There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 216: like to hate


All the way to the direction of Bailuxing, the Pandra (← the name of the warship today) not only tripled the number of people in the cabin, but the fleet behind it also formed a very spectacular scale. More and more, but under the scheduling of the robot stone, all the work is in good order, and everyone has only one goal: to go to Bailuxing!

The supplies were starting to get seriously tight, but after they rescued several spaceships from the mobile restaurant three days ago, the problem was solved smoothly.

It was an interstellar restaurant chain run by three people. Because they had to stay back and forth between the galaxies, their food reserves were quite sufficient. Due to the damage to the spacecraft, these three people had to be dispersed into each spacecraft. However, they and everyone They didn't get along well, and in the end, Stone had to vacate a spaceship specially for them.

But the stone is also rewarding: among the humans who were rescued with the three-headed man, the stone found Doug! According to him, when the disaster happened, he was communicating and studying in the restaurant of Santou, and then he was forced to be trapped with Santou.

The originally thin young man looked thinner now, but his spirits were not bad. When he heard that the destination of this fleet was Bailuxing, he was obviously relieved, and then he stayed quietly in the area assigned to him. in the space.

In this session, Shitou secretly took advantage of his privilege. He arranged a position for Doug close to the toilet. Due to the increasing number of people on the boat, now there is a queue to go to the toilet, so he can arrange for the host's classmates. A position that is convenient for grabbing a seat, he should be very happy, right

The gloom screen of the stone shone with a gentle green light.

At the same time, Doug, who didn't know he was being taken care of: ... kinda stinks.

Later, they also encountered an army!

is a real army! There are a total of 134 "Pandera" and a particularly huge supply ship!

In front of this army, the miscellaneous fleet led by Shitou was simply weak.

This army immediately took over the refugee group here, and of course also took over the warship driven by the Pandra people, and the driving right of the stone was immediately taken away. A series of actions, this army is obviously very vigilant about robots. At first, they even wanted to destroy all robots on the spacecraft. Later, the owners of these robots protested too much, in order not to cause unnecessary unnecessary damage at this time. Panic, they stayed put for the time being, but they kept a register for each robot. The owner of the robot was ordered to strictly watch over his robot at all times. If the robot caused any accident in the future, all responsibility would be borne by its owner. After investigating them one by one, in the end, only Shishi, Yuanyuan, Xiaohei, and No. 21 were left.

The four robots stood there blankly, explaining that they were not without their masters, but were on their way to their masters, but no one paid any attention to their explanations. Stone once again remembered that day, the day when he handed out the metal medal countless times, but no one paid attention.

Now the metal plate is no longer on him.

When he handed out the metal card for the last time, a human took it away, and the stone waited expectantly for the person to confirm the contents of the metal card, and then send him home, but the man obviously Something is forgotten.

And then, he was forced to leave Bailuxing.

With no metal plaques and no system records to confirm who his master was, Stone was once again an ownerless robot.

Robots without an owner on the ship are judged to be dangerous goods by the military, not to mention that one of the robots drives the warship without permission. In this case, these robots are to be destroyed.

Standing helplessly in the cockpit, the stone's dim screen flashed a little flustered.

However, at this time, the seriously injured Argos who was sitting in the co-pilot said: "These four robots are all mine."

"What? You use four babysitting robots alone?" The officer in charge of registering the information of the people on board was obviously not convinced. But how could his aura rival Argos, who has always been in the top position

Argos, who had bandages covering most of his face, looked cold, and even if he couldn't move in the passenger seat, he still looked like he was dragged to death: "Can't I have money?"

Officer responsible for the record: …

Glancing at the four robots, he immediately turned his gaze back to Argos: "Okay, then tell me the names of the four robots, remember, whichever one of these four robots causes trouble, you will be held accountable. Responsibility!"

Argos just twitched the corners of his mouth.

Even if it is a seriously injured number, he must be the one with the most arrogant and cool attitude: "The tallest robot is called Shi Shi, the black cat is Xiao Hei, the round face is called Yuan Yuan, and the square body is No. 21. "

The recorder immediately wrote down these names, and then casually asked Argos, "Tell me your personal information too."

"Al, Imperial Guard, Captain." Argos said lazily.

"... What about the others?" After a moment of stunned, the recorder was very respectful. The rank on his epaulette was lieutenant, which was just the first rank of the seriously wounded number on the opposite side.

"No comment." Argos closed his eyes after he finished speaking, as if he had said that.

Choked by his appearance, the recorder was a little angry, but thinking of the identity of the other party—a member of the Imperial Guard, he quickly put away his dissatisfaction: "Okay, a few robots, help your master to rest here. Bar."

He pointed to a location on the internal structure diagram of the warship, and remembered that place firmly. Stone, Yuanyuan and No. 21 immediately worked together to move Argos up. Xiao Hei had nothing to do and walked around, and finally he put the table The electronic big-character poster on it was rolled up and taken away by Argos.

I have to say that the nanny robot is really very professional in taking care of people. Argos is often injured. In the past, his assistant officers always made him very painful. Now, with several robots, he has no bumps along the way. He felt it, his body sank, and he felt his body fall to the ground again, and he opened his eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw three dim light screens (← Stone, Yuanyuan, and No. 21) plus two small dim light screens (← Xiao Hei).

The four robots were looking at him with emotion.

Argos was stunned for a while, and then stunned again: When... He can already judge the emotions of these robots through the dim light screen? Wait - since when did he think robots have emotions too

Just when Argos was stunned, Shi Shi said, "Sir, you actually remember our names."

Argos just came back to his senses, and when he heard Shishi's words, he was stunned again: Yes, when did he start to remember the names of these robots

Then Robot Stone smiled again.


"Is it strange to remember your names?" Squinting, Argos looked at the smiling robot.

"Well, because you obviously don't like us, to be exact, you don't like all robots." Robot Stone said very frankly.

Argos did not expect that his buried emotions would be detected by this robot.

"The human body is very wonderful. When you are happy, when you are sad, when you are angry... the heartbeat and pulse will change, and the blood flow rate will also change. I will judge your emotions through these." Shishi said honestly.

"..." Argos tilted his head: "Knowing that I hate you, you still continue to take care of me?"

Stone nodded: "It's true that some humans don't like robots."

"My master said that whether it is a robot or a human, you can't make everyone like you, so you don't need to pay attention to the emotions of others." Stone continued.

Not everyone in this world likes robots. More people use robots as tools, and some people hate robots. When Stone first encountered such a situation in Bailuxing, Sigma comforted him with these words. He, at the same time, told him that Mugan had comforted him with these words.

Because Mugan said it, Stone carefully recorded the text on the hard drive, accompanied by a piece of music and a photo.

This is his diary.

Seeing the natural attitude of the robot, Argos also nodded.

"Your master is a good man."

Only good people have the time to infuse a robot with chicken soup - Argos said.


Robot Stone smiled: "Thank you for complimenting my master. However, although I thank you very much for helping us avoid a terrible disaster in the name of our master just now, our master will not change, wait until later. On the White Dew Star, I will thank you with my savings."

"I don't have any savings, but I can help you mend clothes for a year." Robot Yuanyuan also hurriedly said.

"I have money in my stomach, but it's all the owner's. I, I can buy your favorite vegetables while shopping." This is the 21st.

The three robots all expressed their gratitude to Argos in the best way possible. By the time Xiao Hei was around, there was nothing to do, not to mention that he couldn't do anything.

"I... I can let you touch my belly." After being stuck for a long time, Xiao Hei finally came up with this method.

Argos: …

Very poor robot.

"I'm sleeping, remember to serve me the meal." As soon as he closed his eyes, Argos continued to sleep.

However, he didn't want to look like he was sleeping, he didn't fall asleep from beginning to end. The powerful senses let him clearly know that the four robots were all beside him at the moment, and he could even hear the voices of several robots chatting in a low voice.

"Do you have any savings for Shishi?" This was Yuanyuan's voice.

"Hmm." Robot Stone said a number.

"More money than I have in my stomach—" Hey! On the 21st you exposed the amount of your master's small vault!

"Meow?" I don't understand this sentence, pass.

"My master will give me pocket money every month. After I go back and take out the deposit and give it to Mr. Al, I will make a new metal plate with the remaining money..." Shishi talked about his plan.

The bots were whispering, and now that the internet is unavailable, their chats are finally known. Their lives are richer and purer than human imagination.

"I really miss my master—" The chat between the bots ended with this sentence, just like every previous conversation.

Listening to their conversation, Argos finally really fell asleep.

He thought that after the disaster was over, he would go back and ask the owner of the stone where he bought the stone. Perhaps, he could also buy one.

The black one is pretty good too.

Yuan Yuan also looks very capable...

The 21st…

After he fell asleep for a long time, No. 21 suddenly asked a question: "Stone, is it true that Mr. Al hates us?"

As an ancient type of robot, No. 21's response has always been a little slow, and he does not have the high-end scanning equipment on the stone at all, so it is impossible to judge human emotions through human reactions.

Stone nodded, seeing that No. 21 was a little nervous, he immediately said: "However, he doesn't hate us anymore."

The heartbeat is gentle and the blood flow is very smooth, which is a sign of comfort.

Raising a finger, the stone suddenly pointed at Xiao Hei: "According to my judgment, Mr. Al's favorite robot is Xiao Hei!"


So, next, while Argos was asleep, several robots started a new round of gossip.