There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 240: I am back


The war isn't over yet, and after a brief reunion and weeping for parted relatives and friends, everyone is busy again.

The intense and intensive attack pierced through all the soil layers forty meters below the surface of Bailu Star. The mountain became a plain, and the ocean became a flat land. In just one day, the white dew star was already vicissitudes of life. The buildings on the surface were all gone, flattened by artillery fire and covered with a thick layer of dust and garbage.

Even if the home is gone, people still rely on memory to return to the place where they once lived. In the rubble, they silently clean up.

Aidori Commercial Street was also buried. After simply dealing with the wounds on their bodies, a group of old men and women started digging holes like the others. However, when they cleaned up the thick soil layer on the surface, they were stunned: they actually saw the almost intact Aidori business. street! ! !

Although part of the roof was crushed, and although the house was full of rocks and dirt, about 80 percent of the building structure was almost completely damaged.

This is nothing short of a miracle! ! !

However, the miracle waiting for them is not only this one. In the back kitchen of Boss Tony's house, just when everyone was preparing to collect his body, they saw Boss Tony who was trying to climb out. Although his body was covered in blood, But still breathing, live!

"When the intruder attacked me... It was very strange to avoid the fatal position. Although I fainted, I didn't die. Thinking about it now, at that time, the cake should still be there, right?" On the stretcher, Tony Boss suddenly said to Mrs. Bayatti, who was giving him first aid.

"Well, in places we can't see, Cake must have been fighting the enemy for a long time." It is because of this that it was the first robot to be invaded, but Cake did not explode immediately. During that time, he must have Are you trying

Boss Tony stopped talking, and through the sky with half the roof missing, he watched the smoke gradually dissipate, slowly revealing a touch of blue behind.

It is bright.

People found all kinds of things from under the ruins: photos, paintings, books - these are precious objects that carry memories; they also found some food and water - in the following time, when new food was produced Before, these were the important things they lived on; they also found the bodies of their companions, human and robotic, under the ruins.

Just like their fellow human beings, this time, they dug out the metal bodies of those robots very carefully.

In this war, people have fully realized the contribution of robots to human beings. Although they may not have a clear awareness in their hearts, many people have already treated these robots as intelligent life forms equivalent to themselves.

Robot Xiao A's body was dug up in this situation. Due to the great care in the excavation process, apart from the original damage, no new injuries were added to his body due to people's excavation. After someone tentatively charged him, Little A, who stood up again, startled the nearby humans.

"Please don't worry, I haven't been invaded by the enemy, probably because my model is too old." Knowing what humans are worried about, Xiao A explained it very consciously. After taking the initiative to accept the inspection, he turned to the people who helped him. He bowed deeply, then limped away.

His left arm and right foot were shattered in the fight, making it difficult for him to walk.

"Ah! I know him! That's the robot of Mr. Mugan's house!" When the robot Xiao A was struggling to move forward, someone recognized his identity.

"Yes! I know him too! He is a robot who raised Lord Mugan!" More and more people recognized his identity, and then someone suddenly shouted: "Thank you! Thank you for raising him Your Excellency Mugan is such a good officer!"

"Your Excellency Mugan is the most powerful young man we have ever met!"

"Yes yes! Thank you!"

At this moment, Robot A became the most eye-catching "person" in the ruins, and countless humans thanked him just because he raised a human named "Muggan".

At this moment, Robot A's brain activity was very strange, and he couldn't find any suitable words to describe his mood at the moment. Robot A could only bow to everyone at the end, and then left.

Then, he stood in front of his house.

Facing the empty house full of dust and dirt, he said softly, "I'm back."