knife to cut several layers of the stone that was connected with Cissell. Although the metal rod still could not be pulled out, the Cissell at this time was no longer there. is immovable.

"Come, let's go together." After speaking, the young man also turned into a Kantas. His body was so strong and huge, even bigger than the other two Kantas on the ground!

Besides, he was so young—

The young Kantas waved his wings lightly, indicating that Marshal Rothsay and himself would use their claws to grab Cissesri.

Then, the two kantas flew in unison.

"Roar—" I couldn't tell whose roar was spreading in the sky.

Ifadia was engulfed in war, two huge beasts flew in the sky, chased by a group of mechanical enemies, their hard scales blocked all the attacks of the pursuers, and finally rushed out before being caught up. At the blind spot of the defense net opened by Rothsay, the warships that stayed there immediately opened the deck to welcome the arrival of the three-headed Kantas.

The young Kantas immediately turned into a prototype after entering the warship. Seeing that the pursuers were about to follow him and fly out of the blind spot of the defensive net, he immediately waved his arm down—


Just an order, including the thousands of warships around the warship they were in, immediately launched the strongest firepower attack on that blind spot!

The firepower of the attack was so intense that from the window, it looked like a thick white light was shooting straight at Ifadia.



It exploded silently.

Kantas, who had not yet transformed into human form, witnessed this unprecedented explosion, just like when they saw fireworks for the first time when they were young, they were stunned and couldn't take their eyes off of them.

This is the fireworks that the imperial capital Ifadia has become!

Standing in the middle of the two kantas, the young man with a calm and naked body had a calm expression.

Then, he smiled.

Did he actually laugh

His golden eyes were like melted Trummisu diamonds, and his smile was brutal and beautiful: "Rather than let it be destroyed in the hands of the enemy, I would rather it be destroyed in our own hands. Besides—"

Then, he tilted his head, facing the two Kantas who were still full of reluctance in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curved again, this time the smile was no longer daunting, but a sly smile, with a peculiar young man naughty.

"If the palace is gone, it can be rebuilt. Maybe the future emperor of the empire doesn't like this kind of heavy-duty antique building at all? Thinking about it this way, isn't it much better?"

He comforted the two elderly people in a unique way.

The other two Kantas were stunned.

After a long while, a strange expression suddenly appeared on the huge dragon's face in Cisses.


This time, the roar was no longer full of sadness and despair, but rather a roar of joy.

The big eyes have long been blurred, but he still tries to look at the young man beside him, as if he wants to try his best to engrave the young man's appearance in his heart before closing his eyes.

He looked so hard, and when he saw the young man's expression, he couldn't help showing a trace of panic.

"Mr. Cisse, please hold on, we will rush to the next supply star, and we can find a doctor and equipment for you to take out the metal rod in your body..."

Only at this time did the young man who had been full of confidence really look more like a young man his age.

"Quick! Go and call the army doctor! The doctor is dead? Then go and call the most wounded soldier! Then let Todd come too—" His eyes were no longer clear, but Cissesli could still hear the young man's strength command sound.

He is so young, yet so majestic. With an order, the soldiers on the entire warship were busy, no one dared to obey, and no one dared to act indiscriminately.

He was so powerful, cruel and beautiful, just like that majesty.

And, he's so young—

Sissyri's huge mouth suddenly grinned.

Rothsay was right, he kept the Imperial Kantars too hot.

Greenhouse flowers cannot be emperors.

Like him and Rothsay.

Although they each climbed to the top of their own professional system, they could not become emperors after all.

The real emperor is the one whose destiny favors!

Born from humble beginnings, he does not have a narrow character due to the environment. He is strong, confident, decisive, and convinced by everyone. In the face of power, he has no sense of fear. Destroying old things and creating new things, he is young, strong, and ambitious—

He was destined to be the next emperor.

At this moment, the last trace of strength had disappeared from Sissyri's body, but his heart was full of strength. With dimmed eyes, he let out a low roar before his eyelids were about to fall.

With the exception of Ollie, I carry all the little chirps born after the imperial cataclysm on my back.

With an unbelievably low cry, Mr. Cisse slowly lowered his eyelids.

I'm old and can't carry the cubs anymore.

I, it's time to leave.

Just then, he felt a very warm weight leaning against his back.

Then he heard a voice saying to him:

Well, now, you've carried all the little chirps born after the imperial cataclysm on your back.

It's so warm... this little chirp... must be a very strong little guy, he... he's really heavy...

At this moment, Sissyri wanted to laugh.

And then-

Sissyri's eyes finally closed completely.

His world was finally dark.