There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 223: confluence


None of the spacecraft's scanners detected the spacecraft in advance, and it wasn't until they got close that the behemoth was already in sight.

However, even if the other party is in front of you, there is still a strong sense of unreality in the hearts of all who see it: the scene in front of you can be described as devastated, and all the spaceships have been destroyed. , clean, and even neat spaceships always make people feel very inconsistent.


Its figure is looming, even if the distance is so close, if you don't pay attention, this spaceship will be hidden in the blind spot of human sight for a moment.

So weird!

The first thought in most people's minds: shouldn't this be the enemy's battleship

But this idea was fleeting, because soon, they saw the national emblem of the empire on the spacecraft. The first moment they saw the national emblem, people were relieved at first, and then they felt even more strange: the national emblem on the ship did not Not the national emblem of the current empire (the center of the pattern is empty), but the national emblem of the Louis I era (the center of the pattern has a golden cantas, crown and scepter).

The national emblem of hundreds of years ago appeared on a spaceship, and the situation in front of him was immediately strange.

This... Could it be a ghost ship

The people present thought about it.


"Hello everyone, I am Robot Stone." The voice of Robot Stone suddenly sounded from the communication platform of each spaceship and warship through the platform.

Before humans were surprised, the image of the robot stone appeared on the video platforms of various spaceships and warships. It was still the nanny robot they were familiar with. His appearance did not change, and his voice was the same as before, but... Behind him, the corpse of the robot was seen piled up on a hill.

Half a robotic arm, a small robotic leg, a fluffy tail, fingers... all kinds of fragments.

"We accomplished our mission."

"But I was the only robot that survived in the end."

Stone calmly described the completion of the task, then paused, and added a sentence he had seen in the movie.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

The expressionless robots standing on the bodies of their companions looked dumbfounded. At this point, the humans who rushed back to the rescue couldn't bear it any longer. Through the communicator, Shitou heard one after another crying.

This is the cry of human beings.

Sad cry after knowing that my robot will no longer exist.

It's good that there are humans crying for them!

Gently touched the tail in his hand, and then touched the mechanical hand, and the light screen of the stone turned into a deep blue for a moment.

Humans were a step too late. Before they arrived, all the robots except the stone had been sacrificed, but even so, the stone was still full of gratitude.

Humans attempted to enter the White Mist area for salvage, but this proposal was rejected by Argos.

He was the first person who called everyone back to rescue the robot, and now he is the one who prevented everyone from entering the Baiwu area. Many people couldn't understand it, but with the explanation of the robot stone, they finally stopped this irrational thought. .

"The pursuers used weapons of mass destruction, which contained a large amount of radioactive substances that were harmful to the human body; there were also a large number of high-speed-moving wreckage in the white fog area, and a little carelessness would cause a fatal blow to the salvage spacecraft; in addition, In addition, due to the extremely high density of dust, the aftermath of the light waves emitted by the pursuers are still constantly reflected in this area…”

Stone explained the reasons for stopping everyone very seriously.

"We are very happy that you can come back, thank you, thank you."


Stone finally took the place of all the robots and bowed to the humans who went to the rescue.

This white fog area caused by the intensive and devastating blows of the enemy has not dissipated for a whole hundred years. After the war, the empire spent decades of efforts to finally clear the harmful substances in this area, but the white fog there is difficult to explain because of The reason remained, and it eventually became the Empire's second misty area outside the Dead Sea Mausoleum.

Although this area was also artificially formed due to a disaster, it is different from the Dead Sea Emperor Mausoleum. No human died in this disaster. No human death does not mean no sacrifice. This is the resting place of fifty nanny robots. .

In a long, long time in the future, the empire is no longer the only empire in the universe. As the level of civilization becomes higher and higher, they gradually discover more and more parallel universes, and exchanges are accompanied by conflicts and battles large and small. , there are always unfriendly neighbors trying to peek into the thriving sector of the Empire, but their peeping is extremely difficult. Looking at each other across a long star field, the Mausoleum of the Dead Sea Emperor and the White Resting Ground (← the future name of this white fog area), two famous tombs of the empire have also become the tombs of the invaders, just like two natural barriers , they prevented a considerable number of invaders from coming.

The folks gradually have a legend: this is the guardian force brought by the emperor Louis I and robots.

The guardian of the dead sea emperor's mausoleum is the guardian of the king, domineering, powerful, this great emperor refuses to be coveted by his mausoleum, he rejects all invaders, outside the empire, and inside the empire.

The guardian of the white resting place is the guardian of the nanny robot, which is a very safe guardian.

Strange to say, many imperial people have also accidentally lost their way in the white resting place, but most of them have left smoothly, but those offenders outside the empire are not so well treated, once they enter, they will basically become Part of this area, the white resting place has gradually expanded over time.

It is dangerous, yet safe and beautiful in the eyes of the Imperials, and people living on nearby planets can even see it in the sky, white, with a warm glow, like the gates of heaven.

Whenever they see the white light, many people point to it and say to their children: Look, that is the white resting place. Does it look like a door? That is the gate of heaven! Below the door are us humans, and inside the door are a group of cute babysitter robots, leaving the hope of survival to their masters, they sacrificed heroically, and after they died, they became part of the starry sky and lived forever in the empire. In the starry sky.

Well, that's been a long, long, long time.

At this moment, people took a last look at the white fog area behind them, and finally left this star field—

Argos's attention was all focused on the White Cloud Duoduo.

"Although the national emblem of the empire is printed, it is only the national emblem of hundreds of years ago. The most important point is that it does not have a ship license plate. Is this a black ship? And—" Through the monitoring equipment, I saw that it was trapped in the capture cabin. When the three enemy warships were inside, although he seemed calm on the surface, Argos's heart was actually very violent!

the first time! This is the first time the Empire has captured an enemy in frontal combat! And it's the enemy's battleship!

"And... This is a battleship, right? All battleships have registration numbers within the military, including the one we drove from Pandera. Although we haven't had time to list it yet, it has already been filed. This battleship has already been registered. Nothing, it is illegal to build warships privately."

"Come down, although this battleship saved you, it is obviously a suspicious person, and you are not safe on it." Argos beckoned to the robot stone in the video window.

Since meeting with humans, Baiyun Duoduo has been silent. He looks like a very honest spaceship. He didn't say a word, so Shishi explained it for him.

"However, Baiyun Duoduo is my master's spaceship. He went to upgrade it a few years ago. This, this..." Stone got stuck.

"What unit is your master from? If you are not a member of a unit affiliated with the military, this is considered illegal possession of a large offensive warship!" Argos said quietly: "I just remind you, don't cause trouble to your master, If it's just me, I can help you cover it up, but now the senior officer here is no longer the only one, there is another guy who will come over soon, he and I have a little holiday, he saw such a It's impossible for a warship to not ask."

Argos was referring to Olivia, and it was when he joined Olivia's army on the way that he was able to bring people back to rescue this batch of robots. Olivia himself neither supported nor opposed his move.

Olivia is no longer the little Mao Chiu who was irresistibly taken to the Imperial Military Academy by him. He was young and scheming, and Argos had long found that he could not successfully guess the other party's thoughts every time.

Unlike Argos in the shadows, Olivia walked a "bright road" in the military system. Although it used to be a teacher-student relationship, now the two are not the same system. Due to slightly different political opinions and the fact that he was taken away by him back then, the relationship between Olivia and Argos is not friendly. Argos has already sold his face by borrowing a human rescue robot, and it would not be good if he found out about the hidden battleship...

Then the robot stone was a little worried.

If you go through the back door or something, forget it if you know it, it’s not good to say it out. Although he is a robot, Shitou has also dabbled in this knowledge. Baiyun Duoduo obviously knows this, so he doesn’t say anything.

And as Mr. Al said, the Baiyun Duoduo does not look like a spaceship but more like a warship! According to the Imperial Armament Act, private ownership of warships is indeed illegal, ah! Bai Yun Duoduo has been lost for five years, and he forgot to tell him just now: Master Muggan reported the wrong major, and he was not admitted to the Traffic Management Section of the Bailuxing Local Armed Security and Public Safety Management Department under the military at all, but A subordinate unit of the Government Council, in this case, Master Mugen can't arrange work for Baiyun Duoduo! In this situation-

Suddenly a light bulb lit up on the stone head.

"Master Olivia! The White Cloud Duoduo is Master Olivia's spaceship. It was upgraded and was about to take up a post in the military, but a disaster broke out accidentally."

correct! Owner Olivia is legal to own a battleship!

Argos was stunned.

"Yo! Your Excellency, I heard that you went back this time to save your robot? I heard that there is another unregistered warship?" At this moment, Olivia Shi Shiran arrived.