There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 232: Kara's prison


In March 403 of the Starlight Calendar, after a short rest, Olivia led the army again. So far, except for the Imperial First Army Group who stayed behind Bai Luxing to be responsible for the daily defense, all the remaining army groups had already sent troops. This time, robot soldiers were also added to the Third and Fourth Armies.

Astral Calendar May 403

The invaders who had suffered the first defeat in Tuscany quickly fought back and used super weapons to destroy the important route in the Fanila galaxy. The third army, which was carrying out the recovery mission of Fanila, suddenly turned from an advantage to an extreme disadvantage! The officers and soldiers of the Third Group fought bravely against the invaders and were not afraid of sacrifice. After all the food and energy were consumed, they even sacrificed their lives to defend the country with their flesh and blood!

The commander of the Empire's Third Army Group, General Tram of the Empire's Four Honors, was killed in this battle, and none of his bodyguards survived!

All the remaining soldiers of the Third Army Group persisted for three months under these extremely bad conditions. During these three months, a large number of human officers and soldiers suffered countless casualties. Robot soldiers in the army!

It was under the heroic resistance of these robots day and night that the Third Army finally came to the rescue!

Under the ambush attack of the Second Army and the Eighth Army, Fanila's invaders retreated steadily, the empire wiped out 80% of the enemies in this star field, and the remaining remnants fled to other star fields along the star gate .

The loss of the empire in this battle was enormous. The number of officers and soldiers killed in the third army group exceeded half of the total number. The army's highest commander was killed in battle, and the empire also lost an important route.

Yet the benefits of this battle for the Empire were also enormous.

The battle, later known as the "Battle of Fanila", lasted four months. During these four months, due to the stubborn resistance of the Third Army, the invaders sent reinforcements three times. The enemy fleets originally planned to attack the Second and Eighth Army of the neighboring galaxy were also temporarily dispatched here. It was precisely because the Third Army successfully attracted The second and eighth armies evacuated all the trapped civilians in the four nearby galaxies in the precious four months, and finally successfully rescued the last living force of the third army, and finally achieved Victory at the Battle of Fanila.

Astral Calendar August 404

After the invaders occupied the Karalion system, they carried out a plan of genocide for all human beings in the galaxy.

At the same time, the invaders cut off all the routes behind the Kallion Stargate, and the Fourth and Seventh Army in it lost contact with the Empire.

This day became the day of national humiliation for the empire.

Astral Calendar November 404

The weapon master Constaro and the mechanic master Kenda have teamed up to create extreme weapons against mechanical life. After it was confirmed to be effective, a large number of weapons were produced and assembled on the sniper fleets of various armies at the first time.

Astral Calendar 404 December

The 2nd, 5th, and 8th Imperial armies fought the invaders in the Kallion system. In this battle, the Empire used a new type of targeted weapons for the first time. The battle lasted 43 days and a total of 2,342 enemy warships were annihilated. Karaleon once again became a part of the Empire's territory.

After this battle, for the first time, the enemy's force was reduced to a quarter of the empire's force. In the case of the huge disparity in the technological level between the enemy and ours, the combat power represented by the imperial force surpassed the enemy's for the first time! At the same time, after recovering the territory, the Empire's Fifth Army stayed behind in Karaleon, while the Second and Eighth Army successfully merged with the Fourth and Seventh Army behind the Stargate. The four armies cooperated to achieve the later Battle of Angrave. Great victory!

It is precisely because of this great victory that the invader's team was torn apart in the star field of the empire, and the strength of the enemy was further weakened.

"Hey! Why are you running so slow!? Go to your position!!!" A human commander was shouting loudly on a small warship of the Fifth Army. The object of his roar was a robot, a very tall robot.

There are many human soldiers running around this robot, and he is the only robot.

There's a reason for this: after the Battle of Fanila, almost all armies had robot soldiers, and after the first robot to cover the sacrifice of human officers, the interaction between human soldiers and robot soldiers began to increase. . To ensure balance, human soldiers and robot soldiers are no longer catalogued separately, but mixed together. However, since there are not as many robots joining the army today as there are humans, it is not bad to have one robot in a fleet.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!" the human commander yelled, but he wasn't targeting this big robot, uh... maybe that's what his character was originally.

"You bastards! Don't think I'm just talking about him!" He kicked the human soldier sitting next to the robot fiercely, and the human commander didn't mean to hold back.

But it's no wonder he is so anxious. This is a weapon supply ship, which is loaded with new-type artillery shells specially designed to deal with the enemy. Since this kind of shells is extremely sensitive and needs to be manually filled with certain ingredients before launching, it is specially responsible for filling the firepower of the weapons. The supply camp came into being.

This human commander is not only talking about others, he is also doing it himself, not to mention, he looks tall and big, big and three thick, but his hands are very dexterous.

In his contrast, the robot next to him seemed more sluggish.

"Hey? What's wrong with your hands?" The human commander frowned and looked at the slow-moving robot beside him, but he saw the eroded marks on the robotic hands.

"This..." Before the slow robot could explain, the human commander understood immediately.

"That's right! This weapon is designed to deal with mechanical species, and you are also considered a mechanical species, so this kind of cannonball will also work on you." Speaking to himself, the human commander pushed the robot aside and sat on his own. Fitted for him in his place.

"I..." The tall robot stood beside him at a loss.

"What are you? This thing is bad for you, but I didn't think of it first. It's my fault. You go to the back and find a mechanic to help you repair your hands." The human commander didn't raise his eyes, filling in The cannonball's hands move quickly.

"...As ordered." After standing there for a while, the robot trotted and ran to the back. After the hands were repaired, he ran back with nothing to do. He couldn't touch the filler, so he stood by to help hand over the barrel of the cannon. , Humans will be tired, but robots will not, so he has been standing here in charge of passing the gun body, and has been busy until the end of the battle.

Then they won.

All humans are very happy, but the robot feels nothing. It doesn't matter to him that the humans drink and celebrate, the tall robot has to stand alone.

"Hey! We won, why don't you seem to have any reaction at all?" It was the drunken officer who came to talk to him.

"I..." The robot got stuck.

"Hey, I forgot that you are a robot, you don't know what happiness is, right?" Patting his head, the human chief immediately understood the reason.

The tall robot then stopped in place again.

He thought that this man must be leaving again.

However, to his surprise, the human chief never left. After another two sips of wine, he shook his head and said, "What's your name? I remember it for a long time."

"Sir, my name is CISSO78000156947." For the first time, the commander who only scolded him every day had the desire to chat with him, and the tall robot immediately said his name.

"Damn! What kind of name is this? It's a model, right?" The human chief spit out a sip of wine: "I'm going to scold you in the future, don't you want to call such a long list of numbers? Too bad?"

Tall Robot:…

He is a robot that just left the factory. He encountered an unprecedented disaster before it was sold. He chose to join the army without an owner. In this case, no one would name him at all. This human being is right, this string The numbers are simply his numbers.

But even so, I want to be called by my name.

After joining the army for so long, no human has ever called him by his name.

It turned out to be because... the name was too long

The robot lowered its head.

"Your name is too long, it's inconvenient to call you, shall I change it for you?" Just when the robot was silent, the human officer suddenly spoke up: "Isn't this the Battle of Caralion? Just call Kara, it's simple and easy to remember."

The robot hurriedly raised its head, and the human officer's bold smile was immediately reflected in his dim screen.

Since then, a robot named "Kara" has been added to the warship, probably because the name is really simple and easy to remember. Gradually everyone on the warship knows his name, and there are more and more human soldiers every day. Screaming the name on the battleship.

"Kara! Come and help me with this!"

"Kara, see if there is any coagulant in the warehouse!"



Every day, he was instructed to turn around, but the robot Kara finally integrated into this large group of all humans.

They chased the enemy together and fled together. Kara helped several soldiers fend off attacks, and was repaired by humans after the body was damaged.

During the long battle, there were several scars on the human companions, and several colorful patches on Kara's silver-white body.

But they are always together.

There are constantly new soldiers joining in, and Kara has also become a "senior".

Although every day is dangerous, every day is "happy".

Yes, Kara now knows what it means to be "happy".

From a robot that knew nothing, Kara is now a robot with a lot of knowledge and a good understanding of human emotions. Occasionally, when Bai Luxing is rectified, when he goes to the robot soldier maintenance center for maintenance, he can also teach the new robot juniors the relevant experience of "how to integrate into the human group"!

Carla, who was overhauled and returned to the barracks, was very happy.

For the current Kara, the humans who have served on the same battleship for so long are more of his companions than the robots in the maintenance department.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a master, he has companions, many, many companions.

Along with his human companions, Kara once again boarded the battleship that went on the expedition.

"Every time I go on an expedition, it's like drawing a ghost card. If I get a ghost card, I will hang up." This is the mantra of the human officers on the warship, and Kara has heard it many times.

Kara's luck has always been good. Although she has patches on her body, she has never died.

This time, however, his luck seems to be running out - Cara has drawn a "wacky card".

Carla suddenly couldn't move.

It was an extremely strange feeling, the body was clearly moving, but it was completely out of control.

Is this what the robot predecessors called "infection with a virus"? Robot Kara thought, but he thought it was very strange: "infection with a virus" should be an accident that could only happen when robots could freely connect with their brains. Now, in this situation, how could there be a virus

Until he heard another voice in his "brain".

"Oh~ are you an indigenous robot here? It's obviously a more advanced life form, why do you want to fight for these lower life forms?"

Kara finally realizes: she has been invaded.

What the imperial people had been dreading for a long time finally happened.

In June 406 of the astral calendar, the first documented instance of mechanical beings in the Empire invading native robots occurred.

This is what the imperial people have been worried about for a long time. It is precisely because of hidden dangers that so many large-scale robot destruction events occurred in the beginning. However, when this happened, it was not at all as extreme and intense as the Imperials had imagined.

The first robot to be invaded, Kara, destroyed his body as soon as he found out that he had been invaded. Only one chip was left. He used his body as a cage to lock the invader firmly inside.

For the first time, the Imperials caught these invaders who claimed that "only the body perishes, the spirit lives on".

The robot Kara disappeared, and at the expense of his own existence, he made the greatest contribution since joining the army. And through his sacrifice, the Imperials finally vaguely grasped the right way to fight these invaders.