There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 262: The planet called Earth


The Mugans have a family photobook on the Star Network.

This photobook was first opened to share photos with the neighbors in Aidori Commercial Street. Later, because we traveled together every year, this photobook was preserved. Gradually, in addition to travel photos, this family photobook will also contain a little more. Photos unrelated to travel: such as the graduation photos of Mugan and Olivia~ such as the photo of the robot stone planting a vegetable that has just grown a bud~ such as the banned weapons that Beta secretly bought from the Black Star people... Almost every Every robot has secretly inserted a few photos that he likes very much. The one who uploaded the most photos is Sigma, but because he is a poor squatting robot at home, he takes the most pictures every day. The robots at home will naturally not cooperate with him, and my brother is very busy. The only ones who volunteer to be his models are the unicorn dragons at home. The ones that appear most often under Sigma's lens are the big horns. Of course, there has been a new group of love. Photo of fat chirp~(≧▽≦)/~

Before departure, Mugan smiled and asked Alpha to "take more pictures", so Alpha took this sentence as a task to carry out. Every time he went to a scenic spot, he took pictures very seriously, and then uploaded it to the family photo album.

It's true that he took pictures, but the expressions and movements are exactly the same from beginning to end, and it looks like it was posted by P. One or two pictures can't be seen. When there are more and more pictures, it develops to dozens of When there are hundreds of sheets, Robot Alpha's photobook looks creepy.

"Alpha, your profile face is very nice~ You can try to take a profile shot next time." The person who broke the curse of mystery was Mr. Cisse: "Actually, my left eye is better in shape than my right eye, so I'm used to taking pictures with The photographer took the left side of my face!"

"Ah! Look! How beautiful is that cloud~ It's chubby like a newborn chirp, Alpha, you can try to stretch out your hand to hold it! That's the pose! 3… 2… 1… ok Sigma took a picture of me in this pose too, thank you!"

As a senior person who has been photographed in the major authoritative media of the empire for hundreds of years - Mr. Cisse is really experienced in taking pictures. After persuading Alpha to change his posture without a trace, Alpha took more photos than before. Now, after taking a few poses for help, Boss Tony suddenly found that the poses introduced by Mr. Cisser made the photos look particularly tall and straight, so he also imitated and took a few pictures. Under his demonstration, Aidori Neighbors in the commercial street have learned the poses introduced by Mr. Cisser. This is good. Although there are various poses, everyone took a photo with the same pose at the same place. See Alpha's family photo album. stand up…

Still weird.


"This photo is good, I upload it to the family photo album, right?" Since Mr. Cisse often helps to take pictures, for the convenience of uploading, Alpha opened the family photo album permission to him at his suggestion, and put himself and the little ones The photos of Mugen's family have also been added to the original photos, and the number of people included in the Mugan family photo album can be said to be more and more~

"Okay, thank you." Alpha nodded.

"You're welcome." With a perfect smile on the corner of his mouth, Mr. Cisse was about to upload photos when suddenly the interface of the family album indicated that there were new photos, and other robots also had permission to upload them, so it's not unusual to have new photos at the same time. However, just after Mr. Cisse glanced at the photo inadvertently, Mr. Cisse, who had always been calm, opened his mouth instantly.

This is a group of very weird photos. The protagonists in the photos are two huge beasts. One of them is Mr. Cantas Cisse. He recognized Olivia at a glance. The color of the scales all exceed the highest level of the existing adult Kantas, Olivia is really good~

However, his mouth was not open at this time.

Another gray-blue little monster next to Olivia who really made him break!

"This, this look is..." Like Olivia, with the instinct in his blood, he recognized at a glance that this monster that didn't look like himself was Kantas! But how could Kantas look like this? Even with fins, he looks like a fish...

wait... fish

His eyes suddenly widened, Mr. Cisse thought of the records he had seen in the expansion, carefully recalled every word on it, and finally his mouth opened involuntarily!

"It's a female Cantas?! How is that possible? How is it possible? How is it possible!"

After repeating it three times in a row, Mr. Cisse was completely stunned by his guess!

His eyes slid over the photos one by one, focusing on the comparison of the physical appearance of the two kantas, but the more the comparison, the more frightened, until finally he noticed the names of these photos:

"Dining with Mugan", "Going to swim with Mugan", "The fish Mugan caught"…

The photo was sent by Olivia. There is no doubt that the male Kantas in the photo is Olivia. Could the female Kantas be…

"Alpha, what race is Mugan from?" His voice trembled as he tried to suppress it.

"It's an ape, and all the people on earth are ape." Alpha immediately said.

"But... but... what is this kantas?" Cisse asked eagerly, pulling out the photo from the family photo album.

For the first time, an ellipsis collectively appeared on the dim screen of the Mugen family robot.

"… "

"Sure enough, as early as the first time I went on a trip, the child said that the mermaid in the earth's hometown is not the kind of mermaid whose upper body is a fish and the lower body is a human, but a mermaid whose upper body is human and whose lower body is a fish. That is exactly the transformation of female Kantars! At that time, I said that he may be a descendant of female Kantars, and you don't believe it, how about transformation?" The Canaan boss, who has always been taciturn, spoke for a long time. A paragraph!

"I just said that Mugan doesn't look like a monkey. I hate monkeys the most, but I like Mugan very much."

He accidentally revealed his little secret  ̄▽ ̄

"But... But Mugan's eyes aren't the color of Kantas's eyes?" The one who refuted him was still the bookstore owner Kerry, who was also a paleontology enthusiast, but the research directions of the two seemed to be completely different, and every time they encountered a problem They all quarreled~ "And you said that the female Kantas, Mu Xiaogen is obviously a male, I can take a bath with him!"

"I remembered that the little mermaid that was particularly unpalatable was also male." Granny Maria suddenly shouted. With her reminder, everyone who had experienced the trip remembered being on that island. The fantastic school of mermaids seen above.

"But... but..." Boss Kerry wanted to retort, and he looked at Mrs. Bayatti as if asking for help.

Mrs. Bayatti adjusted her glasses and finally said:

"Well, Canaan's guess should be right, do you remember? When the patient was finally transfused with blood, who were the people who finally met the conditions for blood donation?"

"It's Tony, Canaan, Olivia and... Mugan." Boss Kerry said dumbly.

"Well, that's right, Olivia is Kantas." Mrs. Bayatti pushed her glasses again.

"Huh?" Boss Kerry immediately looked at Boss Tony.

"I'm Kantas too." Tony Boss smiled.

Stunned for a moment, Boss Kerry looked at the last person.

"Well, I'm Kantas too." Canaan's boss said calmly: "As a side note, your prototype is our favorite Terry Xuelong of Kantas~"

"..." Boss Kerry was speechless.

Madan! No wonder I'm always so afraid of Boss Tony, and I don't see eye to eye with that old guy from Canaan! natural enemy—

Notes: Terry Cherron, a very mild vegetarian dragon, of medium build, full of muscles and thick layers of fat. The sight and smell are not developed, and the movement is slow. In ancient times, it was one of the prey that Kantas liked very much. In order to avoid being killed, he chose to live in the harsh and cold area with harsh environment, so it was called "snow" dragon.

"After that trip, I once asked Mugen to borrow all the information about the ancient earth. I found that long before the advent of the era of the big universe, there were many legends and fairy tales of monsters on that planet, including mermaids, dragons, etc. There are various other animals who have become humans... Any legend that can be passed down is absolutely impossible to rely on imagination. I think it is very likely that it happened in the past. If you think about it in this way, the ancient earth was It is very likely that they have been visited by various alien creatures in various time periods. They have either settled on the earth, or left children, and then in the long historical process, the blood relationship has been gradually diluted, and finally they have become immutable earth people. However, As long as the gene fragments are still there, they are very likely to regain the blood of the cause after undergoing revision." Mrs. Bayatti stated her research results.

"For Mugen, the blood of the little mermaid is the strongest correction fluid. The blood of the little mermaid flows back into his body and merges into his original blood little by little, repairing and strengthening the original Kantar in his body. Gene, and then at some point, he finally transformed..."

Following Mrs. Bayati's description, everyone seemed to have seen the blue planet in the distant star field, and the people on it. Such a small planet once had six billion people living at the same time, which is an unimaginably great number!

"I once called out the earth's foreign-related marriage records after the era of the big cosmos. Almost all the people on earth who intermarryed with foreign races gave birth to genetically pure offspring. The best part of the ape-human gene is that it is . There are countless genetic possibilities, and even if they can't achieve genetic rejuvenation themselves, this hope will be passed on to their next generations through them, until one day, finally, a child can reproduce the prosperity of the ancestors. In a way, it is terrifying What about the race~” Mrs. Bayati suddenly laughed and shook her head: “It would be great if we could find the ancient earth, I think we might be able to find a lot of pure gene fragments of extinct races there, in that case, many due to There is hope for the treatment of genetic diseases caused by missing genetic strands…”

As a geneticist, what Mrs. Bayati sees is the hope of the entire human race, but for Mr. Cisse, what he sees is the hope of the entire Kantas race!

His eyes couldn't stay on the gray-blue little monster. When he raised his head again, his face was filled with a kind of vitality that only young people have!

"Let's... Let's go to Honeymoon Island? Actually, I still have several invitations from that island!"

Mr. Cisse blinked innocently.

The author has something to say: Yesterday, the author lit an angler lamp in the deep sea. Today, the invisible female angler said to me:

"I am an angler fish in the deep sea, although I have a glowing eye? But in fact I can't see anything. I take salt for all the readers who can't see ♂X♂ even though they don't turn on the light"

The author knelt down.

Then there is the Weibo section:

1 Sen Senjun's topic building:

@西西心西赛:@Luo Xiaosai on the lawn is in a trough? ! ! ! ! @ Pullen Meng Meng Da: ⊙ω⊙ ah! In the picture above, the one on the left is A Bald Cub, and the one on the right is Louis Cub, cute! @ Cisse heart stuffy: Oh? Really? //@ Pullen Meng Meng Da: ⊙▽⊙Baba, I have a grandson, I'll give you one! //@Spring planted Mugen grass: Ha ha, I want to fool me to work overtime again! //@Luo Xiaosai on the lawn: →_→ They don't even want to get promoted and raise their salary, it's still early to lay eggs. //@西西心思歌: I've been a father for a long time, it's time to be a grandfather, but unfortunately a bear child doesn't cooperate, what should I do, urgently wait online.


@Blackwashed Baibai: So children’s paper can’t be spoiled, your environment is too superior, it’s better to go through the ancient coming-of-age ceremony, my Louis and the baby gave us eggs when they came back╭(╯^╰)╮//@ lawn Luo Xiaosai on the website: Go back to work if you don't want to take maternity leave [#Manual bye bye] //@The 8th Group Outreach Official Weibo: BOSS, come on, my fiancee is so cute~! //@Todd is not single Wang: ~(≧▽≦)/~ Come on, my BOSS, come to Japan for a long time~~//@西西心東裝: For my golden pupil, for the emperor (sheng) country (egg) ( To) Xi (I) hope (play), I, Thomas, spent a lot of money on a luxury two-person tour for you, and ended up sleeping on the boat! Big! Sleep! [#Manual bye bye] //@Spring planted mugen grass: I finally got rid of a group of light bulbs, but my daughter-in-law is a realist QAQ who doesn't understand the style.


//@Your uncle's vest: Gao Leng in the front row sells all kinds of life photos of Olivia, love to buy it or not//@The 8th Group Outreach Official Weibo: [#doge face] Gao Leng in the front row sells Aogu Lieutenant General Stu's work photo, love it or not. In addition, what kind of ghost cult is right and left. @ Lianlian: Am I the only one concerned with companionship and companionship? @ Sweetheart sauce is the old wrapping powder of Ollie: Right! ! What a waste! ! [# cry]//@Fantastic flight attendant: QAQ! Hell, I didn't say I woke him up today! Also saw abs! ! But I actually just said three words to him, one of which is still repeated, I want SHI, I want SHI, I want SHI 嗷 嗷 嗷 [#大crep]//@Olivia Lieutenant General prprpr Association: Original PO! ! This is Olivia-sama! ! ! Don't you want to autograph and take a photo? Also! ! What is a company! ! ! [#horror]//@小梦物 on vacation: I went to the beach today to meet a handsome guy QAQ~~ He is handsome and very gentle, I helped him take pictures, but unfortunately the other party has company! ! But helping your partner to cover his eyes to keep out the sun is so spoiled~~# handsome guy##sweet pet#[Olivia who was photographed secretly][Photos taken by Olivia with help][#kiss]


@Your uncle Alpha: It's time to reunite again, and the original PO, you are ugly! That's my house! young! cub! [#Angry] [#Angry] @Blackened Emperor Nangema: You are ugly! That's my brother! ! [#Angry] [#Angry]//@High Leng Emperor Hei: You are ugly! Grandpa on the right, that's not your great-granddaughter, it should be your grandson's heir(?) and my fellow villager and your friend's daughter-in-law! [#Angry]//@ Pullen Meng Meng Da: You are ugly! That's my great-granddaughter! [#Angry]//@Overtime Dragon on the lawn: You are ugly! That's my wife's student! [#Angry] @ Cisse heart is not stuffed ^_^: You are ugly! That is the hope of the Empire's golden pupil!! [#Angry]//@Spring Plants Mugen Grass: You are ugly! That is my daughter-in-law! ! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻[#Angry][#Angry]//@小布物在 Vacation: Scared this baby to death QAQ I saw a sea monster when I was playing with my husband today, so ugly It's so scary, Husband~~~[Mugen prototype photo]


@罗思西(Real-name authentication VIP14 This news comes from: Imperial Capital - Ifadia): @西西西里



Digital Jun's topic building~

@Spring Plants Mugencao: A sweet two-person tour, get off the list before the festival, there are pictures and the truth [360-degree show of conjugal love and all kinds of dazzling] @8 regiment's official Weibo: BOSS mighty ~ fiancee is even more mighty ! @Overtime Dragon on the lawn: Don't be in a hurry to come back to work, let's take an indefinite leave of absence, children @西斯心不心: hoo hoo hoo ~ what did I see? Never worry about giving birth to monkeys again! ! ! ! ! ! Hoohoho~ Relevant departments immediately started the census to confirm whether there are still ancient earth people! @大长:My cub ~ how healthy! [Three red lights flashing on the dim screen] @銾啾啾: 啾~啾啾~啾啾啾~[Ah! So happy to be able to hatch a little chirp] @Dad is mine: Moo ~ moo ~ moo moo [Sigma, I am also a brother! ] @ I am a small vest: brother! mine! The tail is so cool, I really want to touch it! @First shoemaker: Both parties are adults, healthy, Fu (good) together (thinking) excellent (touching) Sheng (hair) You (group) Yu (ah)! @Todd is not single Wang: My BOSS's aesthetic ~ you (we) (also) don't understand! @bunnie piao piao: I don’t know how much they understand the content of the CD, sigh @Miracle Mengmenda: Mom said that the owner of the little friend is a miracle, not happy, can you still have fun with the little friends~ @大都名女团: Husband, my heart is broken, come and comfort others [photos of sobbing beauties of various ethnic groups] @Love reading books and love literature and art vacation dragon: Today and my husband found a drowning handsome man on the beach, and the one who saved him was actually Yes A: a beauty with a fish head and a body B: a mermaid with a fish head and a fish body C: a beauty D: a handsome man Answer: ABCD is all wrong! It's a giant monster! Nima scared the baby to death! ! ! Follow the psychological shadow area ~ @Angry Ollie powder: Who is LZ! Who allows you to post photos of my husband! // Spreading false information on the star network is also punishable! // Received a fatal blow! //husband! I have an important life request, please listen to it! ! ! ! ! ! //Husband, who is the (head) companion (weird) companion (beast) beside you~//Who dares to touch our husband! How to die, how to die, or how to die! @cryingmermaids: Tomorrow is the festival of single fish! Want to get rid of the single and hate marriage! //It's the day of collective blind date again, alas! Are all the girls here today swollen? //Emma! I actually met my Prince Charming! ! ! //Oh my god! Husband is so handsome and smells good! The whole body exudes a fatal temptation! //Husband, I want to give you raw fish! //"Husband"~~ Before calling out, a large gray-blue monster sprang out from the slash! //Mom Mia, the monster is so scary! His head is bigger than my body, and his head is full of mouths, and his mouth is full of teeth! //Mom~ He first bites me for Mao? Am I not the most beautiful female? //Why does the monster look like he stole his husband? //what! Leave a fish in the mouth~ They are females, help! //Dare to attack the old lady before the hair grows? Look I don't kill you! Sisters follow me! ! //Aah~ Husband, you want to transform into a big monster for Mao? Old~ This girl's heart is broken! //The gang of monsters from the ferocious husband attacked us! // 嘤嘤嘤嘤~ Everyone has broken the picture and killed the fish! .//My husband passed out! //The husband was robbed by the big monster! //Chase, chase, chase, chase, say important things three times! ! ! // fish officer! Sisters, hurry up! Husband was taken out of the sea by a big monster! // Done! late! //The ugly monster is my husband! //Have the ability to go to sea to fight! //Ugly monster roll over! ! //Send my wife's husband back to spare you! ! ! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ He ignores us. //The tide is high, or my husband will come back//I want to jump into the sea and drown myself! You hold me back! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ Husband, you have to remember me! I want to give you raw fish! ! ! //Add 1~//Add 2~//Add 3~//Add the mermaid ID code~~~~~~ PS: @三啾, please do not pull the light version, this tweet will give you a long comment~@Sensen, Some of the Weibo names are from your home, how about a quote? //My husband passed out! //The husband was robbed by the big monster! //Chase, chase, chase, chase, say important things three times! ! ! // fish officer! Sisters, hurry up! Husband was taken out of the sea by a big monster! // Done! late! //The ugly monster is my husband! //Have the ability to go to sea to fight! //Ugly monster roll over! ! //Send my wife's husband back to spare you! ! ! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ He ignores us. //The tide is high, or my husband will come back//I want to jump into the sea and drown myself! You hold me back! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ Husband, you have to remember me! I want to give you raw fish! ! ! //Add 1~//Add 2~//Add 3~//Add the mermaid ID code~~~~~~ PS: @三啾, please do not pull the light version, this tweet will give you a long comment~@Sensen, Some of the Weibo names are from your home, how about a quote? //My husband passed out! //The husband was robbed by the big monster! //Chase, chase, chase, chase, say important things three times! ! ! // fish officer! Sisters, hurry up! Husband was taken out of the sea by a big monster! // Done! late! //The ugly monster is my husband! //Have the ability to go to sea to fight! //Ugly monster roll over! ! //Send my wife's husband back to spare you! ! ! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ He ignores us. //The tide is high, or my husband will come back//I want to jump into the sea and drown myself! You hold me back! //嘤嘤嘤嘤~ Husband, you have to remember me! I want to give you raw fish! ! ! //Add 1~//Add 2~//Add 3~//Add the mermaid ID code~~~~~~ PS: @三啾, please do not pull the light version, this tweet will give you a long comment~@Sensen, Some of the Weibo names are from your home, how about a quote

Haha Numbers Jun also @林森君~(≧▽≦)/~

There are other follow-up reports on anglerfish, continue tomorrow~