There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 242: Ollie and Mugan


The World Destroyer is flying through the universe at extremely high speeds.

Different speed levels correspond to different dimensions. When the speed of moving objects exceeds a certain critical point, the current World Destroyer is already in another dimension.

Another world that ordinary people can't imagine.

Because of being in it, Mugan also saw the wonderful scene of this world with him.

He is now in a place that looks very much like a mecha operating room. The operating console inside is one that Mugen is very familiar with and has played in Uncle Ipsey Long. There is even a brain connection device here. Through the connection device, Muggan can share the vision of Sigma at this time, but unlike in Uncle Ipsyron's belly: there are no buttons on the console. There are no buttons, so naturally it cannot be operated.

With the help of Sigma's "eyes", Muggan saw countless shadows slowly gliding past them. Those shadows had no eyes, no nose and no mouth, cruising among the stars like ghosts, looking like ghosts in legends. .

At the same time, he saw a very wonderful bird, let's call it a bird, right? Snow-white, eyes the color of rubies, they fly together in groups of three or five, this scene is nothing on any planet, but now they are in the universe, it looks very strange.

In the end, Mugan saw the "airline."

Those were dark green threads, and if the white birds hadn't attacked, he wouldn't have even noticed the threads so thin that they were barely noticeable.

The light spots moved quickly on the dark green line. At the moment when the light spots were discovered, the very docile white bird in Mugen's eyes rushed over with extreme ferocity, and almost every bird pecked up. After two or three spots of light, they swallowed them, and Mugan saw their mouths open smugly.

They are probably calling.

But Mugan couldn't hear them.

It wasn't just the white bird that caught those spots of light. The ghostly shadows that Muggan had seen before were obviously also very interested in these spots of light. They were larger in size and could capture more spots at once. , When they hunt, the speed will increase instantly, and Mugen has lost their traces in Mugen's eyes several times. Mugen knows that it is because the speed of the other party has increased to a speed higher than Sigma in an instant!

Mugan remained silent.

He has been completely quiet since the uncle and the others shut down their minds and the body was broken down into sigma's components.

Just like the uncle and they always respected any decision they made, Mugan also respected their decision.

Even if this decision made him feel very hesitant.

He figured out a lot of things.

For example, the uncle and the others insisted on detaining Sigma's butt and thighs and not returning them;

For example, even if the body material is changed, there is basically no change in the design. The overall design has only a little change, and it is all changed by Sigma; another example... Before Marshal Rothsay left, the uncle talked to him for a long time. this matter…

"The target has been locked, and the cleanup mission has started again." Just as Mugen quietly watched the scene in the universe, Sigma's voice sounded again.

Then, Mugan was surprised to find that Sigma also shot at those spots of light! At this moment, a thought flashed through Mugen's mind, and he realized that these light spots were actually the Yoabis who escaped before! It was also at this moment that he thought that those dark green lines turned out to be flight routes!

The Yoabish people actually laid out so many routes in the star field of the empire - this was the first thought in his mind!

Then he became frightened. According to this model, these Yoabis are really completely invincible. They can escape through the air route at any time, and then make a comeback one day!

This is the gap between the seventh-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization!

However, the experience of these seventh-level civilization energy intelligences in the empire has not been smooth, and those unknown black ghosts and white birds can pose a threat to them!

Mugan's guess was correct.

The empire was invaded overnight by Yoabis people from the seventh-level civilization, and the central brain system of the entire star field was paralyzed. However, in this case, they have resisted stubbornly until now, and they have also won a lot of victories during this period. These Victory makes people happy, but also makes many people wonder, can they... actually win the seventh-level civilization

Due to technological limitations, the Imperials could not see it, so they could not know. What really helped them stop the Yoabis were these energy eaters in the star field, feeding on energy bodies, these eaters living in the cosmic environment at extremely high speeds. The energy body is the great hero who really stopped the aggression of Yoabis!

When Mugen pondered these questions in his mind, his eyes were still closely following Sigma, and the blazing white rays accurately shot into the enemy's route at a very high frequency, and a large number of light spots and the channel disappeared in an instant! During Sigmar's pursuit, Mugan even saw Imperial troops!

Their movements were completely still in the eyes of the fast-moving Mugan.

The warships were stationary, the rays they emitted were stationary, and Muggan could even see that a certain warship in the middle was about to be hit by the rays from the enemy!

Mugan's eyes widened—

He recognized it at a glance: it was Marshal Rothsay's warship! Although the appearance looks no different from other warships, Mugan recognizes that it is the warship under the command of Marshal Rothsay!

"A new target has appeared, number: three thousand three hundred and twenty-eight, and the destruction mission is about to begin." With Sigmar's rigid and rigid voice, Mugan saw that Sigmar took out his weapon in the process of high-speed movement.

"Scavenger System - Alpha, ready."

The white ray of the muzzle came from nothing in an instant, and it was difficult to detect the dazzling and dazzling sight from the sight. Due to the excessive glare, Mugen instinctively closed his eyes when the ray was emitted. When he opened his eyes again, the world was already dazzling. Peaceful.

The enemies in front of the imperial army have all disappeared, and only countless spots of light are scrambling to run towards the course.


It was another scorching cannon, and that section of the route disappeared.

Ignoring the still standing Imperial troops, Sigmar quickly chased away the enemy on the remnant route.

Sitting in Sigma, Muggan saw many familiar people. He subconsciously looked for the shadow of the Eighth Army here. Muggan had seen the teams from the first to the seventh army successively, but he did not see the eighth army until the end. The figure of the group army! He carefully looked at every battleship in the Eighth Army's team, but he couldn't find the Baiyun Duoduo anywhere.

They crossed one star field after another at an extremely fast speed.

The thin fairway finally converged from all directions. Sigma jumped and flew parallel to the top of the route, increasing the speed again, and then—

Mugan saw a door.

At the end of countless air routes, Mugan saw a door.


The moment the thought flashed through his mind, Sigmar had already flown him through the door.

There, Mugan sees an unexpected person.

"Oli?" Looking at the Baiyun Duoduo at the end of the route, Morgan read Olivia's name in disbelief.

In fact, the Baiyun Duoduo in front of him at the moment is very different from what it used to be! I am afraid that no one will associate this huge warship with a hideous appearance with the Baiyun Duoduo, which looked more like a transport ship before, but Morgan recognized him at a glance!

No matter how the appearance changed, the sign of the small cloud on the outside of the spacecraft was always there, and Muggan saw it at a glance!

The moment Morgan arrived, the Baiyun Duoduo had already delivered a full blow to the end of the enemy's route—

Where the ray went, the enemy's route collapsed layer by layer, and Mugen clearly saw the entire process of the opponent being defeated.

That's Olivia! It was Olivia's blow to the enemy!

From a long distance, Mugan seemed to see the cruelty on Olivia's face.

However, he immediately saw a scene that made him feel completely devastated: the power of the collapse of the entire route was too great, and the energy body in the death exploded with great energy, which formed a terrible storm, and directed Olly Via swept in reverse—

"No—" Muggan cried out.

However, Sigma did not seem to see this scene.

"Eighty-seven targets remain, and the pursuit plan continues."

His voice was cold and emotionless, and the only targets in his eyes were those whom he judged to be "enemies".

Ollie... about to be submerged...

At the moment when the scorching white light was about to drown Olivia, Mugan's brain seemed to be drowned by the white light too.

At this time, he did not realize that the white light at this time was not what he "saw" with the help of Sigma's eyes. This white light is reflected in his "brain"!


He moved.

Sigmar in the form of the World Destroyer dodged out.

At this moment, Mugen did not find that he had completely controlled the World Destroyer mecha. At this moment, he turned around at will, and he completely dominated all the actions of the World Destroyer!

He is not a light, he is faster than light.

Because of the speed, he looked invisible.

Before Baiguang reached the Baiyun Duoduo, he forced the Baiyun Duoduo out of the reach of the white light.

Morgan and Baiyun Duoduo passed by the white light that represented death.

He turned his head to look subconsciously, and then saw that all the stars within the range of the white light disappeared instantly, and the huge space suddenly became empty.


Luckily we caught up!

Mugan sighed softly, and he couldn't wait to go in and see Olivia.

He thought so, and did so.

Skillfully entering from the docking bay of the Baiyun Duoduo, he walked in.

There was no one inside the White Cloud Duoduo, and Morgan found Olivia in the core cockpit in the southwest corner.

At that moment, Mugen clearly felt the strength of his heart tightening!

"Oli..." Muttering Olivia's name, he walked over gently, bent over and helped Olivia, who was covered in blood, up. Uncovering the blood-stained bandage, his lips pursed into a straight line, then he found the medicine box, used the last remaining bandage in it to firmly fix the wound for Olivia, stretched out his right hand, wanted to When he finally touched Olivia's face, he noticed that it was not his hand that was used to bandage Olivia's wound just now, but a pair of mechanical hands!

Red on the left, silver on the right, this... This is Sigma's hand! ! !

There was a heavy pain in the head, and in the small control room, Mugen bent down in pain.

Due to the momentary stimulation instantly taking over the control of the mecha, when he realized this, his brain was no longer enough to support the high-speed operation burden just now!

"Eighty-seven targets remain, and the pursuit plan continues." Sigmar's cold voice sounded again.

Mugen watched helplessly as Sigma flew out of the White Clouds. Behind them was Olly, who was seriously injured and in a coma. As Sigma went faster, the distance between them grew further and further...

The white spaceship Baiyun Duoduo was quietly suspended in the star field where there was no one and no planet.

It looked as if it was the only planet here.

Olivia fell asleep quietly.