There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 260: chase


Why! ? Didn't Mugan see me? I ran away when I saw it...

Olivia was in a trance, and suddenly remembered what the doctor said:

It is only the first time at this age that they are deformed, and in all likelihood they will be dominated by wildness, and during this period of time, they may completely lose their human consciousness.


Mugan must have lost consciousness!

At that time, I bought handcuffs specially to prevent this situation, but now that Mugen is so big after his transformation, no handcuffs can't handle it!

Mugen, you are too confused, you can't tell whether you are a monkey or a fish! ! !

Looking madly at the big monster Mugen, who was probably a little smaller than his own prototype, Olivia took a breath and chased after him.

The sea is much bigger than the woods. If you let it go, and come back with a group of fish, what can you do oh oh oh!

Relying on the good swimming skills she practiced in regular diving every year, Olivia forcibly caught up with the big monster in front of her.

But probably because of the transformation, the big monster didn't swim very fast at first, and occasionally the tail was swung in the wrong direction, which didn't affect the big monster very much. Olivia behind his tail had a huge impact: the current he stirred up was so great!

But it is worthy of the big monster that Muggan has become. This big guy is very smart. After making a few small mistakes, he quickly learned the correct swimming method. Although he still looks very... Personal, but his swimming The posture can almost be described as beautiful.

With just a flick of the tail, it can draw far and wide.

At first, Olivia paid special attention to the tail just to judge Mugan's swimming direction, but as time went by, his eyes couldn't help but focus on the caudal fin of the tail.

Unlike the grayish blue of the body, the caudal fin is a very bright blue, large and long, and when fully unfolded, it resembles a mysterious flower blooming in the water.

Extremely Beautiful.

Olivia's heart thumped as she looked at the tip of the big monster's tail, thinking it was very cute.

Just when Olivia was fascinated by the blue tail, the surrounding environment was different. A very spectacular school of fish appeared in front of them. The moment they saw the school of fish, the big monster that Muggan turned into immediately swam its tail towards the center of the school of fish!

In an instant, Olivia's whole heart twitched!

Birth of a monkey - these three words filled his mind eerily.

Hello! Mugan! Those are not mating objects, they are just eating fish!

But Olivia soon found that she was thinking too much: the big monsters rushed over not to mate, but to hunt.

Probably because he was so hungry, the big monster opened his mouth eagerly as soon as he pounced on it.

Olivia, who happened to witness this scene, almost opened her mouth and let out a breath!

What a huge mouth that is! It opened to 90 degrees with ease, and the densely packed sharp teeth inside made it look even more terrifying. With a muscular wide chin, Olivia had no doubt that he could bite off a household suspension car in one bite!

However, such a huge mouth with huge lethality did not bring the visual killing effect of the plasma tablet after it was closed.

Probably because the mouth opened too wide, and it took a little longer to fall. During this time, the fish that was originally trapped by his mouth had already run away, and the big monster was hunting for the first time, even a fish. Not caught.

Instead, he choked.

Uh... Although it sounds weird and unbelievable, the next big guy really looks like a human being choked on water.

Next, this big monster hunted several times in the school of fish. There is only one way to attack, that is to open his mouth and close it. However, his timing seems to be not very good. After working for a long time, he finally only eats To the half fish tail.

The fish swam to a deeper place in a panic, and the big guy who was just deformed didn't seem to dare to go to such a dark place. He swayed his tail in place for a long time, and finally he could only nibble the surrounding water plants.

It looks... pathetic.


So, when the big monster found the second school of fish to hunt again, Olivia also caught several big fat fish in the fish school. When the school of fish ran away again, and the big monster really found nothing and nibbled the water plants in place, Olivia swam towards him tentatively, and then handed over a fish.

The huge mouth immediately opened to the maximum and quickly closed. Fortunately, Olivia shrank his hands quickly, otherwise his arm would have to be bitten by him!

Even though Olivia deliberately caught a relatively large fish considering Mugan's current body size and stomach capacity, a fish is obviously too small for this big monster. After eating, the two small black spots on the big head Glancing at Olivia, she quickly opened her mouth again.

Olivia gracefully put another fish in, and her mouth closed again.

Again, again, again, again, again...

After repeating it four times or so, the fifth time, the speed of closing the big mouth slowed down significantly, and he became less eager.

On the one hand, it may indicate that he is not so hungry, and on the other hand, he is less vigilant about Olivia.

When the last fish was fed, Olivia gently touched the big monster's gray-blue head while the big monster was eating the fish.

Cool, delicate touch, a wonderful feeling unique to aquatic animals.

Before Olivia could feel it, the big monster flicked its tail, and a violent current pushed Olivia away.

Although it still represents the current of resistance, it is much lighter than before.

A smile appeared on Olivia's face,

However, Mugan's learning ability is really strong. As he has stronger control over his current body, he can start to catch fish. The first time he caught a fish, he made a move that surprised Olivia:

He actually gave Olivia the fish he caught for the first time.

Sure enough, even if the consciousness is dominated by the wild, Mugan is still Mugan...

Gently touching the big monster's round head, Olivia was not pushed away this time.

Getting used to life in the sea, Muggan decided to explore deeper seas. Olivia had already activated the compressed portable oxygen cylinder, checked the remaining oxygen content, gritted his teeth, and decided to continue to follow Mugan.

He knew the horror of the deep sea, but he knew that if he lost Mugan at this time, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Before heading to a deeper layer of water, Olivia put on special equipment for deep-sea diving, which Mugen had prepared in his backpack in advance. Mugen would prepare two sets of such equipment every time the two went to sea. Never used it, but this time...

Olivia was extremely grateful for Mugan's prudence.

The diving suit is gray-blue. When Olivia pressed the switch, the water between the diving suit and the skin was instantly expelled, and the thermostat started to activate. Olivia, who had been soaking in the icy sea water for a long time, finally felt comfortable. one o'clock.

The monster Mugen curiously surrounded the neatly dressed Olivia, carefully observed Olivia who suddenly turned into the same color as himself, and then plunged into the deep sea, Olivia also followed. .

This is probably the deepest underwater expedition the two have ever undertaken.

They saw many incredible sights.

All kinds of strange-looking deep-sea fish, and all kinds of strange aquatic plants.

Sure enough, even if it becomes like this, Mugan is still Mugan, and as long as the two are together, there will always be wonderful experiences.

In the deep seabed, except for the aquatic plants and the occasional school of fish, there were only the two of them.

For a time, Olivia suddenly had a feeling that the two were dependent on each other. The monster Mugan probably thought so too, because he had already allowed Olivia to lie on his back.

They're pretty deep now, even with military diving equipment, and even with great physique, Olivia still feels unsustainable, his speed has dropped dramatically, and the first time he noticed he was behind Mugan looked back to find him, and then Mugan took the initiative to put him on his head.

For the next time, Olivia was lying on top of Mugan's head.

Mugan would not only play around with him, but also fish for him to eat. Although he couldn't accept this kindness because he was fully armed with a diving suit, Olivia was still very happy.

Even when he lost consciousness, Muggan was still very good to himself - every time he realized it, his heart was sweet.

Until one day they encountered another school of fish.

Different from the previous edible fish school, this is a... monster fish school that looks very similar to the monster Mugan! Some are similar but different. Unlike Muggan, whose forelimbs are very similar to Kantas, these monsters seem to be completely "fish". They gather here and seem to be...

Blind date

Olivia had such a strange thought in her mind.


He immediately remembered the doctor's request: Now is the time when the hormones in Mugan's body are at their strongest. At this time, once he receives the same kind of pheromone, he is very easy to be dominated and thus—

Before Olivia could finish thinking about it, Mugen had already rushed over with a majestic vigor!

Just like a male beast in the courtship period, Mugen rushed into the middle of a group of females very violently. This provocative behavior immediately aroused the resistance of the other party. The sharp teeth and powerful tail are their weapons. A group of very similar looks The monster instantly bit into a ball.

Although Mugen is brave and good at fighting, but after all, there is only one, and he is not big, but the other party has dozens of heads, and each of them is bigger than him! Soon the outsider Mugen was besieged, the beautiful and delicate gray-blue skin was bitten open, and a lot of blood was scattered in the sea water.

what! Mugen was bullied - he forgot that the person who rushed out to provoke was Mugen himself, Olivia, who was dizzy under the pressure of the deep sea, thought vaguely and eccentrically.

Then, he made a very dangerous move.

Under the deep sea, Olivia transformed!

The gray-blue diving suit burst open in an instant, and a huge male Cantas appeared in the deep sea, quickly standing on the same front as the big monster Mugen, and biting the opponent!

…why would I do this? Beat this group of competitors so that you can find a monster wife for Morgan

But... If I don't do this, Mugen will be bitten so pitifully... I can't watch it anymore.

Ahh... Oxygen... Not enough oxygen...

Olivia thought dizzily while biting the monster fish other than Mugen fiercely.

Only then did he remember that this is the deep sea, and he shouldn't be deformed like this.

He was probably stunned by the recent strong pheromone, which made him make such an irrational behavior.

Yet, even in his most sensible circumstances, he would still do it if Mugan was in danger.

When he finally helped Mugan settle the last monster, Olivia couldn't hold it any longer. In order to preserve his physical strength as much as possible, he immediately turned into a human form, and then fell into a groggy state of dizziness.

I'm sorry... Morgan, I still haven't tied you...

Mugan's smiling face was the last thing that came to his mind before he passed out.

Showing a clean white tooth, a hearty smile, Mugen's smiling face.