There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 238: Then, he swung down the scythe


"The new part - pie, has been installed, and the scanning system is restarting." Just when everyone was stunned by the variables in the field, the mecha in the focus of everyone's eyes opened its "eyes".


That's not Sigma's voice.

It is more like the sound effect of several robots sounding together at the same time.

There's nothing humanly habitual about pausing, and the voice sounds unusually mechanical and vocal.

The mecha calling itself the World Destroyer stood up, and when it moved, there was a crisp metal knocking sound from the inside of the metal body.

Its body is still changing!

Countless pieces of metal are constantly spliced, snapped, split, and reassembled on its surface until they find their best fit, softly insert, fasten, and fasten.

During this "jigsaw puzzle" process, the appearance of this mecha became quite strange. Due to the unstable center of gravity, its movements looked stumbling, and even the metal color on the surface of the machine was colorful, which looked very funny!

However, no one in the field dared to make fun of it.

That's very dangerous stuff... people are instinctively afraid of it.

"Circle scan." It said a password.

With a green light brushing across its dim screen, its scanning range quickly and evenly expanded outwards, and three seconds later, the entire White Dew Star was completely shrouded in its scanning range.

So far, the world has no dead ends for it!

What does the world look like to humans

The world in the eyes of most humans is colorful, and the visual angle of the naked eye is about 120 degrees. When they concentrate, this degree will be reduced to less than 20 degrees. When they become prototypes, these will change to some extent due to different races, but no matter how much they change, they can't escape a general range. In short, the world in the eyes of human beings is composed of colors, sounds, dynamic and static patterns, etc., and it is the direct feeling given to them by their senses.

The world in the eyes of robots is completely different.

Especially military robots.

They are eyeless, replaced by scanners. The world in their "eyes" is composed of various real-time data, points and lines, 360 degrees, without any dead ends.

At this moment, in the "eyes" of this mecha, the whole world is a wonderful gray, and the space is densely covered with countless dark green horizontal and vertical lines. These lines divide the world into countless tiny cells. Therefore, the objects in this circle have a clear custom coordinate. As the target object moves, the coordinates attached to it change rapidly, and as long as this coordinate is present, the object in this coordinate circle will always be on the Destroyer. Within the attack range, there is nothing to hide!

"The enemy's target has been confirmed, with a total of 110,345 units." Another green light flashed on the dim screen, and the mecha reported his answer. This number far exceeds the number of Yoabis standing on White Dew Star at the moment. It even scanned the sniper warships lurking outside the atmosphere of White Dew Star and using the highest anti-scanning technology!

"What!!!" With the huge surprise of the Yoabis, the mecha moved—

Although it is such a heavy and huge metal guy, its movements are so light. Its speed exceeded the speed range that the Yoabis target tracking system could track in an instant, and it was completely impossible to see what was going on. People could only see among the enemies who were originally calm and prepared to attack Bailuxing in one fell swoop. Flashes of white light after another!

The Yoabis robots fought hard to resist, but their resistance seemed to be in vain! These arrogant enemies exploded in large swaths!

"This mecha is the enemy's secret weapon! Hurry up! Concentrate all the firepower to attack him!" The originally rampant attackers changed their identities in an instant. They quickly adjusted their plans and concentrated all their firepower on the erratic mecha. The attacker's attack finally worked, and when it seemed to hit the target completely—

"Shield - ETA, get ready." The mechanical sound was stiff and cold, and the shape of the mecha changed rapidly again in an instant! The huge black shield was quickly dismantled from the surface of its body, and several huge shields appeared on the side of the mecha, accompanied by a strong beating sound.

"The attack is invalid, the defense is successful." It said something cold that made the enemy instantly chill!

In the following time, the Yoabis hit it several times in a row, but all the attacks were blocked by the black shield, and the mecha inside was unscathed—

"The attack is ineffective, the defense is successful." Hearing the mechanical sound coming from the opposite side again, the commander of the Yoabis team coldly ordered: "Use the battleship weapon and destroy it."

The enemy finally used the battleship that had been in the air, and at the same time—

"Defense system - Epsilon, get ready." As the target of the battleship's muzzle, the mech stiffly said the next command!

Even bigger and more precise than Eta, which is a flexible protective shield, is a mecha strategic defense system called Ipsilon!

Combining defense and attack, this is the ultimate offensive and defensive weapon that is not inferior to the Constaro defense system!

With the issuance of this command, the mecha's body shape changed drastically again: its body shrank rapidly, the metal on its body quickly split, and the three pairs of wing-shaped shields quickly elongated behind it. When it is opened at the same time, the body of the mecha is completely shrouded in it, and dense black dot holes are exposed from the wing bones of the shield. When the artillery fire of the enemy warship comes over, countless rays are emitted from the black dot holes. —

With one blow, the sky shattered, and countless rays shrouded the land, and the ground that had just calmed down was filled with gunpowder smoke again.

The Yoabians have finally met an evenly matched opponent!

No, not right! With only one mecha, you can fight against so many warships of your own, and the opponent's level is undoubtedly far superior to yourself!

A machine that is much more advanced than the seventh-level civilization—

Commander Euabis, who was at the head, waved his palm.

"We don't want this planet, the whole army retreats!"

Retreat order!

He even gave an order to retreat!

And after this command, he quickly added another one:

"Connect to the offensive and defensive system on the opponent's planet, and be sure to trap the opponent in the system before leaving."

"Destroy this planet."

This order was carried out quickly. When they saw that the enemy began to evacuate Bailuxing, the Imperial people on the ground were overjoyed at first, but they quickly realized something was wrong: through the thick dust and gunpowder, someone could vaguely see it. The sky is glowing.

and many more-


Finally someone recognizes what the glowing thing is!

"It's the Constaro defense system!" Bai Luxing had activated this system at the most critical time, and Bailuxing people naturally recognized the way this system was fully activated!

"No! This time the optical net is red, not white!" Among the white dew stars who stayed behind were many experts from Pandra, and they quickly discovered the difference in this time.

Constaro defense system, the white light net represents defense, and the red light net is—

"It's a self-destructing attack defense system—" Someone finally shouted out the meaning of the red optical network!

Glancing at the robot under the red light net for the last time, Sissyri turned his head resolutely, and let out a long howl.

The cubs who had been hiding in the chaos of the war immediately found him following the sound and crawled onto his back very obediently. After the cubs had grabbed his scales, he immediately flew up.

He flew very low, on the one hand to take care of Pronguli, who could not fly, on the other hand, to drive everyone to flee in the right direction, and when he encountered someone who fell and fell behind along the way, he picked up the man heavily. thrown on the back.

"Quick! Go to Section C! Quick—"

There were crazy roars of people everywhere.

Humans have created extreme weapons to protect themselves, but while enjoying the sense of security it brings to themselves, they are destined to suffer the opposite effects of one and two sides.

"Quick! Area C is here, go in through the door quickly, don't crowd around, all of them will turn into human figures, quick! Quick!"

When the mechanical beings created by humans are in the ultimate confrontation, as their creators, humans can only hide in the ground.

"Oops! The dragon was so injured that she lost consciousness. She has lost her human form!" someone screamed.

"Maria!!!" This is the cry of an old lady. No matter how tough people are, they always feel a strong sense of helplessness when their loved ones' lives are threatened.

Sissyri also noticed these sudden changes.

Not only the dragon named Maria, but also many seriously injured dragons could not be transformed into human form, so the space in the C area would not be enough. According to the plan, there shouldn't be—

However, it was no longer planned.

When he turned into a humanoid, Cisse found a little Chiu who came with a robot.

The robot was tattered, with only half of its head left.

But even so, the little Mao-chiu still dragged the robot stubbornly, and in the chaos, Cissusili didn't even notice that the person he was carrying along the way had a robot on his back.

Or a dead robot.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet ~" This is the robot Xiaotie who usually feeds me delicious food. He was injured, so I brought him here.

The young Cantas cubs met many new friends on White Dew Star, and no longer took care of them for granted, they learned to appreciate and reciprocate.


"He's already dead, there's not enough space inside, you can't take him in." Cissesli rejected him mercilessly.

Ignoring the cub's fierce protests, he dragged the robot out and stuffed the people who were left at the door who couldn't get in.

"Everyone take care." Taking a deep look at the people inside the door, Cissusli pressed the door switch without hesitation, and then locked the door with a password.

This way, no one other than anyone else who knows the password can open the door.

He sat heavily at the door.


turned red.

Then, an overwhelming tide of red light rushed in his direction—

Sissyri became a prototype at the last moment.

Even if it's too much, he wants to put another shield on this gate at the end.

However, just as he was about to spread his wings, a dark shadow larger than him enveloped him.

Another Kantas figure appeared in Sissyri's pupils in an instant!

Before saying his name, Sissyri's mouth opened, and then—

They were overwhelmed by the red light.


Facing the red light wave, the silver mecha rose straight into the air.

Suspended above the sky, its left arm straightened up and grabbed into the air. The crimson metal continued to gather in the air next to its arm. In a short while, a crimson giant sickle appeared, only lightly. As soon as he grabbed it, the handle of the long sickle was instantly in its palm!

"Weapon system - Beta, ready."

The silver-white god of death swung its scythe in the air.

Grim Reaper is six wings.

The attack that was originally expected to come in their direction did not happen at all, and the mecha actually hit its weapon on the red light net!

"This... this... what is it going to do? It's dying?!" The commander, who had been calm and calm, was also stunned by this scene.

However, at this second, he suddenly heard a voice ringing beside him.

"I'm not human."

"Not human, so there is no life."

"There is no life, so there is no fear of death."

"Because there is no fear, there is no fear."

The voice was rigid and blunt, not loud, but it was like a shadow—

"What, what's going on?" The commander was terrified for the first time.

Even if the life form is embodied in energy, he is still a human being after all, and if he is a human being, he will inevitably have a sense of fear that only human beings have!

He wasn't the only one who heard this voice, all the Yoabith heard the exact same words.

Like a shadow, close to the ear.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that terrified all the Yoabis happened: the Constaro defense system, which was clearly under their control, suddenly became inoperable. Not only is it inoperable, but the defense range of this system has been greatly expanded! It even got re-blocked!

Only a few warships managed to escape before the blockade, and the rest were all locked within the attack range of the Constaro defense system!

They heard the voice again—

"We are weapons."

"Weapons are for killing people."

Cold, ruthless, without a single pause.
