There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 229: All eyes are on


Pandra's craftsmen revise the design drawings overnight. Once the design is determined, the next is the working hours of skilled workers. Only skilled workers from Pandra can complete the designs of top Pandra craftsmen with the highest quality. With the concerted efforts, the scarred imperial battleships were quickly given a new look, and then equipped with high-end weapons from Black Star.

When Mugen took out the list of weapons provided by the Black Stars, all the imperial soldiers on the scene almost jumped up! Then, when Mugan announced that this batch of arms would be armed on the Imperial warships for free, everyone boiled!

The weapons that can be brought to the White Dew Star by the Black Stars are all high-quality goods. Even the most luxuriously equipped army directly under the Imperial Marshal cannot usually equip the entire army with weapons of this scale—too expensive!

In order to thank the Black Stars for their selfless dedication, Lord Nashkiel approved the cancellation of the wanted orders of the Black Stars who were wanted for non-injury crimes, and gave them the status of legal residents of the Empire. At the same time, Marshal Rothsay signed with the representatives of Black Star. A one-hundred-year contract for the purchase of green vegetables.

Uncle Roroja was the first black star who got the ID card of the empire. This rough man who appeared in front of everyone as a tough guy burst into tears when he got the ID card.

"My dad dreamed of getting the official ID card of the Empire, and then officially buying tickets to watch the game in Ohard! He told me this before he died..."

Tears wet the thin chip card. Behind Uncle Roroja, countless black stars reacted to him. The ancestors have been black families since they were born, and it has been too long to wait for an official identity—

Because of being engaged in illegal business, he became a black household, and then because he became a black household, he could only continue to engage in illegal business. For a long time, it has been a vicious circle for black star people to get out of. They are very rich, but they don't have a bank card with their own name. Their children can't go to school. No matter if they are suitable or not, they can only stay at Black Star to learn the relevant knowledge of arms trading. Impossible, most of these people eventually became star thieves, fighting against the empire, and finally their names were listed on the wanted list...

"Dad, can I go to Imperial College in the future?" Just as the adults looked at the ID card with complicated eyes, a Black Star child whispered to his parents—a considerable number of Black Star people were arranged to live there. In various colleges, this child is one of them. He lives in the Imperial Comprehensive College every day, and the little child has a beautiful dream in his heart.

His parents didn't react, but Mugan, who was in charge of ID card issuance, bent down with a smile: "Yes!"

"Whether it's the Imperial Comprehensive College, the Imperial Military Academy, or the Imperial Conservatory of Music... as long as you have enough points in the future, you can go wherever you want."

The little boy immediately smiled happily.

"However... the premise for all of this is that the empire continues to exist."

Touching the little boy's soft brown hair, Mugan smiled, then stood up, his eyes finally falling on the corner of the warship that could be seen everywhere behind the high wall.

In order to accommodate a large number of incoming warships, the people of Bailu Star worked overtime day and night to transform the original spaceport on Bailu Star. Today, military warships can be seen everywhere on Bailu Star, and imperial soldiers in black military uniforms can be seen everywhere on the road.

There are indications that it is time for war now.

"In order for our children to enjoy all the benefits of the imperial people in the future, we old guys can fight!" Wiping away tears, he carefully stuffed his ID card into his pocket and buttoned it up. Uncle Roroya smiled boldly and waved. Waving his hand, he greeted a large group of people behind him: "Now we finally have an ID card, let's go! Sign up to join the army!"

"Let's go!"

"My mother dreams of me joining the army!"

"It is said that being a soldier is easy to find someone~"

In the hearty laughter, Uncle Roroja left with a large group of people. Seeing him wink at himself before he left, Mugen remembered that Uncle Roroja had said to himself a long time ago that once, his ideal was to join the imperial army, and he knew that Olivia was an imperial army. When he was a student at the Military Academy, his eyes were full of envy.

When he was young, he wanted to join the army and became a star thief. In the middle, he worked as a vegetable merchant for nearly ten years. Uncle Roroya, who is about to retire, finally joined the army after getting his ID card.

Facts have proved that Uncle Roroja was born to be a soldier. After joining the army with his friends when he was a star thief, he soon emerged on the first mission, and every mission after that He performed quite well, and he quickly became a captain who could lead a team of spaceships by himself.

Uncle Roroja is mainly responsible for performing search and rescue missions. With the help of various secret routes that he had written down when delivering vegetables, he successively led three army groups back to Bailuxing (← was almost caught by the other party as a star thief, but fortunately he showed it immediately ID card  ̄▽ ̄), rescued a lot of civilians trapped in the middle of the flight route, and even brought back the people on several remote planets.

Dobby was brought back by Uncle Roroja.

When the incident happened, Dobby was on vacation in his hometown. Due to the extremely low degree of mechanization in his hometown, Dobby's home planet was basically not affected by any disaster, but it was precisely because the degree of mechanization was too low and the location was too remote that they were eventually trapped. dead on his own planet.

Thanks to Mugan who introduced Dobby to Uncle Roroja when he introduced the business to him, Uncle Roroa thought of him at the beginning of the rescue because he would deliver vegetables to Dobby's hometown from time to time.

The people on the entire planet and the cows above, Uncle Roroja brought them all back!


Not long after that, when the Seven Great Army Groups of the Empire gathered in Bailu Star, with the Hydrangea Galaxy as the general rear, the Empire's defense war against foreign invasions officially started.

Including the newly discovered Tratlan Haida, the Empire currently has a total of seventy-nine galaxies. The garrison of each galaxy is called a "corps", and every ten legions are incorporated into an army. The largest unit of the imperial army is the "corps"!

Commander of the Imperial First Army: Imperial Marshal, Rothsay!

Commander of the Imperial Second Army: The Imperial Five Commanders, Condon!

Commander of the Imperial Third Army: General of the Imperial Four Commanders, Tram!

Commander of the Fourth Imperial Army: The Imperial Four Commanders, Joshua!

Commander of the Fifth Army of the Empire: The three commanders of the Empire, Emily!

Commander of the Empire's Sixth Army: The two commanders of the Empire, Lin!

Commander of the Imperial Seventh Army: Lieutenant General of the Imperial Five Orders, Yoran!

These talents are the real top of the Imperial Army. As early as the beginning of their appointment, these big men went to the stationed galaxy to take up their posts. Under normal circumstances, they would only return to Ifadia during the debriefing meeting once a decade, and only the residents of Ifadia could witness them at that time. The demeanor, the vast majority of people will never be able to see them in a lifetime!

But now, these people actually appeared on the remote country planet - Bailuxing.

Mugan was one of the planners in charge of the preparations for this meeting. As the highest consul of Bailuxing and the chief secretary of Lord Nashkiel, the highest minister of the Council of State, Mugan was able to welcome the arrival of these senior military officials at the spaceport as a representative of the Ministry of Government. .

A warship full of war marks was docked at the Bailuxing Spaceport. As a big man wearing star-shaped epaulettes came over, the top officials of the Government Council did not say a word for the first time.

The best stage for the Government Council is always in peaceful times, and in war years, it is the world of these black army gangsters—there has never been a moment when the Government Council estimated that quite a few members of the Government Council thought so.

The representative of the Government Council, who was originally in charge of receiving and citing, was forced by the coercion of the other party on the spot. Seeing that he forgot what he should do, Mugen smiled and stood up from behind Mr. Cisse, turned slightly sideways, and led everyone towards him without being humble or arrogant. Go to the venue.

However, after everyone was seated, Mugan discovered that the seat originally reserved for the commander of the Second Army was empty.

Before he could match the commander of the Second Army with his name, suddenly, the middle-aged man sitting in the commander's seat of the Third Army said, "General Condon has died."

"In order to cover the smooth evacuation of the civilian spaceship of the Tuscany galaxy, he and all the officers and soldiers of the Third Army under his command died."

"I, it's too late, I only had time to escort all the remaining spaceships and warships away, and I didn't have time to rescue General Condon."

After speaking, the commander of the Third Army lowered his head.

"The galaxy under the jurisdiction of General Condon is the first galaxy to be besieged by the enemy after the capital galaxy. Under the command of General Condon, 80% of the residents of the empire in the star field have been evacuated and are currently evenly distributed among the spaceships we brought. Inside, Toscana has fallen—"

Bad news came slowly from the mouths of the generals.

"What about the remaining 20 percent?" Marshal Rothsay suddenly asked.

After being stunned for three seconds, the person who was reporting the situation realized that he was asking about the remaining 20% of the civilians who had not been successfully evacuated from the star field under General Condon's jurisdiction.

He paused, and finally said in a low voice, "Some of the people died when the planet exploded, while the other...should become prisoners."

The meeting room was instantly silent.

At this moment, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly sounded in the conference room, but Marshal Rothsay threw away the crutches in his hand.

He stood up slowly, looked ahead sharply, his eyes slowly swept across the faces of all the soldiers present, and he began to issue orders word by word: "From now on, Lieutenant General Argos will be promoted to the second army of the Empire. The supreme commander, to take over all the military affairs left by Condon. Lieutenant General Frafetar is his deputy, responsible for assisting Lieutenant General Argos."

"Lieutenant General Yolan has an additional honor on his shoulders, and the rank is changed to a general of the Empire."

In the face of the news of General Condon's sacrifice, no silence was announced, and no personnel were ordered to review. Marshal Rothsay immediately promoted personnel to fill his vacancy!

However, this kind of promotion is a reasonable thing. According to their qualifications, no one is surprised by the promotion of these two people. Surprisingly, Marshal Rothsay's next words: "Every ten galaxies garrisons form an army. Today, the total number of galaxies in the empire has been seventy-nine, which is suitable for the eighth army."

Marshal Rothsay's speech rate was still very slow, but what he revealed this time was too surprising: Listen, Marshal Rothsay actually wanted to form a new army at this juncture!

In an instant, everyone's eyes in the huge conference room were focused on Marshal Rothsay. Then, sure enough—

"I announce that the establishment of the Eighth Army of the Empire will begin immediately, and it will be completed within ten days. Regarding the Supreme Commander of the Eighth Army, I already have a candidate in mind. His name is..."

On the stage, Marshal Rothsay not only opened his lips in a hurry.

Under the stage, all the officers who thought they were competent for this position clenched their fists nervously!

Then, Marshal Rothsay's lips twitched and he said the name:

"… Lieutenant General, First Order of the Empire, Olivia."

The dust fell.

After becoming the youngest lieutenant general in the empire, Olivia once again became the youngest army commander in the empire. Under everyone's attention, the blond young man just nodded slightly, then looked straight ahead, he knew: Marshal Rothsay's words were not over.

"Commander Olivia, after the Eighth Army is formed, your first task is to—"

"Call back."

"Bring your team back, bring back the galaxy that Condon lost, and rescue all the imperial people trapped there." Staring at Olivia, Marshal Rothsay's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"Tell me, your answer is..."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission. Follow your orders, sir." Raising her right hand, Olivia gave a standard military salute.

The author has something to say: About the Empire, about the Emperor of the Empire

Olivia and Mugan are two big men in the empire

This story tells the story of them growing up

when they were just normal cubs

when they were still infamous

bit by bit

They will come to the end and become famous people in the history books

All this is inevitable under countless accidental turns.


Maybe Olivia just wanted to be an ordinary officer with money and power to protect his family at first, but his future was destined to be more than that. Maybe Mugan's wish was only a teacher or a cook on White Dew, but he also It is impossible for them to constantly revise their ideals and adapt to the changes of the times. In the eyes of the great god of fate, they are just a little bigger wave at that time.