There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 222: White Clouds


When the robot stone sat on the driver's seat again and tried to resume the operation, the buttons did not work. He glanced at the energy box: sure enough, the energy was used up.

Then, he simply sat in the driver's seat and watched the scene outside. The white fog and white light that took over the sky were the only scenery he could see. However, after Shishi sat there for five minutes, he always felt that he saw a spaceship in the white fog and white light...

Is it an illusion

But... Robots don't have illusions.

Turning his head, Stone took out a handkerchief from the hidden compartment in his stomach, rubbed it hard on the dim screen, and when he looked in that direction, he got stuck: Actually... it's really a spaceship !

And it's a big ship!

Almost merged with the surrounding white fog, the behemoth approached the warship driven by Stone leisurely.

"Good afternoon." A voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit, and Shitou immediately realized that it was the sound from the spaceship, uh... Without the Internet, the communication between spaceships is basically indicated by signal lights, and the other party How did you achieve the dialogue with your own warships

The nanny robot Stone thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with it.

"Excuse me, did you create these dust pollutants?" The pilot on the huge spacecraft asked again: "Article 301 of the "Empire Space Environmental Protection Law" stipulates that dust covering an area of more than 1,000 cubic meters will be Known as dust pollution, those who are primarily responsible for the pollution must be severely punished by the law, and if the dust components are harmful to the human body, the serious ones will be punished by death.”

Hearing that he would be sentenced to death, Shi Shi hurriedly shook his head, realizing that the other party could not see him, so he said again through the communication device: "Good afternoon, more than 80% of these dusts are not made by me."

However, part of it is true.

After thinking about it, Shitou honestly admitted the remaining mistakes.

"Twenty percent is mine."

"I'm glad you can recognize your mistake. I'm the spaceship Baiyun Duoduo that went to Bailuxing local armed security and public safety management department."

Stone was stunned.

Not the police, not the clerk, but the spaceship? A spaceship in the process of taking office

"Excuse me, are you a spaceship?" Stone asked very cautiously.

"Well, what, don't I look like a spaceship?"

"No!" Realizing that he might offend the opponent again, Shitou immediately tried his best to make up for his mistake: "You look so mighty and majestic, you are like a warship!"

"You are so discerning! The parts of my body are all military standards, and my master modified me according to the standards of warships." Although the tone of the other party was very flat, but no matter what he said, he seemed very happy, and the stone's flattering hit accurately .

"But even so, I can't become a warship. After I succeed in my appointment, I can join the military and become a spaceship prepared by the military. Only then can I become a warship." The huge spaceship told Shitou about his promotion prospects.


Should the correct steps be like this

The gloomy screen of the stone flickered. The so-called warship... Wasn't it a warship that was built for the purpose of serving in the army from the beginning? Can ordinary spaceships also become warships

"Of course an ordinary spaceship can't do it, but I have acquaintances in Bailuxing. My friend Mugen has already entered the Traffic Management Section of the Department of Armed Security and Public Safety Management in Bailuxing. He doesn't have a spaceship yet. If I become his spaceship , you can officially get a military registration plate number."

"It doesn't matter if this doesn't work. Another friend of mine, Olivia, is already an official soldier. I think he shouldn't mind arranging a ship number for a cute little ship." "Lovely little ship" said cheerfully.

The stone on the other end of the communicator was completely stuck.

After being stuck for a full minute, his various programs finally returned to normal, and countless programs were running at high speed at the same time. For the first time, Shi Shi felt that his core was slightly hot!

"I'm a stone! It's the babysitter robot of Mugan and Olivia's house!" He immediately reported his identity.

The core is getting hotter and hotter. Fortunately, the material of his "heart" is very advanced, and it quickly conducts the high heat caused by the high-speed operation of the core. Touching the "heart" that is trembling slightly during work, Stone finally said what he had wanted for a long time. Saying: "Please take me home!"

After speaking, he stopped in place, waiting for the other party to answer in fact only two seconds, but he felt as if two hours had passed.

This is what humans call anxiety, right

In "Anxiety", Shitou heard the other side say two words:


No longer indifference, no longer neglect, this time, Robot Stone finally waited for the other party's affirmative answer.


"But I don't know the way." "Lovely little spaceship" followed. "The port of the home planet has been abandoned for many years, and the navigation system on my body is an old version of 800 years ago. Besides, I can't get the registration code to connect to the central system before I get the ship's registration number."

Stone: … So, are you a little black boat

"Excuse me, when did you leave your home planet?" Shitou asked the other party a question.

"July 3, 395 in the starlight calendar. After I received a letter from my friend Alpha, I set off immediately." The small spaceship immediately reported the date.


In other words, Mr. Spaceship, have you been lost for five years

For some reason, Robot Stone suddenly felt that his way home was illusory again.

But even so, the stone still took the helping hand from the other side, and with the wreckage of his companions, he boarded the huge unfamiliar spaceship through the connection port, and then—

"Welcome to Baiyun Duoduo."

He finally knew the name of the ship.

Just after Shitou landed on the Baiyun Duoduo, the pursuer's battleship also sailed into the foggy area, and Shitou immediately became nervous.

Sensing the nervousness of the robot stone, the voice of the Baiyun Duoduo sounded again in the control cabin: "Are they also people who need help?"

"No." The dim light screen searched for the shadow of the other party's ship, and the stone said word by word: "They are bad people, they are invaders who invaded the empire. In order to cover the retreat of human ships, except me, there are a total of fifty ships. The robots were destroyed by them."

"Received." The cold voice of Baiyun Duoduo sounded in the control room.

"Invading the country, chasing the civilians of the empire, destroying more than 50 spaceships and robots, and creating a large area of dust pollution... Determine the opponent as the first-level arrest target."

Not long after the judgment was issued, the buttons on the console lighted up on their own, and the second seat belt automatically popped out from under the seat, firmly securing the robot stone, and then the stone heard the preparatory alarm bell for weapon charging.

"The capture tool is ready, and the capture operation begins. 3-2-1-" The white hull is perfectly hidden between the light and the stardust, just like a hunter, the Baiyun Duoduo is silently lurking in the Next to the warship that Robot Stone had just left, when the enemy approached, he opened a huge capture cabin!

"Three targets have been captured, and the remaining seven have fled." Baiyun Duoduo reported its progress while changing weapons.

Shitou looked nervously at the scene on the monitor, and when he saw that three of the enemies who brutally destroyed his own spaceship had entered the capture cabin of the Baiyun Duoduo, he was stunned: "Is this okay? The opponent's weapon is very powerful. "

"Please rest assured, your current situation is very safe. The Baiyun Duoduo has the most powerful capture cabin in the empire. As long as any spaceship or warship enters the capture cabin, there is no possibility of escape."

The warship's world nanny robot doesn't understand - after worrying for a while, seeing the confident appearance of the Baiyun Duoduo, Shitou also turned his attention to the pursuers outside.

I don't know why, although the other party fled, it was obvious that they did not confirm the location of the captor, Baiyun Duoduo, but they were obviously taken aback by the sudden attack just now. The position of the Baiyun Duoduo launched the strongest fire attack—

The stone watched helplessly as countless white lights hit him! The white light intertwined into a huge web of light on his dim screen, and they were hit!

However, Baiyun Duoduo did not move like a bell, not even trembling, he forcibly withstood this wave of intensive attacks.

"The attack equivalent is more than 10,000 watts of magnetism, which has seriously exceeded the warning line that the Empire stipulates that each warship can legally hold firepower. It is judged: illegal possession of military-grade weapons; the subject ship does not have a legal ship license plate, and it is judged: illegal driving." The clear white light hit the Baiyun Duoduo, but he didn't care, and reported the various data he had received with the hull as usual. Then, Shishi felt a slight vibration under his feet.

Not the shock of being hit by an external weapon, but... The parts inside the hull are moving by themselves!

"The object resisted the police's law enforcement by violent means, and the cumulative attack equivalent reached the conventional equivalent of blasting a hundred general-purpose police spaceships. It was determined that the opponent's behavior constituted a violent attack on the police, and the Baiyun Duoduo was about to execute the destruction plan."

With the cold mechanical sound, the Baiyun Duoduo sacrificed the weapons originally hidden inside the hull.

What his weapon looks like, Robot Stone naturally has no way of knowing, however—

The stone saw the red light.

The thin red light penetrated all the white fog, and hit the pursuer with precision!

The original pursuer immediately turned into the pursued. Stone saw them fleeing frantically, and then, was hit—

Red light enveloped everything.

After a while, the universe returned to peace again.

"Enforcement is over." Shitou heard the calm and unwavering mechanical sound of the Baiyun Duoduo.

After a while after confirming safety, the Baiyun Duoduo automatically dropped the second seat belt, and the stone that had been tied to the seat was finally able to move freely.

"... Before you succeed in your appointment and get your police boat license, you... this behavior is also illegal, right?" Sitting on the seat and shaking his head, Shi Shi only said one sentence.

There was three seconds of silence between the little spaceship and the little robot, and then—

"Let's go to Bailuxing quickly." Baiyun Duoduo happily made a decision.

So, when Argos and the army led by Olivia turned around and brought the rescue army back to rescue the robot, what they saw was the white fog that almost covered the entire star field, and…

Shadows in the white fog, slowly driving towards them...

Baiyun Duoduo.