There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 264: That's right


The ugly big monster Mugen also found this group of people in the nest.

The ghostly eyes were aimed at the crowd.

"Don't approach him, it's the first transformation, it's very likely that he doesn't have human consciousness!" Just when the robots were about to pass, Mr. Cisse grabbed them, and with the help of body language, he expressed the representative " danger" signal.

"Moreover, since during the courtship period, the proximity of any other creatures will be judged as a signal to compete for a mate, and they will launch the strongest attack—" Although it has not been practiced, Mr. Cisse's theoretical knowledge is obviously very rich.

But he held Alpha but not Sigma, and as soon as he saw Mugan, Sigma rushed over happily. The moment he was about to touch Mugen, the Mugen monster opened his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, almost everyone saw the sticky saliva that the sea could not cover!

Oops... Mr. Cisse's mind went blank for a moment.

What happens next is completely predictable! Either Mugan bit Sigmar, or Sigmar broke Mugan's big tooth, no matter which one is the family tragedy of the fraternal brotherhood!

Mr. Cisse's eyes widened, he saw Mugan open his mouth, then stick out his tongue...

Uh? Tongue

He saw Mugan stick out his tongue and lick Sigma hard.

( ⊙ o ⊙) Ah!

Muggan's tongue is very rough, and the metal that is almost made of material is estimated to hang a layer of paint! Thanks to Sigma's good materials!

The giant Mugen then lightly clamped Sigma's head with his teeth (← Attention! This action is dangerous! The Earthlings before the throwback must not imitate it!), and then put him in the pit next to Olivia.

Well, then everyone noticed that there are several pits nearby, with different depths and sizes, and the layout is no different from the one where Olivia is lying on her stomach, but it is relatively shallow and was not noticed at first. arrive.

After placing Sigma, Mugen swam his tail and swam back, and put Alpha, Beta, Eta, Pi, Ipsilon, Robot A, and Stone into a pit in turn, and he didn't forget Mengmeng in the end.

Although the pits are rough, they are almost the same size as each robot. For Muggan, who is so big today, it is much harder to get these small pits than the big pit for Olivia.

After all the robots were put into the pit, it was discovered that this place is not a catcher, but the "home" in the heart of the little monster Mugan~

Because it was a home, Mugan dug a hole for every member of the family.

After setting up the family, the little eyes of the little monster Mugan caught a glimpse of the remaining neighbors. So he left only two of the fish he had just caught, and pushed the rest in front of everyone.

This... Is this what it means to invite guests to dinner

Really, really a polite little monster!

Aidori Commercial Street Elder Tian Tuan was confused and ate a fragrant grilled fish.

As they ate, Mugan devoured raw fish beside him.

That's right... just eating raw fish...

"Is this kid wise?" Boss Tony looked bewildered while nibbling at the fish and looking at the little Muggan monster with only one tail exposed on the sea.

You say he is sane... But Mugan would rather eat raw fish than grilled fish, you say he is not sane... But he still knows how to build a house for his family.

But... is it really good to build a house in the sea

"Sure enough, there is still no human consciousness, right? It's just instinct." Mrs. Bayatti came to a conclusion, wiped her mouth, and stretched out her hand to Boss Tony: "Let's have another piece of grilled fish, this kid caught a really good fish."

Well, whether it is a human Mugan or a monster Mugan, it is the same for these old people who have grown up with him.

That's true for these neighbors, and even more so for the Muggans' robots.

Mugan, who has become a prototype, seems to be much naive, and he is now keen to play a very scary game: put Epsilon into his stomach~

He opened his mouth, BIU slammed the Ipsilon and disappeared, then opened his mouth again, BIU slammed it, and the Ipsilon was suddenly spit out again.

( ⊙ o ⊙) Ah!

Boss Tony and the others applauded, and every time at this time, the gray-blue monster would let out a "hihhhh" laughter.

The robot Alpha was also put in by Mugen. When he came out again, he was covered in mucus, and there were also some seashells and seaweed. The original clean robot looked a mess, but his dim light screen flickered. The green squiggly line indicated that he was very happy at this time.

Seeing Mr. Cisse's unwillingness to speak, the robot Alpha took the initiative to explain: "When Mugen was young, the place we lived in was desolate and there were no projects suitable for human cubs to play. At that time, the Epsilon would Put him in the storage compartment on his stomach and let him play."

Love is what puts you in your belly - the happy memories of a long, long time ago are deeply imprinted in Mugan's memory, and when he found himself growing up, even if he lost his human consciousness, he still remembered feelings at the time. Then, give back in your own way to the robotic parents who raised you.

Although it was only a few words, Mr. Cisse could easily infer the possible past experiences of the Mugan family from it.

A group of ignorant military robots, an ignorant child.

That's how they grew up together.

"It's really good." His mouth opened and opened, and Mr. Cisse finally said only three words.

Alpha nodded reservedly.

Then he started painting waterproof paint with the other robots.

"You are..." Mr. Cisse asked inexplicably, noticing the waterproof level of the paint, he suddenly had an incredible thought in his heart: "Are you going to live in the sea with Mugan?"

The robots nodded in unison.

At the time, Mr. Cisse felt devastated.

I've seen one who spoils a child, but I've never seen one who spoils a child so much! Children live on land, and they live on land with them. Now that children have become deep-sea creatures, they actually plan to move to the sea together

"There is a place where we live at home, and we don't need to breathe. We just need to adjust some parts. Just in case, we repaint the highest grade waterproof paint." Alpha explained.

"...Thank you for being a robot." Facing such a robot, Mr. Cisse could only sigh with emotion.

Alpha paused and did not respond immediately to Mr. Cisse.

When? Since when

I really hate the term "robot".

In the eyes of human beings, they are obviously just machines, so why add the word "human" because of their appearance

Obviously there are no rights that belong to human beings.

And since when... The term "robot" is no longer rejected

After living with Mugan

They are living beings in this world in the form of machines. During the days of living with Mugan, bit by bit, their concepts gradually changed.

And then right now, it's great that Alpha suddenly finds out that he can exist in this world as a robot.

So Robot Alpha nodded: "Yes, fortunately we are robots."

Since it's a robot, it's great to accompany Mugen anywhere.

After picking up the trash on the beach and watching the neighbors go to the hotel, Alpha and other robots went home with Mugan.

So when Olivia finally slept enough and woke up, all she saw was the robots "sleeping" in the small grid next door.

Oops! ! !

He was stunned for a while, and then quickly became guilty. Just when he didn't know how to face Uncle Alpha, Alpha suddenly turned on the phone.

"Are you hungry? There's a fish here, eat it." He picked up a big fish much bigger than himself from the "storage room" next to him, and Alpha handed the fish to Olivia.

Biting the big big fish in one bite, Olivia surfaced and started to eat the fish. While he was eating the fish, Alpha watched him quietly. It was not until the whole fish was eaten that Alpha suddenly spoke.

"Before I came here, I misunderstood that you and Mr. Cisse teamed up to deceive us, abducted Mugan to this place and tried to beep-beep-he, I was a little angry." Due to imperial law restrictions, robots are not allowed to speak uncivilized language , so the corresponding language was harmonized, but Olivia still understood what he meant at once!

Olivia felt like the scales on her back were about to stand up! Oops - Uncle Alpha is really sharp, and he discovered his own thoughts at once! ! ! ! !

Oops - this isn't something a spanking can fix -

His tail started to swing uncontrollably.

It's strange to say that he has been very skilled since he was a child, and he is obviously a lieutenant general holding a lot of power, but Olivia is afraid of Alpha and this robot.

Enigmatic Authority—from Robot Alpha.

Olivia didn't say a word. He carefully licked the fish bones that were only on the shelf, trying to delay time.

"... However, after coming here, I think I blame you all wrong." Just when Olivia didn't know what to do, Alpha continued: "It's not you but Mugan. Mugan actually forced you to do it. things you don't want to do."

Hearing this sentence, the fish bone in Olivia's mouth suddenly fell out, staring at big eyes like yellow light bulbs, Olivia looked incredulous.

What follows is a godsend! Just when Olivia hadn't found an explanation, Uncle Alpha had already concluded the matter and found a solution.

"...Given that he's not in a good state for communication, when he wakes up, I'll hold him accountable for what he's done."

( ⊙ o ⊙) Huh

This is... no spanking

"Responsible"? Could it be... a dream come true

Robot Alpha caught the fish bone that fell out of Olivia's mouth and threw the fish bone to the recyclable garbage disposal. He touched Olivia's tail.

"It's getting late, you're tired too, let's go home and sleep." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the sea.

"Roar~~~~" Olivia hurriedly followed behind.

As they walked farther and farther in the sea, their figures gradually submerged under the sea.

This scene looks like...

It's like suicide! ! !

"Ah! I saw two people on the coast ahead commit suicide by throwing themselves into the sea!" The tourists who were watching the sunset with binoculars not far away suddenly shouted.

Under his instigation, all the police on the island took action, and finally brought out all the family members who were sleeping/shutting down on the seabed in the middle of the night.

The author has something to say:

Photo of Mugan's little monster, uploaded by Yu Luojiang.

Regarding this photo, Ollie tweeted: There are no ugly objects, only boyfriends who can't take pictures! ~(≧▽≦)/~

The author has a very complicated mood: Emma! If this is put on a blind date website, this is a scam!

The puppet here says: ahhh... a little pit full of heads? ? ! ! Missed by the beauty camera! !

Qingmei Doudouxi~(≧▽≦)/~: This ps technique is worthy of a reward for a Mugan family’s signature bun

The victim, am I deaf in my left ear, sent an angry bad review: the feeling of being cheated by the wrong version, bad review (*`Ω?*)v, refund! ! ! —A netizen of a marriage network

Finally, here is a professional comment from a beauty camera expert - Baa Nian Daji: So you don't need a frontal photo, and you can't see the teeth and pits when you look down at the sky. . .
