There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 220: goodbye


Stone is a very ordinary babysitter robot.

Like all robots of the same batch and model, his basic programs are all babysitting programs.

Sweeping routines, laundry routines, shopping routines… and taking care of the elderly and young.

Since everyone has the same procedure, they are all made exactly the same.

The way of sweeping the floor is exactly the same, the weight of wiping the sweat for the cubs is exactly the same, and the food made is exactly the same. It is because of this that there is no sense of disobedience when human beings change to a new robot. As long as the program version is the same, everyone will do it. It comes out the same, no robot is irreplaceable.

But because of this, the cheapest labor in today's society is robots, and artificial items are more expensive.

Stone sometimes thinks of the previous owner. When he sits on the chair and goes to sleep, he thinks that maybe the previous owner doesn't remember him, and then he quickly cuts off this thought and starts thinking about tomorrow's shopping list.

Unlike in the past, where humans were assigned jobs to have things to do, in the new master's house, they had to find things to do by themselves. Everyone/robot is very busy, some of their work is unrelated, and some of their work is mutually dependent. Stone's work is mainly procurement. East and West Mugen, Crescent Moon Dilong and Dabai, yes, and the small saplings in the yard.

After accidentally buying the ingredients that the owner likes very much and being praised, Shi Shi felt very special in his heart, and then he bought the ingredients the next day, and then the third day...

After the owner was taught by Uncle Alpha due to a partial eclipse, Shitou quickly changed to a new recipe. In this way, the purchasing behavior of the robot stone changed from "acting according to the program", to "figuring out the owner's preferences", and finally evolved to "reasonable configuration according to needs" .

Simple things for humans, an unimaginable improvement for robots!

Shitou noticed this situation himself, he was a little confused and a little scared, but after realizing that the master didn't seem to notice anything wrong, he calmed down a little, and after realizing that he could better serve his master, Shishi accept this change.

The robot stone who said the word "obey" quickly began to assign tasks. Quickly calculate the opponent's firepower value according to the damage caused by the enemy's attack just now, and the stone's voice reported his conclusion as usual: "I can't resist,"

"To run away before the other party starts chasing."

Stone is a robot, so he usually said the command "escape".

"Escape? How to escape?! The enemy will destroy all our spaceships—" The human commander in the cockpit who had just been deprived of command couldn't help shouting in despair!

"No... It's not that there is no way, but someone has to..." The deputy commander standing beside him was pale, and stopped halfway through his words.


"In order to escape, someone must be the cannon fodder." Stone said the unfinished part of him.

Just like wildebeests during migration, in order to chase food and survive, they must cross rivers, across the river are lush grasslands, and under the river there are terrible hunters. In order to successfully cross the crisis-ridden river, the wildebeest's method is to cross the river collectively, sacrificing a small number of companions, and then exchange for the hope of survival for the vast majority of their companions.

Now they are "wild horses". The only thing that is more powerful than the other is the number of people and the number of ships. When the force is completely unmatched by the opponent, there is only one way to escape from the hunters.

"What are you kidding? Looking for someone to be cannon fodder—" the former spaceship commander shouted.

"Yes, we only have six minutes to arrange this matter. If it takes longer, our number will not be enough to support this plan." Stone continued very honestly.

"What!!! What do you mean, now our lives are all in the hands of one robot, you decide who will be the cannon fodder?" The man stared fiercely at the nanny robot in front of him.

Stone glanced at Argos, then nodded: "Yes, according to Mr. Ar, I am in command now, so the cannon fodder candidates are indeed assigned by me."

Before waiting for the man in front of him to blow his nose and stare, Shi Shi continued: "There are fifty-two robots on the spaceship, and we will do the job of covering the retreat of humans."

Stone spoke his decision.

There was silence on the ship.

"Mr. Pilot, please, please inform other spaceships of this decision. After six minutes, all the humans on the spaceship will be evacuated from the spaceship, and the robots will remain on the spaceship. land."

The voice of the robot stone was no different from usual. He knows the name of every human in the spaceship. Now he wants to distribute these people to each spaceship according to the principle as reasonable as possible, which will not affect the original human beings on that spaceship, and ensure their safety as much as possible. , at the same time, he has to evenly distribute the robots to the empty boats. Now most of the robots here are nanny robots, and there is no driving program in their bodies. Stone decided to pass a primary driving software that Sigma passed to him a long time ago Robots, now that there is no network, they can only do this in the form of a chip carrier, and two minutes of the six minutes Stone just estimated are reserved for this step.

All the humans in the cockpit were stunned—

Even the former commander who had just jumped up and hit the stone was stunned. Argos also opened his eyes, raised his body slightly, and looked at the normal-looking robot.

"Mr. Phil, please turn that sentence into a signal as soon as possible and send it to other spaceships to know about it." Shitou politely urged the pilot to look at him with his mouth open for a long time.

As a nanny robot, polite expressions are already standard procedures. Even if he is a commander, Stone still cannot learn the command tone of a human commander.

"You... do you know my name?" The young driver stuttered for a while.

"Well, yes, all the robots here remember the names of the humans we greeted."

"..." The pilot named Phil was silent.

At the same time, the robot remembered the names of humans, but he has not remembered the names of these robots until now! For example, this incredible robot in front of him... what is his name

For a moment, he couldn't wait to ask the robot's name.

But soon he stopped himself from doing so.

Does asking people's names in front of them mean that they didn't pay attention to their names before

Phil didn't notice that this was an emotion he had only ever faced with humans. Now, facing a babysitter robot, he can actually estimate the other party's thoughts—

Stone's order was quickly converted into a signal and sent out, and the population transfer plan was proceeding in a tense and orderly manner. At the same time, the robot on the spacecraft also knew the order it was about to execute.

The performance of the robots once again exceeded human expectations, unexpected, but reasonable: none of the robots objected to the instructions of the stone, and after downloading the basic driving program through the chip, they said goodbye to their owners. .

The scenes of the human owners crying while holding their own robots unexpectedly made the eyes of the soldiers on the warship warm.

"I'm going out." Like "hello" and "goodbye," "I'm going out" is one of the standard service phrases for robots, whenever they go out to buy groceries or do other orders from their hosts. Say.

Stone looked around silently, then lowered his head.

His master is not here, and there is no need for him to say this.

"Meow~ My claws are too small and inflexible. It should be the first ship to be destroyed." Xiao Hei took a closer look at his claws.

"Haha." Robot Yuanyuan touched him lightly.

Robot No. 21 looked at the stone in confusion.

"No. 21 stayed by Mr. Al's side to take care of the seriously injured Mr. Al." Shitou explained: "The most seriously injured person in the fleet is Mr. Al, and No. 21's procedures are too old to perform the driving task."

He paused: "And—"

"No. 21, which was born as a savings robot, has the hardest shell, and can provide Mr. Al with the most rigorous protection when necessary."

This is a little bit of "selfishness" of the stone.

The departure time set by the stone came, and the robots filed out. Although their appearance is still a nanny robot, the height, short, fat and thin are different, and the appearance of some robots is even very interesting to meet the special aesthetics of human beings, but—

At this moment, the moment they leave the human sight, each robot leaves like a hero.

Stone, Yuanyuan and Xiaohei are also leaving.

"You..." Looking at the robots that were about to leave, Argos stood up with difficulty.


Without saying goodbye, he saw Stone wave to him, and then a smiley face symbol appeared on the dim screen.


Goodbye Mr. Al, thank you for teaching me how to fly a warship, it's not fun at all, but thank you nonetheless.

Goodbye, 21st, please don't break this news to my master and make him think I'm still on my way home.



If robots can have an afterlife like humans do, hopefully they can go home in the next life.

Buy vegetables well every day, take care of livestock, serve the master carefully, and then…

Never leave home again.


Robot Stone stepped out of the hatch.