There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 224: Mr Vinny


"Master Olivia, I'm your robot stone!" The moment he saw Olivia, the robot stone jumped out from behind Argos. Argos finally knew that this seemingly ever-polite robot could have a similar "excited" side.

Olivia froze for a moment—

"Olivia, I'm your family's little spaceship, Baiyun Duoduo!" Immediately after, a thick voice came from all directions, but it was Baiyun Duoduo, which had been pretending to be unable to speak, and suddenly spoke.

Argos' expression instantly became very subtle.

Olivia felt as if a "pop, pop" sounded in her ear.

"Ah, it turns out that the robot I came back to rescue belongs to Major General Olivia?" Argos' voice sounded faintly: "Also, this machine has no ship's license plate and is suspected of possessing weapons of mass destruction. The spaceship that doesn't look like a spaceship turns out to be the home of Major General Olivia..."

The mocking smile froze on her face, and Olivia's mouth twitched: it seemed like a popping sound could be heard in my ear... My face was suddenly sore and swollen! ! ? ? Madan!

However, Argos is not in the mood to appreciate his current stupidity: what a swollen foot of this kind of "obviously hitting the opponent's face, but the palm of his hand is hurt by the opponent's face"! ? Madan!

This kid is lucky too, right? Although the nanny robot at home illegally drove the warship, it led a group of robots to defend a large number of exiled humans including him; the spaceship at home was running without a license, but at the most critical time, the hero robot who was covering the escape of humans was rescued. , not to mention salvaging a large number of robot wreckage, and even using an unknown method to capture an enemy warship that has never been caught! Still three!

Papa Papa - Argos felt his slap hurt.

"Oh! Your Excellency Argos is very grateful to you. Not only did you save my robot, but I also recovered the spaceship that was stolen by the star thieves. Even though you were seriously injured, you still did not forget to protect the property of the people of the empire. The sword is not old!" However, Olivia was Olivia after all, looking at her little robot and "little spaceship", Olivia immediately changed the content and direction of the conversation in a kindly manner. Olivia was never a diehard.

While saying thank you, Olivia waved to the stone without a trace, and the little robot carefully glanced between Argos and Olivia, and then stood behind Olivia without hesitation. went.

Argos felt a little lost for a moment.

However, when Olivia left with the robot stone, Argos saw that the robot suddenly turned back secretly.

Argos waved at him.

Then the robot turned its head again and left behind its master.

So when the adjutant of Argos excitedly found his superior, he was surprised to find that his superior was reading a book. He accidentally glanced at the title of the book. It was actually a novel about the struggle of robots in human society! ! !

Isn't Boss the least fond of reading? Doesn't Boss hate robots the most? Boss this is...

Realizing that he had been squinted by his boss, the adjutant immediately cowarded and withdrew his gaze. He leaned in front of his superior, and took out an apple from his pocket as if offering a treasure for a while.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, this, this apple is for you to eat!"

Looking at the small apple lying in the palm of Xiaguan's palm, Argos suddenly froze.

Silently took the apple, Argos glanced at his subordinate, and suddenly touched the other's head after a while.

After finishing all this, Argos went to nibble on the apple, leaving Monk Zhang Er's adjutant who was confused and stood there in a daze, scratching his head, and he hurriedly went to discuss other things.

There is still a long distance from the destination Bailuxing, and now everyone is very busy.

Now they're traveling through the constellation of the Murdoch galaxy, a sprawling tourist destination that attracts huge numbers of tourists at any given time, especially those trapped here. However, the people of Murdor's official tourism bureau have good organizational skills. As early as the beginning of the disaster, they immediately gathered tourists scattered in various travel points. Now that the army is here, they only need to receive the assembled tourists on these planets. people immediately.

As a result, there were instantly a large group of people wearing all kinds of fancy holiday clothes on the spaceship and battleship.

However, after reading the list of refugees collected by her subordinates, Olivia insisted that there were still people waiting for rescue. At his insistence, the fleet rushed to Anilara.

Everyone was puzzled by his move. The refugees from Anilala are especially puzzled: among the refugees on all planets, the refugees in Anilala are the most complete. In this disaster, their death toll is zero, which is simply an incredible thing! The reason is very simple, long before the disaster, they took the spaceship to the largest branch of the official tourism office of Murdor nearby to take refuge.

All Anilara refugees believe that their gods have blessed them.

On the night before the disaster, all the sleeping people had the same dream, in which they were asked to leave the land under their feet immediately and take refuge in the nearest branch of the official Murdoch tourist office!

Only one or two people have dreams, so many people have the same dream at the same time, and they leave with a lot of baggage.

In the confusion of everyone, Olivia made a detour to Anilara.

Sure enough, he received someone there.

The vast majority of civilians did not see it, but the officers who followed Olivia to the rescue were witnesses to the miracle!

They were stunned to watch Olivia drive the White Cloud Duoduo to the black lonely planet, and then... that planet turned into a person!

It was a male with a good-natured smile, and he boarded the ship with a large bag and a bunch of little white birds behind him.

It turned out that he was the last person waiting for rescue in Olivia's mouth.


Can the planet become human? ! This, is this a new species

Everyone who witnessed this was in disarray.

Volume 8: The Golden Throne