There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 221: Precious photo


People completed all the transfers in a silent and orderly manner. The spaceship chosen as the cannon fodder is now empty, with only one robot inside.

For babysitting robots, "empty" is probably the most unacceptable situation for them.

They are born to serve human beings, children, the elderly, adult men and women... They, like furniture, are a part of human life. In other words, human beings are also a part of their life.

However, the robots are left here alone to better serve humans.

The robots have started the driving program in their bodies—

No resentment, no terror, no fear, and...

No pain.

The two spaceships exploded...

The dim light screen flickered, and Shitou recited Xiao Hei's name silently in his heart.

Then the third, the fourth...

The seventh bombed warship had the robot Yuanyuan on it.

So far, the only companion from his hometown who was brought over from the White Dew Star is Stone, the robot, who is with Mr. Al on the 21st.

They should be able to return to White Dew Star, right

As long as I can block these pursuers on my side—

There are countless ideas in the "brain", but the operation of the robot's stone hand is as smooth and fast as ever.

His driving ability is the best of all droids, yet he doesn't get shot on purpose to cover other droids.

Their mission is not to protect each other, but to cover the humans who are escaping from behind!

The longer they drag on as cannon fodder, the more time humans have to leave, and the safer it will be.

Knowing very well what he is doing now and what his ultimate goal is, Robot Stone takes the driving skills he has learned from Argos to the extreme.

What he needs to avoid is not only the enemy's artillery fire, but also the sputtering attack of the wreckage of his own spaceship that shattered after being hit by the enemy! As more and more spaceships were hit, the stone had to try to intercept the debris that was about to be shot in the direction of human escape—

The radiation range of the pursuer's weapon suddenly became a battlefield filled with light and stardust!

Large pieces of wreckage of the blown up spaceship drifted in the universe, while more were blown into dust. The visual effect after nearly a hundred large spaceships were destroyed at the same time was extremely shocking! The diameter of the sputtering area of the residue stretches for five light-years, and the area covered by dust is even more terrifying—

Gunpowder smoke became the best cover for humans to leave. With the help of the smoke, the last human spaceship also left the scanning range of the stone.

One last glance at the direction of the disappearance of human beings, Stone drove the spacecraft to "swim" deep into the depths of the stardust.

There are the wreckage of the spaceship around, as well as the wreckage of the companions.

Stone kept blasting the wreckage of the ship with weapons, a little bit more. The bigger the smoke, the longer it takes to confuse the pursuer.

Today, a small part of the fine dust around it was blown up by the stone after being inspired by the weapons on the warship he drove.

The smoke is the sea, in which there are the corpses of companions, and the robot stone is the only living being in this sea.

But do robots have life

The robot stone smoothly blasted the slightly larger fragments into powder.

When I pressed the launch button again, it was a squib.

The firepower reserve is gone.

So he stopped attacking.

Shutting through pieces of debris, he began to carefully collect the broken body remains of his companions.

Stone picked up the robot's round right hand and Xiao Hei's tail.

The stone is stuck.

He stopped driving the warship, stood up, and washed his master's clothes as usual. Stone gently cleaned up his round right hand and Xiao Hei's tail, making sure that they looked no different from usual. He took out a camera from the dark compartment under his stomach.

Holding Xiao Hei's tail in one hand and a round hand in the other, Stone used the camera's selfie function to take a group photo of the three robots.

Pretend this is a group photo.

Look! In the photo, there is the head of the stone, as well as the round right hand of the robot who is touching the big head of the stone, and there is also a half tail of Xiao Hei who is grasped by the stone on the tip of the tail!

Who can say this is not a group photo? !

The three nanny robots can take a group photo in the cockpit of the warship, with the background of the cosmic starry sky filled with stardust. This is a very remarkable thing!


With a smile, the stone put the camera away, and then put the wreckage of the companion in the empty space in the dark space next to the camera.


The driver in the cockpit raced against time to retreat nervously, while the ordinary people in the cabin were all paying attention to their backs.

Since the humans who were evenly distributed on each spaceship before were all concentrated in several spaceships, there was not enough space, and people had to squeeze tightly in the aisles, crowding people, and the air was not good. People desperately look out of the window, and those who can't see outside the window are thinking about things outside the window.

"Seventh ship... The seven spaceships were blown up..." The person who was just at the stern window shivered and broadcasted what he saw to the others.

"The thirteenth ship..."

"Twenty-three ships."

It was clear that the number of people was unprecedented, but the cabin was very quiet, and only the man could be heard counting.

Every time he reported a number, another spaceship driven by the robot exploded. Every time he opened his mouth, all the humans on the spaceship jumped.

"Mom, where's Grey Ear? Didn't Grey Ear go to drive the spaceship? Did he follow?" Just when the cabin was silent, a little girl suddenly asked.

The location of their family was not good. They were crowded in the middle of the corridor and could not see a single window.

Grey Ear is the name of their babysitter robot. Instead of her parents who need to go to work in the factory every day, the one who accompanies her the longest every day is the robot they bought five years ago.

Five years ago, it happened to be the year the little girl was born.

The day that Grey Ear turned on was the same day as the little girl.

In the little girl's mind, her own robot shares her birthday on the same day.

But whenever the little girl eats cake on her birthday, Grey Ear can't eat cake. He has to buy groceries, scrub the floor, buy decorations, and make cakes...

The little girl couldn't understand why it was her birthday tomorrow, why she was so tired on her birthday, couldn't rest, couldn't invite children to play at home, and couldn't receive gifts.

Her parents were very helpless. They knew in their hearts that the child was too young to tell the difference between a robot and a human. However, following the child's wishes, they would prepare a gift for Hui Er every year.

Some time ago, before the disaster struck, the family had just celebrated their fifth birthday for their daughter and Grey Ear.

"Hui Er wants to work, he, he can't come here." The little girl's mother wanted to comfort her daughter, but she didn't know how to explain it to her.

"Hey, I don't understand at all. Grey-Ear is only five years old like me. Why is he so busy? Wouldn't it be nice to play with dolls at home with me? However, Grey-Ear doesn't like playing with dolls." Little girl She sighed like a little adult, as if thinking of Grey Ear, she smiled.

She smiled, but her mother couldn't hold back her face any longer, her eyes were hot, and the woman's tears rolled down.

Yes, I was also five years old, and I came to this world for five years. While my daughter was still under the protection of everyone and the protection of robots, Hui Er had to bear the lives of other human beings and sacrificed his own life for human beings. .

Obviously not the first spaceship destroyed by the enemy, but this is the first time they realized the weight of the word "sacrifice".

It is not the spaceship that was hit by the enemy due to the location and the improper command of the commander, but now the pilots on these spaceships are all robots! Or a robot willing to accept the cannon fodder task!

They are sacrificing their lives for mankind!

It is not the dead objects piled up by plastic or metal. For the first time, human beings realize that the group of robots behind them who are driving spaceships and blocking the enemy's pursuit for them are also independent life forms!

"Mom? Mom? Why are you crying?" Seeing her mother's tears, the little girl panicked. Her father hugged his wife and daughter tightly, and the family hugged silently.

The neighbors around them, who had been occupying the house because the place was too small, vacated the occupied space without a trace, so that the house would be more comfortable.

Not everyone on the spaceship carries robots. These robots are not only on the road to protect their masters, but also for all the humans on the spaceship!

Without a doubt, all the robots behind them are heroes!

On this day, everyone on the spacecraft silently remembered the robot behind them.

They may not be able to remember what each robot looks like, its name, and where it comes from, but this does not affect their change in their inherent impression of robots. The change in concept is passed on to them, which has dominated their future in many aspects. view.

While the vast majority of the humans in the spaceship fell into collective mourning, there was a discordant laughter from the main ship.

"Hahaha! We finally escaped! How many of those robot-driven spaceships are left? I remember seeing six or seven left, great! That's great! They hold on for a while, let them know Drive faster, so that the enemy's scanning equipment will not be able to catch up with us no matter how advanced."

After experiencing extreme fear and realizing that he was about to escape from life, Lieutenant General Pei Nan was excited and said everything that was on his mind.

"In the beginning, I was worried that this kind of dust would have a bad effect on us. How could the spacecraft be blown up into powder? This kind of powder is highly toxic. My mother said that the area filled with this kind of dust and garbage is untreated. , it has been harmful to the human body for a whole hundred years! But thinking about it now, this is a good thing! The more shattered the ground, the better! It's not easy for such pollution source enemies to come in, right? Ah... Forget they are mechanical creatures, but mechanical creatures will also Are you afraid of the wreckage hitting?"

"I want to propose to the research institute that all future spaceships should be designed in this direction. After disintegration, they will automatically turn into dust, which can confuse the enemy's sight or something..."

Lieutenant General Penan got carried away.

Just as he was chattering, the officer standing upright next to him suddenly moved.

Violently, he threw a punch at Lieutenant General Pei Nan's mouth that kept opening and closing.

Then, with the second punch and the third punch, he knocked Lieutenant General Pei Nan to the ground.