There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 253: Lovely Sigma


As the only country that has been peacefully integrated into the higher civilization system in the past thousand years, the development of the empire is prosperous. The development of trade led to the great growth of the empire's economy, and it was with this that the empire could quickly complete the post-war reconstruction.

"... However, the main export commodities of the empire are still mostly agricultural products, and the sales of handmade products that began to be sold to Ulabi last month are also good..." Holding the latest data report sent by the Ministry of Trade, Muggan took a closer look. , and then summarise the chart above succinctly.

For the empire that used to be a big country, it can only make a living by selling agricultural products and handmade products. On the contrary, the scientific and technological products they have been proud of for a long time are very common in civilization, which is a manifestation of the country's weak national strength.

Fortunately, it is only weak, not "weak".

"However, the muggen grass, which accounts for the largest share of our foreign trade, is a luxury item with a very high unit price. However, we export all the muggen grass that has been processed. For a long time, the muggen grass is still a unique product of the empire. .In view of the pursuit of muggen tea by other civilizations, this trade will continue to prosper. Especially the Decora with very developed ordnance technology, they like muggen tea very much, next month we will have a meeting with the Decora people I hope to introduce a batch of weapons from the other party, and it is suggested that we can start with Mugan herbal tea.”

After that, Mugan sat down.

The conference room was silent. The big guys sitting on both sides of the long conference table had different expressions, and most of them were frowning.

This is the highest-level meeting of the Imperial Government Council at present.

During the disaster, some people who should have been sitting on both sides of this conference table unfortunately left, but the vast majority of them are still there. After the resumption of operation of the Imperial State Council, the missing seats were immediately filled. There are a total of 42 bosses in the Imperial State Council, with an average age of over 260 years old.

This is still the result after Muggan's minimum age has lowered the average age.

As the youngest and most junior member of the conference table, Muggan is now at the end of the conference table, and he is far away from Mr. Cisse, who is presiding over the meeting in the center of the conference table.

Sissyri calmly observed the performance of everyone at the conference table. The report was sent to everyone at the same time. Almost everyone frowned when they saw the report. However, following Morgan's explanation, quite a few people's brows loosened.

For these old guys who have been in power for most of their lives, it is not easy for them to accept that they are at a disadvantage even after the invasion of the war, but Mugan easily accepted his current position. Being on the stage of the Government Council during the war, there is nothing unacceptable for Mugen now. The only thing he needs to think about is to use what he has now to seek more benefits for the empire.

"The Decola people... I heard that they are very difficult to deal with. Although the ordnance is developed, all civilizations have to deal with them, but in the mouths of other civilizations, the Decola people's evaluation is very low." Minister of Foreign Affairs Chodra He frowned deeply.

"Decora people are very short in stature and not very physically strong, but it is precisely because of their physical and physical defects that their ordnance technology is so developed. With the leading military power in advanced civilization, Decora is recognized The richest civilization in the seventh-level civilization, and the civilization that is closest to the eighth-level civilization." Mugan's voice was as calm as usual, and the information he learned about the Decola people from Hawley gave everyone on the scene. popularized.

"By the way: Due to dietary problems, it is said that Decola people are very prone to... um... constipation, due to constipation, the skin is not very good, and the breath is not very fresh, which is very bad for their national image building~

It is said that every year they have to pay huge bills to other civilizations for related services, but after drinking our mugan herbal tea, it seems that many people's symptoms have eased~" Mugan said, and raised his eyebrows.

This sentence matched his actions, and many serious-faced bosses in the conference room laughed, and the atmosphere in the conference room was much relaxed for a while.

Cisse took a sip of the tea on the table—now, their usual drink is mugwort tea, which has doubled in value in the empire after muggen herb tea was sold well in other civilizations.

"Well, constipation really doesn't feel good~"

"It's easy to have bad breath, and farts are especially bad!"

So, in response to the troubles of the Decola people, locked in a small dark room that no one knows about, the big figures in the Imperial Government Council discussed constipation issues very dirtyly, and then shared some secrets to deal with constipation.

( ⊙ o ⊙)

It seems that even a big man is an ordinary person who can eat, drink, sleep, and sleep!

"It is still difficult for us to travel to Decora with our current spaceship technology, but according to reliable information, the Decora people are already on their way to the Empire, and we should be able to receive their application for a visit in a few days." The boss had discussed enough about constipation, and after the atmosphere became silent again, Mugan immediately provided another message with a smile.

Then the direction of the meeting was redirected to serious business.

After the meeting, Mugan was surrounded by a group of ministers, who waited on the sidelines until finally the current Minister of Foreign Affairs — the task of negotiating with the Decolas was assigned to him.

"It doesn't matter, you can send your secretary here later. I will give him all the information I know about the Decola people, and I will also participate in the layout of the venue..." Facing the white hair and beard The old minister, Muggan's performance is very humble, not like a young man in a high position at a young age.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs finally left contentedly. Before leaving, he was still thinking: This young man is really good~ Does the family have any great-grandchildren, and the great-granddaughter has no partner yet? It would be great to introduce these young people to get to know them!

There are not a few people who have the same mind as him. Now Mugan is 42 years old. In the empire, this is the age where you can legally fall in love and get married!

Graduated from a prestigious school, without a mother-in-law at home, handsome in appearance, down-to-earth and polite, and in a high position at a young age... This young man's future is simply predictable and limitless!

So, in a place unknown to Mugan, he has been targeted by almost all ministers of the Imperial Council.

However, since those who are staring at Mugen are all these grandfathers and grandfathers, their performance is still more subtle, but on Olivia's side, this is not the case at all:

Olivia is now the idol of the entire empire!

Graduated from a famous school, no mother-in-law at home, gorgeous appearance, good variety (-_-|||), young and high-ranking, understands art (has published a poetry collection), imperial hero... All kinds of gorgeous halos are all set in When she was alone, Olivia now went out with her own holy light~(≧▽≦)/~

Olivia, who has just grown up (← no mistake, Kantas is forty years old) is now the most wanted male in the entire empire! Even the idol singer, who was voted the most wanted male in the empire before him, commented in public, "Want to marry Lieutenant General Olivia!"

It is said that because of saying this, his fans quarreled with him on the spot over who to marry, and the drop rate was flabbergasted.


However, the continuation of the idol singer's performing arts activities is itself a reflection of the empire's restoration of its former prosperity.

There is so little personal information on the charming Lieutenant General Olivia that one can only speculate about his life in various ways. The most unified point of view at present is: Lieutenant General Olivia’s parent is one of the top catering tycoons in the empire, and his family has both military and political backgrounds in the empire. His home is particularly luxurious and large, which is comparable to the second Holbisburg. ! It is said that Lieutenant General Olivia was originally going to be a tyrannical and cool president, but in pursuit of his ideals, he chose to join the army to serve the country, and now he has become an imperial soldier! However, Lieutenant General Olivia, who became a soldier, is still so arrogant and cool!

Lieutenant General Olivia, who was rumored to be arrogant and cool, woke up.

I woke up in a small room of only twelve square meters at home.

First, he habitually rolled with the quilt for a while, then he touched another warm body in the quilt, hugged him with his eyes closed, and was about to kiss him when he heard Sigma's voice.

"Olivia, good afternoon." Sigma, who was hugged tightly in the bed, said to him "with love".

Don't ask him how he could see something as profound and complicated as "full of loving kindness" from the face of a robot. In short, when he found out that the person who was rolling in his arms was Sigma, Olivia's face turned black.

"Good morning, Sigma." He replied to Sigma first, following the robot's habit. but-

"But Sigma, you're so old, and I'm so old, don't you think it's not good for you to drill into my bed every day?" Olivia couldn't help protesting.

"However, this quilt is not yours. You are so big, and your brother is also very big. You still dig into your brother's quilt every day. Isn't that okay?" The dim light screen flickered, and Sigma asked him innocently. .

Olivia: -_-|||

Uncovering the quilt, he jumped out of bed at once.

"Olivia, have you wet your pants? Sigma can help you wash your underwear." Noticing something, Sigma immediately got out of the bed and continued to look at Olivia with a "loving face".

"...Don't!" Olivia blushed and took off her old panties. He immediately pulled out a pair of clean panties from Mugan's closet and put them on. He quickly put on his clothes, and when he looked back, he saw that Sigma was seriously folding the quilt. , Olivia is helpless and puzzled.

I don't know what happened. After returning from that time, the robot headed by the uncle has been very kind to him, and no one blamed himself for drilling into Mugen's quilt, but all kinds of strange concerns have been replaced.

Uh... let's call it "concern"

For example, Sigma used to like to drill into his brother's bed, but he liked to fight Mugan with himself at that time, but now—

Waking up every morning, Olivia always found that she was being held by Sigma, unable to move, and then Mugan, who she wanted to rub against, was sleeping comfortably beside her.

(grab... catch...)

For example, Uncle Piper would look for cartoons to show him from time to time,

This... Although he doesn't hate cartoons either, but... It's strange that adults watch cartoons every day at this age!

For example, Uncle Beta gave him food when he was eating!

at last…

Uncle Alpha actually gave him a red ball one day.

Holding the fiery red little ball, Olivia was in a mess.

Oops! ! !

Who can tell him what happened

However, Olivia decides to ignore it after discovering that Mugan has also been better to herself.