There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 265: Uncle Alpha's new ideal


After this rescue operation, the undersea farmhouse of Muggan's little monster was exposed. Under the circumstance that the police strictly abide by the local environmental protection law, the illegal building was ordered to be demolished within the time limit.

Mugan: ·------------·,,,

Looking at the black bean-like eyes of the little monster, Olivia couldn't bear it.

It's time to show the power of power!

After a slight cough, Olivia stood up: "Hello, officers, I'm Olivia Augustus, commander-in-chief of the Empire's Eighth Army, and this is my electronic business card."

He first revealed his identity, and then smiled and said to the leading police officer: "This house is... a very commemorative house, can you give me a face and save it? Of course, we can pay an additional sum. The cost of buying land."

Looking at Olivia, who was young (still wearing floral pants), the police officer took the electronic business card handed over by Olivia suspiciously and swept it into his portable brain. Lieutenant General's rank information, Olivia's personal information, the middle-aged policeman immediately awe.

"Your Excellency Augustus, thank you for your contribution to the empire!" He gave Olivia a military salute with a very solemn attitude. Just when Olivia thought there was a way to do things, she looked at the other and shook her head.

"However, I cannot grant your request."

"Huh?" Olivia was stunned.

"It's not just you, even if Marshal Rothsay, who made this request at this moment, is Lord Nashkiel, I can't agree." The police officer said sternly.

"..." Olivia was completely dumbfounded.

"He's right, even I can't buy the land here." He patted Olivia's shoulder and found that Olivia didn't refuse. on his shoulder.

He dressed very casually today, which is completely different from the image he has appeared in the public in the past, but it is not difficult to find his identity if you look closely, not to mention that he just said similar proofs.

"Oh my God! It's the real Lord Nashkiel!" Olivia is the popular idol of the Empire's youth. Among the middle-aged and elderly people, Mr. Cisse is the most attractive.

The island police immediately swarmed up and surrounded Mr. Cisse to ask for his autograph!

Mr. Cisse had a very good attitude. He signed them one by one according to their requirements, and shook hands with them. After the island police left with satisfaction, he met Olivia's golden eyes again.

"This planet is called Honeymoon Island. It is the private property of the emperor. No one has the right to buy the emperor's private property." Word by word, he explained the reason.

"Huh?" Olivia frowned.

"This is one of the origins of Kantas. Long, long ago, it was a land of ice and snow. Flocks of Kantas lived here. They hunted here, multiplied, became stronger and stronger, and then left here to enter Great Universe Era.

However, even if everyone lives far away, every year at a fixed period, the Kantas during the courtship period still habitually come here to find their own mates of the same kind, and when this planet becomes the emperor's private property, almost all emperors of all dynasties will choose to use this place as a The place where you spend your honeymoon with the queen, here is the title of Honeymoon Island.

Later, the number of Cantas became less and less. In the era of His Majesty Louis, because His Majesty was unmarried, in order not to waste resources, he opened the island halfway and opened it up once a year to serve as an excellent young man in the empire. Only young people who meet all the regulations and have the best genes are allowed to go there. The event you are participating in this year is this year's blind date. "

Mr. Cisse said slowly, thinking of something, he suddenly smiled: "By the way, Rothsay and his partner met here. At that time... um~ something very interesting happened."

Mr. Cisse smiled, smiling happily, but Olivia's face became darker and darker.

"Rothsay also likes it here, but he can't buy the land and house here. He wants to keep Mugan's house, Olivia, do you know? There is only one way." He said, his eyes were bright, suddenly Aim for Olivia.

"Becoming the Emperor of the Empire—that's the only way."

The golden eyes stopped for a moment on Mr. Cisse's face, and Olivia quickly turned her attention to Uncle Alpha next to him.

In the end, the uncle went out and got the matter.

Using his brain to analyze all the relevant laws and regulations of the empire, he was stunned to find a loophole. The local civil servant felt that he was right, but he couldn't tell him. In the end, the robot Alpha was able to lease the land within the time limit, although the time was not very long, but In the end, the house of the little monster Muggan was saved.

"You... this is taking advantage of the law..." With his mouth open, Mr. Ciser stared at the robot in front of him.

"Because the existing provisions are free to drill." Alpha's voice was as mechanically cold as ever.

"...Thank you for your contribution to the improvement of the imperial law." Unable to argue, Mr. Cisse had no choice but to mutter.

"You're welcome." Alpha Robot nodded reservedly.

So, Mr. Cisse was completely speechless.

He decided to go back soon and inform the Legal Department to hold a meeting to re-examine the current written laws of the Empire. I thought that after hundreds of years of revision, the laws of the Empire were already quite perfect, but today a robot discovered a loophole, in front of him, the former Minister of Legal Affairs ← One hundred and fifty years ago, this time He was appointed Minister of Legal Affairs of the Empire.

"Haha! Uncle Alpha usually likes to read books on law and housework! For this reason, I also bought a new hard disk to store this information. It is estimated that the information in the intellectual brain of the Legal Department is not as comprehensive as Uncle!" When Mr. Cisse was deflated, Olivia smiled unkindly.

Due to the lack of common sense, Robot Alpha immediately began to make up for "common sense" after entering human society. The most correct common sense in his heart is naturally the national law approved by the highest human management structure. Facts have proved that he is correct, this "hobby" Having helped the Mugan family a lot, Alpha always knows what department to go to, and what kind of government subsidies you can receive if you meet the conditions. Alpha is simply an excellent representative of a good citizen of the empire!

By the way, because the empire has entered a high-level civilized society, Uncle Alpha has now begun to study the legislative provisions of other civilizations! The reason why Muggan is so happy in dealing with other civilizations is not unrelated to Uncle Alpha's love.

Mr. Cisse looked at the robot Alpha with a complicated expression, and said softly after a while: "Are you... Are you interested in working in the Imperial Legal Department?"

This is not a whim. At this moment, Cissusli really thinks that such an excellent robot should have the right to work in higher departments.

After asking this sentence, he held his breath and waited for Alpha's answer.

Once Alpha agrees, there is no doubt that this will be a great change in the imperial government system!

"Not interested." Without letting him wait long, Robot Alpha rejected him mercilessly.

"Ah? The salary is very high! The benefits are also very good..." Mr. Cisse was stunned.

"First of all, the concept of welfare cannot be reflected in robots. Robots do not have the concept of aging, so does this mean that I have to work for life? If there is retirement, will I be able to receive pensions from state agencies until I retire?"

Alpha raised a few questions methodically, and then his dim screen flashed blue light on Mr. Cisse's face: "Take Mr. Cisse as an example, you have been working since you were 35 years old, and up to now, your work has The lifespan has exceeded the average lifespan of the empire, you have paid pensions for hundreds of years, and yet you have not received a penny from your account, long-lived races mean longer working hours, and the number of years to receive pensions Isn't that fair to you?"

It seems... It's really unfair → Mr. Cisse opened his mouth wide. At this age, it was the first time he felt that he was being exploited!

"In addition, I will take Boss Tony and others as an example. They are also working at the age of 35. Boss Tony and others retired after working for the country for 100 years. They started to receive pensions from the date of retirement. So far, they have received a total of ... " Alpha's gloom screen turned to Boss Tony.

"200 years!" Tony immediately raised his hand to answer the question.

"174 years." Canaan's boss said lightly.

"300 years." This is the full-fledged mother-in-law Maria~

… Needless to say, it’s not fair! Mr. Cisse closed his mouth.

"… In conclusion, the benefits you just said are good actually don't exist for me." Alpha came to a conclusion.

A yellow light flashed on the dim screen, and he then said, "Secondly, what you said just now about the high salary... is actually not true."

囧← The always elegant Mr. Cisser was completely unable to be elegant. He lowered his head and thought about it. When he raised his head again, he carefully asked Alpha: "Selling steamed buns... So make money?"

Robot Alpha then nodded reservedly again.

"In the future, I plan to sell the buns to Dekola." Dekola, known as the highest civilization closest to the eighth-level civilization, the country of dwarves, is particularly rich.

Alpha is an ideal robot.

Faced with his declaration, Mr. Cisse knew that he could not shake him at all.

After the problem of illegal buildings was resolved (temporarily), the neighbors of Aidori Commercial Street started to play happily again. As the oldest guests ever received on the island, they refused the emergency transfer from the island without any respect. entertainment equipment for the elderly, but excitedly mixed with the young people.

He glanced at Olivia and Mugan whose prototypes were swimming in the sea, then looked at the elderly people who were waiting to use the entertainment equipment, and finally glanced at the little tweeters running on the beach. Mr. Cisse finally sat down with a smile. on the beach.

After working for so long, in fact, he hasn't had a vacation for a long time, hasn't he

Since the parents are quite happy, Olivia and Mugan are still free most of the time, and they can move freely after reporting to the parents. But the Mugan little monster is too popular, not only Sigma likes to pester him, but the group of little fat chirps even more.

There was no way, Olivia came up with a solution that was not a solution: drag Mugen to the deep sea.