There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 248: Don't take the yellow road


"I just found out by accident that I can connect to the Internet, and then I accidentally logged in." The most favorite robot at home is Pi! Unlike other robots, he can't wait to stay on the Internet all day long. If it is a human, Bacheng is the legendary Internet nerd.

Still a tech house.

"I first logged in with my usual account, but the system indicated that the account was being used, and then I immediately changed to another account to log in.

This time I successfully logged in.

Like all robots, the first thing I do when I go up is to calibrate the time, but after calibration, I suddenly find that the time is 13/19/370 on the astral calendar. "

The robot pie raised a finger and motioned everyone to look at their dim light screen. At this time, the current time was dimly displayed there: 13:12, 13:12 pm, 370-year-old starlight calendar.

All robots immediately checked the time in their bodies.

"My time is 14:12 pm on March 19, 408 on the starlight calendar." Alpha immediately reported the result on his side.

"Mine is the same time as Alpha." This is Robot Beta.

"Same." Robot Etta said.

Muggan subconsciously glanced at the antique mechanical watch on his wrist: there is no date, only the time: 14:1...3 minutes.

When Muggan looked over, the minute hand moved just one notch.

"It's that Sigma's speed is too fast. It was said in "The Relative Theory of Time and Space" that when the speed exceeds a certain critical point, it will break away from the constraints of space." The most knowledgeable robot pie in the family immediately said.

"It's also possible that the huge energy distorted time during the self-destruction." Beta retorted him.

Just when the robots were talking, the parents only said one sentence.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible or Mugan will disappear."

After hearing only the second half of the sentence, all the robots went silent.

"This..." Muggan stood up and looked at the outside universe through the observation window. Tranquil and vast, it doesn't look any different from the Empire's Starfields in peacetime. But it was this tranquility that reminded Mugan that this was not the empire that was in chaos due to foreign aggression.

"I think we have traveled through time." Alpha's voice continued to ring in his ears: "We must go back to our time immediately, this year you have been born, it is impossible for the same person to exist at the same time at the same time. Yes, so either you, or you in your childhood, will definitely have an accident over time, and the child may have an accident, but if he has an accident, you will also disappear."

"If we want to go back, we must reunite again. Only Sigma's power and engine can reach the speed that is enough for us to go back." Robot Beta said.

"But Sigmar's ass and thighs are nowhere to be found—" Muggan was only halfway through his words, and stopped for what Sigmar was pulling out of his pocket.

What Sigmar took out was his butt and thigh.

When Mugan told him that he couldn't find it, Sigma himself said "it doesn't matter if you can't find it" ass and thighs.

"Secretly, put it away." Sigma's dim light screen flickered: "... Sigma wants to go home and bury it next to Kapa."

After speaking, Sigma suddenly lowered his head, and when he spoke again, the volume dropped a notch: "This time, Sigma can control himself, brother, don't be afraid to sit on Sigma."

His voice was an inorganic mechanical sound, but Mugen immediately heard Sigma's fear and panic.

So he gave Sigma a hard hug.

"Of course you won't be afraid. Didn't we make an appointment when we were young? I carried you when I was young, and then you carry me when I am old?"

Then Sigma looked up again.

"^_^" He smiled.

However, before Sigma becomes the World Destroyer with the speed of passing through time, these existing energy sources Epsilon can be used, but supporting the World Destroyer is completely impossible. The top priority is that they must land and find a place to replenish energy.

"This star field is very remote. Even in our time, it is a remote country planet. The planet named Emma where we landed is the largest planet nearby. There are many agricultural tools on it, so there should be a lot of energy stations. When necessary, we will store energy separately, and then gather at this location." Alpha said, pointing to a coordinate on the planet map: "In addition, this is where Olivia was born."

If it was normal time, they might be interested in Olivia's hometown, but now the time is not right. Without wasting any time, Alpha immediately determined the charging location and quickly formulated a program of action.

"Pi has deposited an unlimited amount of virtual currency into this electronic card. Everyone must swipe this card when they go to buy energy." He then took out a few cards and handed them over to the robots, and stuffed them into Sigma's hands. At the time, he added an extra sentence: "You can only buy energy at the energy station, and you can't use it anywhere else."

Purchased energy and gave a small ball, and brought it back to Olivia.

"Your mission is to take this cub... to the hospital to see a doctor." Alpha was the last to leave. After speaking, he stretched out his fingers stiffly, and... stabbed, yes, just stabbed the little cub.

Olivia has a fever again.

This time, he had a serious burn, and the high heat could be felt through the fluffy fur on his body. The small body first rose and fell rapidly, and then quickly weakened, making people almost think that he was not breathing.

Half of the reason Alpha chose this place to land was for the cub, whose condition couldn't wait any longer. Planet Emma is the only agricultural planet with a large hospital nearby, other planets are all small clinics.

Putting an electronic card in Mugan's hand, Alpha said:

"This card can be used in hospitals and pharmacies."

He paused for a moment, then said:

"Buy him some diapers by the way."

After he finished speaking, Alpha left, but Alpha, the always neat robot, was obviously hesitant to leave this time. Sure enough, just as Mugen was about to leave with Olivia in his arms, Alpha added: "This is Zhang card, different from Sigma's, can be used anywhere, buy him a ball, consider the green one, green is good for the cub's vision development."

After saying this, Uncle Alpha really had nothing to say. Looking at his figure who left without turning his head, Mugen smiled and looked down at the little cub in his arms, his brows wrinkled again.

"Come on, let's take him to see a doctor."

Muggan thought at first that the cub had a common fever, but the matter was far more complicated than he imagined: I don't know if the doctors in this hospital were not good enough, and after checking for a long time, I couldn't find out what was wrong.

"But he clearly has a fever!" Mugen was a little anxious.

"Yes, we are also surprised. There must be a reason for the fever, but from this test report... I'm sorry we can't see the reason for this cub's illness." The doctor wearing a light green robe shook his head.

Today's technical level can detect the cause of almost all diseases, starting from the cause, it can be cured by medicine, but now the doctor said to himself apologetically that he could not determine the cause of Olivia? !

Mugan was stunned.

"Well, I'll test it again with another instrument." Seeing the pitiful appearance of the little cub, the doctor probably couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Mugan to hold Olivia's little wings, and the doctor carefully removed the Livia drew a little blood from her ass and left.

After the doctor left, Mugan's face suddenly turned pale.

His fingers rested on the cub's white down, and Mugan's fingers trembled slightly.

Those fingers that can operate the mecha with extremely precise movements... are trembling.

He brushed off a small piece of hair on Olivia's left hip. Since the little guy has been shedding heavily recently, a hat-shaped birthmark was easily exposed there.

"Oli..." Mugan sighed a name softly.

However, the little guy couldn't hear Mugan's call at all, and his little body was hot, but it was a proof of weakness.

"You are... Olivia." At this moment, Mugan suddenly understood everything.

He suddenly understood why the egg grandpa, who was always considered to be a dead egg on White Dew Star, ran here and suddenly hatched. Ollie once said to himself in a puzzled way that when he saw this egg for the first time, It clearly feels that there is life in it.

Because this egg is Olivia herself!

Although it was very incredible, Mugan looked for this guess.

The same two people cannot exist in the same era at the same time.

Grandpa Egg = Olivia, so they are destined to not exist in one era. Grandpa Egg, can only hatch in the era that belongs to it.

"By the way, this is your hometown..." When what Uncle Alpha said before sounded in his mind, it only further confirmed that Mugan's thoughts were correct.

"...Mengmeng still remembers that before Oli was born, Mengmeng talked to Mugen, and Olivia's name was named after Mugen!"

He also remembered the messy words that Mengmeng said when it just started.

yes... yes...

Olivia's name... Isn't it a habit of ancient earth people to use a girl's name for a boy to bless him with growing up healthily

Growing up so big, the only Paleo-Earth man Mugen knew... was himself!

At this moment, Mu Gen Daigo was empowered!

He also suddenly understood the reason for Olivia's sudden high fever.

Yes... It must be because he has been by his side all the time. They are people who do not belong to this time. There must be something wrong with the "field" around them. As long as he is by his side and Uncle Alpha, Olivia will definitely Continue to weaken, and when he is taken by himself, to their time...

"I'm sorry." Mugen gently lifted the little white-haired cub, watching him become weaker and weaker, he strode towards the door.

The orphanage is just across the road from the hospital, as is the case in many places.

when an unwanted child is born;

When the child has a serious illness that cannot be afforded;

Many people think of orphanages.

And Mugan would think of this only because Olivia had told him that he grew up in this orphanage.

Although it will be bitter, although it will be bullied, this is the only place Mugan knows that "can make Olivia grow up smoothly".

Following the path, Mugan carried Olivia towards the orphanage.

The egg incubator robot followed him, dumbfounded.

But Mugen knew at this time: This is the prototype of the future Mengmeng.

"You and Olivia will live here in the future. You have to take good care of Olivia in the future. Before you meet me, take good care of him as he grows up." Mugan entered his only command to the rudimentary robot.

Then, he gently handed Olivia from his arms to him.

Then, Mugen stepped away from the robot who was standing at the door of the orphanage with his cubs in his arms.

He left behind his back.

As he walked, he carefully watched the reaction of Olivia in the robot's arms.

Mugan noticed that when he was about ten meters away, the ups and downs of Olivia's chest gradually became normal!

He took another two steps back, and Olivia actually jumped out of the robot's arms.

"Chirp?" The little guy looked at Mugen in confusion.

"Stand there obediently, don't move." Mugen said to him very strongly.

"Don't move, just stand there, Olivia, don't move." He said this to Olivia repeatedly, but also to himself, looking at Xiaobai who was standing still obediently. , Mugan felt hard to breathe for a moment.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and strode up.

It was only then that he noticed that the road leading to the orphanage under his feet... was actually yellow.

"Mugen, don't take the yellow road!" This is what Mengmeng said to herself that day.

Mugen thought about this sentence for a long time, but he did not expect to understand the true meaning of this sentence at this moment!


Mengmeng's memories are all related to Ollie.

"Don't take the yellow road!" Rather than Mengmeng's memory, it's his and Olivia's shared memory, right

Don't take the yellow road—

It turned out to be…

Don't send me to an orphanage.

Mugen ran with big strides, his ears were full of wind, and he couldn't hear Olivia's voice at all, but Olivia's voice was instilled in his ears through the words Mengmeng once said. bingo!

Tweet Tweet ~ Please don't leave me behind!

Tweet Tweet ~ Please!

That cub must be scared now, right

Olivia, he must be frightened now, right


But he had to do it.

Mugan wiped away his tears.

When he ran back to the meeting place specified by the uncle, his arms were empty.

"Where's Olivia?" Sigma ran to him holding a red ball: "This ball wasn't bought with the money in the card, it was bought by Sigma and asked the shop owner to send it."

He wants to give the ball to Olivia.

"He... I sent him to the orphanage."

"Why?" When Sigma was still ignorant, Alpha took Muggan's head and gave him a powerful hug.

"Sigma, let's go back right now."

"But, the ball?"

"When you go back to see Olivia, you can give it to him yourself."

Without explaining too much, under the strong command of the Alpha patriarch, they completed the fusion at a remote angle, like a shadow, the World Destroyer flew straight to the sky.