There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 259: Ancient Earth people


There is almost no historical data about the ancient earth people on the star network. Fortunately, Mugen himself has an electronic entry version of paper materials. Unfortunately, the cover is missing and the text is very vague. The narrative text left is only one sentence:

…Humans are primates…

And then there are tons of pictures.

Almost all of the pictures in this historical material have been preserved due to the difference in printing technology and text!

So these precious pictures are now stereoscopically projected in front of Mugan and Olivia by the intellectual brain.

"Ring-tailed lemurs, bear monkeys, macaques, cynomolgus monkeys, red-faced monkeys... There are a lot of monkeys in your hometown, so, what kind of prototype will you be?" It was translated into Imperial language, and as one photo of monkeys slid past Olivia's eyes, Olivia felt that her brain had been filled with all kinds of small eyes from monkeys!

Imagining the Mugans turning into the above breeds, her heart pounding, Olivia suddenly felt that these monkeys looked... a little cute (← Hey! Your aesthetics!)

Until he saw the last picture of the gorilla.

Oops! ! !

Olivia swallowed.

Looking at the black-haired chimpanzee, and then at the black-haired Muggan youth, I always feel... Judging from the color of the fur... This one seems to be very suitable... eh...

Olivia felt her heart contract violently.

Closing his eyes, Olivia began to work hard to bring Mugen into the fierce-looking chimpanzee. The whole psychological construction process only took a minute. When he opened his eyes again, he could already use a doting smile on his face. To the chimpanzee in front of me (← Hey! What about your aesthetics?)

"Muggan, I actually think this chimpanzee is very cute~" Olivia smiled at Mother Mugan.

Mugan: Ollie, are you so quick to accept that I'm a chimpanzee? But, but I haven't accepted it yet!

Mugen looked at Olivia next to him with a sullen face, but found that Olivia had turned his attention to the pictures on the projection, and played those pictures again from beginning to end. Face firm.

"According to the in-depth analysis of these pictures, primates belong to mammals, and their physical features are very uniform. They all face forward, with a narrow distance between the eyes, and the visual distance range is roughly the same. The fingers and toes are separated, and they have excellent grasping ability. This allows them to adapt to life in trees. We can initially determine that primates are accustomed to living in trees. In addition, a large number of pictures further prove this. You see, the background of 75% of the photos It's a tree, we want to prevent you from going up to the tree, um... I really need to buy a rope..." While browsing the pictures, Olivia took a lot of notes, and after confirming it, Olivia told Mugan about her research results. If there were ancient earthlings at this time, he would be surprised that this young alien who had never been to the ancient earth and did not know the ancient earthlings had guessed the life characteristics of the primates on earth just based on pictures. Eight!

A scholar is a scholar~

Probably because the academic atmosphere was too strong, Mugen listened for a while, and then... he listened. When it comes to understanding the ancient earth, probably no one in the entire empire can match him, and he quickly made up for it with his own knowledge. The flaws in Olivia's conclusion, with the cooperation of two academic masters, a complete "Research on Ancient Earth Primates" was perfectly restored—

Yes, it is "Paleo-Earth Primate Research". The name of this ancient-earth historical material with missing cover and text should be called "Paleo-Earth Primate Research", not "Paleo-Earth Human Research" as they thought.

Simply put, this book is about the monkeys of the earth, not the people of the earth.

Summarized in one sentence: The scholars got the wrong information.

 ̄▽ ̄

"The rope is still not very reliable. Let's buy handcuffs? It's more complicated. I can easily untie it." After in-depth and detailed research, Muggan has fully accepted the fact that he is about to become a gorilla ( ← Hello!), he also made his own suggestions for follow-up questions.

"Okay, let's go get some bananas later? I think the chimpanzees seem to like eating that kind of fruit." Olivia was already thinking about feed... No! It's a matter of food composition.

"...But I don't usually like bananas at all... Forget it, just to be on the safe side, buy some." Nodding, Mugan accepted his offer.

So the two young people went to buy handcuffs and bananas as if at home.

 ̄▽ ̄

Earthlings do not change shape, their prototype is what they are. From ancient ancestors to what we are today, step by step, people on Earth call this process "evolution". However, in the general biology of the empire, scholars have judged this as "degeneration".

Cells cannot afford the transformation of two forms, and can only be fixed in one form, which is a kind of "degeneration".

It is also because of this that the physique of the ancient earth people is extremely weak in the empire, and the life span is also very short, even using the cell evolution fluid can not make them stronger, the ancient earth people are a "weak race".

The weak are destined to be eliminated.

For the advancement of the entire human system, backward genes are destined to be eliminated and eliminated naturally.

As a result, Muggan eventually became the last Earthling in the Empire Star Field.

His life was both ordinary and great. Before he knew it, he had done something that no one in his ancestors had done, but now a doctor has clearly told him that something that has never happened to anyone on earth is about to happen to him. happened to...

Glancing at the handcuffs on his left wrist, Mugan's eyes were a little lost.

Even noticing the change in his mood, Olivia clenched his left hand.

The other end of the handcuffs was tied to Olivia's right wrist.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you."

Without telling the uncle, Mugan and Olivia decided to get through this phase of the future on their own. They are no longer children, and parents don't have to worry about everything.

The hormonal index in Muggan's body is infinitely close to the peak. According to the doctor, he may change shape anytime and anywhere. In order to avoid all accidents, they handcuffed each other together.

"Well." Looking up at Olivia, Mugan's heart suddenly settled down.

He immediately held Olivia's hand tightly.

The two then walked handcuffed to the next game project.


Well, even being handcuffed together didn't stop them from taking a good vacation. These days they've been handcuffed together to play various projects.

"This pair... They are so serious." With the whispers of tourists, their legends were spread all over the island.

Mugan's first transformation took place that afternoon.

They were on a yacht at sea that day.

Except for the two of them, the yacht has been occupied by all the couples. Even on the yacht, they don't forget to show their love. Tourists suddenly accidentally showed the prototype! The yacht made of special materials can carry all kinds of tourists with a heavy prototype weight, but it cannot bear their volume. The tourist of the prototype giant beast dragon was just on the edge of the yacht, and a big wave hit and the yacht overturned!

"It is forbidden to use prototypes on yachts-" The crew member just shouted, and he suddenly became a prototype himself. So the words that I didn't have time to finish later turned into the roar of the beast in an instant.

Almost at the moment of falling into the water, all the tourists turned into prototypes!


Olivia felt the heat that almost burned her whole body in an instant. The shudder went all the way down from the forehead to the lower abdomen. For a moment, he could hardly control it and was driven to change shape by desire, but thinking of the handcuffs on his wrist, he forcibly resisted this instinct.

mugan —

If it transforms into its original form, the handcuffs are bound to break, and it would be bad if Mugen happened to transform at this time—

In the sea, Olivia opened her eyes desperately, ignoring the various other tourists who were struggling with their prototypes. He looked at his right wrist for the first time and saw the broken handcuffs. The fiery body was instantly soaked with ice water.

Mugan is gone!

The handcuffs were shattered, and Mugan must have changed shape! The handcuffs were forcibly broken by the power after being transformed! Among so many monkeys on the ancient earth, the only gorilla that could do this in size is the largest gorilla. According to the analysis of the broken handcuffs, the gorilla that Muggan turned into is much bigger than they guessed!

Failed -

For a moment, there was no urge, and Olivia began to look around.

Look for a black gorilla.


However, finding a relatively petite gorilla among the many tourists is difficult, and the ensuing riots have further exacerbated the difficulty.

Just as Olivia surfaced to the surface and took a long breath and was about to dive again, there was a sudden commotion on the sea. Countless large beasts rushed to the surface and howled. Their roar was full of panic and…


"There are monsters underwater! There are monsters!" Olivia understood their panic, and then fell into the same panic as them.

Oops! Muggan is still down there!

Tightening her lips, among the tourists who were scrambling to surface, Olivia went the opposite way, and a fierce man plunged back into the deep sea.

Among the beasts fleeing in panic, he saw a black shadow lurking in the depths of the sea.

With a very calm expression, Olivia slowly approached "it", and finally saw what "it" looked like.

As the other tourists screamed, it was a monster.

With a gray-blue skin, the most noticeable thing on this monster is its sharp teeth! The dense teeth are exposed like steel nails. There is no doubt that any creature is very deadly when bitten by this thing!

Its head is round and flat. Round refers to radian, and flat refers to thickness. At first glance, this guy's head looks like it was flattened by a hammer, and it looks extremely ugly! It has no eyes yet—

Olivia almost thought the monster had no eyes at first! He soon discovered, however, that it had eyes: a pair of large black eyes, widely spaced on a large, ugly head.

The patchwork of the monster's appearance finally had a rough outline in Olivia's mind. Then-

This is a kantas.

When she saw the appearance of this "monster", Olivia suddenly had this strange idea in her mind.

Although the appearance seems to be different, Olivia immediately recognized that it was a Kantas.

Instinct told him so.

Then, staring at the other party's deep black eyes, Olivia's instinct came into play again:

This is Mugan.

Instinct told him: This monster is Mugan.

Probably noticing Olivia's gaze, the gray-blue monster suddenly moved.

Turning around, he quickly dived deeper into the sea.

The fishtail-shaped tail flashed before Olivia's eyes, and the monster disappeared.