There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 246: his name


So, after picking up his uncle, younger brother, basic friends, and a bunch of friends... Muggan youth picked it up again... It is impossible to be an elder, a younger brother too young, and a basic friend too young to be a little thing.

"啾~" Sitting in the middle of Mugen's palm, Xiaobai Chiu was trying to open his eyes. The fur on his body was wet and his eyelashes were wet, so that opening his eyes became a difficult task for him.

"His eyelashes are so long!" Mugan said in surprise. For a Kantas cub, this little furry has the longest eyelashes he has ever seen!

I can't even open it!

"The hair on his body is 20% shorter than other cubs, and the amount of hair is 40% less." Uncle Alpha hit the nail on the head.

Looking weakly at Xiaobai on his palm, Mugen nodded.

The uncle was right, this little Mao Jiu's hair... so little... so little that it made him shiver.

"Don't cover him with anything, don't give him any help, let him adapt to this environment." Alpha immediately stopped him when he realized that Mugan wanted to put his clothes on the cub, and Uncle Beta also took the opportunity to The coat was put back on Muggan.

So the only person who felt sorry for Xiao Mao Tweet and wanted to help him was nowhere to be found.

The shivering little cub put most of its body against Mugen's palm, as if it could draw as much heat as possible from Mugen's palm.

After being photographed by Uncle Alpha with the dim light screen, Mugen quickly put the little cub on the ground, so that the little guy would have no one to rely on at all!

Unwilling to lie on the ground for a while, he began to try to stand up.

The cold sea breeze was blocked by several robots, and when it fell on Xiaomaojiu, it was a very comfortable breeze.

Mugen watched as Xiaomaojiu slowly changed from an odd-shaped one with hair that was close to his body to a... uh... not very fluffy, although the amount of hair was indeed a little small, but it was quite cute.

His eyelashes were also blown dry, so he opened his eyes.

Those are a pair of big brown eyes, with long eyelashes, they look so cute!

"啾!" The little guy saw the direction of the person this time, and then he stood up tremblingly, two little paws stumbling and running, he found Mugen's direction, and then accurately buried himself upside down in Mugen Between Gen's legs ← a good shelter from the wind and rain that he saw at a glance.

"Haha!" The dullness and hesitation that had been suppressed in his heart were swept away by the cute performance of this newborn cub, and Mugen laughed out loud.

"This is the wild instinct of Kantas. They will instinctively look for their elders or companions, and obtain the power of shelter from them." Alpha analyzed with a serious face. After speaking, he looked at his thighs without a trace... Uh …he has no thighs now orz.

Uncle Alpha was in a bad mood for a moment, so he glanced at Sigma again—the dim light screen was hot.

"Hey" - Feeling threatened, Sigma stuck to his brother's back again, instinctively looking for the strength that could shelter him.

Mugan:  ̄▽ ̄

In any case, in this place where birds don't lay eggs, they brought an egg, and the egg hatched.

Sometimes when the mountains and rivers are exhausted and they don't even want to worry about themselves, many people can often burst out with a more tenacious sense of survival because of their responsibility and care for the weak.

What's more, the Mugen family has always been a stubborn family like Mugencao.

Uncle Ipsey Lone immediately built a nest for the little cub (← Hey! Is it a nest for Mao?)

Uncle Eta made a food bowl for the little cubs (← Isn't it a bowl... )

Uncle Beta... With an expressionless face, he dried a pinch of fresh green grass with his "internal force", made them into fluffy and soft hay, and put them into Uncle Ipsey Long's nest.

So, Mugen was stunned to see that the full set of maintenance equipment at home (← for the previous Xiaomaojiu and the little white balls brought by Mr. World Tree) was copied here.

The little furball who stood up by his own strength was rewarded, and he is now comfortably lying in his nest! There is soft hay under the ass~

Then, Dabai fed him another small meat worm under his claws, so the little guy's first meal in this world was done like this.

Insect smell~

For a cub, after eating, it is pulling, so he pooped not long after eating the worms, and noticed that he had a tendency to urinate everywhere, the uncle immediately ordered someone to dig a toilet on the ground, and then carried Xiaomaojuu over. .

Next, a group of people + robots gathered around like a tent, watching Xiaomaojiu squat in the pit.

Don't mind being surrounded by a group of people, nothing makes them feel safer than having a group of people around to protect them!

The adults watching the cub squatting in the pit are not idle either, they are discussing the major events of the cub's life!

"This cub's body is not very strong." Alpha immediately stated his judgment.

"According to the ancient earth custom, children who are in poor health should have a very popular and lowly name." Uncle Pai is particularly proficient in ancient earth culture.

"Muggan is a good example, because it took the name of the best grass to feed, and now it grows so strong." Uncle Ipsey Lone laughed.

"So this cub must use a popular and lowly name." Uncle Beta said coldly and expressionlessly.

"The leftover dog." Uncle Eta turned over the corner of the hard drive immediately, only to pick up a name that made Morgan startled.

"More than 600 million people have used this name in several dynasties before and after, and the information is reliable. Among these people who have used this name, more than 400 million lived through the average age of the dynasties at that time, and 100 million people became the birthday stars of that era. One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six people have become great men of the era." Uncle Eta supported his own light screen.

"What a magical name." Uncle Alpha nodded reservedly.

Mugen looked embarrassed: Hey... No way

"However, another name is also good." Just when Mugan was worried about the name of the little cub, Uncle Beta made another suggestion coldly, but if you think that the little cub can escape and be called "dog left" "The tragic fate is wrong!

"Dog Dan." Uncle Beta raised his head in a glorious mood.

"This is a more popular and low-level name than Gouzu. It has been used by more than 800 million people and is the king of low-level names in the ancient world. Before the age of technology, there were 2,353 people under this name who became There are great people of the era, another 200 million people have become the birthday stars of the era, and there are even three people who have the legend of soaring."

"Ascension?" There was a question mark on the dim screen of other robots.

"Ascension means to become immortal. It is said that the lifespan of immortals on the ancient earth can be as bright as the sun and the moon." Uncle Beta revealed his little secret inadvertently. Come on, he especially likes ancient earth's immortal novels, and he is still a stallion!


So, in the following time, the robots of Mugen's family were divided into the "dogdan" faction and the "dog left" faction. When the two factions were arguing for a long time without a conclusion, everyone's dim light screens were aimed at Mugen.

"Uh..." Mugan felt neither was good.

How pitiful it would be for such a beautiful (←albeit a little bald) cub to be called "dogdan" or "dog left"~

He picked up the little cub who had finished pooping, carefully wiped his buttocks, and looked at the little guy looking at him with confidence, and suddenly another bald little chirp appeared in his mind.

"Olivia..." When I first met, I was a delinquent boy. The first time I showed the original form was a bald tail and a little hairy, and Olivia was also a little white hairy~

His body is also not good, but under the joint conditioning of Aidori Commercial Street and his uncles, he still grows into such a strong Kantas, no Kantas is stronger than him...

And now...

There's a good chance he'll never see him again.

Or, he didn't know how long it would take to see him.

"Call him Olivia."

"Olivia is a girl's name. In ancient earth, raising a boy as a girl is another way to keep him healthy and long." Mugan said softly.

Putting his lips on the little cub's forehead, he kissed him gently: "Little guy, from now on, you will be called Olivia, do you like it?"

"Chirp?" What responded to him was the little guy's thin chirping.