There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 219: Mid-Autumn Festival


… calendar 15 years, summer

Because Mr. Mugan, the dean of Imperial College, had his summer vacation, Emperor Olivia I also ushered in his pleasant summer vacation.

Taking off the gorgeous and heavy emperor's uniform, Olivia changed into a shirt and trousers, and then took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and drank it.

Note: Coke, a drink of unknown origin consisting of syrup, water, and carbon dioxide (soda), is a junk drink—by Alpha but even with junk food, this drink sells surprisingly well! This ten bottles of soda costing only two francs has now entered the star-rated restaurants, and it has swept the entire empire with Bailuxing as the center.

Even the Padros (← the enemies who once invaded them) loved the explosive feel of the drink, and they paid the price of a new shipping lane for the drink's agency.

This soda was thought out by Sigma and Olivia together. The reason was that Mugan suddenly saw the name of this drink when he was reading the ancient books of his hometown one day, and he was suddenly greedy.

Mugan is a very active person, so when he thought of it, he immediately remembered his desire to revive the cuisine of his hometown, and immediately began to do it in the kitchen.

a week later-

Mr. Mugan successfully developed a new type of gasification weapon and successfully applied for a patent. In addition to mechanical manufacturing and operation, command and organizational construction, he has evolved a new talent.


In order to satisfy Mugan's wishes, Sigma and Olivia continued to secretly study this traditional drink after him. Using Mugan's remaining ingredients, they successfully made a delicious drink in just one hour. drinks.

It's sweet, full of gas, and after a big sip, you will feel refreshed in an instant - it completely matches the description of cola in the book!

Mugen's wish was fulfilled, and Mugen's steamed bun shop also had one more item.

Alpha didn't take this kind of junk food seriously at first. After analyzing the composition of the drink, he immediately strictly restricted the amount of Coke that his family could drink, but he did not refuse Sigma and Olivia's desire to sell it in his store. Coke proposal.

Knowing the low cost of this drink, Sigma and Olivia set a retail price of only 2 francs at the beginning. The reason for this price is that the empire has no coins lower than 2 bucks.囧rz!

However, veteran businessman Alpha rejected the price, and he raised the price to 100 francs (← Sigma & Olivia: profiteers!)

In the eyes of Olivia and the others, their Coke must not be sold.

Sigma has very little pocket money. Since Coke is a patented product shared by him and Olivia, Alpha promised to give him 10% of the sales revenue, the other 10% is Olivia's, and the remaining 100%. Eighty percent of it is the common property of the family. It is jointly managed by the parent Alpha and the robot little a. Sigma is very happy (← Hey! Don’t you think there is something wrong with this distribution method! It’s obviously the drink that you and Ollie discovered how to make, Are you satisfied with only ten percent of the profit! You are a robot without pursuit!!!)

The thought of not being able to sell her drink made Sigmar sad again.

But what surprised him was that in just half a year, the drink "Coke" actually became the most famous drink in the entire empire! A while ago, the dignitaries and dignitaries did not even serve drinks in their homes. Everyone was proud of having Coke at the banquet. The limited production of Coke was even fired for a bottle of 10,000 francs in remote areas!

Don't underestimate remote areas, there are also local tyrants who pursue fashion in remote areas!

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Even when Sigma was eagerly waiting for the price of his own Coke to increase to make his pocket money a little more, Alpha stuck to the original price of Coke. No matter how much coke is sold outside, the price he sells here is always 100 yuan, but privately, he contacted the manufacturer to expand production.

The partner he chose was Roroja. After the disaster, Olivia increased the control of high-end weapons. Now their business is not very good, but after the terrible disaster, everyone also realized this. The same is true if the business continues, and it is time to transform.

It hit it off, Alpha just handed out an olive branch, and Ro Roja immediately accepted it on behalf of the entire Black Star people.

The supply of Coke immediately kept up, and the people who raised the price of Coke before were immediately unlucky, and now Coke has become a popular drink. Although many experts have expressed their opinions that this drink is not good for the body at all, but it is not bad for the body if you can't stand it? ! Didn't you see that His Majesty the Emperor still likes this drink

As a result, Coke has become a popular drink that is suitable for all ages and is still loved by people who know it is garbage.

After the catastrophe, the treasury was extremely empty, and the GDP of the entire empire was greatly reduced. The emergence of Coke was very timely. Its appearance brought a new route to other civilizations for the empire, and a large number of imperial products were exported to At the same time, high-end products of other civilizations also entered the empire through this route, laying a solid foundation for the economic recovery of the empire.

At the same time, it also filled the emperor's private treasury, allowing him to get rid of the image of "living on his wife's salary" as quickly as possible.

No way, the Emperor of the Empire has no salary, and as we all know, the salary of the Dean of the Imperial College is very high.

︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Cough cough! Off topic-

After telling the story of the drink in His Majesty's hand, His Majesty the Emperor went out.

Not long after he left, he heard the children's noisy voices, and saw a group of small dinosaurs and a group of humanoid children in front of him, and then he remembered: today is the day when the kindergarten visits the palace.

In order to strengthen the patriotic education of the cubs, and in order to increase a ticket revenue for the palace to cover the huge expenditure on the construction of the palace, Olivia agreed to the proposal of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, every Wednesday and Friday during the summer vacation, the palace will be filled with the voices of children chatting.

Today is the first Wednesday of this summer holiday, and the cubs are the first to visit the palace this year.

"Palace Visit Day" - this is a very popular summer group activity in kindergartens these days.

"Children, please be quiet, this is not a kindergarten, but the place where His Majesty the great emperor works! Please don't disturb His Majesty." It was as soft and cute as a bunny, and her voice was as thin and soft as a bunny. Olivia laughed and noticed that many of the staff passing by in the corridor were all looking in the direction of the teacher. , I can't see it back for a long time.

This weak and lovely teacher's words were very useful. After she finished speaking, the little cubs really didn't say anything. One by one, they raised their small heads and looked like they were listening carefully.

"This is Baird Fort, the summer palace of His Majesty the Emperor. Every spring and summer, the emperor will work here. It is completely different from the classical palaces of previous emperors. Baird Fort is a postmodern palace. Everyone knows What is postmodernism?" Teacher Little Rabbit asked with a smile.

"Tweet! Tweet!" Among the little cubs who answered the question enthusiastically, one of them jumped very high, and he couldn't see who it was. Teacher Little Rabbit immediately pointed him in the direction.

"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!" The little guy can't speak yet, but this does not affect the teacher's understanding of what he said. Today's kindergarten teacher qualification certificate is very difficult to obtain. Transforming into a human form means that they cannot speak Common Language. In order to communicate smoothly with the little cubs who cannot speak Common Language, the Ministry of Education of the Empire stipulates that teachers at this stage must master 80 languages.

It sounds like a lot, but it's actually not as difficult as I imagined. After all, there are not many cubs at this stage!

However, this cub is not big, but it is unusual to say...

Listening to the little guy with a black line, he had to turn on the built-in translation system of Zhinao, and the female teacher finally understood what the cub just said: "Postmodernism is a hole-in-the-wall outfit! Exploding head! Ears! There must be a lot of holes in it!"

The little guy can say it in detail~

"Hoo!!! Hoo!!!! Hoohoho!!!!" After the little cub who was too short to see his head spoke, a cub next to him couldn't help but retorted enthusiastically.

have to-

Here comes another cub with a very large vocabulary!

As a last resort, the female teacher turned on her brain again, and after she understood what he said, there were more black lines on her face.

"Mom said that His Majesty the Great Emperor is a special postmodernist lover, that's why the palace was built like this! I have seen the portrait of His Majesty the Great Emperor, but he is not like that at all!" The little guy paused and recalled After a moment, he continued: "His Majesty, the great emperor, does not wear a hole-in-the-wall outfit, nor does he have an explosive head, there is only one hole in his ear!"

This little friend is obviously a small-brained fan of His Majesty the Emperor, and he strongly protested! Then he got a stronger rebuttal from the little cub next to him.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet!" That's how he is at home! He's got so many holes!

The two cubs, you shouted and roared, and soon, their language was beyond the scope of the brain to decipher, and the female teacher couldn't understand anything.

But if the adults don't understand, it doesn't mean that the little friends don't understand, so there is enough space for them to quarrel. The cubs form a circle and watch the two companions quarrel with relish.

The quarrel quickly turned into a fight.

The charm of the female teacher is useless. Hearing the movement here, the guards of the palace walked over with a glance, and indulged the students to fight in the palace—this is something that will be recorded in the file!

The young female teacher's face became darker and darker, and finally—

With a long roar, the female teacher turned into a monstrous beast.

The chirp is no longer chirp, and the roar is no longer roar.

The cubs lined up quickly in front of the beasts drooling at them ← obviously it wasn't the first time they had done so.

"Roar..." Good—

The Oriental Giant Chisosaurus is the largest, most ferocious and cruelest among the existing megalodons. It is also the second largest among the existing dinosaur species, and is one of the best carnivorous beasts.

The prototype of that bunny-like female teacher... So this is it

It's really unbelievable - Olivia touched her chin.

However, the time has passed.

Thinking in his heart, Olivia walked over, and in a group of shivering cubs, he brought out his little white chicken at once.

"Why did you come here? You were fighting with other children. Mom knew that she was going to spank~"

As he spoke, he smiled and patted the little guy's butt hair, thinking a little sadly: It's over, this kid is like him, there is so little hair on his butt, he has to eat walnut oil!

After slapping the little guy's butt, Olivia saw the other side under her feet staring at her cub with bright eyes, um—the little guy who just fought with her own cub!

So, Olivia touched the cub's head again.

The little dinosaur whose head was touched by His Majesty the Emperor fainted happily.

Olivia smiled and touched the heads of several cubs. Finally, she smiled at the female teacher who was drooling (the teeth were too big to control), then hugged Xiaobai and left.

"Hooho!" It is the great emperor!

"Howl! Howl!!!" Wearing holey pants!

It turns out that His Majesty the Emperor really likes piercings - the cubs got a terrible fact, and then, after they entered the middle and second period, many people like piercings~