There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 244: landing


However, the dazzling light above his head, like a burst of sunlight, only lasted for a few seconds.

It seemed to be absorbed by something in an instant - for a moment, Mugan suddenly had such a strange idea in his mind.

As soon as this thought flashed by, the light on the top of the head has completely disappeared! In its place was the Sunshine Star, the planet that was about to go down. The light was soft and not dazzling.

The sky was silent, as if nothing had happened just now.

Is it... is it...

Mugen stared blankly at the sky, grief-stricken in his heart.

However, he did not mourn for a long time. After a short while, a small black spot fell from the position where it just glowed. As the landing got lower and lower, the small black spot turned into a big black spot, and then turned into a mecha—

"Sigma!" The moment he finally saw what that thing was, Muggan yelled, and then quickly ran towards the place where Sigma landed. I can't tell if it was because of nervousness, anticipation, or because the speed suddenly reached the fastest speed. My heart was pounding, and when I walked through a large dense forest to the direction of Sigma's landing, Mugan happened to see Sigma fall into the sea with a thud. scene.

Mugan slammed into it!

Chasing the large bubble of Sigma's fall, Mugan swam toward him.

The tall Sigma lay quietly in the sea, the gloom screen was dark, and it looked like it was turned off.

Half of the gloom screen has been shattered, and all kinds of scratches are all over the body, and Sigma looks tattered...

Wide-eyed, Mugan reached out to Sigmar in the sea.

Grabbing it hard, of course, he couldn't grasp such a heavy Sigma at all, but when he grasped the Sigma manipulator again, his heart suddenly settled down.

He fell to the bottom of the sea with Sigmar—fortunately, it wasn’t too deep here. When Sigmar sank to the bottom, Mugan’s previous breath was almost enough. He remembered Sigmar’s position again, and Mugan swam again. back on the water.

After wiping the water on his face, Mugen took a deep breath, and then he heard a sharp "jiji" sound from the shore. Mugen turned his head and looked: it was Da Bai, and Da Bai followed him here!

"You wait for me on the shore for a while, I'm going to fish Sigma out of the sea." After shouting loudly to Dabai, Mugan took a long breath and dived again.

Since almost all the members of the family are robots, Mugen always carries some necessary gadgets with him to facilitate the maintenance of the robot at any time. This habit was there when he was in Desolate Star. After so many years, it has become a deeply ingrained habit. times are no exception.

Mugan's hand was on the tool set in his jacket pocket.

Holding his breath, he dived to Sigma's side again, Mugen did not act rashly, but carefully looked at Sigma's current structure.

On the second dive, he only loosened the studs on Sigmar's neck.

With such a small part, Mugan dived a total of thirteen times, and only then lost Sigma's head. By the time he dragged the big head back to the shore, he was exhausted.

"Jeep! Jiji!" Da Bai jumped to and fro, looking curiously at Sigma, who now only has one head.

"Well, it's Sigma, Sigma is asleep now." Wiping Sigma's head dry, Mugen stared blankly at the half-damaged black dim screen, and a panic suddenly spread in his heart again.

At this moment, Dabai suddenly pecked him, and when he turned his head, Mugen noticed that Dabai pushed the egg on his neck.

"Hey? Did you bring Grandpa Egg over?" Mugen didn't understand what Dabai meant at first, but soon, Dabai pushed Grandpa Egg in his direction again, and Mugen's eyes finally fell on Grandpa Egg… on the incubator outside.

"Oh! Do you mean to let Sigma use the energy bar here?" The light bulb in Mugen's head suddenly turned on.

Da Bai continued to look at him with his small head tilted.

As a bird that is not fully enlightened, it can't actually understand what energy is called, nor can it understand the full meaning of people's words, but because the Mugan family often talks to it, its comprehension is higher than that of its peers. Many, like it doesn't know what an energy comb is, but it knows that the machines and robots in the home "eat" this, and it also knows that the robot will shut down if there is no energy comb.

It doesn't actually understand what just happened or why Sigma has only one head left, but it sees Sigma's black screen and thinks it has a solution.

The egg incubator has food for robots!

Dabai then donated the egg incubator outside Grandpa Egg.

Anyway, it seems that this thing is actually useless, and Sigma usually makes it delicious~


Muggan picked up the egg and carefully removed the egg incubator attached to the outside. This egg incubator has become a simple robot under their transformation, uh... But the intelligence is very low, and it can only do it on its own. Simple things such as deciding whether to charge or returning home regularly, but these functions are very practical for eggs that are carried around by Dabai every day, at least they can keep warm, and Dabai no longer has to worry about losing eggs!

"Sorry, I need to borrow your energy bar temporarily." Gently touching the egg incubator robot, Morgan took the energy bar from it, carefully pressed it on Sigma, and then—

Morgan saw a light on the Sigma Glow Screen lit up.

This is the "charging" signal!

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and as the joy in his heart climbed little by little, Mu Gen opened a big smile, the fear in his heart dissipated in an instant, and his heart was suddenly full and bulging, as if it was about to overflow. Come the same.

"Dabai! You are right!" Picking up the big white chicken beside him, Mugen gave it a strong kiss on top of its head.

"Thank you for your energy comb!" He kissed the dead egg incubator robot next to him again.

"Finally, thank you!" At the last time, Mugen slapped the naked Grandpa Egg.

Sigma is not bad! As long as there is energy, he can wake up as usual!

After realizing that this was very likely to happen, Muggan was suddenly full of urgency and energy. It was getting late, so he did not risk going into the water to continue salvaging Sigma's body. He used the method of drilling wood to make fire and gave birth to a lot of Fire, he immediately went hunting with Da Bai.

He hadn't hunted for more than ten years, and his skills were a little rusty, but his physical fitness and accuracy were better than before. In addition, Dabai's eyes were very good, and it didn't take long for Mugen to catch a prey.

This evening, they ate snake meat.

However, the snake on the first day was like a novice gift package, and the next day they did not have the good luck of the first day. The food was poor, and Mugen even followed Dabai to eat bugs for many days.

Most of the time was spent in Muggan diving over and over again.

One head today, one hand tomorrow, one foot the day after... Mugan salvaged Sigma's sleeping body bit by bit. During the salvage process, Mugen automatically grouped the metals on the World Destroyer into a pile, those belonging to the first uncle, and those belonging to the second uncle...

The first one was Sigma ← Since he had to help him make his butt since he was a child, the robot that Morgan was most familiar with was Sigma. Fastest to assemble.

Sigma's butt and thighs were not found, and the robot lying in front of Mugan today is the Sigma Mugen is most familiar with: a small robot with no butt or thighs, only as large as his waist.

Mugan placed Sigma in the sunniest spot by the beach, and then devoted himself to assembling the rest of the robotic family.

On this empty planet, with only Da Bai by his side, Muggan put all his energy into the robot. He even forgot to count the time. At that time, Mugan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was at this time that Sigma "woke up".

The moment the dim screen lights up, he "sees" the blue sky.

Not the black, white and gray line world in the dream, but the blue sky.

With the sound of "chi-chi-", a plump big white chicken flew from the sky above his head.

Sigma sat up.

His "sight" first fell on the straw mat he was lying on under his palm: it was a very thick straw mat, not on the sand, he was lying on the straw mat.

He is very familiar with the weaving technique of straw mats. When he was in Desolate Star, he often used mugen grass to weave this kind of straw mat. At that time, all the people in the family slept on this kind of straw mat.

Mugan? family

Sigma took a card.

"Defragment the disk." He gave himself an order.

With the reorganization of a large number of powder-type memories, the life of the robot Sigma was restored in his "brain"!

"Brother." Sigma suddenly called out a name.

The dim light screen was aimed at the back of the human who was squatting on the ground not far away. He "stands up" with the support of his arms, and his two arms fell back and forth quickly, and Sigma quickly jumped from the grass mat to Seaside Mugan's side.

The head rested on Mugan's back, and Sigma clung to his back.


"Brother." Sigma said coquettishly.

Looking back in disbelief, Mugen saw Sigma with half of the dim light screen shattered.