There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 218: Obey


Things didn't go according to plan, and Lieutenant General Pei Nan broke a whole set of tea sets while he was alone.

While Alruf was seriously injured, it was true that he successfully obtained command by virtue of his rank and prestige, but it was not smooth from the beginning.

While fleeing Ifadia, the supply ship of Arruf's army was blown up by more than half! As soon as he took over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan immediately realized that what he had received was a mess. Fortunately, the sky didn't kill him, and soon they met a wave... Well, an almost perfect fleet of refugees: although they were fleeing, they were not panicked, there was no trouble, and there were no big shots, basically ordinary people , and most importantly - they have quite a lot of supplies on board.

This is what solves his urgent need!

It didn't take him long to get the information, because the team had done the job before, and the people stat sheet was so beautifully done that even he wanted to compliment it.

This is a very docile flock - thought Lieutenant General Penan.

The only imperfection in this team is the numbers...

There are too many refugees.

As Argos analyzed, Lieutenant General Penan wanted not only to receive these precious supplies and fleets, but also to receive appropriate refugees, but there were too many refugees.

Then he immediately thought of a solution, which worked at first, but soon a thorn came out and messed up everything. The refugees on the ship were no longer as obedient as they were at the beginning, and Lieutenant General Penan had to give up. practice at the beginning.

But this is only temporary, and he still has a plan in his mind.

The destination of this fleet is Bailuxing - when Lieutenant General Pei Nan heard the name, he immediately twitched the corners of his mouth.

In recent years, the reputation of the Imperial College has been getting bigger and bigger. It is obviously a comprehensive college. What does it mean to participate in the competition between military colleges? Participate as soon as you participate. What do you want to do when you overwhelm other veteran military academies

The most important thing is that the college that is stably placed at the bottom by the Imperial Comprehensive College every time is the Daolan Aofa Military College.

Since Lieutenant General Pei Nan was promoted to dean, the situation of Daolan Aofa Military Academy seems to have been declining all the way, especially with the comparison of the ordinary college as Emperor Zong, now people's evaluation of Daolan Aofa is getting more and more The lower it is, since the year before last, Daolan Aofa lowered the score line for the first time, and since last year, for the first time, more than 10% of graduates were unable to find employment, although they used their own means to graduate for those no one wanted. The student arranged a receiving unit, but this was just a decoration for peace.

If he can't do any decent deeds again, Daolan Offa may change the dean this year-at the beginning of the year, Lieutenant General Penan heard the news secretly passed on.

Just as he was desperately unable to do anything, disaster struck, rejecting an offer to take refuge at the Grande Military Academy in the next galaxy, and he took Dolan Offa's students aboard Arruf's ship. They tried to enter Ifadia for refuge, and found in desperation that when Ifadia was actually captured by the enemy, they only escaped one-third of the fleet, and a large number of soldiers became cannon fodder in order to protect the students, and the burden was the heaviest. Supply ships are also less than half.

Although these people have achieved great justice, they also made the situation of the remaining people more difficult: most of the people who escaped were students in military academies, and a small number were senior officers, and the last remaining people were middle-level Officers and low-level soldiers, but the real war depends on these people!

After taking over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan had been having headaches for several days and could not sleep.

Although he has the command right in name, his opinions cannot be banned like a formally awarded commander, and all his orders require the consent of others to be implemented.

So Lieutenant General Penan's wish to divert to another planet was rejected as soon as he said it.

"Just go to Bailuxing, I heard that it is the safest place at the moment." Alruf's mother, Mrs. Delia, wiped the wet tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and voted against it coldly.

As soon as she said those words, Lieutenant General Pei Nan didn't need to say anything later.

This mother, who loves her son very much, brought ten high-end ammunition supply ships with her son. After all, this lady's surname before marriage was Su Mei—

Lieutenant General Pei Nan froze, and glanced at a young man sitting next to him—this young man was with Mrs. Delia. Lieutenant General Pei Nan knew his surname was Su Mei, and he seemed to be a direct member of the Su Mei chaebol. .

Now there are only two people on the special-class warship standing under his feet who are civilians without any rank, one is the former Ms. Su Mei, and the other is this Mr. Su Mei.

At the beginning of the escape, it was these two people that he treated with the least care, but these two people are the first to stand up and not support him.

"Bailuxing is a very barren planet. Except for Emperor Zong and several departments with combat power, all other colleges are art majors. Now that a large number of people are going to Bailuxing to take refuge, that planet will sooner or later—" He After trying to struggle for a while, his eyes turned to the young man again.


"Just go to Bailuxing. At this time, there is no place safer than there." The pale young man again firmly rejected Lieutenant General Pei Nan.

In that terrible dream, Bailuxing was the first place to fall.

No one could have imagined that the robot named Sigma was hidden so deeply that after losing system monitoring, he immediately took control of all the mechanical items on Bai Luxing, and then blocked Bai Luxing. In order to fight against him, Bai Luxing used extreme weapons" "Constaro", it was after the explosion that people came to understand the importance the Empire attached to the top colleges, especially Bai Luxing!

The extreme offensive and defensive integrated weapon "Constaro", the entire empire has only succeeded in ten sets, and one set was placed in Bailuxing—

After a massive self-destructing attack, the entire Hydrangea galaxy was destroyed. Its movement even spread to two neighboring galaxies, but the robot named Sigma "lived".

Although it was tattered, it "survived".

And then-

Sumeg shuddered!

The advent of those robots was simply a mistake—

However, some things in the dream are completely different from the actual situation.

He watched things in vain time and time again, sometimes fast forward, sometimes slow, countless times thinking that it might just be a dream, but every time he just thinks like this, the next second he will see the characters that appeared in the dream, When those people he was sure he had never seen or heard of before appeared in front of his eyes, reality would tell him that it was not a dream.

Succeeded in leaving Pendra with enough gear before another catastrophe, and then... he was unavoidably one of the persecuted members of the catastrophe.

"You must go to Bailu Xing, where there are only ten sets of weapons in the entire empire - Constaro." His lips tightened, and after a while, Sumege said one of the reasons why he insisted on going there.

"What?!" Madam Delia and Lieutenant General Pei Nan were shocked!

"Di Zong... I mean, how can Bai Luxing have such a high-end weapon?" Lieutenant General Pei Nan's lips trembled.

"The extreme weapons of Daolan Austrian Law School are also under construction. The reason why they proposed to take refuge in the Grando Military Academy is precisely because they also have a set of Constaro there." Looking at the man, Su Meige Laughed ironically.

"But if you don't listen, you have to ask Arruf to go to Ifadia for help. I also said at the time that something must have happened in Ifadia."

"Yes! Yes! You did say those words at the time..." She stood up excitedly, and Mrs. Delia clung to Sumege's hands tightly.

Lieutenant General Pei Nan looked ashen - now they have been riding a tiger.

Taking command for the first time, Lieutenant General Penan fell one after another.

No longer pointing fingers, he just ordered the entire fleet to quickly follow the original planned route. But his honesty doesn't mean everything will be smooth sailing: the terrifying invader has finally appeared in the stars beyond Ifadia.

When the unusual-looking fleet first appeared in front of the refugees, most were unaware of their identity.

Since the number of the other party's ships was not large, there were star thieves who were not afraid of death immediately trying to rob them, but they immediately realized that they had done something wrong. Got knocked down? !

The refugees who were watching were stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

They actually got close!

Lieutenant General Pei Nan also wanted to pass, but Sumege was dismayed the moment he saw those warships, and shouted to stop his order, and said he would back-

Lieutenant General Pei Nan wanted to convince the other party, but soon it was no longer necessary: in the channel ahead, in the blink of an eye, the refugee spaceship that was approaching the fleet actually...

All become cracked floats

It's the intruder - at this moment, Lieutenant General Penan finally understands why Su Meige is so frightened!

At the juncture of life and death, his greatest weakness was exposed in the following time:

He first wanted to resist, and in an instant, the idea of using the refugee fleet as a shield to temporarily resist for a while appeared in his mind, but his sense of morality and certain other standards had suspended his behavior, and the best time to retreat had passed. After that, he found that he had been locked by the other party—

One edge ship after another exploded in the distance, and silently turned into wreckage and floated in the universe. When witnessing all this, Pei Nan saw everyone in the command room looking at him.

and many more! Why are you looking at me like this? Waiting to see my joke

and many more-

His mind went blank.

At this moment, the signal light of a warship not far away suddenly flickered regularly, and someone immediately noticed that it was a paragraph, and immediately translated it.

"I, Argos, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, hereby announce that the interim commander of Lieutenant General Rorald Peder has ended, and the Imperial Guard will retain the responsibility of Arruf Grieg. Lieutenant Lieutenant General Li is responsible for the ineffectiveness, from now on, all the fleets will be commanded here."

There was no token, and no real person was seen. Just relying on the text transmitted by a signal light, all the panic-stricken battleships instantly became the backbone.

After the officer in charge of driving finished typing this text, Argos turned pale.

Just now, he had been supported by people to watch the situation outside, and standing for a long time was still a big burden for him at present. Taking a deep breath, he then turned his icy gaze to the driver who had just signaled.

"You, keep driving, but from now on, the command will be handed over to my assistant robot Stone, and you will signal everything he wants you to do to outsiders to know."

After finishing speaking, Argos sat down with the support of Yuanyuan and No. 21. Xiaohei lay meekly on his knees. Although his body was a little stiff, his hair was warm. Argos slowly touched him. with little black fur.

He is calm.

But the people around are completely unable to calm down!

Especially the humans in the driver's seat!

"But... but... it's a robot!" Pointing at the robot stone's face, the driver trembled.

"Be obedient." Argos only said these two words.

After a long while, he heard a few very low sounds of obedience.

The last "yes" is a mellow mechanical sound, the sound of stone.

The author has something to say: Things didn't go according to plan, and Lieutenant General Pei Nan broke a whole set of tea sets while he was alone.

While Alruf was seriously injured, it was true that he successfully obtained command by virtue of his rank and prestige, but it was not smooth from the beginning.

While fleeing Ifadia, the supply ship of Arruf's army was blown up by more than half! As soon as he took over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan immediately realized that what he had received was a mess. Fortunately, the sky didn't kill him, and soon they met a wave... Well, an almost perfect fleet of refugees: although they were fleeing, they were not panicked, there was no trouble, and there were no big shots, basically ordinary people , and most importantly - they have quite a lot of supplies on board.

This is what solves his urgent need!

It didn't take him long to get the information, because the team had done the job before, and the people stat sheet was so beautifully done that even he wanted to compliment it.

This is a very docile flock - thought Lieutenant General Penan.

The only imperfection in this team is the numbers...

There are too many refugees.

As Argos analyzed, Lieutenant General Penan wanted not only to receive these precious supplies and fleets, but also to receive appropriate refugees, but there were too many refugees.

Then he immediately thought of a solution, which worked at first, but soon a thorn came out and messed up everything. The refugees on the ship were no longer as obedient as they were at the beginning, and Lieutenant General Penan had to give up. practice at the beginning.

But this is only temporary, and he still has a plan in his mind.

The destination of this fleet is Bailuxing - when Lieutenant General Pei Nan heard the name, he immediately twitched the corners of his mouth.

In recent years, the reputation of the Imperial College has been getting bigger and bigger. It is obviously a comprehensive college. What does it mean to participate in the competition between military colleges? Participate as soon as you participate. What do you want to do when you overwhelm other veteran military academies

The most important thing is that the college that is stably placed at the bottom by the Imperial Comprehensive College every time is the Daolan Aofa Military College.

Since Lieutenant General Pei Nan was promoted to dean, the situation of Daolan Aofa Military Academy seems to have been declining all the way, especially with the comparison of the ordinary college as Emperor Zong, now people's evaluation of Daolan Aofa is getting more and more The lower it is, since the year before last, Daolan Aofa lowered the score line for the first time, and since last year, for the first time, more than 10% of graduates were unable to find employment, although they used their own means to graduate for those no one wanted. The student arranged a receiving unit, but this was just a decoration for peace.

If he can't do any decent deeds again, Daolan Offa may change the dean this year-at the beginning of the year, Lieutenant General Penan heard the news secretly passed on.

Just as he was desperately unable to do anything, disaster struck, rejecting an offer to take refuge at the Grande Military Academy in the next galaxy, and he took Dolan Offa's students aboard Arruf's ship. They tried to enter Ifadia for refuge, and found in desperation that when Ifadia was actually captured by the enemy, they only escaped one-third of the fleet, and a large number of soldiers became cannon fodder in order to protect the students, and the burden was the heaviest. Supply ships are also less than half.

Although these people have achieved great justice, they also made the situation of the remaining people more difficult: most of the people who escaped were students in military academies, and a small number were senior officers, and the last remaining people were middle-level Officers and low-level soldiers, but the real war depends on these people!

After taking over, Lieutenant General Pei Nan had been having headaches for several days and could not sleep.

Although he has the command right in name, his opinions cannot be banned like a formally awarded commander, and all his orders require the consent of others to be implemented.

So Lieutenant General Penan's wish to divert to another planet was rejected as soon as he said it.

"Just go to Bailuxing, I heard that it is the safest place at the moment." Alruf's mother, Mrs. Delia, wiped the wet tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and voted against it coldly.

As soon as she said those words, Lieutenant General Pei Nan didn't need to say anything later.

This mother, who loves her son very much, brought ten high-end ammunition supply ships with her son. After all, this lady's surname before marriage was Su Mei—

Lieutenant General Pei Nan froze, and glanced at a young man sitting next to him—this young man was with Mrs. Delia. Lieutenant General Pei Nan knew his surname was Su Mei, and he seemed to be a direct member of the Su Mei chaebol. .

Now there are only two people on the special-class warship standing under his feet who are civilians without any rank, one is the former Ms. Su Mei, and the other is this Mr. Su Mei.

At the beginning of the escape, it was these two people that he treated with the least care, but these two people are the first to stand up and not support him.

"Bailuxing is a very barren planet. Except for Emperor Zong and several departments with combat power, all other colleges are art majors. Now that a large number of people are going to Bailuxing to take refuge, that planet will sooner or later—" He After trying to struggle for a while, his eyes turned to the young man again.


"Just go to Bailuxing. At this time, there is no place safer than there." The pale young man again firmly rejected Lieutenant General Pei Nan.

In that terrible dream, Bailuxing was the first place to fall.

No one could have imagined that the robot named Sigma was hidden so deeply that after losing system monitoring, he immediately took control of all the mechanical items on Bai Luxing, and then blocked Bai Luxing. In order to fight against him, Bai Luxing used extreme weapons" "Constaro", it was after the explosion that people came to understand the importance the Empire attached to the top colleges, especially Bai Luxing!

The extreme offensive and defensive integrated weapon "Constaro", the entire empire has only succeeded in ten sets, and one set was placed in Bailuxing—

After a massive self-destructing attack, the entire Hydrangea galaxy was destroyed. Its movement even spread to two neighboring galaxies, but the robot named Sigma "lived".

Although it was tattered, it "survived".

And then-

Sumeg shuddered!

The advent of those robots was simply a mistake—

However, some things in the dream are completely different from the actual situation.

He watched things in vain time and time again, sometimes fast forward, sometimes slow, countless times thinking that it might just be a dream, but every time he just thinks like this, the next second he will see the characters that appeared in the dream, When those people he was sure he had never seen or heard of before appeared in front of his eyes, reality would tell him that it was not a dream.

Succeeded in leaving Pendra with enough gear before another catastrophe, and then... he was unavoidably one of the persecuted members of the catastrophe.

"You must go to Bailu Xing, where there are only ten sets of weapons in the entire empire - Constaro." His lips tightened, and after a while, Sumege said one of the reasons why he insisted on going there.

"What?!" Madam Delia and Lieutenant General Pei Nan were shocked!

"Di Zong... I mean, how can Bai Luxing have such a high-end weapon?" Lieutenant General Pei Nan's lips trembled.

"The extreme weapons of Daolan Austrian Law School are also under construction. The reason why they proposed to take refuge in the Grando Military Academy is precisely because they also have a set of Constaro there." Looking at the man, Su Meige Laughed ironically.

"But if you don't listen, you have to ask Arruf to go to Ifadia for help. I also said at the time that something must have happened in Ifadia."

"Yes! Yes! You did say those words at the time..." She stood up excitedly, and Mrs. Delia clung to Sumege's hands tightly.

Lieutenant General Pei Nan looked ashen - now they have been riding a tiger.

Taking command for the first time, Lieutenant General Penan fell one after another.

No longer pointing fingers, he just ordered the entire fleet to quickly follow the original planned route. But his honesty doesn't mean everything will be smooth sailing: the terrifying invader has finally appeared in the stars beyond Ifadia.

When the unusual-looking fleet first appeared in front of the refugees, most were unaware of their identity.

Since the number of the other party's ships was not large, there were star thieves who were not afraid of death immediately trying to rob them, but they immediately realized that they had done something wrong. Got knocked down? !

The refugees who were watching were stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

They actually got close!

Lieutenant General Pei Nan also wanted to pass, but Sumege was dismayed the moment he saw those warships, and shouted to stop his order, and said he would back-

Lieutenant General Pei Nan wanted to convince the other party, but soon it was no longer necessary: in the channel ahead, in the blink of an eye, the refugee spaceship that was approaching the fleet actually...

All become cracked floats

It's the intruder - at this moment, Lieutenant General Penan finally understands why Su Meige is so frightened!

At the juncture of life and death, his greatest weakness was exposed in the following time:

He first wanted to resist, and in an instant, the idea of using the refugee fleet as a shield to temporarily resist for a while appeared in his mind, but his sense of morality and certain other standards had suspended his behavior, and the best time to retreat had passed. After that, he found that he had been locked by the other party—

One edge ship after another exploded in the distance, and silently turned into wreckage and floated in the universe. When witnessing all this, Pei Nan saw everyone in the command room looking at him.

and many more! Why are you looking at me like this? Waiting to see my joke

and many more-

His mind went blank.

At this moment, the signal light of a warship not far away suddenly flickered regularly, and someone immediately noticed that it was a paragraph, and immediately translated it.

"I, Argos, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, hereby announce that the interim commander of Lieutenant General Rorald Peder has ended, and the Imperial Guard will retain the responsibility of Arruf Grieg. Lieutenant Lieutenant General Li is responsible for the ineffectiveness, from now on, all the fleets will be commanded here."

There was no token, and no real person was seen. Just relying on the text transmitted by a signal light, all the panic-stricken battleships instantly became the backbone.

After the officer in charge of driving finished typing this text, Argos turned pale.

Just now, he had been supported by people to watch the situation outside, and standing for a long time was still a big burden for him at present. Taking a deep breath, he then turned his icy gaze to the driver who had just signaled.

"You, keep driving, but from now on, the command will be handed over to my assistant robot Stone, and you will signal everything he wants you to do to outsiders to know."

After finishing speaking, Argos sat down with the support of Yuanyuan and No. 21. Xiaohei lay meekly on his knees. Although his body was a little stiff, his hair was warm. Argos slowly touched him. with little black fur.

He is calm.

But the people around are completely unable to calm down!

Especially the humans in the driver's seat!

"But... but... it's a robot!" Pointing at the robot stone's face, the driver trembled.

"Be obedient." Argos only said these two words.

After a long while, he heard a few very low sounds of obedience.

The last "yes" is a mellow mechanical sound, the sound of stone.


Robot Stone is about to reach the peak of robot life

What is Sigma doing at this time

Sigma (flickering on the screen): Feed the chickens.

thump the ground—

——Although I understand everyone’s feelings of wanting to meet the protagonist and Mr. Cisse, it is still necessary to be patient with this part——

ps In order to facilitate the students who can't remember their names, I and the general Xie Junpao contributed our own notes~

1. Mugen, one of the male protagonists of this article, was born in an unknown galaxy in the Mausoleum of the Dead Sea Emperor, a test-tube baby of earth blood, graduated from the Department of Cuisine of the Imperial College, and the chairman of the Department of Cuisine (appears)

2. Olivia Augustus: One of the male protagonists of this article, born in a satellite country orphanage in the imperial capital, royal family Kantas, graduated from the imperial military, chief of the academy ()

3. Alpha: Uncle Mugan, the leader of the alphabet robots (the alphabet robots are all appearing)

4. Beta: Erbo Mugen, one of the alphabet robot series

5. Yinpuxilong: Sanbo, Alphabet Robot Series

6. ETA: Sibo, Alphabet Robot Series

7. Pie: Wu Bo, Alphabet Robot Series

8. Sigma: Brother Mugan, Alphabet Robot Series

9.a: Dad Mugan, the first-generation coolie robot ()

10. Mengmeng: Olivia's family, the egg hatching robot a hundred years ago, there are many secrets ()

11. Baiyun Duoduo: Phantom spaceship, the child created by Ms. Duolai, ()

12. SUMEG: Reborn, like the villain of the villain? ? ? ? I was killed by Ollie in my previous life ()

13. Beautiful Cullen Sea (name meaning): three-headed man, Faroese, red spaceship mobile restaurant waiter ()

14. Duolai. Z. Romrabeso: a famous mechanic born in Pandra, the creator of Baiyun Duoduo, referred to as Ms. Duolai ()

15. Jimmy: White M7 planet inhabitant, grandson of old Kenny. (not very important)()

16. Dobby: Thunder Dragon, classmate Mugan, master of cattle herding ()

17. Doug. E. Grumman: Pandra resident, Mugan classmate, face-blind patient 18. Hercules robot; the game robot in the amusement park was fisted by Mugan 19. Kurno: three-headed man, Chief Professor of the Department of Cooking at Imperial College (the following Imperial College professors and tutors appear)

20. Oder: Dean of Imperial College, unknown race, black hair and black eyes, seems to be a good friend with Principal Argos 21. Lanf: Examiner of the Mechanical Department of Imperial College

22. Blue: Professor of Medicine, Imperial College

23. Geller: Instructor of the Battleship Command Department of the Imperial College

24. Ms. Li: Professor of Mecha Department of Imperial College

25. Bronze: Examiner, Department of Economics, Imperial College

26. Goldman: Professor of Medicine, Imperial College

27. Mu Lansha: Professor of the Department of Multiplication of Life

28. Argos: Principal of the Imperial Military Academy, Kantas () has blonde hair and brown eyes, and seems to be a good friend with Principal Aude 23333

29. Big Horn: The crescent moon emperor dragon hatched by Ollie, smashed 2333 ()

30. Tony: Pastry Shop Owner (58)

31. Grove: the leading mecha maker in the Mecha Manufacturing Department of the Mechanical Department of the Imperial College (58)

32. Hollande: Bully Big Horn, Die

33. Gaia: Bully Big Horn, Die

34. Abil: Leicester behemoth, bullied Bighorn, dead

35. Paul: Bullied Big Horn and died

36. Sage Yin; Dean of the Department of Cooking at Imperial College, in a vegetative state, Rothsay. Tanggula. Marshal Chu's wife 37. Bray: Thunder Dragon who was bullied and committed suicide

38. Todd: Thunder Dragon, Ollie's classmate and subordinate

39. Mulander: Professor Mullanza's Robot

40. Levi: Second Professor of Cooking at Imperial College, Shuren

41. Brut: Second Professor of Cooking at Imperial College, Shuren

42. Salon: Second Chair Professor of the Department of Cooking

43. Kerry: Chairman of the music department, Mugan classmate

44. Godot: Chairman of the Fine Arts Department, Mugan classmate

45. Meilan: The Lady of the Clothing Store

46. Cold drink shop mother-in-law

47. Brad: Chairman of the Battleship Command Department of the Imperial College

48. Cod: Military Training Instructor

49. Sorom: Head of the Battleship Department of the Imperial College

50. Doma: Principal Secretary to Principal Ord

51. Flora: Head of the Mecha Department of Imperial College

52. Domra: Chairman of the Mecha Department of Imperial College, Tyrannosaurus

53. Qiu Lin: Chairman of the Mechanical Department of Imperial College

(It turns out that I wrote so many people! It's only part of it... )