There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 236: left and left


There are densely packed robots suspended in the sky above Bailuxing, and each robot is a Yoabis.

The enemy is already approaching the city.


The moment he saw these intruders, the first thought that came to Mugen's mind was these two words.

No, not right.

If the empire was defeated, these invaders couldn't be so intact, they looked more like... sneak attacks...

Mugan pursed his lips.

In a way, he guessed right.

This neat lineup of invaders is indeed here to attack. However, they were not any of the invader armies that were forced into the Hengyang Galaxy by the empire's army groups, but the "enemy reinforcements" Marshal Rothsay had always been worried about.

Marshal Rothsay got the information that reinforcements were on the way from the report submitted by the Academy of Sciences. Knowing that a new enemy was already on his way, he took the risk and decided to take the initiative to provoke a decisive battle!

He wanted to end the battle before the reinforcements arrived, but unfortunately the opponent arrived too fast.

He miscalculated.

Humans are not as good as heaven. After all, the reinforcements of the Yoabis people are still facing the rear camp of the empire.

But fortunately, they also have the Constaro defense system, and the weapons made by Tony boss are amazing! In the face of a seventh-level civilization whose civilization level is three levels higher than his own, it is not inferior. The enemy lost thousands of battleships last time, and only five battleships leaked in. Besides, during this period of time, Boss Tony again An upgrade has been made to the Constaro defense system...

However, why does the enemy seem not to be nervous at all

He squeezed the "key" of Constaro that he was carrying, and a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on Mugen's forehead.

When everyone on the ground was dumbfounded and looked up at the sky, a robot suddenly came over from behind the crowd.

Any moving object becomes especially noticeable when everyone else is in a still pose.

Especially when he looked so embarrassed.

There are large areas of tear marks on the fuselage, and the thread ends inside half of the body are exposed outside, and there are a lot of uncoagulated plasma and white powder on the metal surface.

and many more-

Blood? white powder...

Flour - After instinctively identifying what the thing was, Mugan felt the heat all over his body fade away.

He recognized the robot.

It was a babysitter robot named "Cake", and Mugan knew him well because he was the robot of Tony's boss!

The robot was even bought by him and Sigma with Boss Tony! ! !

"What's wrong with Boss Tony?" Sigma could also see what Muggan could think of. With the advantage of being petite, Sigma grabbed his foot when the robot passed him!

The robot named Cake lowered its head slightly, and the head that was torn in half was reflected on Sigma's dim screen.

This originally round and lovely robot felt very ferocious at this time.

"He's dead." "Cake" answered his question calmly.

"Dead? How did you die?" Sigmar still held onto his ankle tightly.

"Killed by me." Robot Cake said at last, then raised his head indifferently, and walked straight forward.

Sigma got stuck.

"Business is good today. Mr. Tony said he wanted me to order more flour, but I might be out of stock when I'm in a hurry. Sigma, can I buy a batch from your house?"

"Sigma, this is a yogurt-flavored energy liquid, try it!"

"After I join the army, please help me take care of Mr. Tony. His waist is not good, so he can't have a face-to-face for a long time."

"Yo! It's Little Sigma! Do you want to come and work for me? I'll pay you 100 Farahs an hour~"

Sigma's hard drive has a very large capacity, which is large enough to record everything he has experienced in his life in detail. When he wants to retrieve information about relevant people, these records will be recorded in video, audio, picture... all kinds of The form appears in his "brain" as if it were happening.

For robots, this is their memory.

On Sigma's hard drive, there are many memories labeled "Boss Tony".

Those memories flashed in his mind at an extremely fast frame rate, and the picture was finally fixed on a scene: "Little Sigma is so sweet! I have never thought of using a robot in my life, but now I really want to. One set." Boss Tony in the picture laughed.

It was dusk, and after Sigma helped Boss Tony stand at the counter for a day, while handing him Sigma's wages, Boss Tony had a whim.

It happened that Mugen just came over to pick up Sigma, and the three of them checked that the biggest department store on Bailuxing was doing an event, and it was very cost-effective to buy a robot, so they happily went together.

The robot "Cake" was chosen by Sigma, and the name was also chosen by Sigma!

Is such a robot, but now it is covered in blood, and said he killed Boss Tony? !

When Sigma got stuck, the robot had already walked some distance, staring at the blood on the ground, Sigma quickly ran with both hands on the ground.

"How did you... kill Boss Tony?" There was no way to deal with this in the program, so Sigma could only keep asking.

He was stopped again, and a red light representing a warning flashed in the dim light screen where only half of the robot was left.

Reaching out a hand, the robot yanks at Sigma!

"That's it—" Sigma was lifted high by him, and then fell heavily forward—

Sigma rolled down the middle of the road, motionless, looking like he had been broken, but just when others thought he was broken, he got up again.

Sigma, who got up again, continued chasing in the direction of the robot.

But this time he didn't succeed. He just ran two steps before being picked up by Ipsilon.

Everyone could only watch the tattered robot slowly walk to the open space that was at a distance from everyone, and then spoke to the sky.

"Report sir, I have successfully disrupted the Constaro defense system from the inside, and we can now safely enter here."

Said the Yoabish man in the robotic cake shell.

"Very good." Accompanied by a cold mechanical sound in the sky, the Yoabis who had been hovering in the air quickly landed—

"Now, you are our captives." Then, the cold mechanical voice said.

With the sound of the heavy landing, the Yoabis finally stood on the land of the last pure land of the empire - the land of Bailuxing.

"Ahhh!!!" I don't know who made the first desperate scream.

"Roar—" Immediately afterwards, it was unknown who made the first roar.

Just as those Yoabis people were walking towards the crowd on the White Dew Star, a huge and ferocious red beast suddenly appeared in the crowd, with a huge mouth, she savagely bit the Yoabbi who was closest to her. Thinking people!

That's... what monster is that? Bailu Xingren was stunned!

However, they soon recognized that this ugly monster of unrecognizable type was their own, and this one was so powerful! He actually bit off half of the opponent's body in one bite.

Not long after that beast appeared, one giant dinosaur after another appeared. They used their bodies to block Bailuxing's crowd, and roared at the enemies made of metal!

"Hey, it looks like I've transformed. It's great now. Everyone knows what my prototype is. Now it's even more difficult to find someone." Mugan heard Miss Maria sigh softly.

Then, another ugly red monster appeared beside him! Without waiting for Mugen to speak, he dragged his long tail and ran towards the other red monster.

In just a short while, the scene full of order on Bailu Xing disappeared, replaced by chaos! The vast majority of the people who stayed here were ordinary people. When they encountered such a scene, they were so excited that they had already transformed themselves with the people in front of them. , I don't even know which way to go—

Mugen looked at a red little hair timidly sticking his head out from the wall, and then one did not stand firm, and saw that he was about to be trampled to death by the chaotic crowd, Mugen quickly ran over and caught it. he.

Xiao Mao Chiu had no idea what he had just experienced, but he saw himself rolling in the familiar Mugen arms, and "chirp" to please him.

The voice is soft and soft, full of trust.

He was too young to comprehend what all this was happening in front of him.

Holding the little cub in his arms, feeling the heavy weight, Mugen quickly climbed up the wall: "From now on, everyone will go to Area A! As we practiced before, retreat in order! Quickly! !"

In the dark crowd, Mugan saw Mr. Cisse at a glance.

He was always so conspicuous, and he always had a way of getting people to notice him at first sight no matter where he was.

Mugan saw that Mr. Cisse was smiling contentedly at him.


Mr. Cisse turned into a black cantas, and resolutely joined the ranks of blocking the enemy.

Mugan resolutely ran to the small courtyard at home—

He let go of the circle that closed the big horns and other unicorn dragon beasts, then went to the house to find the little hairy chirps one by one, counted them according to the number, and led them to the direction of Area A with the robot parents.

Those unicorn dragon beasts are well-bred by the Mugen family, and they will not run around even if they are not locked. Now that the owner is so busy, they are wisely lined up. During this time, they have gotten used to it with the little Maotweeters. Understand that the owner seems to be suffering from these little hair balls being unobservant, so these unicorn dragons also took the initiative to carry these little hair balls, and then quickly ran forward behind the master.

Today, these unicorn dragons are quite large, and they are scattered in the crowd. No one recognizes them as rare and precious unicorn dragons. They only regard them as ordinary human beings who have become prototypes. The location in Zone A ran wild.

After more and more people came to Bailuxing to take refuge, with the help of Dean Ode, Mugen began to expand the refuge on Bailuxing a long time ago. After the Pendra people entered, this place was transformed into a secret passage, and countless small spaceships stayed here, always preparing enough food and clean water in it, preparing for a possible escape one day.

The spaceships are numbered, and the list is predetermined.

The terrified people were placed in the spaceship in batches according to the list. Muggan watched the spaceships go out, and his heart became more and more confused.

Unicorns with cubs on their backs were crowding around him, and they were a little scared in front of so many strangers. Pairs of big eyes looked at his position at the same time, waiting to enter a spaceship with the master.

Although they are also a little afraid of spaceships, as long as they are with their masters, they can endure.

Finally, when he put the last little hair on the spaceship, looking at the expectant eyes of the unicorn beasts behind him, Mugen froze—

In the end, there are still a few places left, including the mother-in-law Maria who is resisting the invaders in front, Mr. Cisse, his own, and his own robot parent, but...

There is no place for these unicorns!

"Mother-in-law Maria hasn't come up yet, and Boss Joe hasn't come either." Sigma tugged at his sleeve.

Mugan heard the cubs chirping and seemed to ask why he didn't come

He also heard the low moo of the unicorns.

Finally, he heard the voice of Uncle Alpha.

"Mogan, you go up, Xiao A, you go up too."

The uncle's voice was as calm as ever.

"Where's Sigma?" Sigma looked up in confusion.

"...You go up too." Alpha thought for a while before answering him.

Next, he counted the remaining vacancies, and then picked up a few unicorn dragon beast cubs.

"This is spare food." Alpha said coldly, but the movement of putting down a few unicorn dragon beast cubs was extremely gentle.

"Then... What about you guys?" Mugen had a bad idea in his mind.


"We stay here, and all other military robots will stay here." Alpha calmly said.

Mugan was stunned.