There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 237: Death is coming


"Don't forget, we are military robots!" Robot Eta said with a smile.

Yes, he is really smiling. Among all robot parents, he has the most lively character! He is also the most willing to try various new programs. In order to better express his meaning, he asked Pai to write a new program for him. It is a very simple program that can simulate various states of human eyes on the dim screen.

For example, crying is TT, speechless is = =

Then smile is

Therefore, Uncle Eta is now displaying "" on the dim screen.

Beta took off his apron very simply, but as soon as his apron was thrown on the ground, it was taken into the stomach by Ipsilon, who was used to helping him keep various things.

Looking at Muggan who was stunned in place, he noticed that his collar was a little messy, and Robot Pie stood on tiptoe and helped him rearrange his collar.

When Mugan was very young, Pi often helped him tidy up his collar, but Mugan was very short at that time. As a scout-type robot, Pi was the shortest among all alphabet robots, but still taller than little Mugan. a lot of.

"Your height surpassed mine on the morning of August 13, 392 of the starlight calendar." The robot's memory will not have vague words, and everything that Mugen has grown up with is in their hearts.

"I like Bai Luxing." Alpha spoke first before he realized that Mugen seemed to be about to say something.

This is the first time this serious robot has made it clear what it likes, and then—

Muggan saw the graphic of "" suddenly flashing on Alpha's dim screen.

He laughed.

So Mugan laughed too:

"Well, I also like Bai Luxing."

"This is my home, I don't want to leave it." Walking away from the spaceship door and standing in the middle of the robot family, Mugan's hesitant heart suddenly calmed down.

Very very stable.

As soon as his arm reached his brother, Sigma expressed his will with action.

"Ah...Aren't you going too? Let's go back together then?" Just when the Mugan family fell into "warm" memories, Mr. World Tree Pooh also walked out of the spaceship.

"I also decided to go down, there is a cub in the yard." He was referring to the small tree of life.

Mr. Pooh smiled gently.

Since Mr. World Tree came down, Dabai also got out for no reason, and then because Dabai got out, a group of guinea fowls also flew out with chirps, and then Chirp who ran down with Pullencourt Tweet…

Then, Morgan found that the spaceship that had left had also run back one after another.

"We decided to stay!" The people on the spaceship jumped down one after another.

"Well, where do you leave a bunch of old people to fight, the young people all run away, what the hell is this?" It was a wrinkled uncle who spoke, er... Although most of the people who stayed were old people, but you look Not like young people

"Let's fight together! The old lady still has the weapons that she had hidden before!" This time, it was an elegant lady who was talking. The lady who was honored as Mrs. Delia was of great background. Mugen did not agree with him. She had been in contact with her, but she knew from her usual demeanor that she was a typical representative of aristocratic women in the empire.

And now this lady actually calls herself "old lady"? !

"All weapons are installed in this folding space, go get them later!" As she said, Mrs. Delia threw away the expensive fur shawl, and her slender arm resisted a huge rocket launcher from the folding space!

( ⊙ o ⊙)…

Well, the woman who can give birth to Lieutenant General Arruf is not a vegetarian dragon~

Ms. Delia's words set off a climax. After she finished speaking, everyone gathered around to receive weapons. No amount of weapons would be enough for so many people, so people who were confident in their bodies simply became Get the prototype, take the lead and run towards the road! The slow runner rides on the fast runner, and no one cares about that at the moment.

"Big Horn, please!" Mugen and Sigma rode on Big Horn, Big Horn let out a happy "moo", and in general, behind them, the unicorns roared wildly. Yin infected more people, so everyone shouted!

When Bai Luxing was at its most critical, no one escaped from it, everyone ran back—

Sigma clasped tightly on his brother's back, like a sturdy little vest, he blocked all possible attacks for Mugen.

But in fact, there is no need for him. The letter robot is always firmly guarding the big horn with Muggan on his back, and basically no one can hit him!


Great brother! His hit rate is higher than that of a robot—

A robot is a robot, and even in such a critical time, Sigma's "brain" can still clearly calculate the hit rate of everyone.

Whether he actively collects it or not, everything on the battlefield is quickly refreshed in his "brain" in the form of data.

Sigma never felt there was anything wrong with this.

He thinks robots are like that.

Each unit's hit rate, evasion rate, number of enemies, number of allies...

Everything! All in the "brain" of this little robot!

At this time, if someone can possess the enemies of the seventh-level civilization, he will be surprised to find that not only all the robots in the empire do not have this function, but even the robots of the seventh-level civilization do not have this function!

So much computing power, so wide scanning range, so—

Sigma has absolutely no idea what a special robot he is!

"Nangma, don't just hide behind your brother! Hurry up and help your brother fight together!" The person who is talking to him now is Boss Joe. Seeing Sigma's "I'm a bulletproof vest" look, his old A little anxious.

"It's not Nangma, it's Sigma." Even though he looked dead, Sigma still didn't forget to refute.

Boss Joe's Alzheimer's is getting worse, and he's been calling them the wrong name recently.

But even so, he knew them instinctively.

"Ah? It's Sigma... Ouch! I was shot..." Boss Qiao was in a daze when suddenly an enemy's cold light cannon shot him.

Sigma got stuck, but soon...

"It hurts a bit." Boss Qiao just shook it, and then got up again.

Thanks to Boss Qiao, your old man has thick skin and thick meat!

"Nangma, don't you have any weapons? Grandpa will give you a gun!" The first concern of Boss Joe, who got up again, was the unarmed Sigma. Although he forgot his name again, it was difficult to fight. Gave him a...

Antique pistols? !

Sigma looked carefully at the pistol in his hand.

The figure of Boss Qiao is gone, there are too many people around, there are enemies, there are people of their own, this...

"Sigma never used any weapon..." Sigma murmured, clutching the small pistol in his hand.

When he appeared, he was defined as a military robot, but Sigma was always raised as a human cub, uh... Although it was an incidental one, but his brother and everyone he knew treated him very well, and he often forgot his own The younger brother role is just for play.

Sigma defines himself first as a "companion robot," like Blackie.

However, for the convenience of employment, he is also working hard to learn the skills of "nanny robot".

He also went to work in various shops in Aidori Commercial Street in order to get more pocket money to buy what he wanted.

He is one of the very few robots who can get pocket money every month and earn extra wages by working part-time.

Sigma's belly still holds the dark light cannon launcher that Olivia gave him when he first met, and over the next few years, Olivia has been constantly turning the An increasingly forbidden weapon was given to him as a gift, but Sigmar kept putting those weapons away as a gift, never using them once.

This is a military robot that has never used any weapons.

"Sigma... can't use a pistol." Sigma was caught in a strange situation.

"Sigma, can't use weapons..."

"Violation… "

At this moment, a huge unicorn dragon beast suddenly appeared in Sigmar's blind field of vision, and an enemy robot rushed over and cut it in half with a huge weapon—

"No... Little Flower... Little Flower..." Sigma remembered the names of every unicorn, especially the two that came here with them, and the people who fed them the most, bathed them, and could ride on them the most were always Sigma —

Sigma's gloom screen began to flicker at a very fast frequency, one after another of red light, and Sigma's "eyes" looked red!

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the direction of the southwest corner. Without looking back, Sigma knew the explosion over there was from a robot, and it was a robot on their side.


He even knew the robot's name!

"As early as the moment it was discovered that the enemy could invade our brains through the wire, all the robots on our side had installed bombs at the location of the chip." Just when Sigma was in distress, Alpha's voice suddenly echoed in his mind. Come.

"Sigma doesn't know, Sigma doesn't have it installed." Sigma was even more confused, and outwardly he looked duller.

"Because you don't have to install it." Alpha's voice sounded the same as usual.

"The enemy is generally reluctant to use the body of our robot, except in certain cases, one of which is when there are no other available carriers."

"When their bodies are about to be destroyed and no other carriers are used, they will definitely want to invade our robots. So, more robots will die in the future."

Alpha's voice was cold and ruthless, sounding like it had nothing to do with him, but—

"...You have it installed in your body too?" Sigmar looked at him.


"Then..." Sigmar dropped.

"Are you willing to keep all of our replica chips?" Alpha suddenly said.

"The contents of the chips of all robots with bombs in their bodies have been copied, and they are currently kept with me. Next, can I ask you to keep them?" Alpha said to Sigma as the attack on his hands did not stop.

This is the first time Alpha has said "please" to himself.

It's not "please don't make trouble" or "please go to the side to shut down", but a solemn entrustment.

Sigma got stuck, and he reached out to Alpha, who placed a chip very carefully into his palm.

Sigma put the chip in the most secret place on his body.

Just as the two robots finished the chip handover, Sigmar heard a huge and terrified scream from the crowd: "Heaven! Another enemy is coming—"

He was right, a huge and ferocious battleship quietly appeared in the corner of the sky drowned by gunpowder smoke—

Not caring about their own people on the ground at all, the battleship aimed its muzzle at the ground the moment it was discovered.

purple light...

It swept towards all the creatures on the ground.

Mr. Cisse, who stood in the front, was submerged, Mother Maria was submerged, then Miss Maria, Grandpa Joe...

Finally, Sigmar and his brother Muggan were also drowned in the purple light.

However, when he was submerged, Sigma didn't feel anything, he just instinctively protected his brother's body.

He heard Mugan call his name out loud, and then—

"Morgan, sorry, we can only accompany you here."

"The next journey, Sigma will walk with you."

"Please look after him."

"Remember, the secret word to wake up death is... 's real name."

Alpha's voice came in an orderly manner beside the two of them.

"Sigma, you're a little more reliable now, so we've decided to give you back your legs and ass."

Alpha's voice is getting weaker and weaker, replaced by a brand new one.


"Beep - program started."

At the moment when Ziguang roared wildly and tried to harvest everyone's lives, this huge straight line of light was suddenly blocked.

After the smoke passed, a huge mecha appeared in a messy field.

"Military mecha World Destroyer, the first mission is about to start, start now, determine the enemy's target."
